The Dragon Princess (Crystalosias - Saga - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-One: The New Lord of Sliverstone

Derk stood over the Crystal. If he hadn’t been there himself, to help repair it, he wouldn’t believe it was even possible. His people have always believed in magic, but these Crystals have their own magic in themselves. Magic, he has never seen before, and he is disappointed in his people, for not trusting his mate’s people. The people of Poh-eh-nah, are honest, trusting people.

A bit too trusting, if you ask him.

The Dextonians took over a planet with false causes and now they will have to make things right. But will the other leaders agree that they were wrong? Are they in for a war?

If they are, Derk is ready for a fight. He will fight to the death, for his mate and her people.

“Derk, are you okay?”

Derk turned to his mate’s voice and smiled at her. She was so beautiful. With that wild, fire hair, and those ocean green eyes. Even with her huge stomach, she was still sexy as hell and he had to fight with himself, every day, to not touch her or he’d bed her every five minutes.

“I am fine, Spitfire.” He said with a smile.

Sahrah smiled at her mate. “You’re looking at the Crystal; as if you’re expecting it to jump out of the planter and do a dance.”

Derk chuckled. “No.” He said with a shake of his head. “I was just thinking of what an injustice, my people have done to yours.”

She sighed heavily as she joined him. “Well, your people aren’t you, Derksin Dentse. And the Crystal knows it, or the ring would not have accepted you.”

He looked down at the ring on his finger and remembered what powers it holds.

“Maybe you would like to have lunch with me and Trey?” She asked as she looked up at him.

He smiled down at her. “Yes, I would like that.”

He knows she spends her lunch every day with Trey, in the garden, under the large Tunken Tree.

“I’ll let Trey know.” She said as she walked away, whispering into her watch.

Ever since their dinner at the Sliverstone castle, last week, Trey has checked Sahrah’s food, before letting her eat it. She had read everything she could, about poisons, and what they smell or taste like.

He was grateful that Trey cares so much for her Tashia, but he thinks Sahrah is getting a little annoyed with her companion.


Derk turned to his old friend and smiled. “Bentin.”

“Your father wants to see you.” Bentin said as he looked from Derk to the Crystal. “The Crystal looks to be doing very well.”

Derk nodded. “It has grown half a foot since it was replanted.”

“Good.” Bentin said with a nod.

“Sahrah!” Derk called out.

“Yes, love?” Sahrah responded from behind the closet door.

“Father needs to see me; I will be back before you leave for lunch.”

“Don’t worry, Derk.” She said as she opened the door and stepped out, wearing a lovely blue dress. “Trey and I will head to the tree, and you can join us; when you are finished.”

He smiled as he pulled her into his arms. “I won’t be, long.”

She smiled. “If it is important, I can wait.”

He kissed her lips. “Nothing is as important to me, as you and Conner.”

She sighed. “I feel the same.”

“What? Nothing is as important to you than yourself and Conner?” He asked, teasingly.

She slapped his arm. “You know what I meant.”

He chuckled. “Yes, Spitfire, I know. I will see you as soon as I can get away.”

“If you don’t make it to lunch, meet me by the pond.”

“The pond?” He asked, confused.

“The water-hole.” Trey said from across the room.

“Ah.” Derk said with a nod.

“Tashia goes there after lunch, to feed the birds and fish.” Trey informed him.

Derk smiled. “I shall meet you at either place.”

Sahrah kissed him, then followed Trey from their chamber.

“You’re a lucky man, Tasheen.” Bentin said as he looked back at Derk, after watching Sahrah leave.

“I know.” Derk said with a smile.

They left the chambers and headed to the throne room.

“Son.” Tentah said as Derk entered the room. “This is Lord Redstone, the new leader of Sliverstone.”

Derk stared at the other man. He was a true Warrior, unlike Rynstone, who was more of a weasel.

“Tasheen.” Lord Redstone said as he bowed to Derk. “As I was telling Kentrei, whatever problems you had with my Uncle, you will have none from me. I only want to know what happened.”

Derk looked at his father who was listening to the man’s words, just as Derk was. He was sincere, but a man can be sincere and still have a hidden agenda.

They called in Austen, since he was a witness to what has been going on, and even called in Suelette, for the Lord to meet. When they were finished informing the Lord, of all that had happened between them and the man’s Uncle, Redstone nodded.

“I would like to meet your Dragon.” He said.

Derk felt a rage build up inside him. But was it, fear, or jealousy?


Sahrah stood beside the pond as she tossed bits of bread into the water, for the little duck-like birds and fish. Derk hadn’t made it to lunch, but surely, he will join her here.


She smiled when she heard his voice and turned to her mate. The smile faded when she saw the other men with him. The stranger was the one her eyes stopped on. Who was he? And why was he here, staring at her as if she was a piece of meat, at the market?

“Your mate is more beautiful then I was told.” The man said, without taking his eyes off her.

“Derk?” Sahrah asked as she looked at her mate.

Derk walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek. “He’s the new Lord of Sliverstone, just be nice until he’s gone.”

“When will he be gone?” She asked.

“Not sure, hopefully, tomorrow morning.”

She took a deep breath, then nodded.

“Shall I call her entourage?” Trey asked as she moved to stand next to her Tashia.

Derk looked at Trey with a nod and Trey excused herself.

“Sahrah, love, this is Lord Redstone of Sliverstone.” Derk said as he turned and introduced his mate to the other man.

“It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Redstone said as he lifted Sahrah’s hand to his lips.

Sahrah fought the urge to pull her hand away.

Derk noticed the fight his mate was having, with herself and Spitfire, and was glad Sahrah won out in the end; when the man wasn’t ashes by the time he let go of her hand.

“Tashia.” Temmy said happily as she joined them. “We have that gathering to go to, we shan’t be late.” She paused as she looked at the Warrior, who was still watching her Tashia. “Oh, my manners. You must be Lord Redstone. I heard you took over from your Uncle. I do hope you don’t make the same mistakes he made.” She said then took her Tashia by the arm, and left the men beside the pond.

When they got to Sahrah and Derk’s chamber, Sahrah broke down in laughter. “Did you see the look on his face, when you said that to him?”

Temmy smiled. “It was meant to get a reaction from him.”

“Maybe Derk and his father can read reactions as well as words.” Sahrah said with a sigh.

“Well, I’m here.” Suelette said as she joined them.

“I guess this is our gathering?” Sahrah asked with a laugh.

“We’re missing Trey.” Temmy said as she looked for the robot.

“Trey said she will join us soon; I think she’s talking with Dan, about helping her keep an eye on the new Lord of Sliverstone.” Suelette said.

“He gives me the creeps.” Sahrah said with a shiver.

“I didn’t like how he was looking at you, Tashia.” Temmy said with annoyance.

“Did he look at you as if he wanted to run away with you?” Suelette asked.

Sahrah looked at her friend. “He did.”

Suelette snorted. “He looked at me the same way. I think the man covets anything with magic.”

“Oh, great.” Sahrah said with a groan as she gently sat on the couch.

“As long as we stay together, you two should be fine.” Temmy said as she sat next to her Tashia.

“Or we make it easier for him, with us both in the same room.” Suelette said with a laugh.

“He better keep his grubby hands off my Crystal. I’m tired of people coming after it.” Sahrah grumbled.

“If he finds out what Trey is, we’re really in trouble.” Temmy said with a frown. She was the only one of their group, that didn’t have a gift. But these wonderful women, still think of her as one of them.

“Yeah, good luck taking her. She’ll just jump out of her body; until we can retrieve it.” Sahrah said with a laugh.

“Wish we could do that.” Suelette said with a snort.

“Are we ready?”

The three of them turned to the door, where Trey stood.

“Where are we going?” Sahrah asked.

“To the arena, of course.” Trey said with a smile.

Sahrah grunted. “I’m too fat.”

The other women clucked their tongues at her.

“That is why I brought this.” Trey said as she pulled what looked like a buggy, into the room. “For our Tashia.” Trey said with a smile. “Now get in, before the men discover we’re leaving.”


Sahrah smiled up at her friends. It was so good to get out of the Palace. And this floating buggy was great. Trey pushed it so all she had to do was sit back and enjoy herself. She placed her hand over her large stomach and smiled at the women who passed them.

The four of them had on their purple sashes, that showed everyone, who they are protected by.

Sahrah smiled. She could already hear the roars of the crowd, at the arena.

“One day, you will fight down there.” Suelette said as they found their way to the front of the crowd, so they had a good view of the arena.

“Is that a vision?” Sahrah asked.

Suelette chuckled. “No, my Tashia. It is from knowing you.”

Sahrah smiled. “I am excited for that day to come. But it will still be a while yet.” She said as she patted her stomach.

“She also has that fight with the man who had attacked her, to look forward to.” Trey said as she mentally noted some of the moves, she saw down in the arena.

“What man?” Temmy asked.

Sahrah chuckled as she told her friends what had happened, her first visit to the market.

“That is why Kentrei changed our sashes.” Temmy said with a laugh.

“They’re much easier to wear without that awful broach.” Suelette said as she examined her sash.

“Agreed.” Sahrah and Temmy said at the same time, then giggled.

“Tashia.” Trey said.

All three women looked at her. “That man down there, do you see his weakness?”

Sahrah looked down in the arena and sucked in a shocked breath. Lord Redstone had joined the arena.

“I don’t know.” Sahrah said.

“You must find it.” Trey said as she watched the man fight.

“Why?” Sahrah asked.

“Because Tasheen is going to fight him, and I want to tell Dansotein, the man’s weakness.”

“What?!” Sahrah practically screamed.

“Stay calm.” Suelette whispered as she placed her hand on her Tashia’s shoulder.

“Calm?!” Sahrah shrieked.

“There are a lot of people here, Tashia, you don’t want to hurt them, do you, Spitfire?” Temmy asked as she squatted down, next to her Tashia.

Sahrah took a deep breath. Her friends are right. She needs to stay calm, because she wasn’t sure how Spitfire would react, in a crowd this size.

“Had you brought us here for this?” Sahrah asked Trey.

Trey shook her head. “No, Tashia. Dansotein just informed me, what was going on, just before Redstone came out, for a warmup fight.”

“Why are they fighting?” Sahrah asked with a growl as she watched Redstone fight.

“Redstone wants you and Suelette.” Trey whispered.

Sahrah growled and Suelette shook her head.

“I knew it.” Suelette said, with annoyance.

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