The cursed Moon.

Chapter 14

Zion, Apollo, and Reid had reached the border of the forbidden lands before sunset, setting up camp on the edge of the Woodlands. What lay beyond would be the things nightmares were born from, rouges and hunters alike lurked in the shadows leaving nothing but death and decay. It was a place Zion wouldn't visit unless necessary, unfortunately for him, it was.

Zion felt empty as he sat on a log, Reigns cooking unpacked before him, but he knew it was an emptiness no amount of food would fill. Her touch was burnt onto his skin, she had made a home in his heart, and without her that home was vacant, dark.

Apollo's eyes looked to Zion with concern, an understanding. Apollo knew this suffering more then anyone, Zion knew his father suffered more, for what he had loss would never return.

It gave him an appreciation for his father, the death of Moon would surely be the death of him. His father had survived, he had lost his sanity, but not his life.

"I would like to say it will get easier with time Zion, but I cannot lie, it is never easy. I can only pray for your sake her life is longer then your own, death would be bliss in comparison to the loss of her life." Apollo had never given his son advice before, and as morbid as it was, Zion appreciated every word.

"At least you have someone to miss, to be reunited with. To have that someone be Moon, to be the essence of all life, you must be the most blessed creature to walk the earth." Reid adding to his fathers words.

"Do you think Ronan will fight for her?" Zion asked.

"Ronan will fight, but not for her. The only reason Ronan fights is for glory. In the beginning rumors swirled that he too was built with magic in his blood, chosen by the creator. I have not seen his gifts, I doubt he has any, if Moon is light then Ronan is the dark, her polar opposite." Reid admired the man greatly, but also knew he wasn't to be trifled with.

The three of them struggled to sleep, with the night came the terrors it held. The sounds of death, the screams of hunters and shifters alike. Zion tossed and turned knowing the evils they would face once they woke, he now more then ever wished for the sweet embrace of her, his Moon.

The sun had barely cracked above the horizon when they crossed the point of no return.

Zion wanted to turn back, to hold his mate, feel her warmth, have her light wash over him. But he knew he would have to face the darkness, for Moon he would.

The trees were naked, their branches twisted and sharp. The earth was hot, the breeze sending its dust into the air like ashes. Nothing survived here, all was dead, all was black; there in lay the reason every shifter feared banishment, this is where pack-less wolves were sent to die, or survive, only fate would decide.

Once they entered the thickness of dead wood Zion felt eyes on them, he knew they were being watched. He dared not look back, instead they pushed forward. Through thorns and vines, through pools of mud, quicksand and jagged ground, they kept pushing, until they reached the heart of the forbidden lands. Here the real test would begin, here was the hunters stomping grounds.

The instant the three Alphas crossed into hunter's territory, they heard the shuffling of their feet, the sound of swords being unsheathed. Zion took his fighting stance as they were circled, entrapped by hooded men.

A flash of black darted towards them, the silver glistening from his weapon the only light visible. Zion's teeth quickly found his arm, sinking them in with force. He thrashed him about wildly, the blade falling to the ground, the hunter that held it unconscious to all around him.

Three more rushed from the cover of the trees. Reid collided into one with a deadly force, teeth and claws shredding through his human flesh. Apollo captured one under his paws, crushing his bones with just his weight.

The sounds of their agony rung through the wood, a warning to anyone near. The third more skilled, dodged Zion's jaws, his blade swinging inches from Apollo's chest.

He drew back his sword to swing once more, when a familiar scent filled Zion's nostrils, one he dreaded, coconuts. A blur of red fur came from the shadows, landing on top of the last of the hunters, Kat standing proudly upon his frame as he writhed beneath her.

“Kat what are you doing here, you cannot be this foolish?” Zion growled through the mind link.

“I had to come, to find my mate.” Kat explained.

“I am not your mate.” Zion replied firmly.

“And I am not here for you.” Kat stood defiant. Zion puffed in frustration, another game, they had no time for this.

“She is here for me.” Reid walked forward slowly, sniffing the air, approaching Kat in complete wonderment.

“I thought my mind was playing tricks. I thought when I smelled her scent lingering in the pack grounds I was insane. To find one's mate after centuries, it seemed impossible, no matter how much hope I have held onto. I smelt her again as we entered this place. Now I am sure of it, she is mine, and I am hers.” Reid's wolf nuzzled hers as he spoke through the mind link.

“Moons wolf, she banished you, sent you here?” Zion questioned, intrigued as to why Kat would willingly come to these lands.

“We both know what she is Zion. I have no choice but to obey her commands and so I came. I saw this very moment in her eyes, saw Reid, felt him. And so I followed you, and I am right in time if you ask me. Zion, I am sorry…for everything, but we must go. Grey is out here, you are not his Alpha anymore, he wants your blood, he has many followers.” There was an urgency in the mind link as Kat spoke into it that told him she could be telling the truth, if so, they needed to keep moving.

“You must listen to her Zion, we have no choice. We cannot stay. It will soon be nightfall once more, the rouges will come out in large numbers, we must reach the other side.” Apollo was right, there wasn't time for mistrust.

Zion's paws pounded the ground once more with urgency. The others, Kat included, running behind. If they didn't make it out of the forbidden lands soon, they never would.

As he ran, Zion thought of his mate, of the silent communication she shared with Kat. He thought she had threatened her, instead she had shown her the way to Reid.

How could one be so selfless? Kat would of killed her given the chance, and in return Moon had not only spared her, but she wanted her to find Reid.

“I know what you are thinking, Zion. She didn't do it for me, she did it for Reid. I didn't deserve her gift. I wouldnt have shown her the same kindness. Your mate Zion, I will fight for her, alongside Reid, I am bound to do so.” Kat broke through his thoughts and into his mind.

“It's not just why Kat, it's how, how she knew he was your mate.” There was so much Zion didn't understand about her, everything he learned only deepening his love for her.

“Zion whether or not you choose to believe, I saw her in Moon's gaze. I saw the Goddess. She isn't just a descendant, they are one, the goddess showed me the way. We must protect her.”

Zion heard a hint of envy, he knew she had no other choice but to obey, if she had free will would she still protect Moon? He had doubts about Kat that lingered, but as she was Reids mate he could not cast her away, maybe the bond would change her, he could only do as Reid had, and hope.

Stepping out of the forbidden lands and into the morning snow was somewhat bizarre. They seemed almost two entirely different worlds, the contrast of the heated darkness of the dead woods, to the bright white cold of the snow was almost blinding to the group.

Cold wasn't something that bothered shifters, but humans, they would have a much more difficult time making it through the landscape alive. Ronan liked it that way, relied on it.

They had only been braving the cold snow for a small amount of time when they spotted patrol shifters, their noses pressed firmly to the fresh snow, they scented the newcomers quickly. The shifters began charging towards them, lips furled back revealing sharp canines, their heckles up. The pack was already on defense, ready for a fight. Zion counted eight but how many more lay hidden he could only guess.

Reid stood in front of his new-found mate as they approached, shielding her from a possible attack. Fighting was all Ronan's men knew, peace wasn't a word in their vocabulary, and unless Zion could break through their tunnel vision, there would be blood.

Zion padded in front of the group, dipping his head low to the ground, a wolf bow. It was a signal that he wasn't a threat, the patrol wolves seemed to ignore this gesture, after training day in and day out, real combat was something they craved. A fight would be inevitable.

“Zion they are not backing down, we must prepare for the worst.” Apollo warned him.

Zion adjusted his stance, he wasn't backing down from this fight. He needed to see Ronan, if he had to maim all of his patrol men to do so, then so be it.

The first reached him, fangs snipping near his jugular. They went straight in for the kill. Ronan's men didn't mess around. Zion slipped beneath him, catching his hind leg, tossing him back into the snow, before the rest joined the fight, Zion's company included.

Fur flew, blood stained the white ground. They were out numbered, but not out matched. Zion had sunk his jaw into another of the wolves when he felt it, a surge of power, he felt invincible, like there was no warrior that could face him and come out victorious.

Within seconds, he tore through the rest of the patrol wolves, wounding them without the kill. He had decided then he wouldn't kill them, he may need them when the war came.

As he stood panting, soaked in red, taking in the surrounding damage, he spotted a large black wolf stood on a rise just ahead. A black wolf meant only one thing, this was the Alpha, this was Ronan.

“You have my attention Zion. Come, it seems we have some matters to discuss.” Ronan spoke through the mind link.

Alphas could do more than just communicate with their pack, they could whisper into the minds of others like themselves. Zion didn't hesitate, none of them did, they briskly followed Ronan through the snow and to his domain. It was a risk, a risk they were all willing to take.

Log huts lined up among the snow. The group walked past the homes with caution. Everyone in the pack stood at their doors ready, ready to protect their Alpha if they saw the need for it. They were loyal, fearless, Zion needed these men.

At the end of the rows of huts was a large canvas shelter, smoke billowed out. Ronan shifted as he entered, Zion and his group followed suit. Ronan handing them all clothes, before dressing and seating himself in front of a burning flame.

He looked powerful, ominous. Reid looked like he had been in battle many times, he wore the scars. Ronan on the other hand looked as though he had been built for war, designed for death. Zion found him slightly intimidating, he wanted this creature at his side.

“I am impressed your group made it through the forbidden lands, a rarity, and with a female in tow also. You must forgive my patrol men, we are not accustomed to visitors. What brings you here?” Even Ronan's voice demanded respect.

“It is time Ronan, time for war. Max wants something, I have it, or should I say someone. She is my mate, and I have no intentions of handing her over. He has made it clear he will try to take her by force, his army behind him.” Zion wasn't ready to give over too many details, Ronan was still unpredictable.

He was aware that Kat thought her to be more, Zion knew she was at the very least of the creators bloodline. Ronan didn't need to know that, not yet. Zion darted his eyes to Kat, she bowed her head in agreement, it must be kept between them.

“I can't say I sympathize, I have no mate. It seems now I am the only elder that wasn't privy to that gift, not that I am intrested in such things. But war, now that is something I am interested in.” Ronan's eyes scanned the group as he spoke, his eyes burned into Reid. They had a tense friendship, but they respected each other.

“So you will fight with us?” Reid asked casually.

“I never said that, I only said I was interested. First, tell me Zion why should I fight alongside an elder who hasn't been in combat for decades, a madman, and his Alpha son. It was only weeks ago you were seeking a peace treaty with the enemy. That wouldn't make me a smart shifter now would it.” Ronan wanted them to beg, it wouldn't happen. Alphas were proud creatures, the threat of death could not force it from them.

“My mind has been healed, I have clarity. Zion has a mate to fight for, as does Reid. You know how wildly protective we are of our mates, they would die in battle before any harm came to them.” Apollo hadn't lost his Alpha tone, he wasn't here to be toyed with.

Ronan's eyes found Kats, a smirk spread onto his face.

“You found your mate Reid. I suppose you see that as some kind of triumph, but the one thing you would kill for is also your biggest weakness, remember that. Love makes you weak. Apollo dear friend, you forget, I know you could not protect your own mate from death, and you expect to protect your sons?” Ronan was taunting them, baiting them into anger, surely he was insane.

“Enough!” Zion roared as he slammed his hands against the hard surface of Ronan's desk, the frame buckled at the force.

“We did not come here for your games Ronan, we came out of respect. We are going to war, with or without you, the choice is yours. You can earn your glory on the battlefield, and fight the God of war, or you and your pack can stay in the harsh cold of this wasteland. Choose wisely my friend.” Zion was getting impatient, every moment away from Moon torture. He didn't have time for Ronan's bullshit.

“You said this war was against Max?” Ronan questioned.

It was Reid's turn to smirk, Ronan did not know who Max really was, it would be a pleasure to give him clarity.

“You, brother, may know him as Titus." Reid stepped forward, leaning over, connecting eyes with Ronan. He wanted to see the realization when it crossed his face. They had found him, after all this time.

“Well now, that would change everything, if it were infact true.” Ronan stood, and the tension in the room eased.

“On Freya's soul, I swear it. So you are with us?” Reid needed to hear it from his mouth.

“Titus killed Creed, my brother, the original Alpha. By my hands he shall meet his death.I am in” Ronan's tone showed no fear, only excitement. He would fight, he would be victorious.

Zion didn't have time to revel in the partnership. Something hit him like a stone wall, Moon, she was in danger.

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