The Demon's Claim [House of Arcane #2]

Chapter 17: The Ceremony

Nora McCarthy’s POV

I was snuggling against the warm chest of my husband as I was sighing in content. I don’t think last night was something that I ever experienced with anyone. I was lucky enough to have Logan to be my husband.


‘What are you thinking about, my love?’ his husky voice was something that I would love to listen to whenever I woke up early in the morning. I smiled before I was looking into his ruby red eyes. I was still getting used to it for I missed the turquoise eyes more.

‘Hmm, just about stuff,’ I said as I was playing with his chest. His smooth hard chest that was hard to be ignored when I was sleeping on them. Logan got up before he pulled me against his warmth and I snuggled even more.

‘So, you don’t want to tell me what’s on your mind then?’ he asked me before I was laying underneath him again. I smiled as Logan was smirking at me.

‘Then, I think we have something else to do, love,’ he said before he was kissing my chest as I was arching my back. I was gripping his hair before Logan was showing his love to my breasts as he sucked and licked my hardened nipples.

‘Logan,’ I moaned his name before he was spreading me again, my core was wet as I was hearing his husky voice and expert seduction played by his hands. It was undeniable that I was lost in this game that we played and Logan was the one that will be the winner.


‘Nora,’ he whispered before he slammed into my core, I gasped for air before I pulled his nape to kiss him on the lips. Logan groaned before he was pumping in and out of my core as I was wrapping my legs around his torso.

This is bliss, this is eternal paradise. Of me and Logan. Forever.

I moaned in the kiss as Logan was thrusting in and out of me , slowly as if he was conveying his feelings into this joining. I was clawing his back as well as I was arching my back so that my nipples will graze his hard chest as I was breaking the kiss.

‘Logan,’ I whispered his name as he was thrusting even more deeper, stronger and faster. My husband was increasing the tempo as I was matching his rhythm. I was looking into his handsome face with the blonde mane and ruby eyes, I cannot think of anyone that will be worthy of my love than my own husband.

My lover.

My life.

‘I love you,’ I said in Russian before Logan grunted and spasm on top of me as I felt my walls were clenching around his cock as I was gripping his hair like a tight vine. I was gasping for air before I saw stars as I sensed Logan spewed his hot load into mine. I smiled as I was dreaming that we will be free and this place was a dream after all.

After that morning workout, I slept again as Logan had exhausted me for months. I was not complaining though for I am with him all the way and he will keep me safe and warm as I was hugging his clothes that he put on me. Logan smiled as he was kissing my forehead before I snuggled even more. Then, I felt asleep.

And that’s when things got rough for both of us.

Logan O’Sullivan’s POV

I was sleeping against the walls as I was content right now with my wife, Nora, by my side. I know now that she was Cornelia and I think Ezekiel will never find that out. Or perhaps he did for I was looking at him right now where he was holding me with his powers as I was looking at my sleeping wife.

‘You will pay for this, brother. She was not the one,’ I shouted as Nora was stirring. I hoped that she would wake up but my brother just laughed at me.

‘Oh? Are you sure about that, brother?’ Ezekiel said as he was caressing Nora’s face. He turned to smirk at me before he tilted his head to the left.

‘You already knew, don’t you, brother? That’s why you are so eager to be by her side when I know for a fact that you don’t love her as Nora but Cornelia’s reincarnation,’ Ezekiel said as he was tracing his thumb on my wife’s lower lips.

‘Poor Nora,’ he said as his green eyes were staring at me. ‘She must be disappointed that her husband loves someone else, the whole time when you were making love to her,’ Ezekiel said as his eyes twinkling with lights. I gripped my hands into fists as I was struggling against the invisible ropes to get out of there.

‘You will be the last person to touch her and I swear on our father’s grave that you will regret you ever touch her, Ezekiel,’ I snarled at him before Ezekiel smirked.

‘I am counting on it, brother. For your power is not yet return and you are an outcast in your own castle,’ Ezekiel said before he was snapping his fingers and instructed the guards to carry Nora somewhere else. Ezekiel got out of my cell before he turned the bar and keys on again as I was landed on the floor.

‘Your wife will be my Queen and this will end now for once and all, brother. You thought you defeated me before,’ Ezekiel said before he was chuckling lowly. He stepped slowly into the shadows to blend in.

‘But I think you need to think again for I am a very patient man to get what I want,’ his green eyes flashes in the dark before it disappeared completely.

Ezekiel was gone and I was trapped in the stupid cell to prevent anything happened to my Nora.

I gripped my cell before I was kicking it. I was screaming and shouting indecent words to the winds as I was sliding down the walls, weeping for my lost.

My castle.

My home.

My Nora.

And right now, I was nothing more than a commoner because my powers were gone without my Cornelia.

Nora McCarthy’s POV

I was breathing hard before I was opening my eyes. I was in a different room before I was sitting up from the fluffiest bed that I ever slept in. I turned around to look for Logan but he was nowhere to be found.

‘Logan?’ I called for my husband as I slid out of the covers. Then, the door was opened and the maids as I assumed from their clothes were coming in and circling me before I can say anything.


They were efficient to say the least for my nightgown, the one that I don’t even remember that I was wearing, was torn off from my body as I was being pampered and prepped for something else. They ushered me to the copper bathtub as I was slipping into the lukewarm water. I was sighing before they were scrubbing my skin and I was stunned to do anything.

After that, I was being dried off before I was being dressed with extravagant laces and silks. I don’t know what was the special occasion as they were putting on the jewelries and all that stuff before I can say anything.

Then, they were out and escorted me to the door before I saw someone that I never expected before.

Logan with his charming smile.

‘Are you ready to be presented to your kingdom, love?’ his voice was the same but there was something else that was missing.

Something that gave ache to my heart but this person, who seemed to look like Logan, did not have. I smiled as I took his elbow before we were walking out of the room to the place that he wished for me to be.

‘Where are we going, husband?’ I asked him, afraid to use the name for I know deep down in my heart that this person was not my husband.

Not my Logan.

He smiled, the imposter before I was standing in front of the huge oak doors as I was looking at them. The guards opened it and I was looking at the mountains and the lush forests that spread out from here.

‘Wow!’ I said as I was gripping the rail of the balcony before I heard something down there. I was looking at the weird looking people with weird costumes like it was Halloween. I turned to look at the imposter before he was putting his hand on my lower back.

It was wrong, everything was wrong and before I knew it, the imposter was introducing to the world that I am his new Queen of the Underworld. I blinked my eyes to the man who was looking like Logan.

‘Underworld? What do you mean, Underworld?’ I asked him before Logan’s imposter turned to look at me.

And smiled as his features changed and the real him showed up.

The black hair.

The green eyes.

That wicked smile.

‘Ezekiel,’ I whispered before Logan’s brother smirked at me.

‘It means that you are now my wife and Queen for Logan has abandoned you and you will be stuck here with me forever, Cornelia love,’ he said as he was pulling me by the waist before he dipped his face and kissed me.

Kissed me on the lips!

What the hell just happened?

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