The Dragon King

Chapter 14 ~ Culver Already Did

Draco’s POV ~

Adrian and I have been scouting the mountains to the east of our pack.. a tip came in about Johnston.. supposedly living in a cabin outside a little hamlet buried between two peaks. Once we had found the cabin, it was empty.. only by a couple days. Meaning whoever was staying here, knew we were coming.

We believe we may have a traitor in our midst. I am irate.. and will find out who it is. We have been out in the wilderness for three days, completely incommunicado, and the frustration I am experiencing right now is through the roof. I shifted into Donnaugh.. carrying Adrian on my back. Just not in the mood to run home on all fours.

We reached home in the early morning hours.. and I was so exhausted, I barely made it through a shower, before I passed out. I slept until well past ten, and felt hungover. I had just slipped into jeans and a sweatshirt when Adrian linked me to come downstairs.

I could hear yelling and then a slap.. I rushed forward to find Chancey Griffin and John Kane standing in my foyer. But, I also found a scent.. of gardenia and spring honey.. She turned to face me, her eyes full of tears.. and a red handprint on her cheek.

Donnaugh and Asmodeus pushed forward and I roared.. rushing to Aurora and pulling her into my arms.. “Who dare lay hands on my mate?” John Kane growled “Your mate?! I don’t think so! She is returning to Sacred Moon and taking her place as Luna!” I punched him square in the jaw.

I snarled “Listen to me! Listen carefully and hear me well! Aurora and I are second chance mates. A moment ruined by you assholes! You have your Luna.. if you are dissatisfied now.. THAT is on you! Leave my pack! Do not return! The only member of Sacred Moon welcome here, is my mate’s only family member! Only her brother will have contact with her. If I ever see either of you.. or your daughter.. your ONLY child.. again.. I will not hesitate to kill you all! Which one of you lay hands on her?”

I touched her cheek.. neither man answered.. I asked gently “Who, baby?” She whispered “John” I snarled “Which hand did you hit her with?” He chose not to respond.. so I grabbed him and snapped first his right wrist.. then his left. I looked at Adrian and said “Throw out the trash!” And lifted Aurora in my arms, bringing her to my office.

I sat down, with her in my lap.. I quietly asked “What happened?” She smirks “I honestly have no idea! I had just walked out from my office and John grabbed me.. pulling me toward the door. He said I was coming home, and I informed him I was home. He slapped me.. then my superhero rescued me.”

She smiled up at me so beautifully and whispered “We’re mates! My prayers were answered.. my wish came true! I love you so much! I was terrified I would have to leave you!” I leaned down and touched my lips to hers.. and knew in that moment, everything in my life, had led me to her.. right here.. and I thanked the Goddess a million times.

We ended the kiss and I said “I am so in love with you, I was prepared to ask you to choose me.. to love me.. I didn’t care about a second chance.. I didn’t want one, if it wasn’t you. I, Alpha Draco Arconium, King of Dragons, accept you, Aurora Rose Heartsong, as my mate, my Luna, and my Queen!”

She smiled back at me and repeated her acceptance.. when our bond snapped into place, it stole my breath, at the strength of it. She felt it, too.. because her tiny body shook with the force of it. I said “We’re mates! Goddess, baby! You have made me the happiest man on earth!”

Adrian knocked and walked right in.. we both looked at him, with what I am certain was the silliest grins ever. He laughed “Well! Hello Luna!” She blushed adorably. Culver crashed through the door and yelled “Gamma has his Luna!” Grabbed her off my lap and danced around the room, with her giggling and I fell in love again!

He handed her back and sat down.. I looked at Adrian and asked “How did those assholes get in?” He was already shaking his head.. “Dude! I have no idea! I was alerted to an Alpha at the border, requesting an audience.. so I went down to head out there. But, an omega had already let them in the house. I was already grabbing for that dick when he raised his hand, but I wasn’t fast enough.”

I looked at Culver to speak and he said “Both border guards are on their way in to see you. I immediately sent out replacements, so they could get in here! The omega is in the hall.. awaiting interview.” I nodded and said let her in.

Adrian offered her a seat and I said “Alice? Is it?” At her nod, I continued “Why were those men allowed entry?” She gasped “I would never, Alpha. We heard the door knocker.. and cook told me to get the door, because she’s expecting a delivery.. just figured it was a new driver and he wasn’t told to go around back. As soon as I opened it.. they pushed past me.. and started yelling for Miss Aurora. I didn’t even have time to get out of the way.”

I dismissed her. Poor girl was scared to death. I asked Aurora to call her brother.. and she did. As soon as he answered, I asked “Caleb, what the fuck is going on over there?” He asked me what I meant.. so I told him what had happened. He growled “Are you shitting me? I was told they had both gone to arrange an alliance over at Black Hills!”

Aurora said “Did Anderson know what those assholes were up to? Isn’t he still mated to Amelia? I don’t understand!” Caleb responded “He and Amelia are on a second honeymoon to straighten out their bullshit! They left this morning. He never said a word to me about his dad. I could ask Bridget.. but I doubt she knows anything.. and Allison wouldn’t tell me shit, anyway!”

I told him “I broke both of John’s wrists and threw them out. Sacred Moon is no longer a concern of ours.. you are the only one welcome here. And.. that will be in two weeks. For your sister’s Luna ceremony and coronation.”

The silence on the other end of the line was deafening.. then he said “Wait.. Is she.. are you.. you’re mates? Second chance mates?” We told him yes.. and he started laughing.. He said “Karma! I am in Love with that bitch! Oh My Goddess! This is pure gold!”

We hung up and Aurora left to find Naomi and Connie to get started on a plan for her ceremony. I am so excited and happy, I want to dance a jig! Culver already did!

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