The Darkness We Hide

Chapter 31

Taking Michelle by the hand, Gareth led her on a tour of the rest of the house showing her art pieces he’d found interesting and an unusually ornate gilded sink in one of the guest bathrooms.

“I didn’t realize how big this place is,” she said as they began to climb the stairs to the second level. “From the outside it just looks like a log cabin, but this is more like a log mansion.”

“I know we don’t need all of this space,” Gareth said, and added in a conspiratorial tone, “I just like being this far away from civilization. We can make all the noise out here we want and no one tells me to keep it quiet.”

Michelle’s face flushed as she remembered their past few weeks together.

“Shhhh,” she laughed, “don’t forget your aunt is here too.”

“She’s sleeping downstairs,” he whispered into her ear, while grabbing her buttocks. “And she takes her hearing aids out when she sleeps.”

Seeing a painting that caught her eye, Michelle scurried away to get a better look at it.

“This is beautiful,” she said, touching the stroke marks gingerly.

“My mother painted that,” he said, his hand reaching up to caress the painting with hers.

“Your mom?” Michelle asked, her breath catching at the beauty of the piece.

“Yeah, that’s another reason I chose this place” he said, his free arm snaking around her waist. “My folks used to rent this cabin when I was a kid. They’d bring all us kids, cousins included, and their folks and we’d spent about three weeks each summer here.”

“Well,” she sighed, leaning back into his embrace, “that explains the size of this place. It did seem like a bit much for just the two of us… well, three of us.”

Sliding his hand into hers, Gareth led her to a set of double doors.

“This is our room,” he said, as he began to open the door.

He paused momentarily turning back to her.

“Close your eyes,” he said, almost bursting with excitement, “I have a surprise for you.”

With an inquisitive gleam in her eyes, she did as he asked.

“No peeking,” Gareth warned gently.

“I’m not,” she giggled. “What is it?”

Michelle heard the door being opened and felt Gareth place his hand on her elbow, leading her inside.

“There is a step here,” he said, helping her negotiate the way into the room.

“Okay,” he said, sounding excited. “Open them.”

Michelle opened her eyes to behold a king sized bed in a king size room lit only by candlelight. The floor had a line of pink and red rose petals leading from the door to the bed, where there were more petals strewn across the mattress.

“Do you like it?” Gareth asked standing behind her.

“I love it,” Michelle breathed before dashing across the room, leaping as far as she could onto its petal covered surface. Gareth let out a hearty laugh and followed suit landing next to her.

“This is going to be a wonderful weekend,” Michelle sighed, putting her arms around Gareth’s neck. “I’m so glad you asked me to come.”

“To ‘cum’?” he asked in a deep rumbling voice before putting his lips to hers.

That night Michelle took control, pinning Gareth on his back while she began by kissing and licking her way down his body until her mouth was hovering above his quivering, erect manhood. Never had she known a man could be so well endowed, he definitely redefined what a ‘real’ man was for her.

Ever so slowly, she took his tip into her mouth, feeling a shiver run through his body as he let out a low moan. Slowly she began stroking his shaft with her hand while sucking, building a counter rhythm with her mouth and hand.

She used her tongue to circle the tip, tasting the saltiness of his flesh. His hips soon began to move trying desperately to set a pace that would end his torture. With a mischievous giggle she began changing her stroke at random so he couldn’t match her.

With a growl, Gareth sat up and pulled her up on top of him.

“You’re cruel,” he said, breathlessly.

“Am I?” she asked coyly, slowly lowering herself onto his throbbing tip, not taking his entire member inside.

He closed his eyes and moaned in frustration.

“Tell me what you want,” she whispered, moving her hips in a circle over only his tip.

“Please,” he begged, barely able to catch his breath. “Please, I need you.”

While a grin of the purest satisfaction, she slowly lowered herself to engulf his entire shaft.

Moaning out her own pleasure Michelle began to move her hips, making sure there was still no rhythm he could match, prolonging her control over him. Soon his hands were on her hips, trying to force her to match his thrusts.

“No,” she said and pushed his hands off.

“Please,” he begged, his face contorted in agony. “Please.”

With a maniacal giggle, Michelle finally set a steady rhythm and soon they were both climbing towards a climax. Stars formed behind her eyes as she finally came, her toes curling into tight painful knots at the sure force of it. At the same time, Gareth gave a growl of animalistic satisfaction and she felt him pulsing inside of her his release as complete as her own.

Michelle collapsed over him, feeling his arms going around her. They stayed like that for a long time, locked together, neither of them wanting to let the other go.

“You are amazing,” he whispered in her ear. “Absolutely amazing.”

With great effort Michelle lifted her head to look down at him.

“You’re not so bad yourself,” she grinned back at him.

Ever so slowly she lifted off of him, enjoying his moans of post coidal pain as he slipped from inside of her. Falling on her side, Gareth scooped her up against him, reveling in her closeness as he fell gently to sleep.

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