The cursed Moon.

Chapter 11

Zion lay in bed, happy, warm, he was gaining trust with his mate. Anyone that knew her would die for her, himself included, it would be hard not to. She had magic all around her, innocence, purity, any noble creature would protect that.

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud banging on his door, Kat.

“Zion I know your in there, open up, I will kick this door down.” She sounded furious, did she know about Moon, if so, was Moon in danger?

Zion needed to know what she knew. It was Kat, there were any number of things that she could be mad about.

“What do you want, Kat?” Zion asked as he opened the door.

“You really need to tell your men to keep that human on a leash. She was wondering the gardens alone. Lucky for her, you need her for your peace treaty, or I would have disposed of her on the spot. Evil temptress, seducing Grey into doing the unthinkable. If you cared about me at all, you would lock that thing away.” Kats words lead Zion to believe he was in the clear.

“You met her?” Zion asked, seething at the thought of Kat being near Moon, the venom in her woods as she spoke of his mate.

“Yes, disgusting creature, every bit as sickening as the rest, easily frightened too.” Kat scoffed with humor as she spoke the last part.

“What did you say to her Kat?” Zion now stood, heaving with rage.

“I put her in her place, told her who I am, who I will be. The dull thing had never heard of chosen mates, humans......” She shrugged Moon off quickly, splaying herself across Zions bed, her eyes inviting Zion to join her.

“Get out Kat, I don't know what you think you are to me, but I assure you if she has fled because of something you have said I will banish you myself.” Zions voice was a low growl, he wanted to tear her to pieces, but he wasn't a monster, not anymore.

“You would endanger my life for hers, for your peace treaty. Is that how much it means to you, how little I mean to you?” Kats anger was rising with Zions.

“Moon means everything to me!!” Zion realized the words were a mistake, he ment them, but Kat was no fool.

“Moon? The human........ Zion, please tell me she isn't….” Kat had figured it out, all Zion could do was stare her down.

He watched on as the rage, the jealousy rose, he knew he had made a dire mistake, he had now put Moon in danger. He waited for the explosive temper to show itself but some how Kat became oddly calm.

“Well sweet Zion, let's hope you get to her before I do.” Kats voice was laced with threats.

“I will kill you myself if you dare touch a hair on her head.” Zion roared.

“Oh, my love….but you have killed me, death would be a release from this betrayal, she dies first.” Kat headed for the door.

Zion chased after her, but she was quick. She flew down the stairs with a blur, her roots as a rogue on full display. As fast as she was, she was no tracker. He knew the first place she would look was Atlas's.

Zion was grateful, knowing that Atlas would defend Moon even if it meant killing Kat. There was hope for him, she would be safe, she would be alive.

Zion hurdled across the grounds, bashing on the door, there was no sign of Kat, or that she had beat him here.

“Zion Atlas isn't here, he is out looking for Moon.” Reign said frantically as she opened the door.

“What do you mean looking for Moon? She is not here? Where is she Reign?” Zion needed something, anything to point him in the right direction.

“She was walking the gardens this evening. It was getting late. Atlas thought she would be safe, then he felt a wave of agony wash over him. It was Moon. Wherever she is she is in pain.”

Zion didn't need to hear anymore, he didn't have the time, he shifted quickly and darted into the woods, a long howl escaping him. Anything could have happened, what if she believed what Kat told her, what if she believed her mate had rejected her. Atlas had told him that is all she ever felt, rejected. Rouges could have her, or even worse Max could find her, take her as his own.

He knew Kat would be in the woods too, as would Atlas. It would be a race for her safety, for her life. He felt blame, he should of sent Kat off, banished her, the moment he knew Moon was his mate. He knew Kat, what she is capable of. He had sympathy for her, that sympathy could possible have Moon killed.

“Atlas, anything, have you got a trail?” Zion opened up the mind link, hoping for direction.

“She has headed toward Ronan's territory, north. Something happened to her, I can feel it, she was in pain when she left. It was intensely emotional, now all I can feel is the physical. Alpha we have to find her, it felt like death.” Atlas said, just as frantic as Reign.

“Kat is out here too, she knows Moon is my mate. We have little time. We will find her Atlas.” and he would, if he had to search until the end of time, Zion would find Moon.

Zion caught her scent in his nostrils after running for what seemed like hours, he inhaled it deeply, letting it lead him to her.

He came into the clearing, spotting Atlas's white wolf immediately, the crescent moon mark visible on his chest, sniffing something close to the ground.

The alpha approached, and all that was left of Moon, his mate, his everything, was her torn clothing. He was too late, he couldn't save her.

A pain took home in his chest, he was meant to protect her, he had failed. His choices had lead to her death, he would become his father, his father would no doubt return to the madness. Without Moon there would be nothing left to live for each day, like Ronan he had lost his hope.

“Looks like someone beat me to it, I would give my condolences, but we both no I am not sorry.” Kat appeared from the shadows, her tone a teasing one.

Zion had no control, he had shifted back at the pack grounds, his wolf was out, and he was just as enraged by Moon's absence as Zion was.

Kat quickly shifted anticipating what was to come next. The two of them circled each other, snarling as Atlas watched on heartbroken.

Zion and Kat collided in a brawl of teeth and claws. Zion easily tossing her frame into a tree, causing it to splinter, her body landing on the ground with force. He stalked towards her, unable to reign in the beast that he had released, he wanted Kat dead.

He exposed his canines, a warning to Kat that the end was near. He could feel her fear, hear her pleading in his mind but he cared not. He was going in for the kill, hungry for Kat to share in the pain he felt, and then suddenly there was light, a blinding glow approaching from the trees, followed by the sweet aroma of his mate.

Zions wolf relaxed, calm, retreating. Whatever the brightness was, he served it, he was bound to it.

“Moon.” Atlas whispered through the mind link.

There before them stood a white wolf, shining, the trees alight around it, it's eyes a remarkable emerald green.

Zion was entranced by it immediately. Its beauty unmatched by any wolf before it. It was her, the light in the darkest of places, his Moon.

Kat's wolf growled, threatening the glow, but every step the creature took closer, the more Kat wined and cowered, Kat had no choice but to serve the wolf too, no matter how hard she fought it, she had to submit, as if it was a demand from nature.

Moon towered over Kats now cowering wolf, her eyes demanding Kat met them.

A silent exchange was shared between the two she-wolves. Zion couldnt not hear what was being said, but soon Kat quickly sprung to her feet, then disappeared into the darkness from which she came.

Moon looked to him with an understanding before turning on her heels and sprinting off in the direction of the pack grounds.

She didn't need to say anything, he would follow her, into war, into death, he would follow her to the ends of the underworld if it came to it.

Zion and Atlas were left in awe, running behind a blur of light whizzing through the trees.

How she found her way back to Atlas's with little effort proved her wolf had good instincts, and now he knew why Reid wanted her in battle. She was strong, powerful, eerie. It had only been her first shift, and she had Kat running without a fight. A luminous wolf in battle, it would be a fearsome sight. Even Titus should be afraid.

Reign waited on the porch, her face said it all, she was stunned by the sight of Moon's wolf, mystified by it.

She reached out her hand, the wolf bowed allowing Reign to touch the fur on her head, a giggle floating from Reign's lips.

"You are spectacular Moon, truly beautiful.” Reign gushed with pride. Her friend was something otherworldly.

“Atlas take the Alpha to the pack house, he needs clothes and Moon may need some privacy to shift herself. I have a feeling she isn't accustomed to full-frontal nudity.” Reign was right, Zion wasn't ready either, he already had a hard time resisting her, fighting his urges. If he saw her naked body, the thought of touching it, that would be torture.

He gave Moon a longing glance and heard her voice in his mind.

“Come back to me.” She whispered into his thoughts.

“Always.” he answered back.

Zion hurdled towards the pack house, shifting as soon as he reached the doors. As he entered he reached into a large cupboard, if a wolf shifted when dressed their clothing became destroyed, having spare clothes at the entrance to the castle was essential. He handed a set to a very naked Atlas before pulling on clothes of his own.

They two spoke in hushed whispers of the night's events, both unsure of what they had witnessed to be real.

“I have never heard, read of or seen anything like it. She glows, why does she glow?” Zion asked Atlas.

“She has been chosen by the Moon goddess she has her power. What else she is capable of I am unsure. I have seen our mother in your father's mind, and while her wolf was also white, it didn't glow.” Atlas found it surreal that he shared a womb with such a rare being.

“Ah out for a run, were we Alpha?” The sound of Reid's voice stretched across the hall, interrupting their conversation.

"Something like that, Reid we need to talk, in private. Atlas and I have discovered something tonight, something that may change everything." Zion answered.

Reid raised an eyebrow, his intrigue clear. He began leading the Alpha and beta to his chambers, looking around carefully, as he opened the door and directed them to sit.

"So tell me Alpha, what is it you have learned." Reid questioned, once he was sure it was safe to speak.

“Moon she shifted, Reid her wolf, I have seen nothing like it.” Zion spoke as Reid brung his seat closer, huddling in to the hushed conversation.

“White?” Reid asked rhetorically.

“Not just white, I myself am white. Moon, she is more. She is luminescent.” Atlas answered.

“She glows?” Reid asked, with disbelief.

“Yes, very bright.” Zion answered, recalling the light you that radiated from her.

“Well now that is different, and you are sure of this?” Reid asks.

“We saw it ourselves.” Zion replied.

“This is unexpected news indeed.” Reid was excited. It was the first time in a long time the elder had come across something not even he had seen.

“Always expect the unexpected when it comes to Moon.” Zion had learned that the moment he laid eyes on her.

"I wish I could give you more insight Zion, but on this matter, even I have no experience. How is she?" Reid asked.

“She will be weak tonight after her first shift. Kat will know this, we can't just trust she has disappeared into the night. She will be a threat to Moon until she is located.” Atlas had thought of every possibility of what Kat will do next, none good.

“I will stay with her, between Atlas and myself, she will be well protected” Zion wouldn't sleep knowing that she would be vulnerable to attacks without him, that, and he missed her scent already. He was thirsty for it.

“Apollo and I have the pack house covered.” Reid would protect it as his own if that allowed Moon to be well looked after.

“Thank you, Alpha.” Zion meant it, he still had the responsibility of the pack. They needed to be safe too.

“I will meet you at Atlas's come morning. We will depart from there, until then gentlemen.” Reid bid them farewell, He then headed to find Apollo, he would be just as fascinated as Reid about tonight's events.

Atlas departed as soon as Reid had escorted them from his qauters, there would have to be someone with her always. As long as Moon was alive there would be those who sought after her, her power. She had to keep some parts of herself hidden if she were to survive.

It was true Zion was blessed by the Goddess in gifting him Moon, but he also knew she had given him a near impossible task, how could he protect what every being would desire, would want for their own. How could he protect her and keep her innocent. She would see death, and with what he saw tonight he knew she would more then capable of causing it.

He sighed as he prepared for his journey the following morning, he didn't want to leave her, not now, nor ever. But he knew it was necessary for her survival, their survival.

Zion stepped out into the night air once he had finished his duties. He viewed everything differently now, even the stars that scattered across the black canvas of the sky seemed more beautiful. Everything held more magic since finding Moon, the world, his world held her, that is what made it truly enchanting.

As he approached Atlas's home, he spotted Reign sitting on the porch, she too was staring at the night sky.

"How is she?" Zion asked, as he took a seat next to her.

"She is resting." Reign answered.

"I am pleased she has you Reign." Zion continued.

"The pleasure is mine. You saw what I was, I only saw the ugly parts of life, blind to the magic around us. She gave me my sight back, she gave me more then I can ever give her." Reign met Zions eyes, he saw the same wonderment Zion felt.

"She truly is a gift." Zion agreed.

"I know you are frightened, so am I, but we can safe her, we can save all of us" Reign assured him.

"I hope you are right." Zion replied.

"Hope is all we need." Reign sighed contentedly.

The two sat in silence, seeing the land around them, life and love itself with brand new eyes. The reality of what was possible and what was not expanded to anything and everything, as Moon slept soundly in her bed.

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