The Demon Lord's Lover

Chapter 13

The color drained from my face, and it felt like dinner was going to make a second appearance. I didn’t know what to say to that. I just stood up and began to head out of the kitchen, but Dante stopped me. “What, no more questions? You don’t want to know why or how I did it?” He grips my wrist.

“This is why your little friend doesn’t want me near you.” He strokes my cheek. “This is why Marco wanted you for himself.” I try to pull away, but his hold on me remains. “Naila, what was one of the first things I told you? Didn’t I tell you I would never hurt and that I will always protect you?” I look at him; his eyes are still cold.

“Why aren’t you dead? I thought that if you killed your mate, you would die as well.” He runs his hand through his hair smiling sadistically. “I guess I lied.” I yank my hand away from him and slap him hard. “Don’t touch me, Dante. How do I know you weren’t lying about protecting me? What about my parents? What about the promise? How do I know that wasn’t all lies?” Tears start to fall from my eyes. Dante’s eyes widen from the slap, and he rubs his cheek.

“From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were my mate, not just any mate Naila. You are my True Mate; even if you weren’t my true mate, I don’t think I would be able to kill you anyway.” He wipes the tears from my cheeks, I try to push his hand away, but he pulls me into a hug.

“I scared you, didn’t I? I am sorry, baby; it’s a part of who I am. Sometimes I can’t turn it off. I’m not a good person at all. I am very dangerous, you really shouldn’t be with me, but you are the one person in this world that I want. I couldn’t let you go; I’m sorry, Naila, I am.” He strokes my head gently and lovingly.

Fuck, that is starting to make me feel better. I’m beginning to hate this mate bond thing. He picks me up and carries me to his room, and places me on the bed. He removes my dress, takes his shirt and pants off, climbs into bed with me, and cuddles me. “Just let it all out; I won’t hurt you, I promise.”

He holds me to his chest, and I start crying. I don’t know what will happen next, and I am not even sure why but I cry and cry and let it all out. A while later, Dante brings me a warm cloth to wipe my face. “Naila, you have to look at me.”

I shake my head, but he lifts my chin and stares directly into my eyes. His hazel eyes entrap me, and I feel like he is looking into my soul, or maybe I am trying to look into his soul; either way, we are staring at each other for who knows how long.

I lean in and kiss him; both of us are equally surprised at my actions. He returns my kiss with immense hunger as if he is pouring his feelings for me in the kiss, making all the doubts I had about him earlier on fade away.

“Naila, I’m so sorry.” He says in between kisses; Dante trails his kisses down to my neck and bites me. I moan out in pleasure, and he begins to drink my blood slowly; he growls as his teeth sink deeper, he holds me intimately—Dante drinks for a few more moments before pulling away.

“Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Do you feel dizzy? Can you sit up?” He starts firing questions. “I am okay; I don’t feel dizzy at all.” He sighs and cuddles me. “Good, go to sleep; you need your rest for tomorrow.” He kisses my forehead. Soon sleep embraces me. The following day I wake to hear him grunting. I sit up to see him doing some sit-ups on the floor. I sit and stare at him, he stops.

“You are distracting me, Naila.” I get out of bed and walk towards the door. “Fine, I’ll just leave, and good morning to you too.” Not waiting for a response, I leave and start my morning routine. A while later, I am in the kitchen looking for the ingredients to make my latte. That’s when I feel big arms wrap around my waist. His hair is dripping from his fresh shower. “Dante, you should dry your hair.”

I remove myself from his grasp. After last night I am still wary of him, so I begin to distance myself from him. He takes the towel from around his neck and dries his hair. “I’ll make it for you; make yourself comfortable. The chef will be making our breakfast.” He glances over at me, and I can see his cold eyes returned; he retreats to his room. I sit at the table on my phone. I decide to call amber.

(hey, how are you, nils?) I sigh.

“Amber, did you know about Dante?” She goes quiet for a moment.

(He told you, huh? I didn’t want to tell you about that. He is famous for that in the underworld.)

“Do you know why he did it? Am I even safe? Why would my father put me in his care?”

(If he hasn’t killed you yet, then I don’t think he will, he has never marked anyone before, so I think you are okay. It would be best if you asked him these questions. Apart from his good looks, Dante scares me. So I can’t say much; he won’t hesitate to kill me, you know.)

“He isn’t acting the same, he is colder towards me, but at the same time, he is super loving. I don’t know how to deal with it. But today, he said he is going to train me in patience, so I’ll get something out of this; ah, he also said I should invite you sometime to help with that as well.”

(As long as Master Dante allows it, I will come over. I’ll talk to you later; there is a sneaky vampire outside. Did he sent that bat to snoop on me?)

With that, she hangs up. I run my fingers through my hair and sigh loudly. Vampire? Soon after, Dante emerges wearing all black; his hair tousled every which way. He began to fix my latte the way I liked it and handed it to me.

“When I was younger, I found my first mate; I was stupid. I thought she loved me; I did everything for her. At that time, I didn’t even know there was such thing as a True Mate. I also didn’t know that she was using me for her True Mate. I told her everything, all about my family, your father."

"It turned out her True Mate was trying to become the Demon Lord, and they were trying to take the title from your father. I almost caused your father to be killed by some stupid kid in the royal family. When I found out that she was the one behind it, I lost it. I killed her, her family, his family, and then I went on a rampage, killing anyone that was my mate.

"So apart from you being my True Mate, you are also your father’s daughter, and I owe him for that time when I almost got him killed. He didn’t have to forgive me, but I pledged my loyalty to him and you.”

I inhale, taking in everything he just told me. “My rage drowned me in anger, and I became a different person. I was all for myself; everything I did was to benefit me. Even the title Demon Lord I did it all to obtain it, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t use your father; he came up with the idea said the underworld would respect me more if I held the title. And then I met you, little innocent, naive Naila, and I just wanted you to myself.” He passes his fingers through my hair. “I have to cherish you.”

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