The Curse Conduit

Chapter 38

Declan had dispatched several men to locate Uriah and Urian. He was not so worried about his friend Uri, a formidable knight well equipped to take care of himself. However the others, that was another matter. He had no idea how well they could defend or protect themselves if they should come up against adversity. He understood that Urian was some kind of warrior in his own time, he fought in the skies. This to Declan was a little surreal even after Urian had explained the concept of planes and flight.

He and Derek and Danny had remained in the dining hall after the group had taken a meal together and the women had retired to their rooms. Beth-Elena had invited her new sisters to her own rooms; she wanted to hear more of their stories, more about where they had come from, how they lived.

Bethie turned out to be somewhat of a story teller and had Beth-Elena mesmerised with stories of her life in World War 2. Elizabeth had been quiet, listening; being drawn in herself but her mind kept shifting back onto more serious matters. Matters that concerned Uriah, Uri and Urian, matters which she knew she had to talk to Bethie and Beth-Elena about even though she had told Uri she would not. Her emotions were split, she felt warmed and grateful that she had the love of two wonderful men. She also felt a great sorrow for one of those men as she could not give him the love he so deserved. Looking at Bethie and Beth-Elena she wondered what would become of their friendships once they knew the whole truth. Would they save Declan and Derek only to destroy the bond each trio had at its very core? To Elizabeth this was the real curse.

Bethie’s gentle tug on her sleeve brought her back to reality. “Hey Lizzie, you okay, you lost somewhere.”

Elizabeth took a deep breath and looked at them both. “I have something I need to tell you.” She bit her bottom lip and clenched her fists a little. The other women understanding that whatever she had to tell it was important. They gave her time to gather her thoughts, silently apprehensive.

“Oh God, Bea, Beth this is so hard for me. I promised Uri I wouldn’t but now I think Uriah knows as well…….”

Bethie was just a little confused. “Uriah knows what Lizzie, what are you trying to tell us?”

“They love us.”

Bethie and Beth-Elena looked at each other and Bethie took Elizabeth’s hands in her own. “You’re not making sense. Who loves us?”

Elizabeth pulled her hands away from Bethie and stood, pacing around the room; she was making the others very nervous. They were still no closer to knowing what she was trying to tell them but it was obvious it was not going to be good.

“Uriah knows that I know the he loves me. Uri told me he loves you.” She pointed at Beth-Elena. “And I am almost certain that Urian loves you Bethie. I have seen the way he looks at you, looks after you.”

The room fell silent, no one spoke, no one moved. Bethie was the first to recover. “What do you mean Urian loves me? Of course he does, he’s like a brother to me. He and Danny and I are friends.”

Elizabeth shook her head and went to sit back next to Bethie. “No, He really loves you Bethie. If Danny had not been his best friend he may have told you. But like Uriah he has remained silent.”

Bethie began to cry. “But I love Danny, I always have.”

The small quivering voice of Beth-Elena entered the conversation. “As I love Declan. Uri declared his love for me?”

Elizabeth nodded. Then she saw a little flicker of recognition dance across Beth-Elena’s face. “Bea, if you had not met Declan would Uri have more of your heart than he already does.”

This brought a gasp from Bethie who just looked from one to the other. It also brought tears of truth from Beth-Elena. As her tears fell she declared the love she had for Uri. “I must confess that I have always had feelings for Uri….. But Declan. He consumes me; I would surely die if I was to lose him. It is he I shall marry.”

“But you do love Uri don’t you?”

Beth-Elena could see that there was no way out other than the truth. For years she had denied the feelings she had for Uri, thinking them to be some fanciful thoughts as he was Declan’s dearest friend and they got on so well together. “Yes I do.” Beth-Elena broke down and cried.

Beth-Elena’s revelation had the opposite effect for Bethie. She just exploded with anger, furious at Elizabeth for suggestion that Urian could be in love with her. Arms flying, Bethie raged. “How can you say such a thing? I am a married woman! I married Danny! Not Urian. You’re insane Lizzie, insane!”

Elizabeth sat with Beth-Elena cradled in her arms, she was still crying. Bethie’s over the top ranting had only made it worse but Elizabeth let it run its course. She could see by the way that Bethie was behaving that it had triggered something deep inside. For the first time Bethie was facing the truth. She loved Urian. Her eyes settled on Elizabeth and Beth-Elena. “Oh God Lizzie! What do I do?”

Indeed what did they do?

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