The Darkness We Hide

Chapter 29

Taking her hand, Gareth led the way inside the house. The interior was rustically furnished with log furniture, a fur rug on the floor in front of the fireplace, and antler accents everywhere. To Michelle’s eyes it was a little over the top, almost trying too hard to be rich and rustic at the same time.

Wonderful smells floated on the air as he showed her around the ground floor, ending in the dining room. The table was set for an intimate dinner, candles burned on the sideboard and a bottle of champagne chilling in an ice bucket.

“Wow,” Michelle said, taking everything in. “You must have worked your butt off to have all of this ready before I got here.”

“I have Nancy to thank for that,” Gareth said, “she actually got here about two hours before me.”

“Whose Nancy?” Michelle asked, curious.

“Did I hear my name mentioned?” a soft voice said from the doorway.

Nancy looked almost like she sounded, very pink and plump, like a southern lady should, with one exception, her silver hair was cut in a very charming pixie style, with little tufts of purple and blue randomly peaking out here and there. She had the most welcoming demeanor about her that Michelle had ever seen.

“Oh, you must be Michelle,” Nancy said, eyeing her up and down. With a warm smile she crossed the room wiping her hands on her apron. “Gareth and I have been working like dogs to have everything ready for you to get here.”

Gareth blushed, causing Nancy’s smile to broaden even more, almost hiding her bright blue eyes in the folds of her face.

“Don’t you worry none, honey. I only joke with him, ’cause I’ve known him since he was a pup,” Nancy continued with a laugh.

Unable to control a smile Michelle shook her offered hand.

“I didn’t think he did all the work,” she replied, taking an almost instant liking to the older woman. “Something smells wonderful.”

“Why thank you, that would be dessert. Now,” Nancy continued as she motioned Michelle to the table, “you just sit back and enjoy yourself.”

After giving Gareth a few knowing glances, she left the room in a flutter of skirts and apron ties.

“Sorry about that,” Gareth said with a deeper blush.

“Who is she?” Michelle asked, her curiosity peaked.

“Nancy is my aunt,” Gareth explained, popping the cork on the champagne bottle.

“Why is your aunt here?” Michelle asked, waving her hand to indicate the house.

“Oh, that,” he laughed, filling her cup. “She actually came to meet you.”

“What?” she asked, choking on the sip of water she'd taken, avoiding the alcohol.

“Well,” Gareth said, taking his seat, “of all my family, I’m closest to Nancy”

“Closest to your aunt?” she asked, “Not your parents?”

“With nine brothers and sisters, my folks had their hands full,” Gareth replied, fiddling with the stem of his glass. “Nancy was always around to lend a hand, and more often than not an ear when I needed it.”

Seeing the expression on Michelle’s face, he felt the need to clarify.

“Don’t get me wrong,” he said quickly, “my parents are wonderful, loving people, but running the business and raising all us kids was hard. They didn’t have the time to drop everything when one of us needed advice.”

The conversation ebbed while Nancy served each of them enormous steaks before excusing herself.

“Aren’t you eating with us?” Michelle asked confused.

“No sweety,” Nancy replied, a warm smile on her face, “but thank you for asking. I have no plans to horn in on y’alls evening. I’m just gonna have myself a little something in the kitchen, then I thought I might head out into the woods around here for a while, I need to stretch my legs. Y’all enjoy.”

“Sorry about her,” Gareth said after Nancy left the room.

“Don’t apologize,” Michelle assured him with a smile. “She’s wonderful.”

“I’m glad you like her,” Gareth smiled. “She really seemed to take to you.”

“I do,” she smiled, “I do like her.”

“So,” he said, taking his seat. “Shall we eat? Nancy will be upset if we don’t put in a good effort and clean our plates.”

The steak was amazing, unlike anything Michelle had ever tasted. The spices enhanced, rather than covered the natural flavors of the meat. Along with the creamiest mashed potatoes she’d ever tasted there were steamed mixed vegetables that were swimming in real butter.

Gareth suggested they have their dessert on the deck and they took their coffee and plates of desserts outside.

“Now,” she said, taking a seat on an anorak chair, “tell me more about your family. You told me that you have nine siblings. How have we been dating this long and I still d?”

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