The Dragon King

Chapter 1 ~ The Dam Bursts

I’m Aurora.. I am the youngest child of Chancey and Allison Griffin. Beta family of Sacred Moon Pack in the state of Montana. My brother, Caleb, is returning from Alpha training today.

Alpha Anderson Kane and my brother left nearly two years ago to learn to be the best leaders we could have. My twin sister, Amelia, has been on pins and needles all day. She will become Anderson’s chosen Luna at the ascension ceremony tonight.

I, on the other hand, have chosen to become an attorney for the pack. Now that shifters have been acknowledged by the human world.. we find ourselves embroiled in many conflict resolutions. I want to be a part of that. We are constantly appearing in human courts, and are in need of legal representation.

The council of shifters accepted twenty applicants from various shifter species..and I scored in the highest percentile. Meaning, my education will be provided for.. my preference for my specialty is to represent the monarchies.. especially the dragons. They are among the few shifters who have had to remain hidden. I want to help them adjust and be able to interact with the other species.

All day, my parents and I have been preparing for the ceremonies tonight. Decorating.. dealing with caterers.. setting up the vendors. I just finished speaking with the photographer and videographer to show them where they need to be.

Amelia’s voice sounded in my head.. even her mindlink is nasally, and reminiscent of nails on a chalkboard. 🐺Where is my dress!? I told you to get it steamed and returned to me! I only have an hour to get ready! 🐺 First off, I dropped your dress off.. as a courtesy. Anything more than that, is on you. If you aren’t ready on time, that is not my fault. 🐺 I am your Luna! You will do as I say! Bring me my dress. 🐺 Again, first off, you are Not my Luna. Secondly, I am not your housemaiden, your highness. Get your own damned dress! 🐺 Mom! Make Aurora bring my dress to me!

My mother calls out “Aurora! Take your sister’s dress to her. She needs to get ready.” I came in from the patio.. looking at Mom and said “No!” as I turned back and finished what I was doing. My mother snaps “Why must you always be difficult? Your sister needs your help.. It would take two minutes!”

I grunted “And why must you always cater to her every whim? She is eighteen! Not an invalid.. If it only takes two minutes, she should be quite capable of fetching the dress herself. I honestly feel like a servant, where she’s concerned!”

My father snaps at me to apologize to my mother and take the dress to Amelia. Rolling my eyes, I refuse to apologize, but I do retrieve the dress. There is only so much disobedience this family allows me.

Walking into Amelia’s room, I hang the dress on her closet door, just as she walks out of the bathroom.. “Good! You’re here! I see telling Daddy has you doing as you’re told. Now, I need you to do my hair.. or do I have to get Daddy’s attention again?” I smirk “I once believed you would outgrow your mean girl mentality.. hoped for it, actually, that you could possibly learn to be a decent human being.. but nope! Even your wolf is rotten to the core!”

She screeched “You have always been so jealous of me. Why? Because I’m prettier? Popular? Older? What, Rori? What is it?” I doubled over in laughter.. gripping her shoulders, I spun her to face the mirror “Prettier? We are identical twins, you halfwit! Popular? My friends aren’t followers.. they don’t fear ME! Older? By minute and 37 seconds? And jealous? Of what, Lia?”

Mom barged into the room “Aurora Rose! Stop irritating your sister, this instant! She asks for very little from you. The least you can do is be supportive on her big day! I do not know whatever has gotten into you! Now, fix her hair, as she’s asked, while I do her makeup!”

I grinned and said “You are so right, mommy dearest! She doesn’t ask.. ever, actually. She demands! And I irritate her? That’s rich! Goddess forbid I ever ruffle the feathers of the family’s golden bird! Her Big Day consists of stealing a title that isn’t rightfully hers.. depriving not one.. but two beings of the other half of their souls.. the Goddess doctrine dictates we never violate her edicts.. yet, this entire pack is fine with falling out of favor of Her, by doing just that! Forgive me for not condoning THAT behavior.”

I entered my own room, nearly an hour later. Running behind, because I had only just finished with my sister. I jumped into a quick shower. Getting my own gown on.. I quickly braided two thin braids of my silver hair.. pulling them back and fastening them with a jeweled barette. I slapped a little makeup on my face, and had just exited my room.

From below, I hear my brother yell “Where is my favorite sister? I want to see her smiling face!” Amelia tittered “I’m right here, silly!” With Caleb replying “I know you’re here, Amelia! I meant Rori.. and you know it!” My whole face lit up in a huge grin as I race for the stairs.. only to falter, when my mother’s voice snidely remarks “You know your youngest sister.. always dawdling!”

I frown.. no matter how hard I try.. I will always just be the extra.. the kid no one expected.. yet, here I am! I skip down the stairs.. eager to hug my brother.. the only one who’s ever got me.. my hero! I yell “Caleb” and leap the last five steps into his arms.

He catches me and spins me around “I have missed this face, little bit! Let me look at you!” He stands me on my feet, and twirls me.. whistling low..”You… are an absolute beauty, Rori!” I smile, kissing his cheek. He turns me around, so I can greet Anderson. Our eyes meet.. and Isla mutters “mate” in my brain!

No! No! No! He turns and grabbed Amelia’s hand.. walking away. I pull into Caleb’s arms.. and the dam bursts.

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