The cursed Moon.

Chapter 12

Moon reflected on the evening as she lay in bed, exhausted, but completely exhilarated.

Shifting had been excruciatingly painful for her, confusing. But to become her wolf, she would never forget that moment.

Once she submerged herself in the light, she awoke in her meadow, not physically, but in another plane of reality. It was warm, bright. She was seated on the hilltop, watching down on the village, there were no people, not a sound but those of nature.

A breeze stirred and with it, she came. A woman, her presences was warm, wrapping itself around Moon, making her feel safe, loved. Her hair sparkled as if laced with the stars, black as the evening, her eyes a sea of green. She floated rather than walked. Moon had never seen such an ethereal being in the entirety of her life, and she doubted she would again.

The woman took a seat next to Moon among the wildflowers, her aroma sweeter than anything growing in the meadow itself.

“Moon, you have finally arrived.” her voice was a soft echo, soothing, like a mothers to its babe.

“I don't understand, am I dead?” Moon replied.

“Let me explain, I am Ria, the Moon goddess. In spirit, I am her, but physically you are me. We are one, the same being.” she smiled as she spoke, calmness surrounded her.

“Me?” Moon answered.

“Why not you? You are of my blood, for I cannot bleed, I cannot visit the human realm. I only see it through your eyes. You have my power Moon, and soon you will be called to use it. My brother has broken the rules of the gods, he has interfered with fate. In this form I cannot stop him, but you can, we can, we must. I created all life, every creature big and small, the elements that allow them to survive. We are connected to all; therefore you can control all, you just need to learn how. To achieve this, I need you to survive. Be strong, brave. You have Atlas, he was created specially for you, a partner in combat, in power. You carry a heavy burden, he will ease the weight. Zion will protect you, love you, unconditionally, every breathe he takes, his life, will be for you. You are not cursed Moon, you never were, you are, and have always been blessed.”

Looking out across the meadow, Moon felt it, felt blessed. Then she felt guilt, she had run from the pack because of her own insecurities, her inability to see herself for what she was. She had deprived her mate her faith, although he freely gave his in her. She felt Kat was sinister, deranged, and yet, she still allowed Kat to manipulate her.

“They will forgive you Moon, they are worried about you, searching for you as we speak. You mustn't keep them waiting any longer.” Ria lightly ran her hand through Moons hair, and then it was dark again.

When she awoke, she was no longer a girl in the meadow, but a wolf of the woods, the breath she took felt as if it was her very first.

She felt powerful, strong.

Every experience was new in this form, her senses enhanced. She was connected to the world around her, and every being that inhabited it.

The aroma of her mate was thick in the air, and Moon knew on inhaling it he was around one hundred and fifty yards away.

She sniffed the air again, two other wolf scents wafted around her, one she recognized as Atlas, the other smelt of coconut...... Kat. She didn't have time to delight in her new tracking abilities, she needed to get to them fast. Kat was unpredictable, Zion would die for her.

When she reached them, Zion was going in for the kill, but hesitated as his eyes met Moons, and everything he felt flooded through her at once. He was readable now, she didn't understand how, she didn't need to know how, because instead she knew everything he thought, felt and wanted of her.

Everything she had experienced since meeting him, every longing, every sensation, the deepness of her love, he felt it for her too. The mate bond wasn't as simple as just a bond it was a divine pairing. A lifeline in an immortal existence, it was unbreakable.

Moon flushed when she remembered the evening. What started off as an unfortunate night quickly became the single most blessed days of her life, and there had been many of those recently.

Moon heard the front door open, Atlas must have been home. Moon was giddy with the reality that she finally had a home. She had a friend, her brother, a gift, the truth, and most of all, she had love, she was immensely grateful for it all.

She was almost asleep when she heard the door crack open. She had assumed it was Atlas checking in on her, but instead the distinctive smell of her mate filtered into her room. She felt a flutter in her stomach, her heart rate increase, he was here.

“Zion?” she questioned as she sat rubbing her eyes.

“Sorry Moon, I didn't mean to wake you.” he replied in a hushed tone.

“What are you doing here, is everything ok?” Moon had hoped he would come, but for what reason he was now here she was unsure of. She tried to get inside his mind again, but once more was met with a wall. It left her a little disappointed. She loved the reassurance that he returned everything she felt for him.

“Everything is fine, Kats still running around is all. She may come for you, Max may come for you. It's a risk to leave you alone after your first shift, you will feel weak.” He spoke as he stood still in the doorway, did he want permission to enter?

“Oh, please come in.” Moon signalled to him, half disappointed that he was only here for her safety, half just pleased he was here at all.

Zion stepped into the room, and took a seat next to her bed. He was always careful with her, always just out of arm's reach. Moon couldn't understand why, she knew he wanted more, wanted to hold her, caress her, she saw it. She wanted it too, but he didn't know that. He thought her innocent, pure, maybe even a little naïve.

Moon sat crossing her legs, shuffling over. It was ment as a subtle hint that she was making room for him to come closer. He didn't take notice, he looked deep in thought.

“Zion, are you sure all is fine?” Moon asked with concern.

“Sorry I am just a little distracted of late. There is a war coming, a war we must win. I cannot lose you, I just found you. As your mate it is my duty to protect you.” Zion lent forward in his chair, his eyes locked with Moons, she could see the fear in them.

“You are really afraid?” Moon asked, it seemed impossible to her. When she was in his mind, all she saw was raw power, determination, not fear.

“Not to go into battle, not of Max, no man, nor the God of War. I am only afraid for you Moon, afraid to lose you. Reid wants you to fight, he says you have abilities, and after seeing you in the woods tonight I know that to be true. How can allow you to enter a war that is meant to protect you from harm?” Zion was sharing with her freely, she wished she could ease his worries, she could only try.

“Zion…. I know you consider me to be something frail, something delicate, but I can do this, I can beat Titus. The Moon goddess told me so, you just have to have faith.” Moon hoped her confidence may diminish his doubt.

“She spoke to you?” Zion asked with surprise.

“When I shifted, she came to me. She is me, I am her, we are one.” Moon repeating the words that Ria had spoken.

A smile broke onto Zion's face. He lightly shook his head in disbelief.

“You will have to stop doing that Moon.” he said with humor.

“What?” she asked. Did he not believe her? Did he think her insane?

“Surprising me. I am already in complete awe of you, but you keep amazing me. I have no idea why she chose me, why she saw me worthy as your mate, but I am humbled that she did.” Zion believed it, believed Moon was a gift he was not worthy of receiving.

“It is our destiny Zion. We were ment to be just as the sun was ment to rise, the birds to sing, you must know that. Come, I want to show you something.” Moon pat a spot on the bed next to her, he wasn't going to cross boundaries with her, she knew he had to be invited.

Zion's expression was a curious one as he moved from the chair to the bed. He sat facing her, his legs crossed just like hers. The closeness still wasn't enough for Moon, but it would do for now.

Moon cupped her hands around his chiseled face, one on each side. With the sparks spreading under her hands, she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. Moon had seen, felt everything he did towards her, it was only fair she returned the favor.

She showed him the way her heart missed a beat every time he was near, how her skin felt electric against his own, how deeply she loved him..... and how she lusted for him, to feel his touch, crave his scent, his lips. He needed to know that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

Zion inhaled her deeply as she removed her hands, opening his eyes, he lent in close enough for her to feel his breath on her skin. It sent a shiver through her, not one of fear, but one of desire.

“What was that Moon?” Zion whispered.

“My thoughts, my feelings. Zion I am yours completely, in this life and the next, for all eterrnity” She flushed at her own words, her heart increasing. Like magnets they were drawing closer to each other, until their heads touched, both looking down at their hands which had now intertwined.

“Moon….” Zion sighed as he placed a hand gently on her cheek, bringing her eyes to meet his.

His eyes darted from hers to her lips, he licked his own. He seemed tense, he was still fighting it, fighting the urge for her.

“Why are you resisting your own desires?” Moon asked.

“I have to, I respect you Moon, I may lose control. I want you like I have never wanted anything before. But you are innocent, pure, I cannot take that from you.” Zion said quietly.

Moon knew then it would have to be her to show him she wanted this, she wanted him. Not just in mind, or heart, but in body too. He could not possibly take what she was so willing to give.

Moon lent in closer, brushing her lips against his with care. He exhaled shakily, surrendering to her, he slipped his tongue across her bottom lip and into her mouth, moving it across hers, urging her to do the same. Moons hands moved to his back pulling him in closer, as his moved into her hair, holding her face in his hands, deepening the trance of desire they had entered into. Moon felt the burning spread through her, settling in her core. She felt a wave of wanting, wanting more, and just as she was about to take it Zion pulled away.

He drew up his legs, resting his head between his knees, panting heavily.

“You are playing with fire Moon.” Zion said with a strained voice.

Moon got up onto her hands and knees, inching closer to him, bringing her mouth just out of reach of his ear.

“Maybe I want to get burnt.” she whispered it, drunk with lust.

Zions pupils widened, connected with hers, an intensity rippled into them. He looked...... hungry, for her, he would not fight it, not anymore.

He slipped a hand around her, laying her flat on the bed, hovering his body over her own. His mouth returned to hers and the sheer euphoria she felt when he kissed her caused her hips to rock under him.

His mouth left hers and trailed down her neck, kissing, licking, as much of her as possible. Goosebumps rose all over her body, the sensations left her breathless.

Moon slipped her hands under his shirt, feeling his skin. She then brought them to the small of Zions back, pulling his hips to hers, slowly spreading her legs apart to bring him even closer.

One hand held him up, while he used the other to skillfully undo the buttons on her nightdress, exposing her bare chest to the air. The whole time still dividing his mouth's attention between her mouth and neck.

He pushed himself onto his hands over her, his eyes roaming over her uncovered body. He bit down on his lip, anticipation building inside him.

“Moon you are perfection.” he sighed in appreciation as he lowered himself, planting a kiss between her breast.

“I am yours forever” he whispered as he moved his mouth lower, kissing her abdomen, then her hip. His mouth kissing her, teasing her lower body. She felt a warm pooling between her legs. She hurt for him, she needed him.

He sat and smiled in delight at the effect he had on her, slipping the shirt from his body.

Moon's eyes flickered down, he had the body of a warrior. From his sculptured muscles, to the deep v shape in his hips. She instinctively ran her hands over it, memorizing every detail, he was spectacular, hypnotic.

He lowered himself on her once more, the skin of their naked bodies touching. It caused the burn she felt under her skin, the electricity, to magnify. If this was the fire Zion spoke of, his fire, then Moon could spend eternity in the flames.

He kissed her again, but unlike seconds ago, it was soft sweet. His hand caressed one side of her body, hers pressed to his chest, feeling his heartbeat under her fingertips, the rhythm uneven.

He shifted a little, then settled back onto her. It was then she felt it pressed between her legs, resting on her wetness. It was hard, throbbing. She felt her core squeeze in delight.

“Moon….I want you to be certain this is what you want.” He asked in sincerity.

“I want you Zion.” Moon was almost pleading with him, she didn't just want him, she needed him.

Moon felt his hips pull back, before he slowly entered into her. She gasped as he filled her, he was still, savoring the feeling of her body around his. Moon lifted her hips carefully to his, letting him know she would take it, the pleasure would be worth the pain.

He kissed her passionately as his hips rocked back and forth with hers. She had never felt anything like it, her head spun, she moaned unconsciously as he held her closer, moved in deeper.

They rocked together slowly, teasing, kissing, grasping each other, both eager to please the other. Time itself was gone, it was just them, locked together, two souls connected.

Zion increased his pace, Moon threw her head back, grasping onto the bed, wrapping her legs around him. She felt a building of pleasure inside her, as he swayed against her, waves of it crashed all over her as Zion's hot breath brushed against her ear.

“I love you my Moon” he breathed out heavily.

Before she could reply, she felt a quiver through her body. She tightened around him, the release almost blinding her, causing her toes to curl. Her inner tightening pushing Zion over the edge. He thrust hard inside her as they spilled onto each other. On his last thrust Zion did something she did not expect, he bought his lips to her collar bone and bit down, marking her as his forever.

She didn't feel pain, she only felt him. His walls crashed down again, their bond was now complete.


Zion laid awake, Moon curled into him. He watched her, he couldn't take his eyes off her sleeping face. Her mouth was pouted, slightly opened, as she dreamed. He hoped she dreamed of him as often as he did her. He had thought by now that he would have become accustomed to her beauty, but it still left him as memorized as the first time he lay eyes on her.

Zion had been with women before, to some maybe too many, but Moon was different. Every moment, every touch, had him teetering on the edge. They had not simply lay together, he know knew why some called it making love.

She was pure, yet she gave herself to him so freely, so willing, just as aroused as he had been. She wanted him, not because he was an Alpha, she wanted him for him. She gave him a part of himself she could never get back.

The way she instinctively knew how to touch him, how to please him perfectly, rocked him to his core.

When he marked her, he had felt a sudden surge of energy, power, course through his veins. He felt stronger than ever, invincible, like he could fight a thousand gods.

In just a few hours he would have to leave her again, he would have to go to Alpha Ronan.

He didn't know if he would return in one piece. To get there he would have to cross the forbidden lands, rouge and hunter territory. It was perilous, many of the rouges he had banished himself, Grey would be looking for revenge. For him, Moon was worth the risk.

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