The Darkness We Hide

Chapter 28

It wasn’t until she was standing on the deck of the ferry to Bainbridge that Michelle finally began to relax. Ever since she’d realized that she was pregnant and then the encounter with Richard in the alley, she’d felt as though doom was around every corner. With every stop light and turn in the road she’d expected disaster to rain down on her head.

It was omnipresent, even as she waited for her ferry ticket she couldn’t shake the feeling. She’d even pondered the idea of calling Gareth and cancelling, but when she thought of spending three wonderful days and nights alone, no Richard, no interruptions, she just couldn’t bring herself to make the call knowing that Gareth was waiting for her. Hopefully in their time alone she would be able to work up the nerve to tell him about the baby.

With the salty breeze off the Sound whipping across her face, Michelle finally felt a sense of peace flow over her. The lights of the city, reflecting off the water gave the voyage a mystical feeling, it was difficult to tell where the water ended and the sky began. The further out the ferry went, the closer she was to Gareth, the calmer her feelings became.

Reaching the landing, as Michelle waited for her turn in the exit queue, she dialed Gareth’s number. A soft, female voice with a pleasant southern brawl answered.

“Hello,” said a soft, southern voice.

“I’m sorry,” Michelle apologized quickly, “I think I might have the wrong number. I’m trying to reach Gareth Channing.”

“Yes, this is Mr. Channing’s number. May I ask who’s calling please?” the voice replied, but there was something odd about it that she couldn’t put her finger on.

“Um, this is Michelle Parker. Mr. Channing asked me to call him this evening when I reached Bainbridge,” she said, the pit in her stomach starting to grow again.

“One moment please,” the woman said, followed by a slight scuffling on the other end, a groan and then Gareth was on the other end.

“Sorry, I was in the shower,” Gareth said, picking up the phone.

“Did I interrupt something?” she asked, holding her breath.

“Not at all, I got off to a late start myself and didn’t shower before heading out,” he explained. “I wanted to make sure I got up here before you. Let me give you directions.”

She wanted to ask him who the woman on the phone was, but he hung up before she could.

The directions Gareth gave her led her along the island’s coast, then veered back slightly to the interior. After turning down a gravel drive, Michelle was beginning to worry that she’d gotten lost when she saw Gareth’s car parked in front of an enormous cabin.

She’d barely gotten her suitcase out of the trunk of her car when Gareth flung open the front door and ran down the steps to greet her.

“Did you find the place okay?” he asked after their kiss.

“I thought I had the wrong directions,” she said looking up at the immense house. “This place is… wow!”

“Yes,” he said chuckling, “it is.”

“It’s beautiful,” she said as she gazed up. “You can actually see the stars out here.

Stepping behind her and placing his arms around her waist, he said “I hope the stars aren’t all you came to see.”

Turning her head so she could look up at him she said mischievously, “I don’t know, they are bright and shiny.”

“Maybe one day I’ll give you something bright and shiny,” he said kissing the ring finger of her left hand.

Michelle couldn’t help but blush.

“Gareth,” she began before he was kissing her, forcing all logical thoughts from her head.

Noticing the worry that seeped out of her pours, Gareth leaned back and examined her face closely.

"What's wrong?" he asked, using the back of his fingers to caress her cheek.

"Nothing," she signed, snuggling into his chest. "I just really wanted to get here. To be here with you."

"Love," he purred, the lone word making it clear that he didn't believe her.

"I saw Richard tonight," she admitted, her heartbeat accelerating, fear of Gareth's reaction have as much effect as the memory of the meeting.

"What did he do?" Gareth growled, pushing her away from his body so he could scrutinize hers.

"Nothing," she breathed, sadness replacing the fear. Even when Richard was nowhere around he still managed to ruin a perfectly good moment between her and Gareth.

Sensing the shift in her mood, Gareth cupped her face, his lips lightly caressing hers.

"I'm sorry," he breathed through the kiss, knowing he was the cause of the change. "I know if anything had happened, you would tell me."

Feeling the heavy emotions lifting, he continued leaving feathery kisses on her lips until he felt Michelle begin to relax.

Wrapping his arms around her, he held her close, inhaling her scent deeply loving the scent of lavender and hyacinth that she carried, but this time there was something more.

Before he could investigate further, he felt Michelle begin to pull away.

"Can we just go in and start this weekend over?" she asked, her eyes begging him to say yes.

"Sure," he agreed, deciding the change was most likely just he stress she seemed to be under.

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