The Dragon's Keeper

Chapter 1 My Story

I guess you could say that my story starts with, "a long time ago, in the far away kingdom of Trellion, there was magic." Kings and queens ruled their lands with mystical wizards, who were wise beyond compare. Fairies and sprites danced in the air. Unicorns ran free over the valleys and hills by the Mystical Forest. Even the very land was full of magic. And above it all, reigned the great and gentle dragons.

They kept us safe. They were our protectors and we loved them.

One day a darkness spread over our land. It was slowly draining the magic from our land. We hadn't even noticed until the land started dying. No one knew where this threat came from. But one by one, the magical animals and plants started disappearing from our land. It got so bad the nobility and aristocracy started capturing the beasts and keeping them as pets. Not that that was a good idea, mind you. But they were wrong! Still, that didn't stop the rich from keeping them all to themselves.

There was a tale of an island out in the great sea that is created of pure magic, and if the animals can make it back there, they can restore the magic to our world.

But like I said, the rich are selfish and think they can keep what is left for themselves.

Sigh... Will the rich snobs ever learn? Magic needs to be free!

And this is where I come into my story. I live in a lovely villa on the outskirts of Trellion. Rolling hills, horse stables, pastures, gardens, a mountain cave out towards the back of the property, and a shimmering lake with its remnants of magic.

But don't think I am some fancy, spoiled rich daughter with some sort of power to save the world. Or some amazing destiny that has been foreseen in some prophecy.

I'm not. I am a scullery maid. Most of my day is spent washing dishes the cooks dirty up and the Master and his family eat off of.

I'm not saying my Master is a bad man. He is a good man. He spends his time in the village making important decisions and speaking to the council members about issues that are affecting our community.

I never pay attention to any of it. Mostly because it doesn't really affect me, because all I do is wash dishes all day, every day...

My mother is one of the maids. I don't know who my father is. But since I can remember, I have been working on dishes. My mother basically handed me over to the Master and he put me in here.

Sigh... again.

I don't have much of a relationship with my mother. I know she is my mother because I have her bright green eyes and dark brown, wavy hair. But she never talks to me. It's like I was a mistake she tries to hide.

My only friend is James. I call him Jamie because he hates it.

Just last month I was out in the stables looking for him, and when I found him, he was huddled up in a corner crying. Now, my best friend is NOT a crier. He is the bravest guy I know. So, when I saw him cowering in the hay, I knew something was wrong, but he told me to come back later. When he sounded funny when he was talking, I was even more worried. I forced him to turn to me so I could see what was wrong, and I swear I almost lost my very breath.

His normally adorable dark tanned face was covered in black bruises and his nose was slightly crooked. His beautiful brown eyes were swollen and red.

I asked him what happened, and he told me he fell down some stairs. I don't even think he believed I'd actually fall for that!

I was so angry, if I could have, I would have marched right up to his father and punched him in the nose!

But I couldn't.

Instead, I spent the next few hours just holding him and letting him cry. I knew he would never tell me what really happened, and he knew I would never tell if he asked it of me.

We had planned to go visit the cave that day. That is where our Master keeps his dragon.

Her name is Flame, because of her beautiful red scales. They sparkle in the sunlight, and she looks like she is on fire. She is due to have her baby soon, and she likes the company. She tells us of her adventures of long ago, and a story about a special island where all the magic originated from.

I'm sure if we would have visited her that day, she would have gobbled up Jamie's father in an instant and wouldn't have had a second thought about it! She is very protective, you know. But since we didn't, he still lives with his abusive, stable master of a father.

James keeps telling me that one day, he and I are going to run away together, and he will be a merchant and we can travel the world together. We will visit exotic lands and busy ports. WE will have all the money we could ever imagine... But most of all, we would be free.

The problem with his beautiful dream is that his father has done a very good job of putting James in reality. Where stable boys stayed stable boys forever, and the most they can hope to get out of this life is to make it to stable master. His evil father has been crushing his dreams his whole life.

But I won't let that happen! Someday, I don't know how, but I will make sure he is freed from his father and lives up to his dreams!

As for me, I have always dreamed of having my own adventures that I can tell my children about at some far away time. I am sure they all involve Jamie. And they are all exciting and amazing! At least that is how they turn out in my head... A place to go while I scrub with my wrinkled fingers.

I need to get away from this cold and damp kitchen! I want to enjoy the sun on my face... and dry clothes! My rags of a dress is already thin as it is. The last thing I need is to be soaked in cold dirty water I use to clean with. Of course the water doesn't start out dirty, but by the end of the day...

"Tasha!" shouts Miriam. "Get up here!

"Yes ma'am!"

I guess I should have been paying more attention. Then I would have noticed her sneaking into the kitchen. I tend to let my imagination run while I spend hours upon hours scrubbing. It helps pass the time.

"The Master wants to see you!"

"What?!? Why does he want to see me?"

"How should I know? A lowly scullery maid has no business seeing the Master. Especially with your appearance. You would think someone who spends all day cleaning dishes would be cleaner! Now move!" Miriam snaps.

When the Master wants to see you, you drop everything and run like your life depends on it!

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