The Curse Conduit

Chapter 41

Morning came to find Uriah, Uri and Urian back in the hall for breakfast before the others. Uri noticing the attention they were getting from the staff, female staff in particular unusually busy. Through their singing the three men had cast a spell over their audience. Uriah knew the look that transformed the faces of the women that served them. He had seen it at concerts all over the world. He had been witness to the exact moment that many females of all ages had been captured by the Synergy magic. The transformation was immediate and they wore the same look as the females in Uri’s time.

Urian smiled at Uriah, he had seen some of this magic work in the library when Uriah had given him some lessons as how to make women swoon but Uri was at a loss. “I apologise my friends. I do not know what has bewitched my staff so. They are usually very good.”

Uriah gave him a small smile but Urian laughed. “It is alright cousin. Believe it or not we are responsible. Uriah here sees this kind of thing all the time.”

Uri raised an eyebrow. “Is this true cousin? The females of your time are so afflicted?”

Urian laughed before Uriah could answer. “Not just of his time, any time. You should have seen what happened when we visited the library in my time and we didn’t even have to sing.”

Uriah flashed an embarrassed look at Urian. “Urian!” Looking at Uri he continued. “Hazards of my trade. The ladies like what they see and hear. Last night they were privy to a triple dose. I think you may get more requests to sing cousin Uri. I have found women to be rather determined in this matter.”

Urian laughed.

Uri was a little uncomfortable. He had never sung in public and even though he was a formidable knight he was intrinsically a very shy, complex and private person. As far as he was aware the only people who had ever heard him sing were his family. “I do not think that will be necessary.”

Uriah smiled as he looked around the room at the females still lingering. “Oh Uri I think it will be very necessary.” Next Uriah addressed the servants. “Ladies would you like to hear Uri sing again?”

There was a collective sigh from all the females present and Uri was about to protest very heartily until he heard a sweat voice from the doorway. It was Beth-Elena. “I would like to hear that very much Master Uriah.” Although her words were for Uriah, her eyes were fixed on Uri.

A formidable knight he may have been but Uri melted under her gaze. He would deliver the stars into the very palms of her hands if she so desired but sing, sing to her and sing in the presence of others. Delivering stars would have been easier. He began to shake his head as he stood but Bethie-Elena’s smile disarmed him more easily than any enemy he had encountered. She glided forward and touched him gently on the arm. “Lady Elizabeth tells me that Master Uriah has an enchanting voice. I am sure that you are so blessed. Please Uri; I would be most humbled if you would do this for me.”

Uri took both of her hands in his and kissed the top of her knuckles. “I do not wish to make you humble my Lady, I will engage in your request, though I think I shall disappoint.”

Beth-Elena lent in a kissed him on the cheek. “You do me a great honour.”

Uri stepped back a little, looking to Uriah and Urian for support, the other men sensing his trepidation stood and moved to his side. Urian patted him on the shoulder. “How about we sing together first until you find your feet?”

Uri looked down at his feet. “My feet are not lost.”

Uriah smiled. “How about we just sing.”

Once more the men weaved their magic and each man saw the change come across Beth-Elena’s face as she watched Uri sing. As they sang the song from the night before more people entered the room including the rest of their little group. Uriah acknowledged Derek and Elizabeth by a small dip of his head. Derek had his arm around her shoulder as they entered but Uriah could see that something was not right with Elizabeth. Next entered Danny and Bethie and if it was possible she looked worse than Elizabeth. Urian had seen Bethie and his heart ached. He did not like to see her so troubled. Again Danny had a protective arm around her shoulder. Declan was not too far behind.

Uriah may have picked up on something in the women but everyone else stood astounded at what they heard. Even Derek who was well versed in how excellent Uriah could sing was taken aback by the trio. He wondered if Danny and Declan could also sing.

As the trio came to the end of the song Uriah and Urian stepped back and Uri sang a solo. For someone who had no training his voice was impeccable. Uri had sung about two verses when everyone turned to Declan, it was obviously a song they both knew as he began to sing and Derek got his answer. As Declan sang he moved over to Beth-Elena and took her hand. As he did Elizabeth squeezed Derek’s hand just a little too hard. She had been watching Uri and saw the light dim in his eyes. Bethie had squeezed Danny’s hand unconsciously so he pulled her closer to him. It looked like the time was fast approaching when they would have to resolve their unique situation once and for all.

Elizabeth and Beth-Elena did not know of Danny and Bethie’s conversation of the night before.

As Uri and Declan finished their song all thoughts of their situation where pushed to the side as the room exploded in applause to the shock of both Uri and Declan. Beth-Elena pulled Declan by the hand over to Uri giving them both a kiss on the cheek. “How is it that I know you both, yet you keep this joy hidden?”

Trying to deflect Uri pointed to Uriah and Derek. “I think it only fair that our friends share with us as well.” again the room exploded in applause.

Wiping tears from her eyes Elizabeth pushed Derek towards Uriah. “Go on. Show them how you do it in the 21st century.”

Turning back Derek looked at Danny. “Your turn next cousin.”

Derek and Uriah discussed what they should sing, Uriah being very uncomfortable with Derek’s choice and tendered his own. “How about You Raise Me Up?”

Derek smiled and they began to sing. Once again the audience was stunned into silence. Even without Casta and Simian, this one half of Synergy was amazing. As they sang Derek got lost in the music, for the first time since their little adventure had started he felt normal. He had been so worried when he lost his voice that he would never be able to sing that he put his whole heart and soul into the performance. Uriah sensing this travelled with Derek taking the song to heights they had never gone with it before.

During the song the three women had gone to stand next to each other, all had tears in their eyes and the men marvelled as they listened to the two professionals.

When Derek and Uriah finished the room was silent for a little while then again exploded in thunderous applause. The crowd had grown; Uri smiled and beckoned Danny and Urian to take centre stage. Danny slapped Urian on the shoulder. “Come on. We can’t let the relatives have all the fun.”

Bethie had never heard her husband sing anything but rowdy beer hall songs so she smiled wondering what they would choose to sing just hoping it was nothing to lurid.

What they all heard was yet again surprising. Danny and Urian had chosen to sing Ava Maria and Derek got his full answer. They could all sing very, very well.

Bethie was so very proud of her husband; he too had kept his talent hidden. As she pulled him into her arms he could see the love in her eyes. “Why did you never sing to me like that Danny, it was so beautiful?”

Uri, Urian and Uriah had gone to stand together as Uri tried to usher the crowd out of the room.

Elizabeth gave Derek a small kiss. “I need to talk to Uriah; he needs to know that we have spoken.”

Silently Derek nodded and let her go. As Elizabeth reached the trio she smiled and spoke to them all. “That was wonderful gentleman, such passion, such talent. You must promise not to keep it hidden.” Leaning in she gave Uri a kiss on the cheek and then Urian. When she got to Uriah she hesitated a little before she kissed him then took his hand. “Uriah can we talk?”

Uriah said nothing just followed her out of the room, back to the court yard.

Taking their cue from Uriah and Elizabeth, Danny and Bethie went to Urian; they all sat at the other end of the large table. This only left Declan and Beth-Elena. Declan had been standing behind her so he engulfed her in his arms, bringing his head to rest gently on her shoulder. “This is about Uri’s love for you isn’t it?”

Beth-Elena shocked turned to look at him, no malice, no hatred in his eyes just sadness and compassion.

Her own tears flowed. “Declan I had no idea. I do not know what to do.”

They each looked over at the man of the manor as he talked to a few of his staff. “We need to talk to him Bea, together so that he knows we both love him and I have no ill feelings towards him.”

Once more he pulled her close to him and looked deep into her eyes. “You still want to marry me Bea?”

Beth-Elena bit her lip. “As the sun rises every morning. I do very much still wish to marry you.”

Declan hugged her. “That is all I need to know my love.”

They walked over to Uri and left together.

Derek smiled as he departed in search of Elizabeth and Uriah. He knew that she wanted time alone with Uriah but he also wanted to make sure that his friend did not suffer to badly. He hoped that none of them suffered. Suddenly being shot at didn’t seem so bad after all.

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