The Darkness We Hide

Chapter 37

Michelle slid to the floor, her anger spent for the moment. Looking at her swollen, blood smeared hands. She wished she’d hit Gareth harder, hard enough to break through his stoic exterior, to make him feel as violated as she did.

For over an hour he’d let her vent her anger at him taking every slap, punch, kick and ugly word she could think of, and never once did he try to defend himself.

“I hate you,” she breathed, her eyes still locked on her hands.

“I know,” he replied standing in the same place he’d stood the whole time.

“Get out,” Michelle said hoarsely, wishing her throat didn’t hurt so bad so she could yell at him some more.

“Michelle,” he began, but she stood and cut him off.

“Get out,” she roared before doubling over into a coughing fit, the taste of copper filling her throat.

Wanting to spare her any more pain, Gareth quickly left the room, the wolf inside of him howling out its own rage and frustration.

He found Nancy in the kitchen, the table laden with mountains of eggs, bacon, toast and a large urn of coffee.

“What have I done?” Gareth sobbed, sliding heavily into one of the empty chairs.

“You knew this would be hard,” Nancy said consolingly, putting a cup of coffee in front of him. “Not every human can handle being the mate of a lycan. It wouldn’t be the first time that we’ve had to erase the memory of someone we love and start over.”

“I don’t want to start over,” Gareth spat, pushing the cup away. "She's my destiny. My beast would go mad without her."

“This poor child has no idea what it’s like,” she said sitting down across from him, “I’m pretty sure her knowledge of what’s going on has come from modern movies, very poorly written books and whatever half-ass explanation you gave.

“Why don’t you show her what it is really like to be one of us. If not to be a lycan, at least let her see how happy your brothers and sisters are with their spouses. Let her meet the children and your folks.

“The added bonus of taking her to Montana is that you’ll have the whole pack around to protect her,” she added, entertained by the possibility of seeing Richard be stupid enough to make that mistake.

As Nancy spoke, Gareth nodded realizing it might work.

“Do you think she’d come with me if I asked?” he wondered aloud.

“I think if she feels for you half of what you feel for her, she might,” Nancy said, but put a hand on top of his before he could move.

“But remember,” she added, not wanting to crush her nephew’s hopes, but needing him to be realistic, “she’s been through hell. Don’t push too hard.

“Give her a little while to calm down before you ask,” she counseled, sensing that he was ready to run up the stairs at this moment and ask.

"There's something else you need to know," his aunt ventured, knowing it wasn't her place to tell him about the child his mate was carrying, but circumstances being what they were, he needed to know.

"What's that?" Gareth asked, his red rimmed eyes looking as if he couldn't take much more bad news.

"It's about Michelle," she breathed, fiddling with her fingers, trying to figure out how to broach the topic delicately.

"Have you noticed any changes in her scent recently?" she asked, hoping he'd get the hint and put two and two together.

"It's changed a little recently," he admitted, trying to figure out what his aunt was trying to get to.

"You are really thick, aren't you?" Nancy asked, shaking her head.

"What?" Gareth asked, slightly exacerbated by his aunts beating around the bush.

"She's pregnant," Karen finally stated, seeing her nephew was in no state to think straight.

"Wha..." he exclaimed, his head snapping up to look at his aunt. "What did you say?"

"Michelle, she's pregnant," his aunt repeated, seeing the realization finally hit him.

Stunned awe was replaced by overwhelming joy, only to be displaced with hopelessness followed by rage.

His mate was pregnant, in danger, and she hated him. How the hell had things gone so wrong so quickly?

He'd planned to use this weekend to explain everything to her, but in the right way, slowly with Nancy's help. Instead, Richard had forced the issue, attempting to take Michelle by force once more.

If Richard had not interfered last night, he would have been able to explain things this morning like he'd planned.

To show Michelle that he meant her no harm, and that despite the fact that he was a lycan, and she was human, they were meant to be together. That their love was not only beautiful, but destined.

Instead, she was scared shitle

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