The Curse Conduit

Chapter 61

Geoffrey lent over Beth-Elena’s bed and kissed her on the forehead and the princess stirred just a little making the young man stiffen, stand up straight, shooting a worried look at Declan’s mother. The woman smiled at him. “You have a healing touch Master Geoffrey, talk to her.”

Geoffrey hesitated and looked to Uri who had gone back to sit in the shadows. Uri only nodded at the boy while Elizabeth and Bethie’s words tugged at his heart. He prayed that Beth-Elena would come back to them but he was not sure what he would do when she did.

Once more Geoffrey lent in and kissed his princess and again she stirred a little. Not sure what he should talk about the young boy began to tell of his adventures around the castle as well as with the knights, even his kitchen raids with Declan. Many of his exploits news to both Uri and Declan’s mother. The woman having a small tear in her eye as her son and this boy had a lot in common. In time she would take Geoffrey under her wing and with her tutelage he would grow into a fine man, exhibiting many of the qualities that Declan had been blessed with.

But for now he talked to his sleeping Princess, waiting and watching for her to awake.

Uri was aware that the room had fallen silent, He had no idea how long since Geoffrey has ceased his banter, now the young boy sat next to Beth-Elena’s bed with is head resting on her stomach sleeping. Rising quietly from his own chair Uri gave Declan’s mother a gentle squeeze on the shoulder as he passed. Looking down into Beth-Elena’s face, so serene, so beautiful he gently took her hand and kissed it. “Come back to us my princess. Declan would not want you to wander eternity alone. Seeking what cannot be found. Come back and I will offer my heart, my soul, my love to you for such an eternity. Do not be afraid my dear sweet princess, for alone you shall never be, without love you shall never be.” Uri sighed. “The world would be so dark without your beauty to look upon each day.” Leaning over he kissed her gently on the forehead.

Beth-Elena stirred just a little and Uri took her hand and kissed it one more time. He dared not breathe as her eyes opened and her gaze fell on him. He felt her squeeze his hand, watching as tiny tears escaped down her face.

Geoffrey woke and the young man cried seeing that his princess was awake, darting from the room so quickly it shocked Declan’s mother but then she saw the princess and smiled.

Beth-Elena sought out Uri’s face for a sign that what she knew to be true was just a nightmare. Her tears flowed faster seeing the pain, the compassion as well as the dark circles that he carried under his eyes. As she spoke the name of her love it was as if she had released all her own grief in that single moment. “Declan…… We have lost him.”

Uri just nodded, feeling her begin to tremble under his touch.

Beth-Elena looked to Declan’s mother so much sorrow emanating from her look it took the older woman all her strength to keep her own sorrow under control. “He’s gone?”

Declan’s mother nodded. It was Beth-Elena’s signal; the cry that escaped from her lips tore Uri apart. He had thought the wails of the woman on the battlefield had been devastating but this was so much more. Without thinking he sat on the bed and pulled her to him, holding her tight as she cried like he had never seen anyone cry before. Closing his eyes and rocking her gently as Beth-Elena expelled all her sorrow, all her grief, all her love for Declan, Uri wondered if he was indeed strong enough to help her.

The tormented cries of the princess were too much for Declan’s mother. She knew it was what Beth-Elena needed to do; she also knew that it was Uri she needed to be with to do it. But she could no longer watch. Leaving the room she broke down, allowing herself to cry so completely for her son. This was how the others found her, sitting on the floor outside Beth-Elena’s room. Knees curled up to her chest, and her head buried in her hands.

Danny raced to her, kneeling down and touching her gently on the hands as the others gathered around, all thinking the worst. As their eyes met she gasped. “Declan?”

Danny was taken back but understood that he looked so much like her son it was not such a stretch that she may have thought he was Declan. He shook his head. It was then that they all heard Beth-Elena’s cries. Bethie had been standing next to Urian so she pushed herself a little closer to him on hearing the heart wrenching sounds. Elizabeth took hold of Derek’s free hand, also pushing herself closer to him.

Geoffrey had walked slowly to the door unable to will himself to go in.

Danny pulled Declan’s mother to her feet and hugged her. “He was a brave man and a good friend.” Looking to his friends and then to the door to the room. “Uri must be gutted. Maybe we should leave, give Declan’s mum a rest.”

Hearing Danny’s words Declan’s mother took control of her emotions ran her hands through her hair and then pushed them down the front of her dress. Pushing back her shoulders she looked from one to the other. “No kind Master Daniel. My work is not finished. Uri will need his friends.” She looked from Urian to Uriah. “He will need you and you know of the reasons why.”

In unison Uriah and Urian nodded.

Elizabeth called to Geoffrey and held her hand out for the young boy to take. “She is in pain now but she is awake. Uri is with her. We’ll come back and see her later.?” Elizabeth had been speaking to the young boy however all but Uriah and Urian went back down the hallway.

Derek looked back over his shoulder to Uriah and nodded his support. He felt for his friend.

Before they got back to the great hall Geoffrey had darted away to some unknown place. They all knew he had gone to cry. Just as they all entered the King entered from the opposite direction. There was no need of words. He had been told that his niece was now awake but the looks on their faces told him the situation was still grave. “Bea, she is still with us?”

They all nodded but it was Bethie who went to him. “Yes, Sire, Uri is with her.”

The King looked around the room. “Your friends Uriah and Urian?”

Again Bethie spoke for them all. “They have stayed to help him Sire. Declan’s mother is still with your niece.” Bethie squeezed the King’s hand. “Go to her Sire. She will need to see you.”

The King nodded to the others and left, his heart tearing at his chest with each step he took.

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