The Demon Lord's Lover

Chapter 14

I have no words; I sit there digesting everything Dante just told me. He stands, patiently waiting for my response. “What do you want from me, Dante?” That was all I could say at the moment. As soon as he was about to respond, a door, I would assume, lead to the central kitchen, opens, and his maids bring out the breakfast.

A veggie omelet, turkey bacon, and strawberry crepes are placed in front of me. Wow, this looks so good. “Thank you.” I start to dig in. The maids leave us. “I already told you to want I wanted from you, back when we were at the cafe. I meant every word I said that day. I know I lied about some things, but I didn’t lie about that.” He finishes eating and washes his dishes. “When you’re finished eating, meet me in the backyard so that we can start training.”

Dante had me sit on the grass in the backyard while he placed something on my head; I was blindfolded, so I had no idea what it was. “Stay very still; I am going to try and move the flow of magic through you.” I do as he says.

He then touches my arm gently, moving his fingers up to my shoulders, then my chest, and back up and down my arms. He goes behind me and makes that same motion. I start to feel a tingling sensation over my body as he repeats this process.

“That’s it now. Focus on the feeling.” I try to focus on the feeling, the direction of the flow. Whatever he had on my head, he removed it. “Hold your hands out.”

I do as he says, and he places something in my hands. It feels soft, warm, and light; I can’t quite make out what it is. “Focus on the flow. Stop letting your mind wander.” I return my focus on the flow through my body. “Great, now stay like that for a little bit.” I hear him go inside.

After what seems like a long time, Dante returns. “Good stay just like that. You are doing very well for your first time.” I hear what seems to be typing. Is he working right now? Just how long do I have to stay like this? “Focus, Naila!” Dante calls to me, and I return to my focus. I maintain my concentration for what seems like forever. Finally, Dante returns to my side and takes off the blindfold.

It takes a while for my eyes to adjust to the light; I blink, trying to see what is in my hand, only to find out that it was a ball of fire just sitting in my hands. “Whoa.” He then takes the fire from me, and it disappears. “Well, you are progressing faster than I anticipated. Tomorrow, we will do the other elements.” I stretch, looking up at the sky, realizing the sun has already set. “I am starving.” He smiles and helps me up. “I’ve got some food in the house for you. Let’s go.”

After dinner, I take my shower and get ready for bed. As I am heading to my room, Dante is waiting for me. “Sleep in my room Naila.” He reaches for my hand, but I shake my head. “I am sorry, but I need some time to figure things out; I don’t think it would be wise for me to be near you intimately. I don’t even know if you are using me right now. Everything you told me this morning, I am still processing. I need some time alone.”

He thinks for a moment, then responds. “I don’t think that is a good idea.” Then he turns and goes into his bedroom. I go to mine and lay down, replaying what he told me at breakfast over and over again. The next few days consisted of me training to master all the elements. By the end of the week, I have finished the first part of the training. We are moving on to physical exercise.

Dante wants me to use my inner demon in a fight, but I am having problems bringing her out. I can only do that when we are intimate, and we haven’t done anything all week. “Maybe I need to piss you off. What would make you upset?”

Dante smiles sadistically and disappears. I blink, trying to figure out what he has in mind. Oh no. Before I know it, Dante appears, a distant look in his eyes, and he picks me up, leading me to the basement.

In the basement, I find Amber strapped to a chair; Dante turns to me, “Get as mad as you want, Naila.” He then kisses me roughly and backs away. He walks up to Amber and pulls a knife out.

“Dante, don’t use her, please.” I plead with him, but he doesn’t listen. Instead, he stabs her with the knife, she grunts in pain. I try to move but realize I am frozen on the spot. What the fuck did he do to me? He pulls the knife out of her and licks her blood. “Not even remotely close to as good as your blood, honey.”

His voice sounds detached like it belongs to someone else. Dante looks at me, and his eyes are a deep red. Fuck, that’s no longer the Dante I know; he is provoking me with his inner demon. Even though I know what Dante is doing, I can’t move; she won’t come out. Dante continues to torture Amber until she is unconscious, then he turns to me. “I guess I have to do something I will probably enjoy.”

A flicker of darkness flashed in his eyes. Then in one swift motion, he beheads Amber, her head rolls on the floor, blood shooting out of where her head once was. I let out a blood-curdling scream, and the next thing I know, my hands are around Dante’s neck, but I am not strong enough to take him, so he pins me to the wall.

“Yes, my dear Naila, channel that pain and use it.” He eggs me on. “Remember the feeling.” The next thing I know is Dante is covering my mouth with his own, and then everything fades to black.

When I wake up, I am in Dante’s bed; he is sitting at the end looking pretty damn ragged. “What the fuck? Where is Amber?” He turns to me, his eyes still as red as before. “She isn’t dead, unfortunately.” I breathe a sigh of relief.

“What is going on with your eyes?” He turns away, “Right now, I am in a lot of pain trying to keep him at bay.” I cock my head confused. “What?” He shakes his head. “Never mind, just come here.”

I go to him. He wraps his arms around me and inhales deeply; I can feel his nerves calming down. I let him embrace me, and we stay like this for a while. “How are you feeling now?” He shrugs, “Okay, I guess.”

I instantly pull away, as I am still mad at this man. “Where is Amber? I want to go see her.” He rolls his no longer red eyes. “Your bedroom, but she will be out for a while, weakling.” He scrunches his face.

I ignore him and go to see Amber. Relief and pain wash through me as I see her lying, attached to some sort of IV. “I am sorry.” I climb into the bed next to her and hold her hand. After a while, Dante comes into the room. His expression is annoyed.

“I have to go to the underworld for a moment; I’ll be back within an hour. I trust you won’t get in any trouble?” He frowns, looking at me cuddled up next to Amber. “Are you jealous or something?” He shakes his head and disappears.

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