The Curse Conduit

Chapter 33

Uri had gone in search of Declan the only other person that would understand and possibly comprehend what had happened. He had also enlisted the help of a page he trusted to gather up appropriate clothing for their newly arrived guests. Sending him to Beth-Elena’s rooms to collect clothing for Elizabeth and Bethie. The sight of them had overwhelmed him. Stirring up all the feelings he had for Beth-Elena. Uri had not expected to find their new guests but he certainly had not expected to feel the way he did when he saw the two women. If Declan and Beth-Elena had not been so much in love he may have told her how he felt. Even now with the King’s request that he keep to his own council, seeing the new arrivals he struggled with the thoughts. Seeing the women beside Danny and Derek it was obvious to him that if the future pairing was to be as he had seen, then Declan and Beth-Elena were supposed to be together. If he had any doubt before, the arrival of the little group had well and truly made it clear that he would never be able to love Beth-Elena any other way than from a distance. His chest may be ready to burst with his unrequited love and he may have felt like he could not breathe. Uri now understood that he would have to live with this pain for the rest of his life. It would be the reason people could see that little tinge of sadness in his eyes.

Uri found Declan being chased out of the kitchen by an angry cook, a stolen piece of chicken in his hand and a cheeky smile on his face. “Declan I shall find you trussed up like a slaughtered pig one of these days.”

Declan sent a booming laugh through the halls. “Never my good friend, she adores me.” He offered Uri some of his chicken but he declined. “Why do you seek me out? You have a serious look on your face. Has the King returned with grave news?”

Uri shook his head. “No, though we must return to the King’s chambers.”

Declan gave his friend a curious look as he continued to devour the chicken. His interest was even more aroused when they met up with the page, who was weighed down with and assortment of clothing. No one spoke until they reached the door to the King’s chambers, at which time Uri dismissed the guard and took the clothes off the page waiting for them both to leave before he opened the door.

“Why all the secrecy my friend?”

Uri just opened the door allowing Declan to go in first.

They all stood looking at each other. Declan doing much the same as Uri had done except he did not draw his sword. Danny could still not see very well. “What is it Bethie?”

Before she could answer Declan did it for her. “It is I.” his attention returned to Bethie and Elizabeth. “If I had not seen you dressed so, I would have thought you to be my Beth-Elena good ladies.” He bowed a little. “You indeed take my breath away.”

As they had done with Uri, Elizabeth and Bethie smiled and Bethie thanked him. “Thank you for your kind words Declan. I am sure that Beth-Elena is an enchanting woman.”

Declan looked to Danny and then to Derek while he decided who was who. He gave Derek a smile that made Elizabeth gasp they looked so much like each other as he did, even with a full facial beard. “You are Derek are you not? How do you come to be here? And you have brought friends.”

Derek looked to Uriah for help and his friend explained the best he could to Declan. Finishing off by telling him why Derek did not speak.

Declan’s face clouded with sadness and he went and put his hand on Derek’s shoulder. “I am truly grieved that you suffer so. If it is in my power to help you heal than I shall do all I can.”

Uri stepped forward. “I have clothes for you to wear. It would not do well for people to see you dressed as you are. I fear if they see us together it will be enough of a shock.”

Declan let out a laugh to rival any that Danny or Derek could have mustered. “I can hear whispers of sorcery even now.” A mischievous look crossed Declan’s face as Uri handed out the clothes. “Declan, whatever you be thinking. Do not test my patience; any angry cook is one thing. This is a serious situation.”

Elizabeth caught Uriah and Urian smiling. The Mailer family trait for mischief was hereditary.

The group quietly got on with changing their clothes. Uri had guided the two women into another room for privacy. Once he was dressed Derek helped Danny. It was a sight to behold, a room of twins. It was unnerving how much one looked like the other. As much as the men were taken by their own appearance when the two women re-entered the room they were astounded. Each male heart pounding just a little faster. While the others were still under the spell the woman had cast Uri stepped forward and took hold of their hands. First he kissed Elizabeth’s and then Bethie’s. “It is as if God has sent his angels to earth to watch over us. To be in your presence is to know real beauty.”

Both women blushed not sure what to say when they all heard Danny whistle and saw the smile on his face. Urian looked at him. “I take it that means you can see.”

“Yes Sir! Bethie you look amazing in that dress, just amazing.”

Elizabeth looked to Derek and he smiled but it was Uriah’s words she heard. “I think I can speak for Derek when I say you look exquisite, simply divine. Uri is right, you look like an angel.”

Derek had heard Uriah’s words but he wasn’t entirely sure that he was just speaking for him. Again he wondered if Uriah’s feelings for Elizabeth ran deeper than he was letting on. He looked around the room. No one else seemed to have noticed and they were all laughing about how they looked in their new clothes. Danny complaining that he was itchy. If Derek had been watching Urian as Uriah made his little speech he would have seen the concern flicker across his eyes. Concern for Uriah as he had said exactly how he had felt about Elizabeth. It was exactly what Urian was thinking about Bethie. The pain was almost too much to bear.

Uri’s voice brought him back to reality. “I suggest that we make ready to get you to a safe place. Here in the castle you will bring to many questions.” He looked them all up and down and satisfied himself that if they did not speak they would not raise any suspicion. “I think clothed as you are we can leave.”

“Exactly where do you intend to take them my friend?” Declan raised his eyebrows just a little.

“I intend to take them to my home Declan. Would you not agree that this would be a good place? It is far enough away from here yet close enough should we be required. They will be safe behind its walls. My staff is loyal and they will be seen by few.”

Declan nodded his head. “It will be night soon.” He looked at their new arrivals. “You can all ride can you not?”

Elizabeth coughed a little. “Like a horse you mean? Not since I was ten.” She looked at Bethie.

“Me, it’s been a while but I think I could manage.”

Declan looked to the men not giving them a chance to say if they could ride or not. “Then we are agreed. I shall take my leave and make preparations at the stables. Uri can bring you.” Declan looked back to Uri. “Through the maze Beth-Elena played in as a child.”

Uri nodded and Declan left.

The room was silent while they contemplated their situation and Urian caught Uri staring at the women. Is something wrong Uri?”

Uri had not realised he was staring until that moment and was a little embarrassed. “No. I am just overcome by their likeness to each other and to Beth-Elena. It certainly seems like sorcery. If I had not been disturbed by dreams I would think I had indeed been bewitched, enchanted.” He stepped closer to Elizabeth and took her hand. “As a single beauty you have the power to melt a man’s heart.” He then took Bethie’s hand. “As a dual flower your magic could way lay an entire army.” Uri stepped back. “And I think as three, nations would fall at your feet.”

Danny whistled. “That’s some power you girls have.”

Immediately Uri felt like he had overstepped his bounds. He bowed and stepped back. “I beg your forgiveness dear ladies. I did not mean to call any disrespect to your good names.”

Both Elizabeth and Bethie were quick to make sure that he realised he had done nothing of the sort. They approached him from either side and each gave him a tender kiss on the cheek. Elizabeth took his hand. “You are a dear sweet man Uri; you words are poetic and make a woman feel like she is indeed a princess. There are many men of my time who could take a few lessons from you. You don’t need to be forgiven for anything.” Again she kissed his cheek.

Bethie smiled at him. “She’s right Uri. Please don’t feel bad. No one has ever spoken words like that to me.”

Danny coughed. “Hey!!”

Bethie blushed a little and went to him, giving him his own kiss. “Well you have to admit that words are not your strong point are they Danny? But you show me your love in other ways.”

Her words brought smiles and laughter from Danny, Elizabeth and Derek but while all this had been going on Uriah and Urian had been gripped by their own torment. Uri had laid bare their feelings towards Elizabeth and Bethie. Each man knowing just how much Uri must have loved Beth-Elena for him to speak in such a way.

Uriah needed to shake his thoughts. “What is this maze that Declan spoke of Uri?”

Uri smiled glad for the distraction. “I shall show you. It is not a maze in the true sense of the word.” He began to walk to the opposite side of the room to the door pulling back a large tapestry on the wall and kicking something close to the floor. All at once the wall moved back to reveal a cavity. Uri smiled back at his companions. “They are passages but as a child Beth-Elena was a constant concern to her uncle as she would become lost. Now she knows these tunnels better than any other person alive. Please, if you would follow me I shall escort you to the stable.”

The others all stepped into the tunnel. Uriah being the last to do so. “You do know your way around in here don’t you Uri? I would rather not be a concern for Beth-Elena’s uncle.”

Uri patted him on the back. “I know these passages as well as her Highness. She is a good tutor and I would like to think that Declan and I were good scholars.”

After walking for a short time it felt like they had doubled back from where they had come but the little group appeared from hiding in the stable. A horse’s whiney gave them away and Declan smiled as he saw them appear from behind the bales of hay in the corner. “Uri you did not take a wrong turn?”

Uri remained silent but gave Declan a look that brought a grin to his face. “I have taken the liberty to choose a horse for each.” Declan reached for Elizabeth and gently guided her to the first stall. “For the ladies I thought maybe the smaller of our horses.” He gave Elizabeth the reigns to the horse now towering over her as he went to get Bethie, showing her to the next stall.

The women just stood daring not to move looking at the massive beast in front of them as Declan showed the men to their charges.

“Elizabeth, how are we supposed to get on these monsters dressed like this?” Bethie’s voice quivered a little as she spoke.

As if on cue Uri entered the stall with a small step stool. Bethie looked from it to Uri to the horse, handed the reins to Uri who was a little surprised by her actions but stood silent. Bethie gathered up the skirt of the long dress she was wearing, pulled the back through to the front and secured it at her waist. By the time she was finished she looked like she was wearing a rather oversized nappy (diaper). Satisfied that her modesty was protected she took the reins back off Uri and mounted the horse swinging her legs down either side. She smiled down at Uri who was somewhat amazed. He had expected her to ride side saddle.

He took the small stool and entered Elizabeth’s stall. He smiled seeing she had done much the same with her clothing.

“This is a big horse Uri. I don’t suppose you have anything in pony size.”

Uri helped her onto the stepping stool. “I assure you sweet Elizabeth; Jester is as gentle as a feather in the wind.”

“Then why the name Jester?”

“I must confess for an animal he can be mischievous at times but he will look after you.”

As if to drive his point home Uri stood in front of the horse, pulling its head down so he could look it in the eye. “That is right is it not Jester. You look after this sweet lady.”

The horse nudged Uri gently with its nose and got a pat for its troubles.

They both heard Bethie from the other stall. “Can you come and talk to my horse to Uri.”

Everyone laughed but then they heard a yell from Danny as he was unceremoniously dumped from the back of his horse. Everyone else was mounted except for Uri who looked none too happy about the situation. As he helped Danny to his feet he threw a look to Declan who was still laughing. “Declan, why did you give him my horse? You know Nightwish will not let anyone else ride him.”

Uriah rubbed his shoulder remembering the bite he had received from the horse.

Danny shot Declan a look and shook his head. His knightly relative was not passed a few practical jokes of his own.

Urian was smiling. “You two like to play the same kind of games.”

Uri handed Danny the reigns to another horse and mounted his own. “I think it is time we departed.”

With his words the small group left the stables, wound their way around some cobbled streets and soon found themselves on the dark road past the castle walls.

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