The Demon Lord's Lover

Chapter 6

I swallow hard, just standing there frozen. Holy shit. Hotness alert! I chuckle awkwardly. “S-So if you want me to stay, I need something to wear. I can’t just stay in these clothes.”

Dante is still staring at me, specifically my lips, and my breath quickens. “You can wear my shirts or nothing at all; I don’t mind.” He steps towards me, and I quickly back up until my back finds a wall. “O-or we can swing by my house and get some clothes.”

He moves closer, puts an arm on either side of me, and blocks me in; he is dangerously close. “We can, but I don’t want to go anywhere right now.” He looks down at me; he is just a breath away from my lips.

“Then w-what should we do? And can you please back up? You are too close; stop teasing me.” He smirks. “You want me to stop teasing you, Naila?” I nod. “I can’t hear you.” You’re looking right at me and saw me shake my head; stop making this hard.

“Yes, I want you to s-stop teasing, me.” Instead of stepping away as I thought he would, Dante leaned in and kissed me, a gentle soft kiss. I closed my eyes and sighed into his kiss, slowly wrapping my arms around him.

He stiffened at my actions but then continued to kiss me. His tongue seeking permission to enter my mouth, I gave his tongue the access it needed, and his tongue went to work in my mouth. Swirling, thrusting, and caressing, his tongue was on a mission to take residence in my mouth. I moaned softly, letting my tongue dance with his. Something about his kiss made my body feel alive and hot, so very, very hot.

After a few minutes of our tongues wrestling in each other’s mouth, we pull apart. I was panting and very much turned on. I couldn’t even look at Dante. I knew if I looked at him, I jump his bones in a heartbeat; I was still reeling from that heated kiss. I didn’t realize he was talking to me until I heard him chuckle.

He just grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to a room right next to his own. “This will be your room, and you can find everything you need in there, toiletries, clothes and all that. You know where the bathroom is; the towels are in the closet, okay?” I stare at him and nod.

My heart was going into overdrive cause I could see that he was just as hot and bothered as I was, and it made me want him more. Dante placed a strand of hair behind my hair. “I’ll be in my room; now go take your shower before I lose all the control I have left.” Then he went into his room and locked the door.

Why would he do that? He is the one who came onto me! I go into the room; it was a huge bedroom with a walk-in closet filled with clothes. I walked over to the dresser and looked at the display of various lotions, body wash, perfumes, and makeup.

I opened one of the top drawers and immediately blushed; lace bras and panties of different styles and colors filled the drawer. “How on earth did he know my size?” The other draw consisted of casual clothes and sleepwear, which in my opinion, was a bit too sexual. I walked into the closet and was greeted with designer clothes and shoes.

“I don’t even know half these brands, but I can tell they are expensive.” I head back to the dresser to find something to wear for after my shower that isn’t too revealing and comfortable. I can’t do much about the underwear; grabbing what I need, I head to the bathroom.

After a long and well-deserved shower, I stand outside his bedroom door and knock softly. I hear shuffling, and soon after the door opens, a breathless, sweaty, and shirtless Dante. I wonder what he was doing behind that door. My jaw drops to the ground, and my stomach does that weird tumble thing. I can feel my cheeks heating up, and I quickly turn around.

“I was just going to say goodnight. I am so sorry to bother you.” Dante chuckles then I hear rustling. “You can turn around; I was just finishing up my workout.” I slowly turned to see that he had put a shirt on. He was eyeing me from head to toe. I was wearing pajama pants with an oversized T-shirt; I wanted to look as comfy as possible.

“Uhm, how did you know my size in well uh everything?” Dante walked into his room and grabbed some clothes, then shrugged. “Lucky guess, if you are heading to bed, then goodnight. Let me know if you need anything at all.” He kissed my cheek then winked before heading off to the bathroom. “He is such a tease,” I mumbled to myself before heading to bed and passing out.

The following day I woke up pretty early and got ready. By the time I was downstairs, Dante had already made breakfast and had my latte ready. “Good morning; oh wow, you didn’t have to make all this. I could have done it for you. I mean, it’s the least I can do since, well, you know….”

When I see Dante in a navy blue suit with his hair slicked back, my sentence trails off. He turned to face me, and I see a smile creep on his lips. His eyes are so hypnotizing I feel like I could just lose me in them.

He picks up my latte and hands it to me. “Here, sit down and eat. I’ve got some time before I go to work. There is something I wanted to talk to you about.” I sit down and take the latte from him. Scrambled eggs with cheese, toast, and turkey bacon are presented in front of me.

“Thank you,” I say softly and take a sip of my latte. Ahh, this tastes like heaven. I let out a soft moan then quickly cough to cover it up. “I will be having someone watch the house for me while I am gone. His name is Marco, one of my comrades, and I’ll introduce you before I head to….”

I was also moaning as I was eating because Dante gave me a heated gaze filled with lust. I swallow and drink some more of my latte to wash it down. “I am sorry I was listening to you. You are such a great cook; this food is delicious. I couldn’t help myself.” Dante walked over to me, and without saying anything, he took his finger and swiped the corner of my mouth, and licked it seductively.

“You had something there.” My mouth went dry, and I am pretty sure my panties were wet. “D-did you get it?” I asked softly. Dante shook his head. “I think I missed a spot.” Before I could react, his lips crashed into mine as he hungrily kissed me.

His tongue swept my lips, and I parted them as I moaned. Dante took that chance to slide his tongue in my mouth and deepened the kiss. I gripped his suit jacket and danced my tongue with his. A couple of breaths later, he pulls apart slightly.

“Naila, I swear you’re going to drive me crazy. Just what exactly are you doing to me?” I panted, still holding onto him, and realized that I might have wrinkled his jacket. So I rubbed my hands to try and smooth it out, but Dante gripped them, stopping me.

“Please stop, I don’t have much control, and if I lose it, I won’t be going to work for a few days.” He let go of my wrists and turned started adjusting himself. Wow, he is HUGE. I rubbed my legs together in my seat as I down on my latte, trying to calm my arousal.

I help wash the dishes, then went into the living room and waiting with Dante for his friend to arrive. “So what should I know about this friend of yours? Can he be trusted? Also, what about my job? I never said I was going to quit.”

Dante sighed. “I called your job and told them that you would no longer be going in, so you don’t have to worry-.” I glared at him. “You did what?! Why would you do that? I would have been fine.” He stood up and held my shoulders, his expression unreadable.

“No, you wouldn’t have been fine; he found out where you worked, Naila. That’s why I was there that night. If I hadn’t gotten the tip about it, who knows where you would be now?” I gasp and sit down; he sits next to me and holds my hand.

“I had no idea; I just thought we met by chance. Have you been watching me?” Dante looked away. “It was only that one time that I had to make sure you were okay. Before you got off work, Draco had his men watch the building, and I think some of them were even inside. They were waiting for you to be off so that they can ambush you. But I guess when they saw me, they retreated.”

He gently strokes my hand. “How did you know how I looked? Who told you where to find me?” I began to feel uneasy. “I am sorry, Naila, I cannot tell you that. I don’t ask who my informants are.” He looked at me, trying to read my face.

“Are you upset?” I shook my head. Dante exhales hard and cups my face. “You can trust me, Naila.” I slowly turn my face away. “Marco will be here soon anyway.” He gets up and heads to his room. He seemed upset. I pull my phone out and text Amber updating her on the current situation.

(If he is as hot as you say he is, go for it. You can’t be a virgin all your life.) I sigh and put my phone away when I hear the doorbell ring.

Dante goes to open the door, and comes a tall, muscular man with long black hair and green eyes that immediately fall on me. He smiles. Creepy. I get up and stand beside Dante to greet him. “Hello, my name is Marco.

I am sure Dante has told you about me?” He puts a hand out for me to shake. I cautiously take his hand and shake it. “My name is Naila, and he spoke briefly of you.” His skin is so cold to the touch. Marcos’s eyes stayed on me as if he was trying to read my mind.

I tried to keep my face as straight and unphased as possible. “Well, I will be off to work; I will be back soon. I have to take care of a few meetings, so I shouldn’t be gone too long. Marco, if you lay a finger on her, I will kill you.”

He then turns to me. “Call me if you need anything.” And with that, he left, no goodbye or anything. I sigh and head to my room, ignoring Marco. Maybe he was just teasing me. I lay on the bed and try to figure out what I will do for the remainder of my time here.

After what seemed to be a very short nap, I went down into the kitchen to get a snack and something to drink. “Hey beautiful, did you have a nice nap?” I turned to the voice, forgetting that Marco was here to watch me. “Oh, it’s just you, and yes, I had a nice nap.”

I open the fridge and grab some water. Marco walks up to me. “You should lock your doors when you are asleep and vulnerable. You never know what could happen.” He smirks at me, his eyes darkening as he stares at my chest. Ugh, he is acting creepy. I started toward the hallway to head back to my room.

“Do you know what time Dante will be returning?” He walked towards me. “Nope, he didn’t specify what time he was going to be back; it could be an hour, or two, or three. I have no idea.” He licked his lips. “Oh, okay, then I’ll just head back to my room and wait for him to return.”

I quickly turn and nearly run to my room. I can hear Marco cackling from downstairs. Cautiously, I pull my phone out and call Dante.

(Hello Miss Naila, how can I help you?) Just hearing his voice calmed me a bit.

“Uh, hey Dante, what time do you think you would be coming back?” He was quiet for a bit.

( I am almost done with this last meeting, is everything okay?)

Should I tell him bout Marco? Nah. He was probably just playing, but then again, he seemed pretty serious.

“Ah, everything is fine.” It’s not. “I just wanted to ask if you wanted me to make you dinner or something?” I hear him sigh.

(Actually, I think I might be a bit. You can have dinner without me. Something just came up, I’ll see you later)

He hung up. I sigh and lay back on my bed. Knock knock. I sit up and go to the door and open it. Marco is standing outside my room, smirking. “Are you hungry? Want to go out and get something to eat? Hmm, let’s say Euphoria?”

I back up in my room. “No thanks, I was just going to cook. Dante said he would be back soon.” Marco walks into my room and closes the door behind him, locking it. “Oh, is that so? I thought I just heard him say he got held up. Are you lying to me?” He stepped closer to me.

I had my phone in my hand. Still, I backed up slowly while hitting the re-dial button. I then sat back on the bed and snuck my phone under the blanket. “Are you lying to me, Naila?”

I shook my head no, and I am not; he said he was going to be home because he nearly finished with his last meeting.” Marco steps closer and closer to me. His eyes were super dark. He then got on the bed and pushed me down.

“Mm, you smell so good, Naila. It makes me want to eat you up.” Oh, please let Dante be on the other side of the phone. Please come get this guy away. Something is super wrong with him. Marco looks down at me and smiles, and I can see saliva drip off his fangs. Wait. Fangs?

My eyes widen in realization. “Marco, please get off of me. Dante is going to be upset if something happens to me.” He just snickers loudly. “I don’t think Dante cares about what is going to happen to you.

I mean, why else would he leave you here all alone with me. He knows your type is my weakness. I love a girl with delightful blood like yours.” He leans forward and licks my face.

I try to fight him, but he is too strong. I can feel his breath on my neck, cold and unwelcoming. I involuntarily shiver, “I like to see them writhe under me, especially in pain.” He opens his mouth and leans in, and I close my eyes. Dante, please help me!

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