The cursed Moon.

Chapter 27

Zion swallowed a lump of impatience glancing around the ballroom. The celebration was already in full swing, yet Moon had not arrived with the troupe of female warriors.

It had been decided previously that she-wolves with pups would be excluded from the battle. Mena was afraid that a large number of women would be suspicious, but a small group the hunters would approach them with enthusiasm. That meant there were only ten women who had volunteered, ten women out of the hundreds who had trained. How long could it possibly take ten women to ready themselves for a ball?

“Ronan have you had any communication with Mena today?” Zion asked, an unsettling feeling sinking in.

“I am not her keeper but if you must know I saw her this morning, that was the last and only time. They are only an hour late Zion, perhaps they wanted a grand entrance”. Although Ronan put on a facade to keep Zion calm, even he had a sinking feeling that something was off.

“Since when have you known Mena, Moon, or Reign to be grand, they are humble creatures.” Atlas ejected himself into the conversation, he didnt care to hide his concern.

“Would it bring you comfort if I sent Scout to retrieve them?” Ronan asked, trying to ease the tension that now built among the men.

“That may be a good idea.” Zion said, only slightly subdued.

“Then can you enjoy the evening like our friend Reid over there?” Ronan gestured towards the elder, who spun a smiling Lilith in his arms. He seemed oblivious to the fact that the women had not made there entrance, all he saw was his mate.

“I will celebrate only when Moon is present and safe.” Zion growled.

Ronan gestured to Scout, silently communicating what they needed of him. Zion watched on as Scout sat down his mug and quickly retreated from the crowds of cheerful shifters.

Zion and Atlas stood in silence, both eager for Scout's return. Zions eyes scanned the ballroom, warriors danced with unmated she-wolves, mated pairs embraced each other tenderly knowing all too well this may be their last happy memory in each other's arms.

Zion needed this, they all needed this, a night of normalcy. Since Moon's arrival every day had been training, worry, despair. He regretted nothing, but to hold her close without the thoughts of what may come, without the fear of losing her, he needed that.

Scout soon returned, a flustered Autumn and Minka on each of his arms, they looked distressed and after a few words with Ronan the foursome marched to Zion's side.

“Well, where are they?” Zion asked sternly.

“So you may have had cause for concern.” Ronan said with a sigh.

“Autumn where are the others?” Atlas asked gently.

“We tried to stop them Zion, we pleaded with them, we begged them not to go.” Autumn rushed out her words.

“Where are they?” Zion growled lowly.

“It's time, the entire army is here, they are mere hours away. Moon, the others, they left to intercept the scouts.” Minka looked down, afraid to meet Zions eyes.

“Where is Moon!!?” Zions voiced ripped through the ballroom, causing a stunned silence throughout the celebrations.

“They plan disable the scouts....then, well then she said she would negotiate.” Autumn stuttered.

“Negotiate? With whom?” Atlas asked with concern.

“Titus.” Minka breathed out heavily.


“Zion, you need to calm down.” Apollo said sternly as Zion paced his study.

“Calm down! There is an entire army out there. I have to prepare the men, hide the women and pups. My betas mate is missing, my mate is missing! Now is not the time to be calm, father” Zion was slipping, reverting to his former self. Without Moon to calm him, the beast would soon be on full display.

“Moon can handle herself, we need to remain level headed.” Reid assured him.

“I would usually agree with you there, Mena, Moon, just the pair of them could leave much destruction in their path, but they are walking into an entire army, to the god of war who wishes nothing more than to possess them both. I am afraid this time the sister's ignorance may get the better of them.” Ronan tried to speak with diplomacy, but his face gave away the torture he was facing.

“Autumn you stated Mena left you with instructions. What were they?” Atlas asked calmly, he could still feel his mate, his sisters, he knew them to be alive, for now.

“Mena had a specific plan she wanted me to relay if we were to stay. She said to 'use the distraction'. Her plan was that whilst the women had Titus distracted your armies could slip towards the forbidden lands, making a path behind Titus, surrounding him, in circling his army with our own. From there you would push him and his men into the middle of the woods, there would be no escape.” Autumn explained.

The men thought about the strategy, each as impressed as the other. The shifters knew their woods far better than any hunter, it would work to their advantage, especially if they had them surrounded.

“Mena came up with this?” Ronan asked, his pride barely hidden.

“She did, she said they would never see it coming. Ambush the ambushes.” Minka shrugged.

“And a brilliant plan it is. What did I tell you all? We wanted her on our side, we needed her on our side” Reid gloated.

“We must act now, there is no time to waste. Ronan, Reid, round up all the men, they need to be armed in ready within the hour. Apollo wake the healers, they maybe required, appoint some guards to the infirmary also. I will round up the women and pups, usher them under the castle. Autumn and Minka make yourself useful round up the female warriors, all of them, they will be valuable. We need to be on foot as soon as possible. We are faster, stronger, more powerful than we have ever been. This war, it is ours” Zion could feel himself switch off, become nothing but Alpha, he didn't think about Moon, he didn't think about anything but blood, the beast had arrived.


The women sat in the clearing, singing sweetly, giggling. Moon danced along the edge of the water, wetting her feet, absorbing its power. The action looked innocent enough to anyone watching on, only Moon knew it's true purpose. The women looked every bit the part as the night sky shone overhead, they looked like true damsels, only they were not in distress, they were in waiting.

The time had come, there was only one path in which this would end in her favour. She had given up on the romantic idea that no blood will be spilled. If she wanted to protect the people she loved, it meant the destruction of those who had set out to harm them.

Moon's heart raced harder as she felt a group approaching, she tried to tap into Zion, a safety net. To her surprise, all she was met with was rage, she knew he would be furious she was gone, but it seemed there was more anger than there was Zion, it frightened her a little.

She swallowed her anxiety as a low pitch whistle sounded from the trees.

“Look what we have here men.” A hunter spoke with glee as he stepped out into the clearing.

“Shifter women, probably the most lovely I have ever seen, but what is this?” A second hunter spoke as the rest of the group emerged from the woods, Moon counted around thirty, she noticed Mena had caught his eye.

“Well well, if it isn't the traitor. Do you remember me bitch?” the second hunter continued speaking in her sister direction.

Mena looked at him with disgust, turning her chin up in defiance, she truly had no fear of these men.

“This is the girl that murdered Sam and Kyle in cold blood.” the hunter spoke as he stepped closer to Mena.

“You should perhaps think about keeping better company, your 'friends' tried to rape me, they paid the price.” Mena's voice was strong, she wasn't a victim then, she wouldn't be now.

“It was just some fun, you have always thought yourself better then the rest of us, but I diverse. We were speaking of fun, I say we have some now” he reached out a hand and brushed it into her hair.

“Don't touch me, you pig!” Mena growled.

“Come on now, he is just trying to be friendly, seems like you women could really use some friends right now.” another hunter stepped forward making moves towards Reign.

“Do not lay a hand on her.” Moon warned from the water's edge, the men turning in her direction.

“Your a pretty one aren't you.” The first hunter eyed her, and it was like Grey stood before her all over again.

“We wish to have an audience with Max.” Moon spoke clear, it was an order, not a request.

The men looked around at each other, a laugh rippling through the group.

“My and a brave one too, you are already my favorite. What makes you think I would take you to Max?” The hunter moved forward again, and Moon could now see his features clear in the Moonlight.

He was short, stocky in build, his face piggish, he was not pleasant to lay eyes on, nor were his thoughts to hear.

“He will want to see me, I assure you I will see him regardless. He came for Moon and me, we intend to hand ourselves over. We have bought the most beautiful of the she-wolves as a peace offering. You wouldn't refuse your commander such a gift would you?” Mena asked the men, so sure that this was it, they would be delivered to him.

“Hate to break it to you sweetheart, but Max gave us orders to kill you on sight. He doesn't want you traitor, her yes” he spoke as he gestured to Moon, “but the rest of you, the rest of you are ours.”

Moon looked at Mena with sympathy, her father had discarded her as if she were nothing, even worse, he wanted her dead. He was crueler than Moon could ever possibly imagine.

“There is nothing here for you, only pain.” Moon cautioned once more as she felt the weight of Mena's emotions hit her, causing her power to amplify.

“I disagree, all I see is pleasure to be had.” the second hunter spoke as he pulled Reign into his arms, sniffing at her hair.

Moon nodded at each of the women, she had offered the easy way, they foolishly mocked her, now it was time for the hard way.

Reign reached an arm behind her, pulling the hunter over her shoulder, before grabbing the dagger strapped to her thigh and driving it through his chest, his life force leaving him at that moment.

The hunters swarmed, Moon lifted her hands, sending a surge through her being and watched on as the invisible force knocked a group of hunters with such intensity their bodies flew through the air, scattering them in the trees, the life gone from them.

The rest of the women quickly went to work, swords swung, blood spilled, as Moon ran into the fight.

Mena's anguish had become a weapon as she drove her dagger into the abdomen of the hunter before her, then spinning to defend herself from an attack, his swords nicked her arm in the process and as she saw the blood trickle onto the baby blue sleeve she felt a new wave of rage.

"You ruined my dress." She taunted.

She spun on her hand, her leg low to the ground, flooring the hunter, giving her time to free her hidden sword.

Cove fought with speed, not strength, only immobilizing the hunters, another sweet faced shifter named Breeze finishing them off.

The 'other sisters' as they had been called in training, Stella and Nova fought almost back to back, in perfect unison, not one hunter could touch them.

Moon breathed heavy as she pulled her dagger from another man, her eyes catching the sight of a hunter shrouded in cloaks of gray, his blade pushed to the throat of Muse, the youngest of her troupe.

“Please, do not come any closer, I don't want to hurt her.” he almost begged as Moon stepped closer.

“Then don't hurt her, I can feel you, this is not who you are.” Moon said as she inched towards him.

“Stay where you are.” he warned once more, his blade shaking in his hand.

Moon held up her hand, dropping her dagger, giving him false security.

“I am sorry, I know you are an innocent, but I cant allow you to hurt her.” Moon said evenly.

“Wait sorry for what?” he asked confused.

“For this.” Moon spoke as she lifted his frame in the air, directing it with her hand, holding him there, suspended above the ground, unable to move.

“He is the last one.” Mena panted as she came to Moon's side.

“It's your lucky day, hunter.” Reign mused.

“I cannot deliver you to Max.” the man choked under the invisible grasp Moon had on him.

"You can." Stella added.

“And you will.” Nova finished.

“He will kill me.” the hunter pleaded.

“I am also capable of causing death, you need to co-operate.” Moon spoke as she gestured round the clearing, blood now seeping into the clear stream of the water. Lifeless hunters splayed in ever direction.

The hunter gulped as Moon used a small pulse of power to push back his hood.

“Adam?” She breathed as she took in the young familiar face, his eyes filled with terror, his face pained.

She knew this boy, had cared for him in the village, a orphan just like herself.

“Moon, I am sorry.” the boy looked down in shame.

Moon placed Adam down on the ground with care, the realities of war staring her in the face.

“Adam, you are yet to turn fifteen, you should be in the orphanage, protected, not here." Moon said with sympathy as she pulled the child into her embrace.

“Max, he combed every village, including ours, the orphanages, any male able to fight was to wear the hunter's cloak” Adam admitted.

“Children, he is arming children, that is the very epitome of evil.” Reign gasped.

“He needed large numbers, I guess he never considered training females. Maybe he should have." Adam looked around, his face paling as he took in the carnage around him.

“I will protect you, I swear it, but you must take us to him, we need to get close to him.” Moon was sincere, she would not let harm come to this boy who once hid from her among the meadow flowers.

“We will protect you with our own lives.” Muse assured, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Adam sighed, his fear still seeped from him, he was too innocent, not yet grown enough to have seen what he had seen in the clearing that night.

“I will do it, I didn't want to be here. When the men spoke of what they intended to do to you all, when we first spotted you, it wasn't right, this isn't right. Max intends to wipe you out, every last shifter, even the children. He feels nothing, cares for no one, he only wants Moon.” Adam spoke still in shock.

“I know it is frightening, I am afraid too, but I need you to be courageous for me. Bravery is having fear and facing it anyway.” Moon said warmly, releasing a wave of calm over the boy.

He relaxed, breathing in deeply, his shaking slowed.

"We need to go this way." Adam spoke as he began retreating to the trees his group had appeared from.

“Grab what you can carry from the bodies, we may need it.” Mena interrupted coldly as she set to work robbing the dead.

The group then headed into the thickness of the woods, following the boy infront of them.

Back at the packhouse the men had began their march, soon this battle would come to a head. Soon would be the fight for their lives.

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