The cursed Moon.

Chapter 28

Zion marched through the trees, his beta to his side, his army behind him. His mind only focused on one thing: victory. The moon was full overhead, lighting their path, the path laid out by Mena.

He knew he had lost himself, he had to let the part of him that worried for Moon go, he need to focus on their survival and nothing else. He realized when he was in Alpha mode he was more brash, full of anger, but with that came power, strength, both of which would help him in the battle ahead.

“She was right, you know, slipping the armies around Max, circling him. It is a good plan” Atlas spoke, trying to break the tension that radiated from the Alpha.

“Save the celebration until we have won the battle, this will be a bloody night.” Zion answered with shortness. Determination had set in, there would be no warmth, no Zion, until the war was theirs.

The Alphas had decided that each of their armies would have a different vantage point. Apollo staying behind to close in with the woman from the south.

Zion taking his army north of Max, while Reid and Ronan went east and west, meaning Ronan was marching with him until the forbidden lands, a territory familiar to him.

The intention was to push Max's army into the center, entrap them with nowhere to run. Atlas was correct, it was a genius strategy, but in the center of Max's army he was sure the sisters and Reign would be held captive, or worse, they would be dead.

Soon the two armies crossed a clearing, one that Zion remembered to be idyllic as a child, he and Atlas had often come here as an escape after their parents death. Now he looked on as Ronan stopped and took in the massacre before them.

“Thirty, forty hunters at least, if you count the dead ones up there.” Ronan pointed up, and as Zions eyes traced the trees, he saw the bodies hanging from the branches. There were no signs of injury, they just ceased to be alive as if the souls had been knocked out of them.

“Moon was here.” Atlas whispered, slightly impressed with his sister's growing abilities.

“You are correct Atlas, they were here. And it seems each made it out alive, the hunters weren't as lucky. But if you look here, these tracks it appears the took at least one alive.” Ronan countered, slightly excited by the carnage the woman had left. Mena was still breathing, that alone gave him a reason to fight.

Zion felt Atlas's eyes on him, he was on edge. Atlas was always more mindful when Zion switched off, consistently wanting to bring him back, always afraid of what he was capable of.

“They have had a small victory here, let's hope we can reach them before their luck runs its course.” Zion commented as he scanned the grounds for survivors, a waste of time. There would be none.

"You and I both know this was not luck, they slayed these men with skill, with power. You may be angered, but you cannot take that away from them." Atlas pushed, his sisters, his mate, they deserved credit.

They had not only intercepted the scouts before they could reach the grounds, they had also fought with ferocity, Mena laid out an entire battle strategy. If they won this war, it would be on the backs of this group of women.

“Now there is no time to bicker gentlemen, we have to keep marching, we have only an hour to fall into position.” Ronan remarked.

Atlas and Zion nodded in agreement before leaving the clearing and the last sign of their mates alive.

They soon approached the forbidden lands, the moon nearly in the center of the night sky. As they became closer to hunter's territory, Zion noticed shadow figures lining the trees, laying in wait. He gestured to his men, preparing them for an attack.

"Show yourself, or face death." Ronan growled into the air, as his soldiers inched closer to the tree line.

“We mean you no harm!” Zion heard the feminine voice and could smell the rogue scent dripping from the speaker.

“State your intentions, or we will be forced to attack.” Ronan barked from Zion's side.

“We wish to fight, with you, for you. We have watched on as hunter after hunter has left this place these past weeks, we have heard tale of a war. We want to fight for our kind, for the shifters.” the voice continued as the she-wolf walked out of the shadows, a full pack to her rear, all of them female, all wide-eyed, muddy, but strangely enchanting.

“You are the wood nymphs, are you not?” Ronan spoke as he strode forward to meet her.

“We are. Our numbers are not great, but we are willing. If it means no more hunters in our lands, then we would fight a hundred armies.” the woman reminded Zion of Mena, fearless, a true warrior.

“And the males that live in your territory, do they also share your views?” Ronan asked, hoping for more numbers.

“I am the Alpha here, the men follow my commands.” She spoke with confidence, Zion more than intrigued, the first ever female Alpha he had crossed paths with.

“She's telling the truth, they only wish to fight for their people also.” Atlas expressed as he read her, he wouldn't take any risks.

“Allow Zion here and his army to pass through your territory, we have a plan. I wish to close in on the enemy with my men from here, if you agree, you may attack alongside us, cross me and yours will be a slow death. ” Ronan stated, she may be an Alpha, but he was an original being, his power increasing since meeting Mena. He made it clear he wasnt to meddled with.

“You have a deal. We have only one condition, after this war, this is our territory and ours alone. We don't need your criminals here, we don't want your worst.” Zion knew what she was referring to, for generations the shifter packs had sent their unfavorable to the forbidden lands, now they would need an alternative.

“It is agreed, may you live through the night.” Zion snapped before signally to his men to follow his lead. He took pause at Ronan's side, turning to face him.

“Fight well brother.” Zion said as he placed a hand on Ronan's shoulder.

“I shall see you on the battlefield.” Ronan nodded.

“Atlas.” Ronan nodded in the beta's direction. He need not say much, Atlas could read his thoughts.

Zion looked back one last time as he reached the boundary line. The next time he was to see Ronan would be in combat, it maybe the last place aswell.


Apollo wiped a hand over his forehead, sweat already beading. Himself and the woman warriors were now moving towards Max's army, towards the battle. He could not allow them on pack grounds, although the women and pups were safely underground, he worried that if the army took the castle, they would be soon found. He couldn't allow that to happen.

Zion was clear, they were to close in, whatever it took, whatever the sacrifice, they needed to keep the hunters far from their home.

Apollo felt a sense of pride for his son, the mate Zion had been bestowed proved it. He was worthy of his alpha position. He was protective, strong, brutal, and yet, he cared deeply for the ones he loved.

Apollo only wished he could have been that man, that he had the courage to go to war against those who threatened his family, his way of life. He would not fail them, not again.

Apollo felt more like his former self than ever before. His mind was clear, he still grieved, that was a heaviness that would only die with him. But he had enough clarity to strategize, what they needed was to assure the armies only looked forward, not behind, not east or west. They needed to see the grounds as their target, not the armies that silently wrapped themselves around their forces.

“Not far now, it's just through these trees.” Apollo commented to Autumn.

As they passed through the last of the tall pines and into a clearing, Apollo caught sight of it, his home, his prison, where he had lived out his insanity.

Looking at the dark run down structure roused mixed emotions inside. Apollo felt shame that he hid, that he wasn't strong enough to fight past his thoughts and care for his son. Then he thought of Moon, how she pulled him from the abyss simply by answering his call, by floating in on the night breeze, making him aware all was not lost, she survived, Mena survived, he had not failed them, and he wouldn't start now.

“Are you sure about this?” Autumn asked as Apollo began stuffing rags into liquor bottles.

“I am certain, we don't want the army to pass the threshold. We want to trap them, panic them, the added distraction will be much needed, it will buy us time.” Apollo assured.

Apollo bought a flame to the first of the bottles, igniting the rag, before hastily throwing it through one of the windows of his former home, hearing the smashing of glass accompanied by an explosion of fire.

Apollo watched on as the fire consumed more and more of his former home, and his former self. It crawled up the walls, the flame licking the ceiling leaving nothing untouched, nothing unburnt.

“Retreat!” He yelled to the woman, watching the flame engulf the last of the hut before spreading to the dry ground. The fire would be visible to Max's men soon, by the time they arrived they would be met with a wall of flames.

Once at a safe distance, Apollo and the she-wolves stopped and faced the flames. Now all they could do was wait, bows in hands. If someone or something crossed the now impossibly high flames, they would be filled with arrows.


Moon and the women followed closely behind Adam, their heads held high, their gowns covered in blood. As they approached the army camp Moon felt uncertainty rise inside her. There were thousands of men at this camp, only a few felt like they deserved to survive the night, for the rest a quick death would be a kindness.

There were men here who where much like Grey, men who had killed shifter children, and rejoiced in it. Hunters who had killed and skinned wolf's, wearing their coats like trophies. If the under realm was real it was certainly where many of these men belonged.

As their eyes fell on the women, their thoughts hit Moon with a force that made her feel nauseated, yet her face remained stern, determined. She would not show weakness now.

They stepped into the rows of tents where they were met with a large, blonde male, a beard hid his face, his cheeks red. He felt conflicted, something Moon was familiar with. His thoughts were of fear, fear for the women who had walked into the sea of hunters, he didn't want to be here anymore then they did.

“Boy, what is the meaning of this? Who are these women.” his gruff voice stopping Adam in his tracks.

“I am Moon, these are my servants and my sister of course. I come to seek council with Max.” Moon answered before Adam could.

“If I were you, I would turn and run now while you can, hide, stay safe, death is in the air.” The man warned, his concern genuine.

“I have no intention of doing anything of the sort, you need not worry about me, I am perfectly capable, so I ask you again, take us to him.” Moon's voice was soft but demanding.

The man stood, thinking, his expression pained, his thoughts ticking fast.

“I will take you, but your servants, the boy, there is nothing good for them here. Max will hand your servants to the men, or worse. If you won't run, then they must, I beg of you to think of your companions safety” He said after sometime.

“I am not leaving you.” Reign looked at Moon with pleading eyes as Moon considered his words.

“No he is right. Mena and I stay, the rest of you, you must go. Reign you know the woods better than anyone, I want you to go, find Atlas and Zion, they will keep you safe. Take Adam, I need you to do this. I could not live with the guilt if something were to happen to you.” Moon wiped away Reign's tears as she spoke, Reign shaking her head in disapproval.

“I can't Moon, I need you too, I can't do it.” Reign pleaded with her friend.

“Reign you can. You are the strongest of the group, only you can keep them safe, only you can reach Zion, your mate. I will protect Moon with my life, she will protect me with hers.” Mena pulled Reign into her embrace and held her tightly, how had she gone from a loner to so undoubtedly attached to her shifter family?

“I love you both, promise we will met when this is over.” Reign said, finally accepting what she must do.

“We promise.” Moon answered as she gestured for the other women to follow Reign's lead.

“Come I will show you the way, the safest way, I will assure we are not followed.” Adam proud that he had some use.

Moon gave the women one loving look before turning and following the large man.

As they walked through the camp, Moon heard whispers, comments, even whistles from the men, all of which were unwelcome, all of them meant to make them feel uncomfortable, uncertain. It was working.

“I remember blondie. I saw you kill hunters, even before you defected.” the large man commented as they walked.

“Those men were no better then wild animals.” Mena not showing any signs of regret.

“On that we agree, wish I had done it myself. They did some ugly things those men, you did the world a favor." he spoke with admiration, Moon coming to like him more and more.

“You never told us your name?” Moon questioned as they reached a large hexagon tent.

“It's Eli, and this is where I leave you. Max is inside, I suspect he probably expects you.” Eli gestured towards the tent.

“He has no guards?” Mena questioned with surprise.

“Doesn't need them.” Eli shrugged.

“Thank you Eli, you have done us a kindness.” Moon said in appreciation.

“One kindness is nothing in comparison to the evil I will no doubt commit tonight. I better get moving, we are marching soon.” he nodded before leaving the sisters.

Both swallowed a lump before grasping onto each other's hands and stepping inside the canvas shelter.

Moon knew it then, every moment of her life had been leading to this, it was him or her, only one would survive.

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