The Curse Conduit

Chapter 42

Uriah stood motionless unable to take his eyes off Elizabeth or remove his hands from hers. Some small part of him had hoped they would never speak of his love for her. It had been hard enough being confronted by Derek. But to have the woman you love so very close, to feel her tender touch, catch a hint of her perfume in the air and know that she did not love you in the way you desperately wanted her to was pure torture. Elizabeth had been kind and gentle in her explanation of her feelings towards him. She did love him but it was Derek who had her heart. She bit her lip and a small tear escaped from the corner of her eye as she tried to stop herself from trembling. Uriah’s silence was more than she could bear. His expression was unreadable; it was as if he had been turned to stone.

“Uriah please say something.”

There was a slight flicker in his eyes as he began to look at her, really look at her. He could feel her trembling and see her apprehension. As much as he hurt, as much as he wanted to scream that it was not fare, he understood how hard it had been for her to talk to him about their situation.

Elizabeth’s eyes begged him to say something but he couldn’t, not without releasing his own tormented emotions. His chest rose slightly as he sighed, pulling Elizabeth into a hug, completely cocooning her with his arms.

Without hesitation Elizabeth allowed him to hold her, she felt safe, his silence still worried her, not sure if it would have been better if he had exploded into a rage.

She did not see the pain and anguish painted on his face as he rested his chin on the top of her head and hugged her for what he knew would be the last time but Derek had and it gripped at his own heart. He stood a little way off in the court yard watching, ready to make a move if Uriah had become violent. Derek never doubted that his friend would ever hurt Elizabeth but their situation was so strange he wanted to make sure. What he saw was a man broken by the loss of a love so deep it griped his very soul.

Like Elizabeth he worried at Uriah’s silence. He had known Uriah longer than Elizabeth and understood that he was a person who internalized a great deal. Derek wondered if this was too much for him to keep buried.

As Derek moved towards them Uriah pushed Elizabeth back a little, lent in and gave her the gentlest kiss on the lips she had ever received. The first real kiss Uriah had given her and as gentle as it was it sent a ripple through her.

Uriah looked at Derek taking Elizabeth’s hand and placing it in his before he walked off still having said nothing.

Elizabeth pushed herself into Derek as he put his arm around her shoulder. “I’m so worried Derek. Maybe we should have just let it be. I had no idea just how much he….Oh Derek. I really have hurt him but I love you. I needed him to understand that. Maybe if we hadn’t met, maybe if all this hadn’t happened.”

Derek pulled her closer. “He does understand Lizzie, more than you will ever know.”

Part of him felt for his friend but part of Derek was glad that he had not lost Elizabeth. Watching Uriah disappear back into the castle he wondered if their friendship would survive, if their working relationship would survive. Then again, that all depended on if they survived. His dreams had made it clear that they still had a job to do.

Like Uriah, Urian sat in silence looking at his two best friends. Danny had tried to make light of the situation at first then realised his mistake. Urian was mortified to know that Danny had known since the very beginning about his feelings for Bethie. Even Danny’s reasoning for not telling him did not dispel the embarrassment he felt, thinking that he had done a good job of hiding his feelings for Bethie all these years.

Bethie had been her sweet caring self and her tears still flowed. Like Elizabeth she was trembling not sure what to do now they had spoken.

“Ian, please forgive me. If I had known earlier I would have said something. I do love you but.”

Urian smiled, took her hands across the table. “Destiny was already written, you and Danny were meant to be together. No other man was going to take his place. I am grateful you have a small place in your heart for me.”

Bethie began to cry again.

He stopped her from saying anything else and placed her hands into Danny’s. “You know I love you both dearly.”

He began to get up to leave when Danny went to say something but Urian cut him off. His voice was soft and calm but strong. “No Danny. We have made our peace, there is nothing more to be said.”

Urian left them hoping he could hold himself together until he was alone. He had thought that talking to Uri and Uriah about their plight would have made it easier. It had not.

Bethie put her hand to her mouth trying to stop her sobs. She felt like she had just killed her best friend. Her own feelings for Urian had run much, much deeper than she had expected and talking about them had been very traumatic and exhausting. If she had not been married to Danny she wondered if she would have been so strong. Mary was right; to love two men was cruel.

Danny wiped the tears away from her face. “We’ll be okay Beth.” He looked to were Urian had gone. “We’ll all be okay.”

Uri and Declan and Beth-Elena had found themselves in the garden not far from where Derek and Elizabeth had been. Like his two companions Uri was speechless. He was overcome by Declan’s compassion to his plight, by his understanding of how hard it had been for him. For the most part it was the two men that spoke and in an odd sort of way coming to an agreement.

Uri took Beth-Elena’s hands and held them to his chest. “My dear sweet Bea. I cannot promise that I can love you any less. I do not know how to stop loving you but I promise I shall be forever your champion.” He looked at Declan. “Forever friends. I would be most honoured if you would still allow me to attend your wedding.”

Declan smiled. “We would have it no other way my friend.”

Uri kissed Beth-Elena as tenderly as Uriah had kissed Elizabeth, bowed to Declan and bid them leave.

He was a knight who had fought many battles and he did not cry but this day he cried. The pain he felt so deep inside could be released no other way.

Once again Uri, Urian and Uriah searched for solitude. Uri had found himself back in the stable with Nightwish. He was contemplating taking him out for a ride when Urian and Uriah stepped into the stables. Uri nodded to them both, their appearance telling him they all felt the same. “Battle cannot come soon enough.”

Sensing his agitation Nightwish pulled his head back and whinnied.

Uriah allowed himself a smile. “Your horse agrees with you.”

“Life isn’t supposed to be this hard.” Urian shifted uneasily as he looked at the other two not really believing his own words.

All three turned to face the entrance to the stables as they heard young Geoffrey shouting and running towards them. The boy came to a screaming halt almost knocking Uriah off his feet. As Uriah steady the boy, Geoffrey began to deliver his news. “Master Uri, the King’s guard is approaching. Maybe we should open the gates.”

The boy’s words sent Uri into action walking fast and with purpose leaving everyone to catch up with him. “Geoffrey get down to the gate and make sure old Ted opens them before the King’s guard rides them down.”

The young boy scampered off without a word. Uriah and Urian looked at each other as they followed Uri back into the castle.

No sooner had they entered the hall that the rumble of horse’s hooves on the court yard washed through them. Uri had wanted to meet the King’s guard on his own but seeing that all were gathered in the hall he knew he would not have time to ask them to leave. The atmosphere as Uri, Uriah and Urian walked in was restless, that would all change with the arrival of the horsemen.

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