The Dragon King

Chapter 13 ~ Finally! I Can Move Forward

Aurora’s POV ~

I have nearly completed my documentation to file the lawsuits against Michaelson.. it’s taken two months of hard work and long hours. I want to take this asshole down!

Draco has been an absolute wonder! Helping organize depositions.. arranging testimony.. I keep telling him it’s my job.. and he keeps telling me the sooner we file.. the sooner we can save the dragons.

I have been on pins and needles this last week. It’s been nearly six months since Draco rejected Amelia. She’s been calling him at ungodly hours.. nearly every day. Anderson finally locked her up three days ago. Bitch gone crazy!

Isla is running nearly every day. She’s antsy and anxious. I’m annoyed with her because I have to struggle to concentrate. I think she’s secretly smoking crack! I don’t sleep.. she paces in my head all night. She carries on conversations with Asmodeus at all hours.

I keep reminding her Draco may not be our second chance.. trying to prepare her, if he isn’t. She doesn’t care. I get it! I do! I know I have fallen in love with him.. but I would never stand in the way of his second chance! I will even help him find her, if it isn’t us. But, Isla is having none of it.

I walk into my office and call Connie in. She’s smiling and asks what I need. I tell her “I need you to type up our proposal for filing charges against Michaelson, to be ready to email to the council in the morning.” Her grin widens “My day just got a whole lot better!” And went off to handle that.

Culver knocks on my door and I smile “What can I do for you, Culver?” He grins “ I was wondering if you wanted to spar with me? I’ve noticed your need to burn energy and thought it might help.” I squeal and jump up “Let me change real quick and I’ll meet you in the gym!”

Racing up the stairs, I round a corner and bump straight into a wall! Landed on my ass! “Fuck! That hurt!” I stand up.. rubbing my butt and turn to walk more sedately to my room.. when I hear a deep rumbling chuckle. I whip around and Draco is standing there. And my intelligent ass says “I thought you were a wall.”

He busted out laughing “Nope! Last I checked! All man!” I nodded and mumbled out an I’m sorry.. then thought and what a man! He’s still laughing and said “Think out loud much?” Oh kill me now! Damnit! I ran for my room.

I met Culver in the gym, and we sparred for over an hour. I was sitting on the bench.. leaned back and sipping water. Draco came in with Adrian and started sparring. The man was sheer poetry in motion! What is wrong with me!!? UGH!

He must have felt eyes on him, because he glanced in my direction.. which was enough for Adrian to clock him a good one. He asked “Distracted, Alpha?” And he laughed and without taking his eyes off me, he punched Adrian in the nose. “Owww! Fuck!” Draco laughed again “Not that distracted, Beta!” I laughed at them both. “You guys are too much! See ya later! Time for my shower!” I walk out.. hearing “Agghh! Thanks for the visual! Fuck!”

I had just slipped on jeans and a tee shirt that said ‘Only trust people who like big butts, they cannot lie!’ And went down to dinner. Everyone started laughing and Naomi said “Goddess damnit! Now it’s stuck in my head” making all of us laugh again.

I sat down beside her and asked “Girl’s night? I need some me and you time.” She nods and says “Netflix and Chill?” I shook my head “Eww! No! You’re not my type for chillin’ bitch!” She laughed and said “Fine! Netflix and Wine?” Nodding, I said “Bet!”

She came in my room with two big bottles of wine.. and climbed into my bed “Okay.. spill! What’s going on?” I poured us each a good sized glass and sat down beside her “I’m in love with Draco.” She snorts “Duh! Everyone knows that! We also know he’s in love with you! What’s the prob, Bob?”

I moaned “What if he isn’t my second chance mate? I’d have to leave. I won’t take that away from whoever the lucky girl is. It was done to me and I was devastated! I won’t do that to someone else!”

She hugged me close “Oh honey! You are too good for this planet! Let’s get drunk and forget for awhile!” Sounds like a plan to me!

Two hours later found us creeping downstairs to get more wine. I said “Shhh! We’re gonna get caught! It’s your fault we ran out!” She giggled “No.. that would be you! I only drank three glasses.” I shook my head and said “Yeah.. me too!” She disagreed and said I had six! Six? Psshh! Why wouldn’t I remember that!?

A deep voice behind us said “Are you ladies sneaking into the wine fridge?” I snapped “Shhhish! Draco will hear you!” And Naomi busted out laughing! Great! We are for sure getting caught now!

She pointed over my shoulders and said “He already did!” I turn around and sure enough! There that big guy stood! I said “Naomi drank all the wine.” She said “Damn! Did y’all see that bus?!” And we both cracked up laughing.

This morning, at breakfast.. I am miserable. I have taken headache medicine.. drank three glasses of water.. wearing sunglasses and my eyelashes still hurt! Naomi sits down and said “Damn, bestie! You look like shit!” I said “Shhhh!” Which made her laugh again. Seriously! Why she gotta be so loud!?

Culver asked “Rough night?” I tried to nod.. but stopped.. in fear of my head rolling off my shoulders and ending up in someone’s plate. Draco tells him “Aurora had one glass of wine too many, it seems.” Naomi laughed and told everyone “more like three too many, but who’s counting?” I snarked “Apparently… You!” Causing them all to laugh again.

By noon, I was feeling better and had sent the email to council. They wanted to see me, before they proceeded. I went to find Draco to let him know I was headed to council. He asked who I was taking with me, and I agreed to take Culver with us.. and my team.. along with Culver, left within the hour.

Once in chambers, I handed them copies of the testimonials from the victims.. whom they kept referring to as witnesses. Set them straight on that, right away.

Councilman Thompson was a stickler.. and so old school he had to walk uphill both ways to attend.. had a grudge against me. Women weren’t supposed to be in a courtroom and I should leave all this for the men to handle. He’s going to be an issue.

He asked “This matter is more of an internal one. The Dragon King should be handling this in-house.” I looked at him a hard minute “King Arconium was not king at the time of these crimes. The former King was aware.. but chose to sweep the issues under the rug. We have chosen to expose this form of torture as discipline.. for the world to see! It is no longer allowed, as the new king has completely outlawed this practice. This case was first brought to the council’s attention nearly a year ago! But since the court summons was considered undeliverable, the complaint was ignored. Much like the former king had done. As a newly formed council.. the situation should have been pursued, not forgotten! As soon as a courtdate has been established, a blanket notice will go out to all existing weyr so that Michaelson has the opportunity to respond.”

I stood to leave and was told to be back in the morning.. and a decision will have been made. Finally! I can move forward!

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