The Dragon Princess (Crystalosias - Saga - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Eight: Their New Sister

Derk walked into his father’s study and watched him for a minute. Tentah Dentse didn’t look his age. If you looked at him, you wouldn’t think he was in his early fifties.

“Derksin, did you need something?”

Derk shook his head. “Sorry, Father. I just wanted to ask you a question.”

“Well, then ask.” Tentah said as he looked up at his son.

“My mate. You knew she was pregnant, yet you didn’t question if it was mine, though you know I just found her.”

Tentah smiled. “I was wondering when you would catch that.”

“I caught it right away. But I didn’t want Sahrah to hear me question you. She already went through my disbelief in her, about the baby.”

Tentah chuckled. “I had a similar incident with my new mate.”

“I have a new mother?” Derk asked, wide-eyed.

Tentah grinned. “She’s from Poh-eh-nah, and she has already given me a son.”

Derk smiled. “I have another brother?”

“He is a year old and very active. Like you were.” Tentah smiled. “Your new mother has been on her toes with our son. She has also been good for Naria, for the past two years, that is what attracted me to her.”

Derk grinned. “I am happy for you, Father.”

“And I you, Son. So, I guess you know the sex.”

Derk chuckled. “A boy.”

Tentah grinned. “An heir. I am happy for you, Son.”

“And I you, Father. Will my new mother and brother be at dinner tonight?”

“Of course.” Tentah said as he went back to work. “Everyone will be there, to meet the new Tashia.”

“She hasn’t been around people in two years, Father. Permission to take her away, if it becomes too much for her?”

Tentah looked up at his son again. “Granted.”

“Thank you.”

“What is she like? Is she as fiery as her hair?”

Derk laughed as he sat down and told his father how he had met his mate. Tentah was grinning from ear to ear by the time Derk finished.

“Spitfire, huh?”

“It suits her.” Derk said with a nod.

“You do know what it means, to give her such a name, don’t you?”

“Of course, Father. I would not do so, without knowing the meaning.”

Tentah laughed. “We will see if she fits it; after my grandson is born.”

Derk nodded. “I think I should call on the Shaman. He would know.”

Tentah nodded. “Tomorrow we will watch your mate plant her seed.”

“Thank you for believing her.”

Tentah snorted. “I knew something wasn’t right, with what we did. And if she can prove it...”

“There will be hell to pay.” Derk said with a growl.


“What is taking him so long?” Sahrah asked with a sigh as she looked at the clock, for what felt like the hundredth time.

She has been in their room, alone, for three hours. Well, except for her faithful robotic companion, not that she’s not fun to be around, but she wants to see the Palace.

“He should be here soon.” Trey said as she watched Sahrah.

“And he is.” Derk said with a smile as he entered their chambers.

“Derk.” Sahrah said with a smile as she looked at her mate.

“Spitfire, you look...incredible.”

Sahrah blushed. “I don’t look gross...”

“Damn it, woman, how many times do I have to tell you, that your body is perfect?”

She grinned as she watched him. “Oh, I don’t know, a thousand more...”

She squealed as he rushed at her and picked her up against his chest.

“You are perfect.” He said as he looked into her eyes. “If anyone says any different, I will cut out their tongue.”

She giggled. “Even mine?”

He looked at her mouth. “No, I like what your tongue does to me.”

Her face turned bright red and her womanhood woke up and was more than ready for him.

“Do we have enough time?” She asked out of breath.

She didn’t have to say any more than that. He carried her over to the room with their bed, closed the door behind them, then walked to the bed and set her on her feet. She moved to crawl onto the bed, and he stopped her. She sucked in a breath as he pulled her back against his rock-hard cock. Before she could take in another breath her dress was up around her hips, her panties were at her ankles and Derk was inside her.

“You drive me, crazy, woman.” He said as he held onto her hips and slammed into her from behind.

“Ohmigod.” She breathed as he slammed into her again.

“If you weren’t already carrying my child, we would make one this night.” He said as he continued to slam into her as hard as he could.

When she screamed with her orgasm, he slammed into her during her contractions, then spilled his seed deep inside her.

She panted as he held onto her hips and caught his breath. “I like it more since you started releasing yourself inside me.” She said with a grunt.

He chuckled. “So do I.”

“Am I the first you have every...”

He pulled out and turned her to face him. She almost tripped over her panties, which were still around her ankles and he caught her.

“Sahrah. You are my first mate, so yes, you are the first woman I have ever released my seed inside.”

She smiled. “You will always be my first and only lover.” She whispered.

He grunted as he pulled her to him and kissed her. “Pull your panties back up so we can go meet our family for dinner, or I’ll take you again.”

She giggled. “Tempting.”

He growled as he took her lips in a kiss that made them late for dinner.


Sahrah held onto Derk’s arm as they entered the serving hall. Which was a huge dining room. A large group of people stood around; as if they were waiting for something, and then she realized, they were waiting for them. She squeezed his arm as her body stiffened.

Derk looked down at his mate. Maybe she wasn’t ready for a crowd of people yet. He watched her take a deep breath and straighten her shoulders and knew she could handle this. He gave her a reassuring smile when she looked up at him, then led her to the group of people, waiting for them.

“Derksin!” A small girl hollered as she ran across the room and jumped at Derk.

“Naria.” Derk said with a smile as he lifted his youngest sister into his arms and kissed her cheek. “You’re getting too big.” He said with a laugh.

She giggled, for she knew she would never be too big for her oldest brother.

“Naria, this is your new sister, Sahrah.”

Naria looked at Sahrah and Sahrah smiled. “Hello, Naria.”

Naria smiled back. “You’re pretty. And I like your hair, it looks like the Spitfire’s hair.”

Sahrah stared at the girl.

“Enough of that talk.” Derk said with a smile as he set his sister on her feet.

“What was she talking about?” Sahrah asked as she pulled her mate closer.

He looked at her. “It is for another day, Sahrah. I promise.”

She sighed. “Alright, but you better tell me.”

He grinned. “Don’t worry, I always planned to.”

“Derksin.” A tall, muscular man said as he hugged Derk.

“Findel.” Derk said with a smile. “Sahrah, this is my brother, Findel. Findel, this is my mate, Sahrah.”

“Tashia.” Findel said as he bowed to her. “You are as beautiful as foretold.”

Sahrah stared at the man who looked so much like her mate, yet so different. “Hello, Findel.”

“And this is his lovely mate Diena. Have you finally had your girl?” Derk asked with a smile when he saw the little girl in his brother’s mate’s arms.

Diena smiled as she leaned forward and kissed Derk’s cheek then Sahrah’s. “We have decided to take the potion.” She whispered.

Derk looked at his brother. Findel nodded.

“What potion?” Sahrah asked.

“It is a potion that will make a Dextorian unable to have children. They had a boy, and Diena wanted a girl, now they have one of each, so they want no more. It will keep her from dying in childbirth. It is a choice that both mates have to agree upon.”

“Oh.” Sahrah said as she sucked in a breath. But she understood their decision. With how easily the Dextonian women die at childbirth... And they have one of each...

“Don’t be sad for us. This is a happy thing.” Diena said with a smile.

“Of course.” Sahrah said with a smile.

“Findel, don’t hog our new sister.” A woman said from behind the other man.

“You will get your turn, sister of my heart.” Findel said with a twinkle in his eyes.

The woman snorted, then pushed him aside. “My, you are as beautiful as told. I am Brendias, third oldest Dentse, and oldest daughter.” Brendias said with a smile.

Sahrah smiled. “It is nice to meet you, Brendias.”

“And that must be Ging over there.” Derk said with a laugh as a five-year-old little girl tried to climb up onto the dining table.

“Hosler, grab Ging.” Brendias said with exasperation. “That is my mate.” She said with pride.

Sahrah understood her pride. He was a large Warrior and very good looking. Not as big as her own Warrior, but Brendias couldn’t very well mate with her own brother, could she?

“Hello.” A young man said as he walked up to them, his eyes glued to Sahrah’s chest.

“Eyes up or I will pluck them out.” Derk said as he slapped his brother in the back of the head.

“Ouch.” The boy grumbled.

“This retch is, Slohn. He is eighteen, so he’s still learning about women and who to ogle and who to keep his damn eyes off of.”

Slohn looked up into Sahrah’s face and his eyes grew even larger. Guess it didn’t matter where he looked...

“You’re so pretty.” He said as he stared at her.

Sahrah laughed. She couldn’t help it. And it took the tension in the room, down a notch.

“Go help, Father.” Derk said as he gave his brother a shove away from them.

Sahrah smiled at her mate. Derk turned to her and smiled when he saw her smiling at him.

“Wow, Slohn wasn’t kidding, you’re pretty.” A girl about sixteen, said as she walked up to Sahrah. “I’m Vicsoria.”

“Very nice to meet you, Vicsoria.” Sahrah said with a smile.

“Sori.” Derk said with a smile as he held his arms open to his sister.

Sori smiled at Dirk as she hugged him.

“Is that all of them?” Sahrah asked as she looked around. She was happy she had survived this. She doesn’t know what she would have done, if she’d collapsed, in front of all these people. No not people, family.

Derk chuckled. “Just a few more. Ah, there he is. Dungein! Come meet your new sister!”

A boy about thirteen or fourteen, ran over to them, all grins. “Hey, Derkster.”

Derk snorted. “Dungein, this is my mate, Sahrah. Sahrah, this was my youngest brother.”

“Was?” Sahrah asked as she looked at him.

Derk smiled. “My father informed me, that he has a new mate and they have a son together.”

Sahrah smiled. “Oh, how wonderful.”

“And here they come now.” Derk said as he watched his Father walking over to them, a blond woman at his side, holding a small boy in her arms.

Sahrah stared at the woman with Derk’s father. “Floren?”

“Sahrah!” Floren hollered as she handed Tentah their son and ran at her old friend.

“You know each other?” Derk asked shocked.

Sahrah laughed as she hugged the other Dentoria. “She’s from my father’s city. We went to school together.” She said as she wiped her tears.

“I figured you and your family would be in hiding.” Floren said as she backed out of Sahrah’s arms.

“I hope my family is.” Sahrah said with a nod. “I was supposed to escape the planet with my mate, but I was captured by the Dextonian guards before Derk got to me.”

“OH.” Floren said with wide eyes. “You are going to have to tell me everything.”

Sahrah smiled. “I will. But first, maybe you should meet your...uh...oldest son.” Sahrah couldn’t help it, she laughed. For Derk’s new mother, was six years younger than he was...

“Oh Derksin, you are as handsome as your father.” Floren said as she hugged Derk.

“You are as lovely as a vision.” Derk said with a smile.

“You, flatterer.” Floren said with a giggle. “I do see you have good taste though. What better for a Warrior as yourself then a Warrior Woman.”

“Indeed.” Derk said with a grin.

“Oh, you must meet your new brother.” Floren said as she turned to her mate and smiled up at Tentah.

Tentah smiled as he handed his son over to his new mate.

Derk smiled. He could see how happy his father was. This young woman was good for him.

“This is Gershaw.” Floren said as she handed the baby over to Derk.

Derk grinned as he looked at the toddler. “You are definitely a Dentse, little man.”

Gershaw laughed as he hit his oldest brother in the head.

“Gershaw, now we have been over that.” Floren said as she took her son back. “No hitting people, unless you want a spanking.”

Gershaw cried as Floren walked away with him.

Derk laughed. “You found you a good one there, Father.”

Tentah grinned. “Shocked me when I found out her age; but it was too late, I was already lost.”

“She has always been a gentle person, even in school.” Sahrah said with a smile.

Tentah looked at her. “I am happy you know each other. Now maybe Derk and I can learn things about our mates, that they themselves would not say.”

Sahrah’s cheeks turned a dark red and both men laughed.

“Is there something you have been hiding from me, Spitfire?” Derk asked as he watched her.

Sahrah shook her head. “No. Just some normal embarrassing things, that happen in school.”

“Now I am intrigued.” Derk said with a chuckle.

Sahrah groaned and Derk smiled as he pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head.


Sahrah looked at the planter Derk had brought her this morning. Soon she will be planting the Crystal in it.

“Tashia?” Trey asked from behind.

“Yes, Trey?”

“There is someone here to see you and Tasheen. But Tasheen is not here.”

“Who is it?” Sahrah asked as she turned around. She froze when she saw the man who stood just inside the room then a broad smile spread across her face. “Bentin!” She hollered as she ran across the room and jumped into the man’s arms.

Bentin laughed as he hugged her. “I am so happy to see you are safe, Tashia.” He said as he set her on her feet.

“Yes well, two years as a slave was hard, but I’m safe now.”

“Yes, about that...If Derk had come home instead of running away and traveling the universe, to try and drown his sorrows, I would have slapped some sense into him, and we would have gotten you out of there sooner.”

She nodded. “Yes, but if that had happened, I would not have been there to receive the gift from the Crystals.” She said as she held out her hand, to show him the stone.

“Then it is true, what your people said.” He said as he looked at the stone.

She nodded. “Yes, and we are going to start the process today. I hope it will grow well enough, away from Poh-eh-nah.”

“You have my loyalty and my protection, Tashia.” Bentin said as he got to one knee.

Sahrah stared at him. “What?”

Derk walked into the room and stared at his old friend. “Bentin.” He said as he watched the man kneel before his mate. “What have you done?”

“I have given your Tashia my loyalty and protection, Tasheen. Just as I had given to you, many years ago. She will need all the protection she can get. There will be those out to destroy, what she has.”

“What?” Sahrah asked as she looked at her mate.

Derk grinned. “Thank you, my friend.”

Bentin got to his feet and looked at his friend. “I am sorry I am not your guard anymore, my friend.”

Derk nodded. “You are right, my mate needs it more.”

Bentin nodded then both men grinned from ear to ear and hugged.

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