The Dragon Princess (Crystalosias - Saga - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Twenty: Dinner with the Enemy

Sahrah looked around at the Castle, as they walked through the front gate. It was nice, but nothing compared to their Palace.

A guard met them and led them to the great hall, where Lord Rynstone waited, to greet them.

Sarah and her companions, which included, Trey, Suelette and Temmy, all wore Derk’s sash. That way, there was no mistaking where the women came from.

“If anyone gets separated, use the coms.” Trey whispered into her arm, which held the base of command, for the communication earpieces, she had given everyone.

“Kentrei Tentah.” Lord Rynstone said as he held his arms open to the man, he had just laid siege to, not so long ago.

Tentah faked a smile as he slapped the man’s back, in an uncomfortable embrace.

“Please, let’s let bygones be bygones.” Rynstone said as they separated.

“If you no longer want my Daughter, I am happy to.” Tentah said.

“Of course. It was a stupid thing to do...” He stopped when he saw Sahrah. “She truly is a fire top.”

Derk placed his arm over Sahrah’s shoulders, his way of claiming her and their child as HIS.

“Easy now.” Lord Rynstone said with a laugh.

“Shall we?” Tentah asked as he motioned towards the door, that led to the dining hall.

“Of course.” Rynstone said as he pried his eyes off Sahrah.

“Did you see how he looked at her?” Bentin asked in his com. “He covets her for himself.”

“Over my dead body.” Derk growled.

“Stay calm, Son.” Tentah whispered.

“Guys, you forget he has to get past Spitfire.” Sahrah whispered.

The others laughed softly as they entered the dining hall.

“I have a horrible feeling about this.” Suelette said as she felt sick. “Don’t eat or drink anything.” She hissed.

“See.” Bentin said as he wrapped his arm around Suelette. “That is why we brought you along.”

“What do we do?” Sahrah asked.

“Fake it.” Derk said. “Have you ever faked drinking before?”

“Make sure Sahrah stays away from any liquids. They want to take her without the Banshon.” Suelette said.

Derk growled and Sahrah pulled him to a stop and kissed him.

“Spitfire.” Derk groaned as he kissed her back.

“Stay calm, my love.” She said as she continued to kiss him.

“That’s enough you two.” Tentah said as he hid a smile.

“Let Spitfire out to play.” Derk said with a playful growl.

“In time, my love.” She said with a smile, then kissed him again, before she turned to continue towards the large table.

“You’re going to ignite me, my love.” Derk said as he slapped her on the ass.

Sahrah giggled as he pulled a chair out for her to sit.

“Please, here.” Lord Rynstone said as he pulled a chair out next to the head of the table.

“I would prefer to sit here.” Sahrah said as she sat in the chair her mate held out for her.

Rynstone glowered as he sat in his seat, at the head of the table.

The meal was delivered and Rynstone and his men, ate as they watched their company.

“How do we pretend to eat this?” Bentin grumbled.

“Slip it under the table.” Sahrah whispered. “I’m sure they have dogs, that will eat the scraps later.”

“Just don’t touch your fingers to your mouth.” Trey said as she ate the food and smiled at the others around her.

“Guess it helps to have a cast-iron stomach.” Sahrah grumbled as she watched Trey eat.

“It’s steel, actually.” Trey said.

Sahrah laughed and everyone at the other end looked at her.

“I am sorry. My companion reminded me of a funny joke.” Sahrah said. That was the fastest she has ever had to think, in her life.

“Please.” Lord Rynstone said. “Do tell us the joke.”

Sahrah swallowed and her throat felt dry.

“Here.” Trey said as she handed her a container with her daily vitamin juice in it.

“Thank you, Trey.” Sahrah said with a huge sigh as she sipped the juice.

“Is our wine, not to your liking?” Lord Rynstone asked as he watched her.

“Oh no, My Lord.” Sahrah said with a smile. “Trey is my nursemaid. This is my daily vitamin juice.”

“Ah.” Rynstone said with a smile. That heir should be mine. He thought as he watched the beautiful fire top.

Sahrah told an old joke, from her home planet and waited for the Dextonian’s to get it. Austen was laughing across from her, but the others didn’t seem to get what she had said. Austen explained it more in a Dextonian reference and the room erupted in laughter. She smiled her thanks to her best friend.


Dinner was uneventful and boring. But it didn’t seem like the night was over, as Lord Rynstone invited them to play a game, that made no sense to Sahrah, but she watched them play, anyways.

Trey snuck Sahrah some food, so her stomach didn’t start growling when her son got hungry.

When they finished playing the game, Lord Rynstone was staring at them, as if they were demons. Sahrah wanted to laugh. His little trick hadn’t worked.

Sahrah was bored and annoyed as Rynstone invited the men to another activity, so she went for a walk with her entourage.

“This is the strangest night of my life.” Temmy said as they walked through the gardens.

“Thank the stars for Suelette’s vision.” Sahrah said with a laugh.

“What do you think they will think of next, while they wait for us to fall asleep, or die? What did they put in the food, anyway?” Temmy asked as she looked at Suelette.

“I don’t know, I only saw us all collapse onto our food, and I saw...” She paused as she looked at Sahrah. “I saw...”

“Tell me, Suelette.” Sahrah ordered her.

“I saw you drink from the cup, in front of you, and as you doubled over and screamed, the rest of us collapsed over our plates. They took you to a room, where you delivered Conner, and they...they...”

“Spit it out!” Spitfire growled.

“They killed your son, then buried him in the back and forced you to mate with Lord Rynstone, so he could put his heir in you.” Suelette said.

Sahrah screamed so loud the birds in the trees flew away.

“Wait, how could they force Spitfire to mate with anyone? She would burn them all.” Temmy said as she stared at Suelette.

“They lock us all away and threaten her every day, that they’re going to kill us all. Eventually, Spitfire gets us all out, but it doesn’t bring Conner back.” Suelette said as she watched them.

“I think you just woke Spitfire.” Temmy said as she took a step back when Sahrah’s eyes turned fire red.

Spitfire started to walk away from them and Temmy took hold of her arm, then let go when it burned her hand.


“I’m sorry, Temmy.” Spitfire said as she looked at her friend. “I should have warned you that when I am like this, my skin can get hot.”

“That’s an understatement.” Temmy said as she blew on her hand.

“Spitfire, wait. I’m having a...” Suelette groaned as she took hold of Trey’s arm, to steady herself, and her eyes glossed over. “They have moved into a room with lots of tables and chairs. It looks like an area they use when they have a large group over, for food and drink. They’re going to...Flick, they’re going to jump our men, since the drugs didn’t work, and this time they’re going to kill them.” Her eyes cleared as she shook her head.

“Get us there, NOW!” Spitfire screamed with an angry growl. “Trey, can you warn them?”

Trey tried to communicate with the men, but found the transmission blocked.

“Fix it, Trey!”

“On it, Tashia.”

“Suelette, do you know where this room is?” Spitfire asked.

“No, but I know someone who does.” Suelette said as they headed back into the castle. “You there!” She hollered to a guard.

The guard walked over to them and Suelette told him the room they were looking for. The guard seemed oblivious to what was going on, so Trey just knocked him over the head, so he couldn’t follow them.

“Do you have the coms open yet, Trey?” Spitfire asked as they ran down the hall.

“Almost, Tashia.” Trey said. “It would be faster if Dansotein was here, to help.”

“You all stay behind me.” Spitfire growled. “I don’t want any of you to step in front of me; when we enter the room.”

The other women nodded as they stopped at a door.

“Trey?” Spitfire asked.

“Got it.” Trey said as Spitfire pressed the button to open the double doors.

They stepped into the room and found their men standing around talking. Lord Rynstone’s men had pulled out their swords, and had them above their heads, as they were about to strike their men down.

“Everyone down!” Trey hollered into the com in her arm.

Every one of their men, hit the floor, and Spitfire screamed. The fire that came from her, was even more powerful than the first. She turned her head to make sure she got every man in the room; before she closed her mouth and sucked in, much, needed air.

Their men jumped to their feet once the flames had extinguished, and stared at the charred men around them.

Derk touched the man behind him and he puffed away. “Spitfire?” He asked as he looked up at his mate, who was still seething, her red eyes glared at Lord Rynstone.

Rynstone stared at his charred men, then looked at the she-demon. “Evil beast!” He screamed as he pointed at Sahrah.

“Get down, lover.” Spitfire said as she continued to glare at Lord Rynstone.

“No more, Spitfire.” Derk said as he walked up the stairs to his mate.

“They were going to kill our son.” Spitfire said. “And we got here just as they were about to slaughter all of you.”

Derk stopped.

“That means I get to decide his punishment.”

“Spitfire.” Derk whispered.

“She speaks the truth, Tasheen.” Trey said.

Derk looked at the man in question. “Does my mate speak the truth? Had you planned to kill my son?”

“You would listen to a demon?” Rynstone asked in a panic.

“That does not answer my question.” Derk growled.

“I would never kill a guest.” Rynstone said.

“Tasheen.” Bentin said as he touched the sword in the hand of the man who was behind him. When he touched it, the charred man puffed away.

“I listened to his words, Son.” Tentah said.

“Yes, I know. They were not true words.” Derk said as he moved to stand beside his mate. “Okay Spitfire, what is his punishment?”

Lord Rynstone stared at them as he started to panic.

“Do you have to ask?” Spitfire said before she screamed and burned the man to ash.

“Let’s get out of here.” Derk said, once his mate was finished. He pulled her against his chest and laid his chin on top of her head.

“Well, he won’t be bothering us, anymore.” Bentin said as he joined them.

The group from Leboriah left the Sliverstone castle, and headed home.

Inside the castle, a gust of wind blew over Lord Rynstone, and his ashes floated away.


Derk and Sahrah entered their chambers with their friends close behind them, and paused when they saw the bodies on the floor.

“Dan?” Derk asked as he looked up at his companion, who was standing beside the Crystal.

“Tasheen.” Dan said with a smile.

“What happened here?” Derk asked.

“You asked me to protect the Crystal.” Dan said without any remorse about doing his job.

“What happened to these men?” Derk asked as he looked at the three men on the floor.

“They tried to take the Crystal. I told them they could not, and they fought well. But they did not survive being tied up.”

Sahrah stared at the mangled bodies on the floor. The three men were so twisted, they almost resembled large pretzels. A snack she used to enjoy on her home planet.

“They didn’t survive being tied up?” Derk asked as he stared at the twisted men.

“You said not to get blood on the floor, so I used a technique to subdue them, but when I tied them up, they seemed to...” Dan paused as he looked from the bodies up to his Tasheen. “They seemed to die, Tasheen.”

Derk held back his laughter. “You tied them up?”

“You told me to, so you could question them.” Dan said.

“Dan.” Derk said, a bit of laughter seeping through. “I meant with rope.”

“Oh.” Dan said as he studied the bodies on the floor. “I guess that would have worked better.”

Derk couldn’t hold it in any longer, he burst into laughter. Sahrah soon followed, along with the others. When they were through, they looked at each other and Derk pulled Sahrah into his arms.

After the night they have had, they had needed that.

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