The Different Ship

Chapter 7

It has been a while since they had left that island, Rune was on her own and working on the sails. She looked around at the ship, the other workers doing their own jobs. It felt about almost dawn, she caught herself in the middle of an eye roll. She hadn’t been able to sleep very much since the island due to what she thought she saw. As she went back to her work, she began tighten the rope again when suddenly the rope snapped slightly. The wind had caught the sail, jerking it, it sent a sharp shard of wood from the splintering mast at her. She let out a small shriek and it just sliced through her clothes, cutting it cleanly through the wrapping that concealed her breasts. Rune looked down and swallowed hard as the shredded pieces of clothing fell to the deck. Her breasts quickly expanded out and popping some of the top buttons of her shirt.

“Oh shit!” she cried out as she turned to see the men staring at her, quickly becoming more hungry vacant gazes, they walked closer to her.

“Ya a woman Ayo, I knew ya smelled sweet but had no idea ya was one…” one said licking his lips, she stepping back hold her hands back and giggling nervously.

“Man wontcha look at that rack on her…” another said as they began to crowd her in a circle. She gulped and looked over all of them shaking slightly.

“Le…lets not get the wrong idea here! I am one of you remember?” she said to them they shook their head and licked their lips. A few seemed to be drooling for her.

“Do ya know how longs its been since we saw a perty woman like yaself… let alone been able ta touch one?” another asked her, she opened her mouth to say something but they got closer she just turned and shot off holding her chest down with her arms.

“This wasn’t my intentions, oh my fucking god why did they have to find out?!” she yelled out running towards the other side of the deck. They were yelling compliments at her, wolf whistling, some even where getting into fights over her. Rune shot into the wheelhouse and stopped to take a breather. She heard a door open, someone reached out and grabbed her and yanked her in. she stumbled and fell back onto her behind with a startled cry. The door was slammed and locked as she looked up in panic, terrified of who may have had her.

“Do you want to explain why my men are chasing you like rabid beasts?” Azhar’s voice tolled out, she looked up at him her chest heaving. He was turned to his door with both hands on it before he turned to her. she was speechless, she knew he was going to make her walk the plank and she was going to be fed to the sharks.

“I knew you were a woman when you boarded my ship Ayo, well if that is even your real name. No man has that curvy of a figure, but I will tell you. You’re a true pirate that was deception at its finest.” He said to her, raising his eyebrow and looking her over slightly.

Y…you knew and you let me stay?” she stammered out and shot to her feet confused and skeptical. Her hands still covering her chest, her shirt torn up the side barely covering anything, it was useless. He walked past her to his dresser, not even phased by the fact she was half naked in his bedroom. The air around them began to thicken with tension as he held his words before he finally spoke.

“I am not like other ships; if you earn your keep then I don’t mind you staying and you have done that.” he said handing her a shirt then turning his back to her, moving his hands to rest on his hips.

“I… why do I even need this… what are you claiming me?” she asked him narrowing her eyes at him; he leaned on the wall not looking at her.

“Well what ever happened caused your shirt to rip. I thought you may need a new one… or I can take it back and you can run around topless?” he asked her with a smirk peeking back at her slightly, motioning to the shirt he gave her. Rune looked down at the shirt as her face began to burn and she scowled at him before turning from him and slipping it on. It was white and made of soft fabric, probably something he stole. To be honest it was like a gown on her but Azhar wasn’t a small man where she was.

“My name is Rune Ari.” She spoke as she buttoned up the shirt, turning back to face him. He nodded and moved over to sit on his bed and study her.

“My, my I have to say you are quite the woman Rune. Do me a favor though I am having a problem picturing you do you mind showing me the real you. I would like to meet my ship mate for the first time.” He said with a deviant smirk as he watched her. She took a deep breath and reach up to grab her hat and she threw it at him, he didn’t mind. He was more so intrigued with the woman that stood In front of him. Her hands reached up to pull the band from her hair and let it down shaking it out as it cascaded down her back in lavish waves. It stopped just above her thighs; it had grown since she boarded the ship a couple of months ago. He just stared at her before laughing.

“You do know that my men wont leave you be… not looking like that…” he said trailing off then thought for a second, his hand coming up to rub his chin.

“Wait I have an idea actually.” He said before lifting her and throwing her over his shoulder and walking out to the deck. All of his men suddenly surrounding him like vultures closing him in a circle. He narrowed his eyes at them and looked them over his hand moving up to purposely grab Rune’s butt, she jerked and growled at him.

“why you little… when I get my hands on you….” She hissed out quietly to him, he just smirked at her and squeezed it.

“The captain brought out the woman!” one called out, Rune tensed slightly and gripped the back of his shirt, shaking slightly. She honestly didn’t know what he was going to do let alone say to them, but what came out of his mouth shocked her and everyone on the ship.

“She is not to be touched. She may have deceived us but she is mine. I have claimed her, she is to stay in the cabin with me!” he shouted out to them resting his fist on his hip. The whole crew she swore groaned out and cursed under their breath.

“The captain gets all the women…” one grumbled kicking at the deck as they all turned to walk away. Azhar turned to walk back to the wheelhouse again.

“Tch yours my ass, get your hands off me.” she snapped out kicking her legs, he walked into his room and shut the door before dropping her into his chair at his desk. He chuckled slightly and leaned down to get in her face, gripping it to make her look at him.

“Did you want to fend for yourself? I could just throw you out in the deck again and take my shirt back.” He said to her, she snatched her face away from him and snarled her lip at him. Azhar straightened up and looked down at her.

“Think of it as an order of protection, it made them leave you alone didn’t it?” she said to her all she did was grunt in response and cross her arms.

“That means I am to stay in this place with you?” she asked him in an irritated fashion, he returned it with a small nod.

“but how am I going to “earn my keep” if I stay in here with you.” She asked him narrowing her eyes at him and pulling her knees up to her chest.

“Ah so feisty… I cant get a thank you?” he said shaking his head and clicking his tongue before he moved over to his desk to look through it for something.

“You will still do some when things calm down probably double but you will have to follow me around. I admit that it’s amusing that you are more worried about your duties then your wellbeing Rune.” He said to her turning his head slightly. Her mouth opened to say something but nothing came out as she was froze in thought. Well this was her home, the closest thing she has had, in her mind she had to keep up in it.

“So in a sense I will be like an assistant?” she asked him in a sassy tone, he shook his head and went to flop down on his bed. His black hair messy but still looked kept on him, at this time rested a little bit more below his shoulders. He glanced over at her with the blue eyes that seemed to bore into her skull.

“More like tumor honestly. A prisoner for safe keeping, you will do as I say and follow me around. Unless of course back to my men, one wrong move and you will have to fend for yourself.” He said in a nonchalant tone. She grunted at him again and leaned back into the large velvet chair she had been sitting in.

“Then that means I am to share a room with you too?” she asked him, he chuckled quite amused with her twenty questions. He slipped his shirt off and held his tongue to make her squirm slightly before letting fall off the side of the bed, looking at her.

“I don’t have anywhere else for you to stay… Where did that bright crew mate I had… oh that’s right. Ayo doesn’t exist now does he? You can sleep in my chair or on the floor little girl. Remember I am doing you a favor so you better watch your tongue with me before I get “bored” of you.” He said with a serious tone as he pinched the flame on the candle, the whole room went dark. She grumbled slightly at him and snuggled into the chair, she ended up dozing off into a light sleep.

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