The Consort

Chapter 39: Date

"Where are we going?" I ask, looking up at Heloix as he pulls me down the hallway.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

I huff.

"Yes, that's why I asked." I retort, trying to pull my hand out of his.

Heloix's grip on mine tightens, refusing to let me go. Holding hands is a form of intimacy that the Beasts commonly practice, but the humans don't engage in it. I can tell that he likes it by the way he's always trying to latch onto my fingers, but it feels pretty uncomfortable to walk while jointed, especially given our height differences.

"If you don't stop fighting with me I'm going to carry you." Heloix snaps, face tilting down to glare at me.

His threat forces submission out of me, and I stop trying to pry my hand out of his, settling down as he leads me towards the exit. I glance around with wide eyes as we leave the castle and head towards the woods, mind racing with questions.

I've snuck out a couple of times to collect rocks from the garden but have never ventured further than a couple of feet from the large doors. Heloix seems confident as he leads me further away, and I have to remind myself that he is the King and can do as he pleases.

The wooded area seems to grow as we approach it, the shortened distance making the trees appear taller and wider. The terrain gets a bit rougher as we venture closer, and Heloix slows down the pace so I can take more calculated steps.

I faintly recognize this area from when Heloix and I traveled through it on the horse, but I was so preoccupied with the giant Beast sitting behind me that I didn't pay too much attention to our surroundings.

Tentatively, I step over a large log, my footsteps slow as I focus on keeping my feet flat on the ground and not tripping. I hear the sounds of a babbling creek as we continue, the noise growing louder the closer we come.

"Are you taking us to the water?" I ask, glancing up at Heloix.

My foot trips on a rock as I draw my attention from the ground to Heloix, my body pivoting forward as I stumble. The grip on my hand tightens in response, and Heloix's other arm wraps around my waist as he pulls me into his chest.

"Thanks," I mumble, embarrassed.

A quiet laugh rumbles from Heloix's chest, the noise making me flustered. It's not often that he laughs, but each time he does my pulse races in response. Heloix's arm remains wrapped tightly around me, practically supporting all my weight, as he leads us towards the water.

It's the same one we traveled near before, but instead of walking along it Heloix picks me up and walks over it, his feet sloshing through the shallow water and no doubt destroying his leather shoes. I wiggle when we reach the other side, expecting Heloix to put me down, but he keeps me firmly in his grasp.

"Put me down!" I huff, unhappy with being carried underneath his arm like a ball while my feet dangle limply beneath me.

"We are almost there." He says in response, ignoring my demand.

Gripping Heloix's arm with my own, I push down on the thick muscle in an attempt to loosen it and free myself. It doesn't have the intended effect, and after a couple more tries I give up, angrily wiping away the sweat that accumulated along my upper lip at the exertion.

Up ahead I spot a large pond that the creek feeds, excitement rushing through me at the pretty scenery. I don't often get to view nature, but I try my best to appreciate it whenever I get the opportunity.

Heloix loosens his hold as we approach, finally dropping me down a couple of feet from the mouth of the creek. Spinning around, a broad smile breaks out on my face as I take it all in. Loud birds sing to one another between the trees, the sound blending perfectly with the running water.

"You like it." Heloix comments as I turn to look at him.

"Stop reading my mind." I pout.

Heloix shakes his head at my words, mouth falling into a frown. "I can't do that. I'm only feeling your emotions."

I roll my eyes, smiling.

"Same thing."

I bend and slip off my shoes before walking towards the water, my toes sinking into the muddy ground. The water is clear with tiny fish swimming about, and I tense up as I plunge my foot in, expecting the liquid to be cool. Instead, to my surprise it's pretty warm, and I walk in until it reaches my ankles.

"Come over here. There's something I want to show you." Heloix speaks up from further down along the shore.

I stand still for another moment and watch the small fish swim around my toes before turning towards Heloix, curious about what he wants me to see. My feet squish into the wet ground as I walk over, mud seeping between my toes and releasing with moist pops. Heloix doesn't look up as I approach, his attention fixated on the ground in front of him.

Following his gaze, a small gasp escapes me as I take in the thousands of tiny pebbles that cover the ground.

"The garden isn't a very good place to find pretty rocks." Heloix comments, bending down and picking one up.

I watch as he carries it over to the water and sticks his fist underneath the small waves, cleaning off all the mud and gunk. He straightens back up with a triumphant smile and holds out his open palm, showing me the beautiful pink rock that sits upon it.

"It's so pretty." I murmur, moving forward to trace my finger along the hard surface.

"I'll let you take as many as I can fit in my pockets."

I snap my eyes away from the rock to his pants, frowning as I take in the tightness of his jeans. "That's not enough."

An abrupt laugh falls from Heloix's throat, his fist closing around the rock as he shoves it deep within his pocket.

"Next time we come back I'll wear my largest pair." Heloix hunches over slightly as he laughs, his hands holding onto his knees to stabilize himself.

I can't help but crack a smile at his happy emotions, not used to seeing him express any. With a slight shake of my head, I drop my gaze to the ground and begin searching for the best rocks, picking each one up and carefully inspecting for size and color.

I give the best ones to Heloix to clean and bring back, and if they pass my final inspection he shoves them in his pockets. We work together silently for a while, the quiet only interrupted when Heloix finds one he thinks I'll enjoy.

"What about this one?" Heloix asks, holding up a greenish brown stone.

I grimace as I take in its features, not particularly liking either the uneven shape or dull color. Heloix has been trying to help me find good ones, his demeanor so happy whenever he holds one out for me, making me feel so bad for constantly rejecting his suggestions. Despite my want to turn this one down, I plant a large smile on my face and nod my head vigorously, pretending to be excited over his find.

"Yes! That one's very good."

Heloix sighs, tossing the rock back on the ground. "I know you're lying."

"I'm not." I snap, moving forward and picking up his stone. "I want this one."

Tentatively I eyeball his pockets, judging how much space is left in them as he sticks his find inside. They filled up rather quickly, and my heart drops as I realize that I only have a couple of rocks left.

"Let's take a break and pick out the last ones before we leave." Heloix suggests as he stands, leaving no room for argument.

With an exaggerated huff I stand as well, back popping as I straighten out my spine. I hear rustling behind me as Heloix walks around near the trees, but I ignore him and admire the reflection of the trees along the water's surface.

Out of the corner of my eye I spot Heloix walking into the water, a choked gasp falling from my lips as I turn to face him and notice his naked body sinking into the large pond. He turns to face me with a smile, his body only covered to the waist and awfully distracting.

"Get in!" He shouts, spreading his arms and falling back into the water. His head plunges underneath the surface for a moment before popping back up, his wet hair stuck to his face.

"You're naked."

Heloix stands, his chest emerging from the water inch by inch. I try my best not to look at him, but my eyes have other plans, intently watching each bit of his body rise above the water until it sits just above his hips.

"Come on. I'll keep my distance." He promises, arms out wide as he beckons me in.

Glancing back towards his estate, I double-check that nobody is present before focusing my attention once more on Heloix.

"Turn around." I order.

He does as I say, his eyes rolling at my antics before slowly spinning around and turning his back to me. I watch the muscles underneath his shoulder blades tense up as he wades further into the pond, his body sinking deeper into the water.

My movements are hesitant as I bring my hands to the hem of my dress and pull it over my head, leaving me in only my bra and underwear. The warm air brushes along my skin, causing goosebumps to form along my arms and legs as I slowly make my way into the water.

I cross my arms over my chest as the soft waves break against my body. I don't know how to swim and stop when the water reaches my chest, not wanting to go in any further.

"Okay." I say, ducking down slightly to hide my chest as Heloix turns back around.

His eyes are dark as he turns to face me, a smirk on his face as he approaches.

"That's as deep as you want to go?"

I offer a slight shrug. "I can't swim."

Heloix gives a quiet hum to my statement and continues his approach, stopping once he is towering over me. His chest glistens as the water pours down it, and I watch one particular drop as it makes its way from his collarbone to belly button before disappearing into the pond.

"Do you want me to take you deeper?" He asks, drawing my attention from the wayward water droplets.

I reach out my hand in response, placing it on his shoulder and using it to keep myself afloat as I drift closer to him. Anxiety spikes through me as Heloix steps backward, moving us deeper into the water until my feet no longer touch and I'm forced to hang onto him.

Both my arms wrap around his neck as he pulls us in. I'm careful to keep our bodies disconnected, not wanting to send the wrong message. Heloix doesn't seem to care, though, a sly smirk playing on his lips as the water reaches his neck.

"I'm going to kiss you." He murmurs, eyes locking in on my wide, surprised ones.

He doesn't wait for a response before leaning in and pressing his lips firmly against mine. I freeze momentarily against his touch, body tensing as his arm wraps around my waist and pulls me flush against him.

His lips remain still for just a moment before beginning to move against mine, his tongue peeking out and running against my lips. I let out a small gasp as his hand suddenly grips my thigh and pulls it around his bare hip, and he takes the opportunity to dart his tongue inside, the wet muscle running alongside mine.

I shift slightly in his hold, arms moving to wrap tightly around his neck as my other leg wraps around his waist. I'm all too aware of his hard cock sitting between my thighs in the new position, but I don't mind, my body enjoying the reaction I bring out of him.

My heart skips a beat as I grind up against him, feeling overcome with affection after the day I've had. He's proven to me that he is serious about making changes for the humans, and even though we aren't at the level of freedom I would like, we are close enough that I'm not overwhelmed with guilt every time I find myself enjoying his company.

"Adeline." He moans, pulling back slightly. "What's your angle?"

I frown, confused by his words. "What?"

"You only want me when you want something from me."

I immediately shake my head at his statement, confident that it is not true. I only tried to seduce him for a goal once, and he quickly let me know that it's futile to try. Then he dared to tell me I was being a spoiled brat afterward, words that will not be forgotten any time soon.

Heloix stares at me, his eyes squinted as he deciphers my truth and searches for the lie that doesn't exist. Eventually his expression softens, his arms tightening around me.

"I'm going to take you home." He hoists me up higher and places a wet kiss on my jaw.

"I'm going to bathe you."

Another kiss to my collarbone.

"And then I'm going to make you scream."

Teeth scrape against my skin before being followed up with light pressure as he sucks the skin into his mouth.

A nervous chuckle bubbles its way up out of my throat at his actions, my thighs clenching in response.

"I, uh," I stammer, inadvertently rolling my hips against his stomach.

Heloix's eyes widen at my actions, getting the wrong impression from my movements.

"Would you rather I please you now?" He questions, his hand pushing down my bra and exposing my chest. "I'm not a fan of pond pussy but if that's what you want I'm on board."

I stare at him in horror until he laughs and assures me that he is just joking. With another small kiss on my lips, he begins to walk us towards the shore. "Let's get you home."

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