The cursed Moon.

Chapter 15

Mena stood on the porch looking over the pack grounds, the last two days spent here made it seem oddly familiar. She know knew why, much of her childhood had been spent here, why hadn't she remembered? It was as if that time in her life was only darkness, anything that happened in those days lost to her. It was Atlas she felt for the most, both her and Moon having no recollection of even having a brother, as if he never existed at all.

He had no memory of them either. He knew he had sisters, but as it was Apollo who had told him in the midst of his insanity, Atlas could never be sure if it were true. He like Moon and herself, could remember little of their childhood, and even then it was if life did not begin until after their parents death.

There was so much she couldn't figure out. If she herself was a shifter, then why hadn't she changed? Where was her wolf? She was older then Moon, and Atlas. She considered whether it was because you had to live in shifter land to actually shift. She decided that wasn't so, plenty of rogue wolves had their very first shift in the forbidden lands. She knew the longer she stayed the more likely it would be that it would either happen, or would not.

“I believe mine came to the surface when I met Zion, my mate. She was laying dormant, waiting for him. Atlas's belived it was rage that bought his out, but the thing that bought him that rage was finding Reign the way he had. It maybe the case for you, that she will come once you cross paths with your mate. Be aware that we are not simply shifters Mena, we are more. We are all of them, human, wolf, we are connected to all.” Moon stood at her side and stared at nothing as she spoke.

“You're in my head Moon, you know I dont like when you do that.” Mena accused lightly.

I cannot help it, your thoughts are just very loud, and clear. They always have been.” Moon replied gently.

“What now Moon? What comes next? We go to war against a God, against my father. I was a hunter for over a decade, and now I am to fight them?” Mena asked desperately.

“I expect nothing from you Mena. I only wanted to give you the truth, what you choose to do with it, that is only for you to decide. You were never a hunter Mena, you fought with them sure, but for very different reasons. I also know there is no way you are capable of some of the things those men have done. You may wear the hood, but a hunter you are not.” Moon's voice was numb, her mind was somewhere else, it had been for days.

“Reign told me her story, Atlas told me you experienced it first hand. I am not capable of those things, but my father is. I am half of him, and I loathe that half. I don't know if I want to find a mate Moon, even now I can tell you are pained by it.” Mena didn't need her sibling's gift to know Moon was distracted.

“It only hurts when we are apart. I love him Mena, I need him to live, to breathe. It is really something any words can describe. Yes I am pained, but that is only one side, when he is here, with me, I feel joy, happiness, safety, and love, more deeply then I ever thought possible. I know you intend to marry Luke, but he is out there, your mate, I feel it. Wait for that, wait for him.” Moon faced her sister smiling. She wanted her to have the love she deserved, not the strong like she had for Luke but real, pure love.

“Moon I can't marry Luke either way, it wasn't about love with Luke. We had a common goal, we wanted the same thing, to kill the shifters. As soon as you showed me the truth, that he is the enemy, that common ground was lost. All that matters now is you, is Atlas, is us. We can do this Moon, my father killed our mother, for that, he must die......” Mena paused, going rigid. Her eyes narrowed with defensiveness, Moon could tell she felt threatened.

“Mena what is it?” Moon asked with concern.

“Shhh.....Moon can you smell that?” Mena's face changed, she was now hyper aware, something wasn't right. Moon smelt the air, she knew that smell, she had spent time close to it in the dungeons.

“Rouges.” Moon whispered.

Mena closed her eyes, Moon had never seen her in hunter mode before, but it was already apparent her senses were something else, a true shifter trait.

“How many Mena, is that something you can tell?” Moon kept her voice low.

“Nine, possibly ten, they are not far. There isn't much time, call Atlas, we will need his help. Moon I need to know, can you do this? Can you fight, can you take another life?” Mena needed to know Moon could not only defend herself, but kill another if necessary.

“I can do this Mena.” Moon reassured her.

“We can do this.” Atlas joined his sisters on the porch, he wouldn't dare leave them to fight alone, never again.

“Three against nine, I like those odds.” Mena said with a smirk, she would be in her element, this is what she was created for, destruction and pain.


Moon stood in the clearing, the plan clear, she was the bait. It was her they wanted, it was her they had come for. Both her and Atlas heard it in the mind of one of the group. Grey, he was coming for her, and he was not going without a fight.

“Here she is men, didn't I tell you she was a true beauty.” She felt him before she heard his voice, his aura was darker now. He wanted her to be his play thing, he wanted to own her, just like Max.

Grey emerged from the trees, a pack of eight crowed behind him. Grey was their Alpha, they served him now, any order he gave they would follow.

“I told you before didnt I Moon, I found you; therefore I own you, not Zion, not Max, me.” Grey spoke as he stalked toward her, every step closer he came Moon felt a power rise in her, born from revenge. He would not get away with what he had done, what he intended to do.

She didn't want this beast walking the earth, he would hurt more women. Even worse, now he had a pack of others who thought just like him, thought women could just be taken as they pleased.

Moon glared at him, she wasn't afraid of him, he had proven his cowardice time and time again.

"And I told you Grey, I belong to no one.” she spoke with conviction.

“Well that's not exactly true is it human. You're marked, and by an Alpha no less, disgusting. You really think you can be Luna? Kat will be Luna of the pack. Don't you worry though, I will take good care of you pet.” he circled her as he spoke, the way a wolf would its prey, coming to stand only inches away. He was staring with an intensity in his eyes, trying his very best to seem intimidating.

“I am Zions mate Grey, his fated one, Kat has been banished, she has no power here.” her eyes scanned his, she saw the surprise in them.

“You lie!” Grey spat.

“Never, she will not be Luna of this pack, and you, you will die here today.” She felt her words anger him, he thought she was lying, trying to scare him off, but he knew Zion had left her, alone no less.

“I know your Alpha isnt here, theres no one to protect you, unless you plan on killing me yourself.” he inched closer, standing over her, a laugh escaping him.

“Do you really think I would chose this moment to be humorous? It's the truth you will die, it may interest you to know it will be my hands that take your life.” Her words only excited him, she was out of time, her siblings would have to reveal themselves, now.

“I have had foreplay Moon, we both now I like when you resist, you need not tempt me more.” His hands reached for her arms, she felt the anger rising with her power. She could do this, just like Ria had said, she is connected to all life. She can control it, every fiber of it. She could also destroy it.

“Don't touch me.” Moon growled a Luna demand, the demand of a Goddess.

Grey's hands began to snap and twist, without Moon putting a single finger upon him. The bones shattering, an invisible force crushing them.

He screamed in agony as Moon shifted into her luminous wolf, a pulse of energy surged from her. The power of it hitting Grey hard enough to send him back with force.

The rest of the men stared at Moon, curious but afraid.

“What is that, what is she?” one rogue questioned.

Just then, another white wolf emerged from behind Moon with speed. A red hooded woman on his back, she slid off Atlas while pulling her bow back.

“Your worst nightmare.” Mena answered, as she released a silver arrow, hitting a rouge in the chest with precision.

Another attempted to shift, as Atlas leaped on him, tearing into the flesh on his back, breaking his neck.

Moon was a flash of light as she stalked the men. Grabbing one and dragging him deep into the trees, disposing of him quickly before returning for another, appearing like a ghost.

By the time she had killed the third, Atlas and Mena had taken care of the others. That left only Grey, on his knees, his crushed hands in front of him. The fear encompassing him, filling him with terror. She shifted back, taking a blood-soaked shirt from one of his men, pulling it over her head, before stepping back into the clearing.

The siblings circled Grey, he shook with the possibilities of what was to come next. A quick death would be showing mercy, Moon had seen it, she wasn't the first, and she would not be the last.

“Please, I didn't know, how could I have known what you are?” Grey's voice quivered while he pled.

“It shouldn't matter either way Grey. Who I am, what I am, it changes nothing. What matters is who you are only. You attack the defenceless, prey on the weak, take from them something they were not willing to give. I am vengeance Grey, and now by my hands you will meet your end.” Moon felt strong, like this was her purpose, to protect the innocent.

She reached for Mena's sword, unsheathing it, before swinging it with force, ending Grey's life in an instant. It didn't bring relief as she thought it would, instead she faced the crushing weight of guilt. She wiped the blood from her face, holding in her tears, as her siblings exchanged a glance.

“Moon, we must go. You fought well today, you did what was needed to be done to protect the lifes of many others. We cannot linger here, there are many dangers in the woods, we need to return to pack grounds.” Atlas spoke into her mind, a voice of reason when she could not find her own.

“Nothing in these woods could possibly be more dangerous than us Atlas.” Mena replied with a scoff, as she pulled an arrow from a rouge's chest.

“Wait…. Mena you heard him, he was speaking through the mindlink?” Moon questioned as she searched her sister's eyes.

“Moon, I may not wear the mark, but I have always been able to read you. Only you, until I met Atlas, that is.” Mena began walking as she explained.

“And you never told me?” Moon asked softly as she ran to her side.

“I always thought it was your curse, that you were projecting, that you wanted me to hear. Now I am not so sure.” Mena continued walking alongside her sister as she talked.

“We are siblings, we are of the same pack, that must be it.” Moon slipped her hand into Mena's, Atlas watched on as he padded behind, he had them back, both of them, for the first time in his life he felt complete.

Mena was right, they were dangerous, to anyone who tried to take that from him.


The siblings were almost to the grounds when Moon caught his scent in her nostrils, she had missed it so, her head began to spin with excitement…. Zion, he was home.

She quickened her pace, dragging Mena with her. She was eager to see him, hold him, breathe him in. Most of all she was eager for him to meet Mena, and Mena him. Both would discover that neither were monsters, both would realize they did what they thought was right to protect the people they loved.

“Moon wait…you are really in a rush aren't you” Mena pulled her back, tucking loose strands of hair behind her ears.

“What is it Mena, he is safe, he wont hurt you.” She didn't feel fear from Mena, nor anger or uncertainty.

"I dont doubt that. You should see yourself sister, you look terrible. You are covered in blood, take my hood. I don't want anyone thinking I am a bad influence on you.” Mena winked at her as she took off her coat, wrapping it around Moon, straightening her hair.

“Better?” Moon smiled.

“It will have to do.” Mena laughed while Atlas hurried ahead, he was just as eager to see Reign.

As Moon emerged from the trees she spotted Zion, it was like seeing him for the first time. His face relaxed into a smile as he took her in, her heartbeat skipped at the sight. She went to take another step, out of nowhere she felt a force hit her hard, a massive forearm pressed across her chest, pinning her against a tree. Her eyes widened as they found purple eyes filled with rage, a madness to them, this must be Ronan.

“You never told me you were taking in hunters now Zion.” his voice was dominating, laced with mistrust. Despite his display Moon felt a goodness to him, he wasn't bad, no, he was pained.

Her eyes stared into his, defiant, he fed off fear, she would not give it to him. She felt herself within this Alpha, as if there paths were destined to cross, he felt it too, but he didn't trust it.

Zion rushed to his side as Mena grasped onto his arm pulling tightly, before quickly releasing it. She stepped back in shock, as Ronans eyes roamed over her. Moon guessed she knew she was no match for this shifters power.

“Ronan release your arm or I swear it, myself, Reid and Atlas will tear you to shreds.” Zion's voice was a low growl.

Moon had to act quick before this became a bloodbath, Ronan had no intention of letting her go, not without answer's.

"I am not hunter." She spoke.

"You wear the hood, was this all a trap Zion? You knew I would never sign your treaty. You lured me here, for this." Ronan pushed Moon against the tree with more force.

She closed her eyes and let the energy of the woods around her fill her. Ronan's eyes scanned the branches as their leaves shook, a breeze blowing through them, coming to swirl around them. She didnt know what she was doing, she acted on instinct alone.

Moon let their energy blast from her, sending Ronan flying backwards. She put her hands to her chest, gasping in air, as Zion wrapped an arm around her, breathing her in, holding her protectively.

Ronan stood, and a smirk played on his face. Reid and Atlas stood by, ready to defend if he made another move.

“Well, well, you must be Moon, and it appears my friend Zion has seriously misinformed me in what you really are. Why would you withhold this kind of information friend?” He stepped closer, Moon relaxed, his rage had subsided into admiration. She would rather not be admired, but for now, it was better than a fight.

“Take another step further, and I will kill you myself.” Mena blocked Ronan's path, staring him dead in the eyes. Ronan looked down at her, his arms folded, a look of amusement on his face.

“No, you won't….huntress, we both no that will never happen. Is that wolf's blood on your hands?” He questioned.

“Rouges.” Moon said firmly as she peeled away from Zion, standing between Ronan and Mena.

She lifted her hands quickly, placing them on Ronan, sending him into a trance. Showing him the day's events from her eyes, Grey, the woods, how she ended his life, how many rogues they killed.

Ronan opened his eyes, a larger smile played on his mouth.

“You really are something else.” his eyes darted to Mena as he spoke.

“Are you going to tell the lovely Kat you murdered her brother? Or shall I?” He lent in whispering into Moons ear.

“Enough Ronan, you have had your fun. Don't test our loyalties, you won't like where they lie. We cannot fight among each other, not when the enemy is out the.” Zion spoke as he pulled Moon towards Atlas's home.

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