The Different Ship

Chapter 8

The next day came around hard for Rune due to she had not slept very well, tossing and turning from the previous night’s stress. Upon waking up she noticed the cabin was empty and she was covered with a sheet. When she sat up her back snapped causing her to let out a low pained groan as she slipped from the chair. Grabbing the sheet off the chair she threw it back on Azhar’s bed, gripping her fists and glaring at it.

“Tch I don’t need your hand outs “captain”.” She snarled out. Rune began to pad around the room in an irritable fashion, glaring at the door every so often as she passed it.

“So he tells me I am going to follow him around and he leaved me here? Why the hell did I even sleep that long…” she asked herself rubbing the back of her head. Then the door creaked open Azhar’s voice was clearly audible on the other side of it. He seemed to be talking to Arab by the sounds of it.

“Oh yes she is quite fine in here, in the whole excitement I forgot you were sleeping.” He said to him, she rolled her eyes at his voice and chose to ignore everything else. He then stepped in and looked at her, almost shocked she was awake.

“Ah, Rune I see you are finally awake?” Azhar asked, she turned to him and sneered, her arms crossed across her chest and drumming her finger on her elbow.

“Oh no I thought I was fucking asleep! Why did you just leave me, I thought I was supposed to follow you around?” she snapped at him. His chuckle escaped him once again as he sat down on his desk, kicking his feet up and resting his hands behind his head.

“I told you, you were going to stay in here until my men got their holds about them.” he said. Then suddenly the round port hole window in the cabin snapped open, ripping the blackout curtain off it. She whipped her head over to see the purple darkened night sky; the gust of wind took papers off Azhar’s desk and scattering them. The sound of rushed footsteps came down the hall and then the door swung open to reveal a drenched Arab that was panting boisterously.

Azhar, I need tha little lady! This storm is blowin’ in fast an’ hard and we need tha extra power!” Arab wheezed out. The captain looked at her and motioned her to follow Arab.

“Arab don’t let anything happen to Rune.” He said standing up and pressing his hair off his shoulders before moving over to look out the window. Arab grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the wheelhouse and cabin.

“Come on Ayo, we need ya help… Tha wind picked up real fast… it went and got nasty real quick!” he called out to her over the howling wind, her hair whipping around her without sympathy. This wasn’t a normal storm, the energy was off. It felt strange is the best way to explain, nothing else but strange.

Lightning lit up the sky with a milky purple color as the thunder cracked loudly around them, mist from the previous wave that rock the boat came over them. They tried to make their ways to the sails as the shipped rocked gruelingly, the rain pouring down on them relentlessly making everything hard to see. Rune’s hair stuck to her body from the moisture, her short became soaked and clung to her but she was to focused to even care at this point.

“Ayo get them ropes, tha sails snapped and we have ta get them back in position!” he bellowed out to her, without hesitation she ran to the other side of the ship and began working on one of the sails trying to get it under control. She almost had it as it thrashed and shook about, yet, she couldn’t shake the feeling she was being watched. She didn’t have the focus or time to figure out who it was so she just put it off as the captain.

As she was looping the rope around its glinting steel holder she heard a loud snap and lightning flashed again. The sails rope had snapped from the hold, the rope still in her hand and it flung her over board into the back churning abyss of the sea. Rune hit the water hard and sank below the surface deeply before regaining herself and swam up to the surface. Water spitting from her mouth as she was being tossed around into the waves, she realized the ship had been taken too far for her to even scream for them. Even though it was already a large gap she gave everything to try and swim after it waves hitting her hard and shoving her under with each one. Her body soon began to feel like lead and slowly she faded into black, the last bit of air escaping her lungs as she went under a small amount of bubbles leaving her mouth. Before Rune fell unconscious something had grabbed her and pulled her, she didn’t know what way. It could be under for all she knew. Her body went limp against it as she sunk into the darkness.

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