The Dragon Princess (Crystalosias - Saga - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Nine: The Crystal Seed

Sahrah smiled as the two men separated. It was nice to see Bentin again, but she was totally lost to what just happened.

“Can one of you men, tell me what just happened?”

Both men looked at her with wide smiles.

“Bentin has pledged himself to you.” Derk said.

“What?” She asked, still confused.

Both men laughed and Derk pulled her into his arms. She may be a Warrior, but things were easily lost on her.

“I had pledged myself to be Tasheen’s guard; when we were still boys. What were we, sixteen, seventeen?”

“Eighteen.” Derk answered with a smile.

Bentin nodded. “Right. It was the year I lost my mother.”

“And you said. I pledge myself to you, Tasheen, for as long as you need me.”

“And you don’t need me.” Bentin said as he turned to Sahrah. “But your Tashia does.”

“And I accept.” Derk said with a nod.

“Don’t I get a say?” Sahrah asked.

“Of course, you do.” Derk said with a smile. “But I have to first accept his leaving my service.”

“Okay, so what does it mean for you to be my, what?”

“It just means that he will protect you and our son.” Derk said with a smile. “That is; when I’m not around.”

“Tashia also has me.” Trey said from across the room.

Bentin laughed. “Looks like our Tashia is well protected. I also have a surprise for you.”

“Me?” Sahrah asked shocked.

Both men chuckled, for Derk had seen the surprise outside in the hall.

“You can come in now.” Bentin said to the door.

Sahrah watched as the door opened, then tears came to her eyes so fast she couldn’t see anything. “Austen!” She screamed as she ran across the room and flung herself into her best friend’s arms, balling like a baby.

“Sahrah, oh Sahrah, I thought I would never see you again.” Austen cried as he held her.

“But how?” Sahrah asked as she looked at her best friend’s face.

“Bentin got us off Poh-eh-nah, before the Dextorian guards sieged everyone. When you and Derk never made it to the ship, I knew you had been captured. And when Derk disappeared, it was confirmed.” He stopped and looked at Derk. “If you had come home, I would have told you that my Sahrah would never abandon you...”

“Yes, I know what a fool I am, thank you.” Derk grumbled.

They all laughed.

“What about Lesteren?” She asked as she wiped her eyes.

“I’m right here Sahrah, Hun.”

Sahrah looked at the door and grinned at her best friend’s husband. “Who’s that?” She asked when she saw the little girl in his arms.

“That is our daughter.” Austen said with a grin.

“Daughter?” Sahrah asked with wide eyes.

“We adopted her when her mother died two years ago, shortly after we got here.” Austen said as he smiled at the little girl in his husband’s arms.

“She’s adorable.” Sahrah said with a smile.

“You want to say hi to your Auntie Sahrah?” Austen asked the little girl.

The toddler held her arms out to Austen and Sahrah’s heart melted. She couldn’t wait for their son to be here, so she can hold him.

“This is Hanley. Her mother died in childbirth, and her father had died many months before that, in some kind of accident. They had a hard time finding her a family, because she’s a girl, and you know how fragile girls are, here.” Austen said with a smile.

“You two are perfect for this little girl.” Sahrah said with a smile.

“Have I come at a bad time?”

They all turned to the door to find Tentah standing there, watching them.

“No Father, just a reunion.” Derk said with a smile.

“We should go.” Austen said as he kissed Sahrah’s cheek.

“Stay.” Sahrah said as she took hold of his arm. “This should be witnessed by another royal.”

“Wait, are you telling me we have been harboring another royal?” Bentin asked shocked.

Austen and Sahrah laughed. “He’s a lower rank, but yes, he is royal. He’s my third cousin.”

“Well, give me a sunrise on a platform.” Bentin said.

Sahrah stared at the man, then laughed.

“Lesteren, can you take Hanley out to the play area?” Austen asked his husband as he handed him their daughter.

“Of course.” Lesteren said as he took their daughter, then left the room.

“Now, what is going on?” Austen asked as he looked at Sahrah.

Sahrah opened her hand to show him the stone.

“By the Crystals, they gifted you.”

She smiled. “They did, and now we will have witnesses to watch the Crystal grow.”

Austen grinned. “This in itself is a miracle.”

“How so?” Derk asked, curious.

Austen looked at him. “The Crystals respond to any royal blood, sure. But for them to gift a royal, it is usually the highest up, like her father or sisters. But for the youngest to receive a blessing, she is special, indeed.”

“I already knew that.” Derk said with a grin.

“It’s only because I was the only royal around to help them.” Sahrah grumbled.

Austen and Derk looked at each other than grinned. They both knew it was much more than that.

“Okay, so how do we do this?” Bentin asked.

“Austen and I will prepare the planter.” She said as she walked towards the planter. “The dirt is on the table over there.” She said as she pointed to the jar of dirt.

Austen retrieved the dirt, then joined her at the planter.

“Cameras are ready.” Tentah informed them.

“Okay.” Sahrah said as she held her hand out for the jar of dirt.

Austen placed the jar into her hand.

“My name is Sahrah Prem Den. I am the third daughter of King Zeng of Dentoria.” Sahrah said as she reached into the jar and pulled out a hand full of dirt, then placed it into the planter.

“I am Austen Vermonze of the third house of Dentoria. I am the oldest son of Lord Behron.” Austen said as he dumped some of the dirt into his hand, then spread it into the planter.

Sahrah took the jar from him and dumped the rest of it into the planter. “We beseech the Crystals of Poh-eh-nah. Bless this seedling, let it grow in the sun and sleep at night.”

“In Crystalosias we pray.” Austen said as he spread the dirt out with his hand, to make sure there were no lumps.

“Grow well.” Sahrah whispered as she kissed the smooth stone, then placed it on top of the dirt.

“That was...I don’t have a word for it.” Derk said as he stared at the stone that sat on top of the dirt.

Sahrah chuckled.

“Is it finished?” Tentah asked.

“Almost.” Sahrah whispered.

“The sun must touch the stone.” Austen said.

The sun shined through the window and touched the stone. A bright light exploded in the room and Sahrah screamed as she bent over and held her arms across her stomach.

Derk caught her as she fell to the floor. “I don’t like this ritual at all!” He hollered as he carried his mate to the couch.

“I’ve never seen that happen before, honest.” Austen said with panic in his eyes.

“Why did the Crystal attack her?” Bentin asked as he handed Derk a pillow to place under Sahrah’s head.

“I don’t know.” Auston said, his eyes still on Sahrah.

“I don’t think it did.” Trey said from her place across the room.

Everyone looked over at the robot.

“What do you mean, Trey?” Derk asked.

“The light was meant to activate the Crystal. It did not attack Tashia, it attacked Banshon.”

“What!?” Derk hollered.

“I know I’ve been here for two years, but some words are still lost on me.” Austen said as he looked around the room.

“Banshon means oldest son or heir.” Bentin said.

Austen stared at his best friend. “I thought she looked different. She’s pregnant?”

“With my heir, yes.” Derk growled. “If he’s still alive...”

Austen began laughing and everyone stared at him as though he had gone insane. Austen controlled his laughter, but continued to smile.

“The Crystal did not attack your son, Derk.”

“Then what...” Derk stopped talking as he looked at Trey. “Go get one of the Meditecs.”

“Yes, Tasheen.”

“You won’t need it.” Austen said as he walked over to the planter where the stone sat quietly in the dirt.

“You’re not making this any better, Austen.” Derk grumbled.

“Derk.” Austen said as he looked at his friend’s mate. “The Crystal wasn’t trying to hurt Sahrah or your son. It has bonded with them.”

“What?” All three men said at the same time as they looked at Austen.

“It has never happened before, but it was foreseen centuries ago. Did she receive the stone, the same day you two um... the same day your son was made?”

Derk looked from Austen to his mate and back again. “Yes.”

Austen nodded. “The Crystals knew you were coming for her, that is why they gave her their last child.”

“I don’t understand.” Tentah said as he folded his arms over his chest.

“In a sense, the Crystal and their son were conceived on the same day, and my guess is, within an hour or two of each other.” He said as he looked at Derk.

Derk looked away from them. “Yes.”

“The Crystal and your son are bonded. It did no damage, it was just a jolt to Sahrah’s system. And maybe a bit painful.”

“A bit?” Derk asked as he remembered his mate’s scream.

“Here is the Meditec, Tasheen.” Trey said as she entered with the doctor.

“What seems to be the problem?” The Meditec asked as he surveyed the room.

“Check my mate, and make sure she and my son are okay.” Derk said as he stood up from the couch.

The Meditec checked his patients and turned to the others. “Your mate and son are both fine, Tasheen. They are very healthy.”

“There’s no damage to either of them?” Derk asked.

“No, damage. Everything is how it should be. She will deliver in five months.” The Meditec said, then left the room.

Derk sighed with relief.

“Derk.” Sahrah moaned as things started to come to her.

“Spitfire.” Derk said as he sat beside her on the couch. “How do you feel?”

“Like I was hit by a blast of light, oh wait, I was.” She said with a groan.

Everyone in the room laughed.

Sahrah looked at Austen. “Does this mean, what I think it does?”

Austen nodded. “You are the chosen.”

“The what?” Derk asked confused.

“The Crystals chose me and our son to save them.” Sahrah whispered.

“But isn’t that what you’re doing?” Bentin asked.

Sahrah looked at him and shook her head. “No. What I am doing right now, is proving that the Crystals do, indeed, grow. And by that, I will get our planet back. But it is dead. It will take more than that precious one there, to bring it back to life.”

“And they want you and our son, to bring them back to life?” Derk asked.

She smiled. “In a way. It will come into play as we go. Don’t look so worried, Derk.”

Derk pulled her into his arms. “You scared the hell out of me, Spitfire.”

She sighed as she held him. “I am sorry. I hadn’t even thought anything like this, would ever happen, let alone to me, to us.” She said as she placed her hand to her stomach.

“Well, we know now that the Crystals do have some unforeseen powers.” Tentah said as he looked at the planter. “Now we just wait for it to grow.”


Sahrah stared at her bags. How had Derk gotten them? She hadn’t seen them since she was captured, two years ago.

“Tashia, are you not pleased with your bags?” Trey asked as she watched Sahrah.

“Oh no, I am very pleased.” Sahrah said with a smile. “I was just wondering how in the world Derk got them, I haven’t seen them in two years.”

“Tasheen ordered Captain Vector to find whatever you had been captured with, two years ago, before we left your planet’s space, to head home.”

“Is that why we were still hovering above my planet the next day?” Sahrah asked.

“Yes, Tashia. He knew you had packed your bags to go with him, and he wanted you to have your belongings. If they were important enough for you to take with you, two years ago, they were important enough for you to have them now.”

Sahrah chuckled. “Do you think anyone took anything?”

“You will have to see for yourself.” Trey said as she stepped up to the bags. “They were probably tossed aside and forgotten.”

“Good.” Sahrah said with a pleasant sigh.

“What is in there, that is important?” Trey asked.

Sahrah grinned. “It’s mostly just my clothes and some weapons. But there is one thing in here, that is more important than all the gold in the universe.”

“Would you like me to scan the bags for it?” Trey asked.

Sahrah looked up at her. “You can do that?”

“I can give you an image of the contents of each bag.” Trey said as she looked into one of the bags. “This one is full of clothes and yes, weapons.” She said as a hologram image appeared above the bag, showing them what was inside.

“Oh good, that’s my Saber Knife. I will need that for protection.” Sahrah said as she unzipped the bag and searched for her knife.

“If you tell me what you are looking for, I can search for it for you.” Trey offered.

“A ring.” Sahrah said as she unsheathed her knife, to look at it. It looked just as it had when she had packed it, two years ago.

“This bag.” Trey said as she stood above the third bag.

Sahrah set the knife on the table and went to the bag, Trey stood over. “I hope it wasn’t damaged.” She said as she unzipped the bag, then started to rummage through it. “Ouch.” She said as she pulled her finger back, bloody.

“What happened, Tashia?” Trey asked as she stared at the blood.

“Something in my bag cut me. But I didn’t pack any weapons inside this bag.” Sahrah said as she sucked on the small cut on her finger.

“Maybe something broke.” Trey said as she pulled up a hologram of the bag’s contents. “Yes, there.”

Sahrah looked at the hologram and frowned. “That’s my favorite ornament.”

She went back to searching through her bag, more careful this time and found the broken ornament.

“I can fix it.” Trey said as she took the two pieces from her.

“Thank you, Trey.” Sahrah said as she fought her tears and went back to digging in the bag. “Here it is.” She said with a smile as she pulled a small velvet box, from the bag.

“All fixed.” Trey said as she handed Sahrah her ornament.

“Thanks.” Sahrah said with a smile. “This was given to me the day I graduated from training. It represents my class and all I am capable of.” She said with a grin.

“It is very lovely, Tashia.”

Sahrah chuckled. “Where should I place it?”

“How about on your desk?”

“My desk?” Sahrah asked confused.

“Yes, did you not know one of the two desks is yours, Tashia?”

Sahrah laughed. “I’ve been so involved with the planting of the Crystal and getting my planet back, I hadn’t noticed there was one desk, let alone two.”

Trey took her to the desk that was to be hers and she smiled as she ran her finger over the smooth surface. “Very fine desk.”

“How about the shelf?” Trey suggested as she touched the small shelf on the back of the desk.

“Yes, thank you, Trey.” Sahrah said as she placed her ornament on the shelf. “It does look good there, doesn’t it?”

It was the only ornament she had packed because it was the only one, that meant anything to her. It looked like a prize ribbon almost, but it stood on a pedestal. And across the ribbon were her achievements. Which filled the ribbon to overflowing. They had had to scroll across the pedestal as well, to mark all of her achievements. Her father had always called her an overachiever.

“Is the ring all right, Tashia?”

Sahrah shook her head. She had almost forgotten about the ring. She opened the box and sighed with relief. The ring was just as it had been, the last time she had looked at it.

“It is fine.” She whispered.

“What shall you do with the ring?” Trey asked.

“I am to give it to my husband.”

“Husband? Do you mean your mate?” Trey asked.

Sahrah looked up at her companion. “I mean my husband, Trey. This ring was meant for me to give to my husband. Derk had asked me to marry him, and I am his mate, so yes.”

“I don’t understand this marriage you have on your planet, but if Tasheen asked you to marry him, two years ago, he will be happy to do so now.” Trey said.

“I hope so.” Sahrah said as she placed her hand over her stomach.

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