The Curse Conduit

Chapter 39

Derek sat quietly next to the fire, it wasn’t a particularly cold night but his leg ached and the warmth helped the pain. Danny had been doing laps of the large room and initially had been interested in the wall hangings and the day to day artefacts that lived in the room, which only months before he had seen as museum pieces when he had taken Bethie to an exhibition. Now he was just pacing for the sake of something to do. Declan sat opposite Derek deep in thought. He was at a loss as to what must have happened to send Uri out for one of his therapeutic rides. He had looked at Derek a few times but he had not been forthcoming with any answers. Though Declan was almost sure he knew why. If he didn’t know better he would have thought that Derek had lost his voice again.

All three men were concerned for the others. The danger of being a stranger travelling in such a strange land without the experience of a guide worried Derek and Danny. Derek and Uriah were friends and Derek knew that Uriah was very fit but having to deal with knights, he was not sure if Uriah could handle himself in a way that would not get him hurt or killed.

Danny was less worried about Urian but not by much, He was having similar thoughts. He was not so much worried that Urian could not take care of himself, he was sure that if it came down to it Urian would not go quietly. He was worried however that he was not physically able to fight. Danny was acutely aware that Urian had not fully recovered from his little adventure through Europe after they had crashed. All the focus had been on Derek’s injuries but Urian had suffered his own. He had sworn both Derek and Danny to secrecy; he did not want a fuss. He was healing nicely but Danny knew he was still very tired.

While Danny, Derek and Declan waited, Uriah and Urian and Uri rode at a gentle pace trying to come to terms with their situation and the possibility of what would happen when they got back to the castle.

Between them they discussed possible outcomes if the woman confronted them. The three men all being liked minded had come to the same conclusion. It was hard and heart breaking but as Uriah has decided before their little trek Uri and Urian also chose to step back into the shadows and allow the loves of theirs lives to be with another. What made it even harder was that each man knew if he fought for her he would win her. But each man felt it would have been a hollow victory as another would be devastated.

Urian felt that it was his only options as Bethie was already married to Danny.

Uri had watched Beth-Elena’s love for Declan grow and blossom and now that she was betrothed to his friend he also felt he had no choice but to step back, be there for them both, be their friend but he would have to step back.

Neither one of them was looking forwarded to having the conversation with Danny, Declan or Derek.

Uriah had heard Elizabeth declare her undying love for Derek, sure that Derek believed her and sure that they would remain together. He was not sure if Derek and his friendship would or could survive such a relationship.

All three men reined in their horses and Uri drew his sword when they heard the noise of other horses approaching, giving the others an apprehensive look as they waited, seeing the light of the torches before they saw the riders coming towards them.

As a group of six riders came upon the three men they came to an abrupt halt. Uri smiled and lowered his sword and moved forward a few paces. “John, I fear that your wife will be none to please with me upon our return.”

The knight smiled and bowed his head a little. “She was none too pleased with you when I left Sire; I expect her temper will not have appeased any on our return. I would suggest that you make yourself scares until she is more amicable. The battlefield will be a safer place than facing the wrath of a woman. ”

All the knights laughed and then Uri introduced them to Uriah and Urian. Even by the light of the torches the similarities of the three men was very apparent. Uriah and Urian could almost feel the atmosphere change as their appearance registered making them uncomfortable. John looked to Uri and then back to Uriah and Urian. “I if I had met you alone I would surely have mistaken you for Uri. Your likeness is remarkable. More like brothers than cousins. You have come to help in the conflict, yes?”

Uri shuffled a little uneasily in his saddle. “Such talk should be left for the safety of the castle walls not on the open road.”

John taking his cue from Uri turned his horse around and ordered the other men to flank Uriah, Urian and Uri and they returned to the castle.

Once back inside the castle grounds Uri, Uriah and Urian left their horse with John and his men.

Uri clasped hands with John. “I do apologise to your wife my friend.”

John smiled. “I think I will have cause to smile once I have shown her how I want to apologise for you.”

Uri laughed, Uriah and Urian gave each other a sardonic look. The art of making up had not changed over the centuries.

The three men grew tense as they crossed the courtyard, their very souls weighing them down. Not knowing what to expect they uneasily entered the hall where Danny, Declan and Derek still sat.

It took a few moments for their arrival to be noticed by the others but when it was they greeted them with smiles, shakes of the hands and pats on the back.

Declan was grateful that Uri had returned even more grateful that he had brought the others back with him. “I see that John found you. You were together?”

Uri shook his head. “Not at first. I found my cousins entertaining a small raiding party.”

Everyone looked to Uriah and Urian as Declan continued. “They do not look too distressed by their encounter.”

Uri smiled. “It was necessary to dispatch of two rather unsavoury characters.”

Urian coughed out his words. “Dispatch! Uri, you cut off their heads!”

At his words Uriah’s hands went to his pocket and a grave look crossed his face. He looked at Derek who was standing in front of him. “My phone. It’s still out there.”

“What! You left your phone.” Derek was shocked.

Urian came to Uriah’s aid. “Take it easy Derek it’s not like he did it on purpose. He tried to keep it hidden but those robbers were intent on making sure they got every little thing we had. And I have no doubt that if Uri had not come upon us we would have been the ones being dispatched. They had no intention of leaving us alive. I bet you still have your phone on you?”

Derek’s hand went to his own pocket feeling the outline of his phone as he looked back at Uriah. “I’m sorry; I guess I was just worried about you guys. It’s not like you went for a walk down the street. You are okay though aren’t you?”

Uriah took a deep breath; he was going to get the answer to the question he needed sooner rather than later. He nodded. “Are we okay Derek?”

Derek looked at his friend a little stunned but immediately understood. “You heard, you heard Elizabeth in the garden didn’t you?”

Uriah gave his friend a subtle nod while the others looked on in silence wondering where this was going to go. “I have no intention of interfering Derek. I…..”

Derek cut him off. “Uriah. Stop….. I know how hard this is for you. I know how I felt when Elizabeth told me of her feelings and I thought I had lost her to you. I am sorry, you must hurt so much. But I do love her, more than I thought possible. I would like to think we could still be friends. I want to remain friends but I will understand if that it too hard for you. As far as I am concerned we are good.” Derek held out his hand for Uriah to shake.

He held onto Uriah’s hand tight. “Just promise me this Uriah. If anything should happen to me you will look after her.” Uriah went to speak but again Derek stopped him. “I know I ask a hard thing Uriah but I also know if anything did happen to me that you are the one person who I trust to look after her. Promise me this Uriah.”

Uriah was not sure that it was such a good promise to make but he could see the pleading in Derek’s eyes and knew his request was genuine. “If that is what you want Derek. Then I promise to look after her, but I don’t think you have to worry about it.”

Derek let go of Uriah’s hand. “Look where we are Uriah. Nothing is certain. I don’t even know if we are ever going to get back home.”

“Well, for someone who hasn’t spoken in a while you certainly know how to make up for it Derek.” Urian smacked him on the back.

Derek was not sure how Danny and Urian’s situation was, not wanting to cause any undue trouble he changed the subject. A small frown appeared on his face. “Are any of you still dreaming?”

Derek’s change of topic did nothing to change the level of anxiety in the air. If anything he had made it more intense.

Declan shock his head as did Danny and Urian but Uriah and Uri just looked at him.

Urian was first to speak. “I have not dreamt since we left London, left my time.” He looked to Danny who replied with a similar answer.

They all looked at Declan. “I dream but not as I did before. My dreams are not of us, they are just dreams. I stopped dreaming about us when you arrived, which is why I have faith that the curse will be lifted.” Declan paused and his face began to wear the same frown as Derek’s had. “But my friend, are you saying you are still dreaming of such things?” Declan looked from Derek to Uriah and Uri. “All three of you are still tormented by such things?”

It was Uriah’s turn. “Yes Declan, I still dream.” He could see, almost feel the static as the others reacted to his words. “I do not dream every night like before. I am not afraid to go to sleep. My dreams are not as vivid, not as long but yes I still dream about us.”

Uri spoke up before anyone had a chance to ask him. “I too must confess to still being disturbed by dreams. But Uriah speaks the truth, not so many and not so, not so traumatic. This is how I knew of your where to find you in the forest this very night. I had seen you, before in my dreams not so many weeks past. ”

Uri’s revelation shocked them all.

As it was Derek who had asked the initial question all eyes focused on him. They had all heard him call out, shouting and sometimes screaming in his sleep, so they all knew that Derek’s dreams were far worse than their own.

Uriah’s voice was soft and compassionate. “Derek, how bad, how bad have they been? We hear you calling out as you sleep. I can only think that you dreams have not subsided as mine have.”

Derek pulled up his shirt so they could all see the scars and bruises on his body. “They don’t hurt anymore.”

The others came closer to take a look. Uri was overwhelmed by the damage to Derek. He was black and blue from the waist to the hip. Scars of healing wounds showing through the darkened flesh. Declan came to stand next to Derek and pulled up his own tunic to show his real life battle scars. They mirrored Derek’s……Almost. What troubled them all was the fact that Derek had more scars than Declan. Uri came to stand a little closer to Uriah and pulled on his tunic to reveal his own scars. Uriah reciprocated, their scars matched until Uriah pulled down the shoulder of his tunic for them to see the bite that Nightwish had left him. Uri tilted his head as he looked at the marks on Uriah’s shoulder. “My horse knows the difference between us my friend.”

The six men silently looked from one to the other but it was Uriah who spoke. “Do you have something to tell us Derek?”

“I don’t think this journey is over for any of us just yet.”

Danny gave a nervous laugh. “Well if those extra scars are anything to go by we are in for some heavy weather. You want to shed some light Derek?”

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