The Demeter Twins - Hellhound Sequel

Chapter 13 ~ I Dozed Off Again

Paulina’s POV ~

We arrived home yesterday and today, I am heading to town.. I want to check on my house.. and possibly pack everything I want to keep with me at home. Home! For the first time, I realize it’s not a place.. it’s a feeling. My mates are my home.

After boxing up my few things, and packing most of my clothes.. I head to the diner. Bernie and Anna both hug me.. and Ernie, the line cook slaps my shoulder. They let me know they missed me.. and I am reminded why I hired them, again!

I called Bernie into my office “Bernie, how would you feel about managing the diner for me? I will turn everything over.. and you will be the boss. I, of course, will come in once a week, or so.. just to say hi and take care of whatever you need me to.”

She smiled and agreed immediately “You have made me so happy! This gives me focus.. Gives me purpose! Being without my mate has made it impossible for me to take pleasure in a lot of things.. but I love working here!” I hugged her and told her how proud I am of her.

I walked out of the office, just as I hear Anna screaming from the front of the house.. I ran to reach her. Two men stood holding her hostage.. while a third was drawing his fist back, to hit her again. Ernie darted forward, with me, right behind him.. I yelled “Call the Alphas, Bern.. and do NOT come out of this office!”

I leaped over the front counter, charging the man hitting Anna.. Ernie threw a meat cleaver at one of them, holding her.. Catching him between the eyes. I ducked low, tackling the man from behind.. We both went to the floor, and I popped back to my feet.. squaring off. Ernie was struggling to fight the second man that had held Anna.

I yelled “Office, Anna! Now!” And swung my fist into the chest of the man I had tackled. He staggered back, but didn’t drop. I followed with a roundhouse to his jaw.. knocking him out. Turning, I saw Ernie was down and bleeding, from a wound on his head.

I yelled “HEY!” The guy’s head swiveled my direction.. growling.. he charged at me. Before I had time to react he hit me dead center, and we both went down. As I fell, I kneed him as hard as I could in the nuts, and twisted my body. I didn’t want the full brunt of his weight on top of me.

His body curled into a fetal position.. proving my knee had done what I wanted. I squirmed and freed myself. Jumping to my feet, I spun out and just as he was getting up on his knees.. did a hatchet kick to the back of his neck. He dropped to the floor.

The third man was waking up and getting to his feet, just as Perseus and Roman charged through the door. Perseus pulled me back and Roman punched the man in the head.

Five warriors rushed in.. Perseus growled “Get these assholes to the cells! And Luna’s cook needs Doc!” I whispered “Anna does, too!” He turned me around and asked “What about you?” I shrugged and tried taking a deep breath. I gasped and nodded “Yeah.. maybe me too.. I may have one or two broken ribs” Ain’t it funny how pain doesn’t register until the adrenaline starts wearing off!?

I walked to the office, where Bernis was putting ice on Anna’s bruised face. I said “Oh honey! I am sorry! Let’s go! You’re going to get checked out by the doctor. Bernie, draw up a sign that we are closed for the day.. I want this place locked up, and you safe!” She nodded and got that done.

Walking back out front, the men who attacked us were already gone, and Ernie was on a gurney that medics had brought in. One of them checked Anna’s face, telling her she needed an X-Ray of her cheek and jaw. Roman came over and gently picked me up. He carried mento the truck and laid me in the back seat, while Perseus was already sitting there.. laying my head in his lap.

Roman started the truck and we headed home.. “One of the warriors will drive your jeep home.” I told him that was fine.. Then, Perseus asked “What the fuck happened?” I responded “I honestly don’t know! Bernie and I were in the office, going over everything she has to do, now that she’s agreed to manage the diner.. Ernie was cooking. Anna was front of the house. She screamed, and we went running. Two men were holding her still, while the third was beating on her. I tackled him and knocked him out.. Ernie meat cleaved one of the guys holding Anna.. and the second one knocked him out. He charged me, tackling me to the floor.. I kneed him in the nuts. Then hatchet kicked him in the neck! I hope I broke it! The fucker broke my ribs!”

Perseus chuckled “It’s not broken.. but he’s going to be out for a while!” I mind linked Roman 🐺 Are you okay, baby? He nodded.. watching me in the mirror “Pissed! I am so fucking pissed! I want answers and I want them now.” Perseus calmly remarks “Chill, brother. Once we know our love is going to be okay, you can play all you want.. with the two who survived.”

Perseus carried me inside the infirmary.. even though I told him I was nearly healed! That didn’t matter! Both my men want me to be checked. The Doc ordered an MRI, and we were waiting for the results. I asked “How are Ernie and Anna? Can someone find out? We really need to speak with Anna.. as well as pull the camera footage from the Diner!”

Roman’s eyes glaze over and so I know he’s linking Tech to get the footage. Perseus takes my hand and says “Anna has a fractured cheekbone and Ernie has a fractured skull.. but no sign of hemorrhaging. She will be okay in a couple hours or so. Ernie will have to stay overnight.” I nod.. and feel my eyes drooping. Roman kisses my forehead and tells me to take a nap.. the adrenaline drain will make me tired.

I had just dozed when I heard the Doc come in.. She says “Alphas! Luna has one broken rib and two fractured.. they’re already healing, so she can go home in an hour or so.” Perseus asks “Anything in particular we should know about her care?” She shakes her head “not really.. There’s not too much we can do for broken ribs anymore.. except let them heal. She should take it easy a day or two. But I am sure she will bounce back in no time.. Not her first rodeo! We counted sixty three breaks in her bones.. all over her body that have healed.. they have to have been from childhood trauma.. because a few aren’t perfectly lined up.”

Roman roared “Sixty Three!? Are you fucking kidding me? What kind of person does that!?” I croaked out.. my voice hoarse from sleep “Alpha Brennan. He either did.. or his minions.. some of the pack bullies in school. I was a really popular kid!” and I tried to chuckle.

Perseus whispered “Why, baby?” I shrugged and said “Because I have a smart mouth.. a bad attitude.. a temper.. he didn’t need a reason!” Roman mutters “I am going to kill that man. Slowly. After I break every bone in his body!”

I dozed off, again.

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