The Darkness We Hide

Chapter 32

Michelle and Gareth slept late into the next morning, snuggled together under the multitude of blankets. She awoke to Gareth gently holding her as she wept in her sleep. Michelle turned into his embrace in an attempt to block out the memory of the dream.

“What’s wrong,” he whispered into her ear, “a bad dream?”

“Yes,” she sobbed, her voice choking, tears continuing to well up in her eyes as she clung harder to him. “You were gone and I was alone again.”

“Shhhh,” he said softly into her hair, stroking her back. “It’s okay, I’m here. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

He held her tightly in his arms until their stomachs, and the need for a shower, forced them out of bed. Since they were on vacation and there was no rush to work, no place that they had to be, they decided to spend the day hiking through the woods.

Over a sumptuous meal of bacon, eggs and fresh buttermilk biscuits Gareth told her about a wonderful path that ended up at a romantic little lake back in the woods.

“Why would you walk to a lake when the ocean is right there?” Michelle asked, pointing out the window to the wave lapped shore. “Plus, it’s way too cold to swim anyway.”

“I didn’t say anything about swimming,” Gareth purred into her ear as his hand roamed over her butt.

Nodding her approval at the thought she slid from under his hands and ran out to her car to retrieve her sunglasses.

“So,” she said coming back to the kitchen, “let’s see if we can find this romantic lake.”

Before leaving, she and Gareth helped clear the table and washed the dishes, much to Nancy’s chagrin.

“I can do that y’all,” she protested.

“No,” Michelle replied, handing Gareth a clean plate to dry, “you were stuck with the dishes last night, and I refuse to leave them for you again.”

“Don’t argue with her Aunt Nan,” Gareth warned, “when Michelle sets her mind to something, it’s best to let her have her way.”

“Alright,” Nancy replied, throwing up her hands, “then I’m gonna go put my feet up and read.”

As she walked out of the kitchen, a thought occurred to her causing her to come back.

“Are the two of you gonna be back for lunch?” she asked.

“I don’t think so,” Gareth replied, putting the last dish back in the cupboard. “If we do get hungry I’m sure we can fend for ourselves.”

“Yeah,” Michelle seconded, “you just enjoy your morning, don’t worry about us.”

“Alright,” Nancy replied, a dismayed look on her face. “All this time on my hands is gonna make me crazy. I’m glad I brought my knitting with me.”

“Aunt Nan,” Gareth sighed, “enjoy these moments. Once you get home you know the little ones are gonna be all over you.”

Nancy opened her mouth to reply, then thought about what he’d said. Without another word, she picked up her bag, yarn and needles trying to decide if Michelle would be one of those gender strict parents. It was too early for her to know if the baby was a boy or girl, but with all of the other great-nieces and nephews on the way she’d be hard pressed to finish a layette for each of them if she didn’t start now.

Humming to herself she couldn’t understand why Gareth hadn’t mentioned the pregnancy yet. Maybe he didn’t know yet. If he did, he was playing close to the vest, but it was still very early it could be Michelle didn’t even know herself.

Well, it wasn’t her place to break the news to either of them, she’d just continue her knitting and try to get as much done as she could before the two of them got back. At the rate they were going, they would be ravenous by the time they returned.

Of course, once they were back, Nancy knew there would have to be a serious talk about the wolf-in-the-room. Richard was dangerous, and the sooner a plan was made, the sooner he could be dealt with.

Sighing, she looked through the different skeins of yarn until she found a soft green that caught her eye.

Deciding it would be the perfect shade for either a boy or girl, she pulled out two of her thicker needles and set to work, humming soft lullabies as she worked tirelessly, barely having to think as her hands worked.

After making blankets and clothes for her own two pups, plus countless nieces, nephews, grand children, grand-nieces, grand-nephews, and cousins, she could knit an entire wardrobe without having to actually think about it.

Thinking of how mad her sister-in-law was going to be when she found out that Gareth had not only found his destined mate, but that they were expecting their first child, Nancy couldn't help the smirk that crept onto her lips.

That nephew of hers was in so much trouble

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