The Dragon King

Chapter 2 ~ My Opinions Matter

Caleb whispers “What just happened, baby girl?” I shake my head violently, and he leads me outside to the back side of the garden “Talk to me, Aurora!”

I dry my tears and try to smile “My mate will be pledging himself to my sister in a couple hours. How’s that for irony!? I was just preaching about true mates to her.. never realizing the other half of a body’s soul she was stealing would be mine!”

He dried my cheeks, and told me “Anderson is an honorable man, sister. He will do the right thing. I am sure he’s explaining everything to Amelia right now. She will understand. Everything will be okay!”

I shake my head, chuckling “Bet! Fifty bucks says I am rejected within the hour!” He groans “You and your betting! I will take that bet! I know my best friend! Easiest fifty bucks I’ve ever made!” I laugh at him.

We walk back inside, to our father waiting on us “Alpha wants us in his office.. this is a mess.. Why can’t anything be easy with you, Aurora?” I rolled my eyes and linked Caleb 🐺 Still think you’re winning the bet?

Caleb asked “How, exactly, is this Rori’s fault, Dad? The Goddess chooses mates. Amelia is the one who overstepped!” My father snapped that this is not Caleb’s decision. We follow the Alpha.

Entering the office.. there they all sit. Alpha, Luna.. My mother.. and Anderson.. with Amelia in his lap.. consoling her tears. Isla whines deep and my heart hurts. I comfort her,, letting her know we are stronger than this.. bigger than the pain!

I sit beside Caleb.. as he takes my hand. My father plops beside my mother. Alpha John said “Well, this is an unfortunate turn of events. Aurora, I am sure you understand the significance of this.. as the second born daughter of a beta.. it’s only logical the first daughter be the mate of the Alpha.. Anderson and Amelia love each other.. they have been together for several years. This… wrinkle.. cannot be allowed to throw a monkey wrench into their plans.”

Caleb squeezed my hand, as I began to shake.. I ask “So, I am once again, what? Expected to step aside!? Take a backseat to the whatever Amelia wants, Amelia gets dog and pony show?” And Caleb squeezes my hand harder.. knowing I am about to say something I can’t take back.

Amelia screeches “You have always wanted what I have, Aurora! All our lives you have made everything about you!”

I busted out laughing.. “Are you serious? Is she serious? I have never wanted what you have! NOTHING in our lives has ever been about ME! Our birthdays.. not once were they ever what I wanted! I hate pink! Boy bands are for cheerleaders! Rainbow confetti cakes are disgusting! Have I ever complained? The only person in this entire pack who ever gave a Shit about me is my brother! I learned a long time ago.. I was just the extra kid! Not the bonus kid.. not the youngest! I was the throwaway.. the one Nofuckingbody needed or wanted! So, if I was called in here to be rejected by a coward.. then let’s do this!”

Anderson coughed.. and stuttered “I’m not rejecting you.. Axel would weaken. But, I love Amelia.. I need you both.” Caleb growled “What the fuck, dude!? No! That’s not how this works! You don’t get to do this to my baby sister!”

Dad snarled “Stand down, Caleb! This does not concern you! This is between Anderson and the girls!” Caleb growled back “You’re okay with this bullshit!? You are okay with the Alpha fucking one daughter.. while causing excruciating pain to the other? What kind of parent are you!? My Goddess! I have never been so ashamed to be a member of this family, than I am at this moment!”

Alpha John roared “Enough! This is Anderson’s decision! He will mate and mark Amelia at the ceremony tonight.. and Aurora will do her duty to the pack!”

I gasped.. and Caleb was already shaking his head to say something else. I stood and said “I will not! Anderson.. by accepting Amelia as your chosen.. you are rejecting Isla and me! Therefore, I, Aurora Rose Heartsong-Griffin, reject you, Alpha Anderson Robert Kane of Sacred Moon, as my mate.. now and forever!”

Anderson grabbed his chest and hit his knees.. he moaned “Noooo!” And my mother slapped me, screaming “You ungrateful child! Everything has to be your way.. all the time!”

Even though the ache in my chest was stealing my breath.. I said “Never lay hands on me again. I follow the Goddess’s doctrine. And by this pack not doing so, I pray you do not bring her wrath down upon your heads!”

As I turned to go, Alpha John said “You are hereby banished from Sacred Moon.. this is no longer your home! You have twenty four hours to vacate my territory!” I muttered “So be it!” and walked out.

I immediately went to my room and started packing. I would simply head to the university campus two weeks early. I kept telling Isla how sorry I was.. but she assured me it was our only option. She was whining but whispered 🐺 We will be fine. We are strong..and the Goddess is on our side! We are adhering to her teachings. We will not be the ones with regrets! I smiled.. okay, I wasn’t a cheerleader.. but Isls is!

I went through everything I wanted to take.. I took nothing that would remind me of the betrayal of my parents. My birth certificate will remain.. I am legally changing my name to my grandmother’s maiden name. My mother’s mother was Gabriella Heartsong.. of the Alaskan Heartsong pack. She was the only person, besides Caleb, who knew my struggles.. and knew my pain. From now on, I will put myself first. And I will become the person I was meant to be. My opinions matter!

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