The Curse Conduit

Chapter 32

Uri looked to the skies as he heard the sound of distant thunder. They were clear and blue. A foreboding settled over his soul as he looked around the men, none of them too disturbed by the sound. He excused himself and began to walk the length of the court yard, through the castle and to the King’s private chambers.

His dreams of late had been frequent and unnerving. Those dreams that he had come to understand were connected with Declan and himself. Unsettling dreams of strange events and of Declan’s ghost, Derek. His feet carried him to the King’s chambers, Uri instinctively knowing he would find an answer there. What he saw could have been enough to drive him insane.

Elizabeth swore as she hit something hard, Bethie yelled out as she landed awkwardly and fell and there was a flurry of expletives from the men in several languages. All except for Derek who had remained silent, holding his head and squinting.

Elizabeth was rubbing her arm but her eyes were on Derek. “Derek can you see?”

He nodded, by this time Elizabeth was at his side. “How well? Can you see me properly?”

Uriah understanding what Elizabeth was trying to do called out to Derek and then moved. Derek’s eyes went to where Uriah had been but they did not track him as he moved. Only when Uriah spoke again did he seem to be looking at him. “You can’t see me can you Derek?”

Derek shook his head as Elizabeth hugged him.

Danny’s voice rang out from where he had landed. “Derek’s not the only one with a sight problem. God my head hurts.”

Immediately Bethie went to him, kneeling down in front of him, holding his hands. “Danny, can you open your eyes?

He tried and groaned as the light to pierce all the way through to his brain. His voice strained and anxious. “I can’t see, the light, it’s too bright, it hurts too much.” He squeezed Bethie’s hand. “You okay?”

She nodded. “I think so. No broken bones.” She helped Danny to his feet as she looked around.

“What happened?”

In a matter of fact way Uriah answered her question. “This little trek through time affects Danny the same way it does Derek. You’ll be able to see again Danny, it will just takes time. We better stay here until they can both see again.”

It was time for Urian to speak up. “Where are we?”

Everyone looked around. Uriah’s words shocked them all. “It is the King’s private chambers.” He smiled weakly at them. “I have been here before.”

They all looked at him dumbfounded, all turning at once as they heard the door open and Uri stepped inside.

Bethie told Danny what was happening, Elizabeth did the same for Derek.

Uri’s eyes danced around the room and landed on Uriah and then Urian as his hand tightened on the hilt of his sword. Uri was overwhelmed by the sight. Not only was he looking at himself twice over but he was also looking at Declan. Clean shaven and different haircuts and a small scar on his face but it was him. His eyes went back to Uriah and Urian and he began to draw his sword.

Uriah and Urian stepped forward with their hands out, each speaking.

“Uri, we are friends.”

Uri looked from one to the other, he had not replaced his sword but he had stopped pulling it out.

Uriah stepped a little closer to him. “Uri, it’s me Uriah.”

Again Uri looked from Uriah to Urian. He re sheathed his sword. “You came. But why so many?”

Urian shrugged his shoulders and frowned a little, his own head still hurt. “Why indeed.”

Uri looked to Danny and Derek. “Your friends they have taken ill perhaps?”

Danny felt a little self-conscious. “I can’t bloody see mate!”

Hearing voices in the corridor Uri shut the door before turning back to the group. “My dreams. I knew you would come someday but I am uncertain as to why there are two of you.” Uri bowed to the women. “Ladies, a pleasure, your beauty is only surpassed by my surprise at your presence.”

Both women smiled and understood why the men had wanted Urian to shave off his beard when he had returned. They were sure if Uri had been clean shaven that all three men would have looked alike.

Uri looked back to Derek and Danny and then to Uriah and Urian. “I think it best that you remain here until I can make ready to escort you to a safe place where your friends can heal.”

Uri made a move to the door and Uriah stepped forward. “What if someone finds us?”

“I shall lock this door and place a man outside.”

“But isn’t this the King’s chambers Uri?”

“Yes, however his Highness is not residing at the castle at present. He is expected to return in several days. Do not worry my friends I shall return shortly.” He looked at them all. “With new attire for you I think.”

It was not until Uri left that they realised they had all been holding their breath.

Elizabeth and Bethie guided their charges to chairs, Urian looked to Danny. “Can you see any better Danny?”

Again he tried to open his eyes and frowned at the pain. “No.”

Elizabeth squeezed Derek’s hand. “How about you Derek?”

Derek just shook his head.

Uriah and Urian had gone to check the door. Uriah could see the concern written on Urian’s face. “What is it Urian?”

“I don’t understand why we all came. I mean if this has to do with Derek. Why not just him and Declan. Seeing you was bad enough but Uri. Different time, different place that could have been you or me.”

Uriah smiled at the irony of Urian’s words. “What makes you think it is not. We are related after all and we are here in this time and this place. What is to say that we do not have a part to play in our own futures?”

Uriah’s words made Urian’s stomach knot. “Does your head hurt when you think of what is happening to us?”

Uriah gave him a weak smile. “It has never stopped hurting.”

Danny’s voice interrupted their conversation. “I think I can see a little better. It’s not so bright and you all look like shadows. How long did it take Derek to get his sight back before Uriah?”

“Not long but we still need to be careful.” Uriah looked to Derek. “Derek you any better?”

Derek smiled at Uriah and then at Elizabeth. The smile he got from her warmed his heart.

She hugged him. “You see me, you really see me.”

Uriah did what he had done before but this time Derek’s eyes followed him. He did not speak just nodded and smiled back at his friend.

Elizabeth as overjoyed. “Derek you got better faster this time. How is your head?”

Derek wrinkled up his nose letting everyone know it still hurt.

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