The Demon's Claim [House of Arcane #2]

Chapter 18: The Attack

Logan O’Sullivan’s POV

I was breathing hard as I was trying to concentrate and manifested my power. Enough power to contact my cousin Ophelia. I can hear her thoughts before I was disturbing her.

“Lia, can you hear me?”

“Logan? Where are you? We have missed you and you certainly missed Connor’s wedding,” she said before I smiled. I see. So my cousin has managed to get his soulmate after all. Good for him, then.

“I don’t have long. I have to tell you that I need your help. Find me in the Underworld for Nora was being kidnapped by Ezekiel and I wanted you to come and rescue her. I don’t have my powers yet for I am not the Lord of the Underworld anymore,” I said as I was feeling an ache inside me. I cannot believe that I have to ask for my mortal cousin to help me out from the sticky situation.

“But Logan, you are the rightful heir and your power has always been—“

“I have to go now. I need you to find her, Lia. I’m counting on you,” I said before the mind link disconnected as I was gasping for air. I heaved out my stomach’s content as I was feeling a little bit dizzy as I was laying on the ground. I can see the lights now. It’s coming for me.

Will I be dead before I can confess to Nora? It would seem so for I am drowning in the abyss of darkness as I closed my eyes.


I was floating before I was looking around. There was no sign of life or anything. I was in the VOID, a pitch black darkness with nothing in sight. So, this is the VOID that Clive and Abigail told me.

Well, at least I know about them now.

I was swimming around before I saw a flicker of light was coming at me. I was blinking my eyes for it was the only light that was inside the darkness. I went for it before it ran away. I blinked and suddenly, my father, Satan himself, was in front of me with his huge body and attires.

‘I see that you are killing yourself from the inside, my son,’ he said as I was looking at his eyes. His red eyes. Ezekiel got the green eyes from our mother.

‘Why do you make my powers gone?’ I asked him as he arched his eyebrow at me. he circled me before I was looking at him.

‘I did not, my son,’

‘Do not my son, you are not qualified to call me that for you are a terrible father,’ I hissed at Satan before he laughed. He fucking laughed when I was being rude to him. he never did that when he was in the Underworld.

‘Why are you here anyway?’ I asked him as Satan was looking at me. he smiled before he was sighing.

‘Well, it looks like you’re disheveled when your brother took your kingdom,’ he said before I scoffed. I crossed my arms in front of my chest as I was rolling my eyes.

‘Yeah, and he did a terrible job at it,’ I said before Satan chuckled.

‘Is he though? Or was it because you have neglected it when you were playing around with your Cornelia, Samael?’ he asked me before I snapped my head to him.

‘Do not call me that,’

‘But that is your name,’

‘Not anymore when you tossed me into the Underworld and make me a Lord. My name is Lucifer now,’ I said as I was looking at my father. He tilted his head to the right before he was coming closer to me.

‘Do you want to know why I made you to be a Lord for 500 years ago, Luc?’ he asked me as I was looking at his handsome face. Even when in the VOID, my father has always been the catcher of the ladies with his wealth and good looks.

I don’t even know how he managed to get my mother who was the opposite of my father. Opposites attracted, I guess.

‘No, I don’t and I don’t want to know for I am done playing that,’ I said as I was turning away from my father. He sighed before he was putting his hands on my shoulders.

‘You are the first born of my line and I know that you want to rule a kingdom was the last thing on your mind. But you have to think about it for it is in your blood. It is your rightful birth and to think that Ezekiel would ever can be a comparison for you was a stupid guess,’ my father said before I was looking at him. I arched my eyebrows.

‘You don’t trust Ezekiel to be ruling the Underworld?’ I asked him before he smiled.

‘Ezekiel was…different and he will find his fate soon for he has found it. Just don’t want to acknowledge it yet,’ my father said before his lights were fading away.


‘Remember your birthright son, and everything will be at the palm of your hands,’ my father’s last words went through me as I was leaving the VOID before I was opening my eyes and I was looking at the peculiar eyes of my cousin’s.

‘Thank goodness, you’re awake. I thought I have been too late,’ Lia said before I was looking around. I was not in the cell anymore and I was feeling something different. Something that has been forgotten for a long time now has been awakened inside me.

‘Logan? Are you okay?’ Lia asked me before I was looking at her. I felt my powers were coursing through me before I was standing up and I changed my attires.

With my mind.

‘Hmm, it seems to me that you have fully awakened, my lord,’ familiar voice was hitting my eardrums before I was looking at Clive. He was leaning against the walls before he smirked at me.

‘And it feels good to be back, Thompson. It really is,’ I said as I went to shake hands with him before Lia was looking at me.

‘How are we going to rescue Nora? She has been declared as the new Queen of the Underworld to Ezekiel,’ Lia said before I smirked.

‘Well, it’s a good thing that I have ruled it for 500 years. Nothing that I don’t know about the kingdom’s laws and how I can find a loophole in that declaration,’ I said as I drew the Portal. I was looking at Clive before I nodded at him.

‘Thank you for your service,’ I said before he waved his hand dismissively.

‘What’s between family?’ he said before I smiled. I took Lia’s hand and walked through the portal for I have a wife to be saved.

I am coming for you, Nora. Hold on.

Nora McCarthy’s POV

I pushed Ezekiel away as I was wiping my lips. I cannot believe that I ever kissed Logan’s brother. Let alone my brother-in-law.

‘You’re sick, Ezekiel. You cannot marry me. I am married to your brother,’ I said as I was looking at him. He smirked at me.

‘Well, you married him in the Mortal realm which means that you only wedded there. In this world, you are a free woman and I have claimed you to be mine forever,’ he said before I was pushing him away from me. I was praying that I will get away from this freak before I sensed a dark force behind us.

I turned to look and I was shocked to see that Logan and Lia were coming through it. Wait, where did they came from and what the thing that was floating behind them?

Was I dreaming right now?

‘Hello, Ezekiel. I see that you are trying to grope my wife,’ Logan’s husky voice sent shivers through my body as I was looking at his black hair and turquoise eyes. He was back to normal for I don’t think I dug the blonde mane and ruby eyes.

I was more for turquoise eyes, to be honest.

‘Lucifer. I see that you made a few changes to your features. I wondered why,’ Ezekiel said as Logan snapped his eyes to his brother.

‘Step away from my wife or there will be consequences,’ he said before Ezekiel was gripping my waist as I shrieked.


‘Logan!’ I shouted before Ezekiel was sprouting wings from behind him. He flapped it and we were airborne.

What the fuck was happening here?!

‘Logan, help!’ I shouted as Ezekiel was laughing maniacally. His features changed. He was bigger and more muscular now for his eyes were red rubies. Gone any trace of green orbs from before.

‘Even if you did change your appearance, brother, I am more powerful now. I am the Lord of the Underworld,’ Ezekiel said but Logan was arching his eyebrow.

‘Really? Then I supposed you don’t mind I did this, right, brother?’ my husband said before he snapped his fingers and suddenly Ezekiel was normal again. No more wings as he landed at the place where he stood before.

‘What—How—what have you done?’ Ezekiel asked Logan before he snapped his fingers again and I was in my husband’s arms.

‘This, Ezekiel,’ he said as he was looking at his brother before he smiled, ‘is my true power,’ he said before he snapped again his fingers and Ezekiel was gone.

Without a trace.

I turned to look at my husband as Logan was looking at me. I was breathing hard before I gripped his nape and kissed him. He kissed me back.

And suddenly, my mind was like being hit by a thousand bullets as I was screaming at the top of my lungs.

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