The Curse Conduit

Chapter 60

Uriah held Elizabeth in his arms feeling her weight as she had drifted off to sleep. The suns warmth helping to heal his own hurts a little. Both Uriah and Bethie stiffened at what they saw. Standing at the entrance to the court yard was Derek, pale, stooped over a little, one arm resting on Danny’s shoulder for support. Derek’s body was covered in scars and bruises but the wound that caused him the most trouble was not the ones that had been inflicted on the battlefield but the one he had sustained in the plane. His leg ached and he limped badly as he walked, more pronounced than it had been in sometime. With a crutch under one arm and Danny supporting him on the other Derek took slow painful steps towards the others, his eyes never leaving Elizabeth as he did. His mind had gone into overdrive when he had seen her in Uriah’s arms but the silent nod he had received from Uriah dispelled any thoughts he may have had that he had lost her to him. As Derek laboured to walk Uriah bent over and whispered into Elizabeth’s ear. Stirring, she stretched looked at Bethie who had a wonderful smile on her face as she turned to look back in the direction of Danny and Derek. Waking, it took Elizabeth a few seconds to realise what Bethie was looking at. When she did she leapt from Uriah’s arms over to Derek only stopping when she saw the crutch. Derek gave her a tired smile and pushed off Danny trying to hold himself up.

Elizabeth had no idea if Derek had reverted back to not speaking, so smiling with a small tear appearing in the corner of her eye she walked the short distance between them and kissed him gently on the lips. Her sweet touch was like a tonic to him, washing over him, coursing through his body. Derek used his free arm to pull her towards him, letting her rest on his chest. He dropped his head so his chin rested on the top of hers and he drank in her perfume. Derek had to hold back his own tears as he spoke the few words that filled Elizabeth; filled all of them with hope. “I want to go home.”

Elizabeth hugged him as Uriah and Bethie came to join the small group. Uriah shook Derek’s hand. “Welcome back my friend.”

Derek held Uriah’s hand tight and nodded.

Bethie looked at Danny. “Maybe we should go back inside so Derek can sit down.”

Derek smiled but his eyes searched the court yard. “Where are Declan, Beth-Elena and Uri?”

As they all walked back to the great hall Uriah explained what had happened while Derek had been unconscious, all that was except Declan. They had all assumed that Derek knew he was dead.

Elizabeth helped Derek into a chair as the others took up their own seats. Derek looked from one to the other. The room silent, it was the pained look on Bethie’s face and the touch of Elizabeth’s hand on his arm that told him. “Declan is dead? But …. Why? Weren’t we sent to save him?” Derek looked to Uriah.

“We were sent to stop a curse. We are still here Derek; does that give you your answer?”

Derek could hear the pain in his friend’s voice. Knowing Uriah as he did he was aware he would have dissected their situation right down to its raw bones to find an answer. He also understood that the fact that he had not found one would have been tearing him up inside.

“Uriah. We’ll figure this out. Look what we have all gone through so far. I can’t believe this is it. Something else has to happen that is all.”

Elizabeth squeezed his arm a little tighter, Bethie pushed herself closer to Danny, and Uriah sighed. “I hope so Derek.”

“Uri. How is Uri?” Derek sent his question out to no one in particular and no one answered. Just as he was about to ask again Mary entered the room. “He spends most of his time with my Lady, Master Derek. Master Declan’s mother is also her constant companion as to is young Master Geoffrey.”

Bethie and Elizabeth went to the hand-maiden and hugged her. Mary spoke again. “My Lady will be in good health soon I believe this.”

Once more the room fell silent.

In Beth-Elena’s room Uri had settled into the shadows watching Declan’s mother work her magic on Beth-Elena. The princess had stirred a little over the past few hours, opening her eyes once but she had slipped back into her dark world without acknowledging anyone.

Young Geoffrey had placed himself at Uri’s feet, only leaving his princess when Uri left. He had been the knight’s constant, silent, companion. Uri had brooded in his own silence but was glad of the boys company. His presence reminding Uri why they had gone to battle, for their children’s futures. A future he knew to exist, a future he had glimpsed at through his dreams, a future his cousins had to get back to. Like Derek. Uri wondered why they had not travelled back to their own times. Declan had stilled died but now things had changed. His heart ached hoping it was not the passing of Beth-Elena that would seal their fate in this new reality. Last time it had been her actions, this time would it be her death?

With Geoffrey by his side Uri found himself walking the halls of the castle, wishing he was home. His journey had taken them to the great hall. He was shocked to see Derek, thinking that he was still recovering. Uri’s smile was over shadowed by his grief. He found it hard to be around the others. Derek and Danny reminded him of Declan, Elizabeth and Bethie only helped stir the love he had for Beth-Elena and Uri could hardly breathe.

He looked to his cousins for help but it was Bethie who came to his aid. Coming to him and gently touching his hand she pulled him to the table to sit with the others. Uri complied in silence afraid to speak lest he crumble under the weight of the sorrow and heartache he harboured. “She will be alright Uri, in my heart I know she will. She just needs a little time.” Again Bethie touched his arm. “Are you strong enough to be there for her when the time comes Uri? Are you strong enough to give her the time to grieve so she can love you?” Bethie smiled at the shock in his face, the others had gone silent. They all knew the love Uri had for Beth-Elena. Derek knew of Uriah’s love for Elizabeth and Danny understood Urian’s love for his wife but Uri’s love for Beth-Elena was so much deeper.

It was in that moment while they were all silent, while Uri struggled to find the words to answer Bethie, they realised what they had been sent to do. If truth be told they had all known for some time. It was to make sure that the union of Uri and Beth-Elena became a reality.

Uri’s voice trembled as he spoke. “I promised Declan that I would protect her. I shall not break that promise. I shall continue to be her champion.”

Elizabeth came to stand next to Bethie. “Uri, she will need you to be more than that in time.” Elizabeth bent in and whispered into his hear. “You need to be brave enough to allow yourself to love her Uri. Really love her. Show her just how much you do love her.” Standing back up Elizabeth kissed him gently on the lips shocking Uri just a little. “Show her and you will have a future together.”

Young Geoffrey came and stood next to Uri. “I want to go back.”

Standing Uri left them as silently as he had entered.

Elizabeth went back to Derek but on passing Uriah she took his hand for a fleeting moment. “I’m sorry Uriah.” Then settled next to Derek. “My heart, my soul belong to you Derek, they always will.”

Bethie did the same to Urian. “Please forgive me if I have ever hurt you Ian.” She went to her husband and kissed Danny. “Forever Daniel, forever I am yours.”

Both Uriah and Urian understood what Elizabeth and Bethie were trying to do. Help them move on with their own lives. Listening to them speak to Uri had almost brought each of them undone. In a way they were both jealous. Destiny would allow Uri the chance to love the woman that had consumed him. It also seemed that destiny’s cruel joke was that neither Uriah nor Urian would get that chance. The girls knew this and were trying to let them go.

All of a sudden the room was far too small for the two men. Looking at each other they both began to walk out at the same time.

Derek tried to get out of his chair as Uriah passed him but thought better of it as the pain shot through him. “Uriah…..” Derek’s eyes pleaded with him.

Turning Uriah looked at Elizabeth and then at Derek. “It is okay my friend. We will be fine. I promise no more horseback adventures.” Uriah lowered his voice just a little. “I was thinking of checking on…”

He did not have to finish, they all knew he meant the arrangements for Declan’s funeral.

Danny placed his hand on Urian’s shoulders. “And you?”

“I will go with Uriah. Don’t worry Danny.”

With that the two men left the great hall.

Elizabeth and Bethie were crying knowing they were responsible for the pain they suffered.

Bethie chocked back her tears. “When we get home I have to find someone who will love him as much as he deserves.”

Elizabeth’s thoughts had run to the same, a picture of Kimberly flashed into her mind and she smiled.

Derek and Danny knew it was no use trying to persuade any woman not to meddle in the affairs of the heart, it was what they did.

Danny kissed his wife and Derek pulled Elizabeth into a hug. “I am glad you picked me.”

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