The Devil’s Reward: An Opposites Attract Romance (The Devil’s Soldiers)

The Devil’s Reward: Chapter 46

It’s time to switch from defence to offence.

I walk downstairs and ignore everyone to go and stand with Sniper, who is looking down at his phone. “Any news on when they’ll be here?” I ask him quietly.

“Hulk texted ten minutes ago and said they’re on the way, and Medic is with them to make sure there are no problems. Izzy and Kaleb are doing alright, Sage is in some pain but doing okay. Rose and Bullet are mostly quiet, so I don’t know if that’s a good sign or a bad one. I’m still not sure it’s a good idea for them to be here, especially with our mole still running around, but Bullet’s right that being at the hospital makes them even easier targets.”

“At least Medic has the med room,” I remind him. “It’s not ideal, but he’s prepared for pretty much everything.”

Sniper nods. “We need to make sure we only have those we can trust watching the women while we’re in Church. I don’t want to leave anything up to chance.”

I agree wholeheartedly. Especially since one of those women is mine, and the little girl I plan to claim as my own is with her. “Fuck, this is a fucking mess,” I sigh, leaning on the bar. With the three stooges gone, we’re down to only Kaleb, Carson, and Crypt. Considering that Carson is on the gate, that means there’s no one else around until Crypt gets back. And he’s probably tired as hell.

“You think Crypt will be up to watching the women while we’re in Church?” Sniper asks.

“He’ll do it even if he’s not. One good thing about him, brother, is that he and I know what it’s like to be exhausted but still needing to be at your post and ready for anything.”

“He’s going to make a damn good brother if he sticks around,” Sniper predicts. “But I don’t want to wear him out either. Until we have some more prospects, and Kaleb is up and running again, he and Carson are all we got.”

“You think we need to bring in some more people? Some allies?” I ask curiously.

Sniper’s lips thin at my suggestion. “The more people involved, the more chance that our mole will slip away. I’d like to say we can trust all our allies, but we have no idea if Dmitri has leaned on them too. I’d rather deal with this in-house, but it’s going to be up to Bullet. He’s awake and thinking clearly so he’s going to want to be in the driver’s seat, especially with Hammer being gone.”

The mention of Hammer makes my gut sour. “These bastards need to pay, Sniper.”

He nods. “And they will. I don’t know why they picked him to make an example of, but it doesn’t matter. They signed their death warrant.”

On that, we can agree. I know that when Bullet gets here, he’s going to be loaded for bear, and ready to get things moving. He and Hammer were friends, close as blood brothers could be without an actual blood tie, and this is gonna hit him hard when he’s done being pissed. Rose, too.

A noise outside has me moving to look out the window. “They’re here,” I say to Sniper as I watch an SUV and Crypt’s truck pull in, followed by everyone else on their bikes. I immediately head out the door. Medic climbs out of the SUV and goes to help Bullet out of the back seat. Sage stiffly climbs out of the front passenger seat, but King is right there to scoop her up and carry her inside. Torque gathers Izzy out of Crypt’s truck, and Kaleb slowly walks on his own, though I see Hulk not far behind him, ready to grab him if he stumbles.

“I don’t need help,” Bullet grunts irritably at Medic, pulling my attention back.

Medic ignores him as he assists him out, careful not to jar him while Stone comes up on his other side to take some of his weight. Bullet is far too pale for my liking, but Medic doesn’t look panicked so I have to assume that he’s not too worried. Or he’s just good at hiding it.

I move to the other side of the SUV and open the back passenger door to see Rose already taking off her seat belt. Her face is pinched in pain and I scowl at her. “Don’t even think about it, woman,” I tell her gruffly as I gently reach in and scoop her up in my arms.

“If I’d have known I would get this kind of treatment, I’d have run myself off the road a long time ago,” she jokes, her lips pulling up in a small, teasing smile, but from the pain in her eyes, I know it’s costing her.

I kick the door shut with my foot and follow the others in, careful not to jostle her too much. “Your man is going to kick my ass as soon as he’s up to it,” I tell her with a smirk. “And we both know that you only have to say so and you’d have every man in here rushing to help you.”

She chuckles and lays her head tiredly on my shoulder. “He won’t kick your ass if I ask him not to,” she protests tiredly.

“Don’t count on it, woman,” Bullet says just ahead of us, not even bothering to turn his head as Stone and Medic help him towards the room we’re using as an infirmary. “I don’t need a bed,” he snaps at Medic when he realizes where we’re heading. “I need to call Church.”

“Church can wait for tonight, or Sniper can run it,” Medic says easily. “You’ve just been discharged from the hospital, against medical advice, I might add, and I promised the doctors there I would take care of you. Part of that is you need to rest and let your body heal. I’ve even had the guys bring down a bigger bed so you and Rose can sleep in it together.”

When we walk in I realize that Medic is right, and that a queen-sized bed has been put against the far left wall. On the far right wall is another bed, though it’s a twin, not a queen. I move to the queen bed and lay Rose down gently on the left side, pulling the blankets around her carefully. Bullet grumbles, groans, and curses until he’s laying in the bed beside Rose, who’s already starting to fall asleep. He glances over at her, and the fight goes out of his face. “Church in the morning,” he says curtly before he wraps his arms around her and closes his eyes.

I can see the pain on their faces, but I don’t think any of us, even Medic, would dare suggest moving them apart. Instead, I turn and see King is laying on the twin bed with Sage, arms around her, both of them already starting to fall asleep. The dark circles under both their eyes are enough for me to know that they are exhausted.

“I’ll be in here watching them tonight,” Medic says quietly. “Sniper, can you stay here while I check on Izzy and Kaleb?”

Sniper nods and moves to stand by the wall between the beds. The rest of us follow Medic out, and he heads upstairs towards Torque and Izzy’s room. I look at Crypt, who is standing by the door, stone-faced, though I can see the tiredness around his eyes. “Go shower and get some sleep,” I order him.

He looks at me. “I’ll stand guard,” he says simply.

“Crypt,” I say firmly, needing him to understand that this isn’t a request, as much as I appreciate his efforts. “You are no good to us exhausted. That’s an order.”

He gives me a cool look. “I’m not under your command anymore, Sergeant,” he responds.

I give him a cool look in return. “No, you’re not,” I agree. “But you are a Prospect in this club and that means that if any patched brother gives you an order, you do it, no questions asked.” He doesn’t move, just stares at me, and I don’t back down, holding his gaze. “You have been on guard for almost twenty-four hours, if not more, Crypt. It’s going to be a long couple of days ahead, and I need you to make sure you are at your best. Got me?”

After another long moment, he finally inclines his head, steps around me, and heads upstairs. I watch him go, admiration filling me. He’s going to make a damn good brother, and I intend to make sure he sticks around.

“I need to go retrieve our neighborhood pain in the ass and her two hellhounds,” Stone says behind me, making me turn and look at him in surprise.

“I thought she’d already be here,” I reply with a frown.

“You really think that woman is going to do what we say?” Stone drawls. “She flat out refused and told me if I try and make her, she’ll sic the dogs on me.”

“And you’re going to risk that to bring her here?” I ask in surprise.

He firms his jaw and his eyes take on that stubborn glint that reminds me so much of Rose. “I’ll risk a dog bite to make Sage and Mom happy. They don’t want her in danger.”

I bite back a smile. I have a feeling that those two aren’t the only ones that don’t want her in harm’s way, but from the way Stone is on edge, if I poke at him, he’s likely to take a swing at me. “Alright. Let me know if you need back-up.”

He gives a brisk nod, turns on his heel and stalks out, shoulders set in determination. I make a mental note to let Medic know to have some bandages and shit ready. I wouldn’t put it past the redhead to have the dogs chew on Stone to make a point.

“I’ll stand guard at the door,” Frost says, moving around me. “Bowie will relieve me in a few hours.”

I nod at him gratefully. “Thanks, brother.”

“This shit is pissing me off,” Frost says, though there’s no inflection in his voice. “About time to go on the offensive instead of the defensive.”

“You and me both,” I agree. “I’m going to make sure we’re secure and Carson is good at the gate before I turn in.”

Frost nods and takes up position just outside the door. He looks like he’s relaxing on the small couch we set up there, but I know better. The man is ready to spring into action at the least provocation. It’s probably ridiculous to have such precautions going in our own house, but until we find the mole, we won’t be taking any chances.

I head outside and down to the gate, listening carefully as I go. The trees are great protection from prying eyes, but when it comes to this situation, I almost wish we had chopped them down. It’s far too easy for someone to be hiding in there.

When I reach the gate, Carson turns to me, face serious. “Everything alright?” he asks me.

“We’re good,” I assure him. “Came to make sure that you’re good. I know you’re going to be pulling more weight now that Kaleb is out of commission.”

Carson shrugs. “He did the same for me when I was shot. And Crypt is here, and he’s one scary son of a bitch, so I doubt anyone will try and get through him.”

I smile slightly. “Yeah, you learn to be scary in our line of work. He’s going to take a much-needed rest, and then I’ll have him come and relieve you. Though if shit goes down, I need to let you know that with Crypt’s training, we may need to call him up to help.”

He nods and says seriously, “I’d rather him be up with you, honestly. I know I don’t have the training he does, and I like to think I can hold my own, but if it comes to fighting off the bad guys, I’d want him at my back.”

I nod. “You’re a good kid, Carson, and you’ll make a damn good brother with that attitude.” He doesn’t react to my words. “Sniper let you know that the other three are gone?”

He nods. “Good riddance. They were lazy and never did shit if they weren’t told to and someone was watching them. Kaleb and Crypt are solid, though I don’t know Crypt all that well.”

“He’s a private person,” I acknowledge, “but I’ve worked with him in the Forces. I know he’s good at what he does and he’ll have your back.” I clap him on the shoulder. “I have my phone on me if there are any problems. And just a heads up that Stone should be back soon with one very pissed-off redhead and her two hellhounds.”

Carson gives me a droll look. “Should I get the body cast ready? I think I can sneak one out from Medic. Stone being out of commission might be a pain in the ass, but better him than me if I get in their way.”

I chuckle. The kid is a smart ass. “Nah, probably best just to run for cover,” I joke. Then I head back up to the clubhouse where everyone has mostly dispersed and gone to bed.

It’s been a long damn night, and while we all want to honor Hammer, we know it has to wait. There will be plenty of time for that tomorrow. Most of us are running on fumes and we need to be in top form for what’s coming.

I move to head up the stairs, but stop when I hear the sound of a car and bike approaching. On second thought, I better stick around to make sure there’s no bloodshed.

I turn and wait until Syn finally storms inside, her dogs at her heels, with Stone following behind her. Both are wearing angry expressions, and the tension between the two of them is thick enough to cut with a knife. I bite back a grin. “Hey, Syn,” I say easily.

“Don’t hey me,” Syn snaps, face flushing. “You need to tell me what room I’m in, and then all of you damn bikers need to stay the hell out of my face for a few hours until I calm down, or you’ll all become chew toys. Who the hell do you think you are, forcing me to come here? Like I’m so defenceless that I can’t protect myself?”

“Would you shut the hell up and go to bed, woman?” Stone snaps, clearly at his wit’s end. I take a subtle step back out of the line of fire when Syn whips around to face him, both dogs quickly doing the same and staring at Stone like he’s enemy number one. They’re not snarling, but there’s no mistaking their aggressive stance as they feed off their mistress’s anger.

“Don’t tell me what to do, asshole,” she snarls at Stone, advancing slowly. Stone holds his ground, and I have to wonder if he has balls of steel or mush for brains because he doesn’t even flinch when she’s only feet away, both dogs eyeing him closely. “You barged into my home not once, but twice today, demanding that I come here so you can ‘protect me’. Bull shit. You think I’m a cop in disguise coming to rat you out. The only reason I am here is because Sage is here. Do not think you’ve won by getting me inside your clubhouse. As soon as this threat is gone, I’m out of here.”

“Fine by me,” he snaps back. “I’m doing what I have to do to keep the people that are associated with us safe. That includes you. But while you’re under this roof, you’ll follow orders, got it?” The idiot must have a death wish.

“I won’t take orders from you, Stone,” she tells him frigidly. “Not now, not ever. I’m here out of courtesy, and you and your little boy’s club can kiss my ass if you think you’re going to demand my obedience.”

“What are you going to do, sic your dogs on me?” he sneers.

“Are you dumb? We’ve been through this already. Today, in fact. I don’t need my dogs to do dirty work for me, Stone,” she hisses. “I’m perfectly capable of taking you out myself. And I can make it hurt just as much.”

He smirks at her. “I told you if you wanted to take me out, honey, all you had to do was say so.”

I wince because even I can see he’s poking the bear. Maybe I will need that full-body cast tonight after all.

Instead of attacking him, or letting the dogs do it, Syn glares at him, turns on her heel, and stalks up the stairs. “She know where she’s going?” I ask Stone when she’s out of sight.

“Told her she was in the same room as before,” Stone sighs, running a hand through his hair.

“You’re playing with fire, brother,” I warn him.

He shrugs, unfazed. “Not like I haven’t before. I’m going to get some sleep.” Then he walks past me and up the stairs.

I shake my head, turn out the lights and head up myself. I make my way down to my room, nodding at Viper in thanks when he moves from his place by the wall and retreats towards the stairs, clapping me on the shoulder as he walks by.

I walk into my room, shutting and locking the door behind me. Neither Quinn nor Macy stir, and I see that Quinn is holding on to Macy, even in sleep. There’s room in the bed for me, but I don’t move towards it. I need the space, and I need to think here in the quiet.

Our mole is behind the crash that almost killed Bullet, Kaleb, and the women, but is he behind Hammer’s death? Why Hammer? What about him made him a target? There are so many questions, and I need them answered, fast.

I grab the small pad of paper on the nightstand, and I start making a list.

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