The Counterfeit Lover (War of Sins Book 3)

The Counterfeit Lover: Chapter 24

After Venezia refreshes herself, we return downstairs.

And as the Michele debate resumes here and there, a few things become clear.

Everyone wants Michele dead. But no one wants to take the first step and actually kill him.

Raf, I can understand, since for all their messed up fate, they were once friends—they had a connection. But everyone else?

Sisi feels conflicted about their biological bond and now that she knows about Antonio, she pities Michele. Then there’s Vlad… Well, Vlad does what Sisi says—always.

For all the messed up things Michele’s done, everyone is too lenient.

The only one I’m sure would go through with actually killing him is my brother, since he took the offense to Yuyu personally. Though he might not have the time to actively hunt him down, if the opportunity presented itself, I’m sure he is the one person who would never hesitate.

What about me?

I keep thinking about what I would do. For everything he’s done to Raf, the answer should be an immediate yes, I would kill him. But at the same time, I look at my husband and I see that whirlpool of emotions he hasn’t completely set free. I see the fact that he does love his brother. And if he died—if he truly died—I fear Raf would never stop blaming himself. Not for what happened in the past, and certainly not for the information that recently came to light about the gang rape at Michele’s school.

Raf is already walking a precarious line with the guilt that threatens to weigh him down. So if Michele died in less than ideal circumstances, that would all come crashing down.

I already witnessed it once, when Michele faked his death, and I now realize what should have been clear all along.

They still have a bond. Regardless of the hate, and everything that happened in between, there is still the seed of affection. And until that gets resolved, Michele can’t die.

That thought slowly becomes solidified in my mind until I’m certain about my course of action.

Michele can’t die until Raf works out his guilt and his regrets and can finally let go.

Because if he dies before that, then I fear I might lose Raf, too.

As soon as Raf and Vlad finish their business talk, Sisi suggests we go out to dinner together.

‘We’re family,’ she smiles at me. ‘I’ve always seen Raf like another brother. Pity that it’s not him who’s related to me,’ she jokes, instantly managing to win me over with that one statement.

“Noelle?” Raf gives me a look, telling me it’s my decision whether we go or not.

‘Let’s do it,’ I smile brightly.

Sisi and Vlad get ready, and surprisingly, Venezia declares she wants to join us too.

Together, we all head to one of Enzo’s restaurants downtown.

It seems the man is supplying everyone with entertainment in the city.

Just like the club, the restaurant sports a high-end look, the ambiance relaxing and luxurious. As soon as we give our names at the entrance, we are led to the back where only a few tables are occupied.

‘Enzo has a separate area for acquaintances,’ Sisi leans in to explain. ‘Especially since our talks can become a little…too much for some people’s ears.’

‘That’s smart. This way there’s also no way anyone could eavesdrop, or plant bugs.’

Sisi’s eyes sparkle.


We’re seated at a big conference table at the very back of the restaurant. Vlad, Sisi and Venezia are seated on one side while Raf and I are on the other.

As soon as we place our orders, the conversation from before resumes, and this time, Raf recounts what he’d heard from Carlos about Ortega trying to sneak into the city.

‘You know,’ Vlad starts pensively. ‘You’re not the first one to tell me there have been disturbances in the area. I’m not as in tune with everything that happens as I used to be, but I still get regular reports about the activity in the city. And lately…someone’s been causing problems. Not big enough that they would be noticed immediately, but enough that I noticed.’

‘You think it’s Ortega?’ Raf frowns. ‘I didn’t think he had the resources for that.’

‘He doesn’t,’ Vlad states with absolute certainty. ‘At least not yet.’

‘You’re saying someone else is behind him?’

Vlad shrugs, leaning back in his seat and giving us a wolfish look.

‘Maybe. I think we might need to reassess the terms your brother set,’ he nods at me. ‘He’s the one who proposed an alliance to close the market. And what’s happening now, is exactly what I predicted a few months back.’

‘What do you mean?’ I frown.

When my brother had thrown in a ball in celebration of my marriage with Raf and the fact that DeVille was going public, he’d enlisted everyone’s help in creating a closed ecosystem within New York. One that would ensure no newcomers would be able to set their business here. At the time, that had been mainly to corner Michele, which had worked to an extent. After, it had served as a much desired alliance between all the crime syndicates involved in the area—regardless of nationality.

‘By closing the ranks, we flashed a challenge to everyone around. Come in if you dare.’

‘You’re suspecting someone,’ Raf states with quiet conviction.

‘Yes, and no. I have some idea who might be so foolish to dare it, but I don’t have enough proof to back it up. Yet.’



‘Enzo’s in-laws?’ I blink.

‘Well, technically his in-laws are dead,’ Raf adds grimly. ‘But it would make sense. I’ve been researching all of our family assets locally and abroad, and in doing so I took a look at the competition in Italy. Damiano Marchesi, Allegra’s cousin, inherited the titles and the properties after her parents passed. But they were all pretty bankrupt.’

‘Yes. Damiano is not someone well-known in our circles,’ Vlad explains. ‘Except for Allegra, I don’t think anyone’s even met the man. But considering the five families’ legacy and the fact that we’ve officially entered an accord, without Marchesi per se, mind you, and I think he’d be the one most interested to break in.’

‘And once more we find ourselves with the same dilemma. If they want to enter, they will need someone to open the door,’ Raf groans.

‘Indeed. From what I gather, Ortega is trying to chase after Michele for the initial terms of their bargain. Now if he entered a partnership with someone else, for a common goal and a common enemy…’ Vlad trails off.

‘We’re reaching,’ Raf puts a hand up. ‘We don’t even know if this Damiano guy is involved and we’re already placing him with Ortega?’

‘How old is Damiano?’ Sisi asks.

‘Late twenties? Around there,’ Vlad shrugs.

‘I don’t think it’s reaching,’ I interrupt, and suddenly all eyes are on me. ‘What I meant to say,’ I clear my throat, adding some uncertainty to my tone. ‘For either of them to get in, they will need someone to open that door. It doesn’t matter who seeks entry. It matters who can provide it. And in this case,’ I pause again, looking around the table as I lower my voice, ‘the only one who can provide the entry is Michele. He has the resources, the money, the manpower. And he doesn’t have any outstanding promise with anyone else. It doesn’t matter that he no longer has the Guerra name. He has everything else.’

‘Who would have thought,’ Vlad laughs. ‘You married a smart one,’ he taunts Raf, pointing at me.

Immediately, my hand seeks his under the table.

 ‘Thank you,’ Raf preens, giving me a look of pure adoration. ‘Noelle is right in that aspect. It all comes down to Michele.’

‘Then maybe we should start there. Where is he?’

I look surreptitiously to Venezia, noticing her downcast gaze and the blush staining her cheeks.

How the hell no one noticed until now that the girl blushes every time Michele is mentioned?

Raf shrugs at the question.

‘He’ll show himself eventually. He always does.’

To my trained ears, that sounds more like, I don’t care, I haven’t been looking for him. And it just serves to reinforce my opinion about Raf’s stance on Michele.

As the conversation turns to the trends of the market, Raf and Vlad are on one side talking, while Sisi, Venezia and I occupy our time with more friendly topics.

The wine flows freely, and both Sisi and I become a little giggly while Venezia gives us a smile every now and then while nursing her orange juice.

‘Kuznetsov? Fancy seeing you here,’ a man’s voice resounds from behind. Turning, it’s to see a man in his fifties and two women around my age coming in. Given that they’ve been led to this part of the restaurant, it’s clear they belong to the inner circle somehow.

‘Judge Reynolds,’ Vlad rises, shaking hands with the man. He does a short introduction to everyone at the table before the judge does the same.

‘These are my daughters. Eleanor and Elizabeth.’

Eleanor is the oldest, in her early twenties, while Elizabeth just turned eighteen.

‘Why don’t you join us? Venezia is also eighteen. Maybe her and Elizabeth could get along.’

Venezia makes herself look smaller in her seat, clearly getting the innuendo. She has no friends. I’d heard it from Sisi before, and earlier today from Venezia. She never managed to make friends at school and has always been more or less a loner—the perfect target for Michele.

‘Why not?’ The judge chuckles, inviting his daughters to take a seat.

Elizabeth comes on our side, sitting by Venezia while Eleanor takes a seat next to her father at the top of the table—coincidentally next to Raf.

Or, at least, too close to him for my liking.

‘Have you been able to look into Marcello’s case?’ Sisi asks, and it soon becomes clear that he’s one of their contacts within the justice system.

‘I’m not personally on the case, but I’ve made some inquiries. So far, the video is the main piece of evidence. Unless it turns out to be fake, I don’t know what to tell you,’ the man sighs.

‘Even if Catalina doesn’t press charges?’

‘Regardless,’ he purses his lips.

As they continue their discussion on the different loopholes in Marcello’s case, I can’t help but notice that Eleanor keeps trying to strike up conversation with Raf.

Her expression doesn’t hurt, as she looks at him as if she’d like nothing better than eat him alive.

I narrow my eyes at her just as I squeeze Raf’s hand under the table.

‘I haven’t seen you around,’ she turns to him. ‘How do you know Vlad and Sisi?’ she asks as she dares to bat her lashes at him.

‘We’re all family,’ he gives her a tight smile while turning his body towards me, a quiet signal that he’s aware I’m not pleased.

‘Really? Then we’re probably going to see more of each other.’

Raf doesn’t reply.

The next course comes, and as we’re eating, she keeps brushing her hand against his before bursting out into an oops, as if she’s not aware of doing it.

Even Raf seems put off by her repeated actions, but is too polite to say anything.

I’m not.

As I lean across the table to get the basket of bread, I brush my hand intentionally against hers, gasping as I do.

‘Are you ok?’ I ask, doing my best to look concerned. ‘Your hand’s been spasming for a while now. Do you need anything?’

Her mouth hangs open in shock before annoyance takes over.

‘I’m so sorry, Rafaelo, did I scratch your sister?’

The little…

‘She’s my wife,’ he replies in a dry tone, his features murderous.

‘I’m not his sister. I’m his wife,’ I say at the same time, satisfaction blooming inside of me when her expression turns sour.

She doesn’t get to reply, though, as her father finally seems to take notice of her, pausing his conversation with Vlad to check on her.

‘Are your hands trembling again?’ He asks as if it’s a common occurrence. ‘Did you take your medicine on time? You know you can relapse if you don’t.’

‘I did, daddy. Don’t worry about me,’ she smiles sweetly at him.

But the moment his attention is back on Vlad, so is hers on Raf, blatantly disregarding the fact that he has a wife, sitting by his side, as she continues to shoot annoying questions at him.

‘Sorry,’ Raf mouths at me, holding my hand in his and trying to comfort me in any way he can.

I don’t blame him for trying to be polite, especially since it’s clear her father is someone potentially important to Marcello’s case.

But as I spot her hand on his thigh, a few moments later, all bets are off.

Raf, the sweetheart that he is, takes her hand off with a strained smile as he moves his chair closer to me—all in an effort to comport himself civilly.

‘I don’t know how long my control will hold, pretty girl,’ Raf whispers in my ear, doing his best to maintain a pleasant smile on his face.

‘I know, I know,’ I sigh, patting him affectionately on his thigh—as is my right.

‘Noelle,’ someone calls my name in a low voice.

Looking across the table, it’s to see Venezia awkwardly attempting to make conversation with Elizabeth—or, Elizabeth mostly prattling away—and Sisi watching Eleanor with sharp eyes.

Nodding to come closer, Sisi whispers in my ear.

‘Eleanor is the worst. She did the same with Vlad the first time we met her, even though I told her straight up I was his wife.’

‘And? What happened?’ I don’t think for a second Sisi would have stood by and let that happen.

A smile tugs at her lips.

‘I would have done a lot worse, but Vlad saw my mood worsening and he was the one who blurted something out,’ she chuckles.


‘He told her to use a deodorant,’ Sisi chortles, covering her mouth with her hand.

‘He didn’t…’

‘He did, and she was so mortified by the entire exchange she moved a few feet away. Of course, she didn’t mention it to anyone.’

‘Raf is too nice to say something like that,’ I scrunch my nose.

‘True, he is too much of a gentleman for that,’ she sighs.

Just at that moment, I note Eleanor lean in a little too close to whisper something in his ear.

Raf gives me a pained look that says help, and I simply raise a brow at him.

‘He might not be able to do anything, but I can,’ I wink at Sisi before I lean back in my seat.

Raf tries to ignore her attempts at conversation while engaging me in one, his entire body angled towards me as if he’d like nothing more than run away from Eleanor. Yet she’s completely oblivious.

Worse yet, her father is even more so as he’s wholly focused on his conversation with Vlad.

‘Rafaelo…’ she starts, and this time, Raf does the ungentlemanly thing and ignores her.

‘Rafaelo, I’m talking to you,’ she continues in a low enough tone to not get the attention at everyone at the table.

‘Rafaelo,’ she screeches, her voice going up just a little, and when she sees she’s getting nowhere, she lets out a loud huff, getting to her feet and telling her father she’s going to the restroom.

‘I swear to you pretty girl, I did nothing to encourage that,’ Raf finally says, his expression one of horror mixed with relief once she’s gone from her side.

‘I know,’ I coo lightly, leaning in to brush my lips against his. ‘You’re too nice sometimes,’ I smile. ‘But let me deal with this,’ I wink at him just as I get up, excusing myself and brushing against Eleanor’s seat to nick her fork from the table.

Luckily, the bathroom seems to be empty aside from her in her stall. Even better, she left her purse on the sink counter.

With quick efficiency, I open it up, browsing through the contents until I find something rather intriguing—a small container filled with medicine.

She takes quite a bit to do her business, and that gives me enough time to do a quick search on the internet to see what the meds are for.

And the result…

My lips curl up in a smile.

Now, I wouldn’t want to make a scandal since her father seems to be someone important. But I can’t allow her to continue like this either.

Flushing, she opens the door to her stall, coming out. When she sees me in front of the mirror, she snickers at me, proceeding to get a lipstick out of her purse and apply it all over her pouty lips.

‘I have a question for you, Eleanor,’ I say as I continue to regard myself in the mirror, studying her only from the corner of my eye.

‘Huh?’ she frowns.

‘Have you tried getting your own man? Maybe that would help,’ I smile sweetly.

Her eyes flare in shock.


I don’t let her move, and before she can turn, I’m on her, gripping tightly on to the fork I’d nabbed from the table as I shove it into her hand. I use enough force that it perforates the skin, remaining lodged into her flesh.

A muffled cry escapes her, paired with an expression of disbelief as if she can’t quite believe I did that.

Coming even closer, I lean in to whisper.

‘I don’t know how you’ve made it this far, but you were bound to meet someone like me at some point. Better sooner than later, right? Especially since you were lying to your father earlier, weren’t you? You’re not taking your meds. Why, your prescription is full.’

‘You bitch,’ she spits at me, but a moan of pain escapes her as she attempts to move her hand.

‘Yes, I am a bitch. And that is the problem. If you were a nice girl, took your meds, and didn’t hit on my husband, we wouldn’t be here,’ I maintain my smile.

The shock wears off on her face, aggression replacing it and I know it’s only a matter of time before she jumps on me.

If she’s off her meds, then anything is possible.

Before she can do that, though, I simply spill the container of pills in my hand, bringing my fist to her lips and pushing them into her mouth, using my other hand to hold her head still as I force her to swallow.

She gags and chokes, spitting a lot of pills out. But some of them make their way into her system, nonetheless.

And as I see that, I simply step back, letting her deliver the slap she’s been itching to from the beginning.

‘You’re fucking dead!’ she threatens, yelling at the top of her lungs as she advances towards me, removing the fork from her hand and waving it around in front of me.

I fall to my ass, schooling my features into an expression of terror I’m decidedly not feeling. And right at that moment, the door bursts open, Raf being the first who comes rushing in, the other two men behind him.

Seeing my terrified expression and the bloody fork in her hand, he wastes no time in immobilizing her.

She starts yelling and thrashing, spouting a lot of nonsense that no one seems to be inclined to listen to. Not even when her father comes to me to apologize and ask if I’m ok.

Letting a tear fall down my check, I stammer in my explanation.

“I-I found her self-harming with the fork, and there were so many pills around,’ I choke on my words. ‘I tried to help her but she…’ my breathing turns harsh just as Eleanor starts yelling that I’m a liar.

The entire debacle ends with an ambulance coming to the restaurant and restraining Eleanor, taking her in for observation.

‘I’m so sorry for this,’ her father apologizes again, both to me and Raf. ‘I was sure she was doing better. I’ve just been so busy and… I’m sorry for ruining your evening,’ he nods to the others.

Raf’s arms are around me as he holds me tight against his body, peppering my face with kisses.

As we go back to our seats at the dinner table, he doesn’t even let me sit in my own chair, keeping me on his lap.

‘It’s my fault,’ he sighs. ‘I should have realized she was unhinged and should have done something. I’m so sorry, pretty girl,’ he whispers in my ear.

Sisi smiles conspiratorially at me from across the table, the only one who seems to realize that the story I told might not have been entirely truthful.

‘It’s ok. You couldn’t have been rude to them,’ I assure Raf, melting into him.

And who says I’m not reasonable? I understand women will always find him attractive, just like I have absolute confidence in him because I know he could never see anyone but me. But since my dear husband is not the type to get aggressive with a woman, that leaves me to deal with those who don’t understand the meaning of the word no.

With the drama of the night behind us, we can finally enjoy a good meal, and the fact that Raf suddenly doesn’t seem to mind if people see us become overly touchy-feely.

He holds me in his arms like I’m his precious treasure and he wants to broadcast that to the entire world.

Hmm, maybe I should do this more often then.

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