The Consort

Chapter 38: Shifting

I move my arm to the side as Heloix shifts his hold on me, his right arm wrapping tightly around my back and ending at my front while his left hand remains loosely placed on my thigh. The Beasts are slow to line up in front of him, their eyes narrowed as they take in my position on his lap.

Jade ignores my presence altogether and continues to talk to Heloix as if I'm not even here. She rambles on about some performance happening in the city but gives up when Heloix refuses to acknowledge her.

Her gaze drops down to where his fingers run along the seam of my dress, an eyebrow quirking as a look of pure disgust takes over her features. I have half a mind to feel embarrassed by his wandering hands, but my jealously has me taking pleasure in it instead.

"I love this dress on you." Heloix murmurs, leaning forward so his lips are directly next to my ear. "But you need to turn because everybody can see up it."

I let out a small gasp at his words, immediately turning so my legs face to the side instead of forward. Heloix helps me make the movements, dropping his knee down so I can easily slide my legs over his. His arm reaches down and hooks around my thighs as I settle, the thick muscle acting as a barrier from the prying eyes of the Beasts.

Jade walks away from us in a huff, her movements smooth as she takes her place in the line that continues to form in front of Heloix and me. The Beasts all standing tall and proud as they wait for the opportunity to speak to their King.

A couple of others continue to stand around idly, and I wonder if they are here just to observe. It seems as if most humans have left the room as well, only a select few remaining at their post along the wall.

Heloix adjusts his head on top of mine, the stubble on his chin getting caught in the hair I spent so long messing with this morning. I think about reaching up and fixing it for a moment, but as I take in all the dirty looks I'm receiving, I decide just to remain still.

The sudden sound of Heloix clearing his throat cuts the silence, the Beasts all snapping their gazes from me to him.

"Begin." He commands, gesturing to the large man that stands in the front of the line.

I watch, intrigued, as the man steps forward and bows slightly, his face tilting downwards in respect. He wears simple, slightly dingy clothing, the material hanging loosely off his frame. I drop my gaze lower, past his hands nervously wringing a grey hat, to his shoes. They are relatively old, visibly worn out at the toes and sides.

I was under the impression that all the Beasts lived in luxury and am surprised to see one looking so raggedy.

"My King," He starts, standing back up as he speaks. "The new poultry tax is running me out of business. I've had to raise prices and it's driving my customers away. My children are going hungry."

Heloix hums as he listens, the noise sending small vibrations through my body.


I turn slightly to look at Heloix, surprised by his callous response. His jaw is taut as he regards the man, lips pursed slightly in distaste. Uncomfortable, I shift somewhat and settle further into his lap, pleased as arms tighten and he holds me tighter against his chest.

The man splutters as Heloix's disinterest, his face reddening in what I assume to be anger and embarrassment. I couldn't imagine how I would feel if I was in his position, having taken a day off work and gotten all dressed up to beg the King for help, only for him to give no care.

Heloix's eyes fall to me as the man begins speaking once more, voice full of desperation as he pleads for some assistance. Despite the cruelty I have experienced at the hands of the Beasts, I still feel pity as I listen to him, not wanting his family to go hungry. The man finishes speaking with a defeated sigh, and I glance at Heloix with worry, unsure if he will agree to help.

The room is silent as we all wait for Heloix's response, the tension so thick you cut it with a knife. His fingertips draw small circles into my thigh as he contemplates what to say, and I watch his nose crinkle as if he is thinking of something unpleasant.

"You're angry. You want me to help him?" Heloix finally speaks, voice quiet enough that only I hear.

My body tenses in surprise at his question, not having expected him to care for any of my input. My muscles slowly relax as the shock wears off, and I let out a slight shrug.

"Seems mean to let his family go hungry."

Heloix shrugs. "He should be better at managing his money."

Feeling brave, I tilt away so the Beasts can't see me and lean in towards Heloix, bringing my lips to his ear. "I don't want a mean mate."

I make sure to whisper the words quietly, wanting only Heloix to hear them, and can tell that I've succeeded as his body tenses beneath mine. It's the first time I've ever acknowledged him as my mate, and it has the intended effect.

Pulling back, I watch his jaw click as he snaps it shut, his dark staring into mine before turning back to the crowd.

"Two months. We will give you a tax break for two months. After that you're on your own." Heloix states, voice firm.

The man bows deeply at Heloix's answer, sounding grateful as he gives his thanks. He turns to leave, probably eager to get out of the spotlight before Heloix changes his mind, but the sound of Heloix clearing his throat freezes him in his tracks.

"I'd recommend you stop cheating on your mate with paid whores. Then you might have enough money to feed your children."

My mouth falls open as I take in the additional information shared, my pity for the man lessening exponentially. That feeling seems to be shared throughout the room as the other Beasts turn and look at him with apparent disdain, their noses upturned as he passes them on his way to the exit.

With him gone the next in line steps up, immediately launching into a complainant about some land dispute with his neighbor. The matter gets settled pretty quickly and the next steps up, the pattern repeating. It gets boring quite fast, and I find myself zoning out, listening just enough to pick up on any mention of humans.

I applaud Heloix for sitting through this so patiently, his attention never once wavering as he asks follow-up questions and doles out appropriate responses. It's not hard to understand how he is King when watching him interact with his people, and I can't help but feel frustrated that he is unable to extend this same attention and care to the humans.

Slowly my attention is drawn to Heloix, and I find myself watching him as he listens to the Beasts, intrigued by the way his jaw clicks when he hears something he dislikes or how his nose scrunches up when he is annoyed. He glances over at me a couple of times, no doubt being distracted by the small human sitting on his lap staring directly at him, but he says nothing, letting me continue my brazen watching.

My attention is drawn back to the present as Jade steps up, her mouth downturned as she looks at Heloix.

"My family has issues with the new human regulations you've instilled." She says, eyes darting to me quickly before focusing back in once more in Heloix.

It's no surprise to me that she would be the one person today to have an issue with it, and if I weren't so annoyed by her I'd find it comical. She shifts her weight to her right leg as she speaks, her hand coming up to rest on her hip.

"We own a few, and giving them a day off each month along with paying them is more than we can provide." She sneers, mouth pursing in anger.

I'm a bit confused by her words, unsure what exactly she is referring to when she says paying them. Heloix hasn't said anything about giving the humans wages, and I eagerly turn to him to gauge his reaction. Has he really has enforced such a generous new law?

Heloix finally turns to face me, a sheepish smile on his face. "I was going to tell you tonight."

"You gave the humans wages?" I state, wanting confirmation.

Heloix pouts, lips turning down in an exaggerated frown. "I had a whole thing planned."

"Thank you." I respond, genuinely happy with what he's done.

Heloix gives me a wide grin, his eyes crinkling slightly in the corners. I honestly hadn't had much hope that he would make any changes, but each day it feels like he's doing something new for us. My heart soars with the knowledge that he is making genuine efforts for me.

"If you can't afford your humans anymore," Heloix speaks, turning to face Jade. "then I'll be happy to buy them from you."

I suck in my cheek at his choice of words, reminding myself that only so many changes can be made at once.

Jade adjusts her weight to her other leg, face reddening in anger as she comes to realize that she isn't going to get the answer she wants.

"Then who will serve our household?" She retorts.

Heloix shrugs, his shoulder rubbing against my back.


I force back a laugh at his response, instead sucking in my bottom lip and biting harshly into the skin. Soft skin grazes gently against my temple, Heloix's lips brushing back and forth in a slow rhythm. His public affection is surprising to me, and I wonder how many of the actions are being pushed by his Beast.

Heloix's shifts himself below me with a quiet sigh, bringing to attention the stiff appendage that I sit upon. I felt this reaction happen while staring at him, but I honestly expected him to soften immediately after and not draw any attention to it.

"I would like to continue this discussion when you're done humping your human mate." Jade snaps, my blood running cold at her words.

The silence in the room is deafening as the Beasts wait to see Heloix's reaction. His arms tense up where they lay around my waist, his finger stopping its idle doodling against my skin.

"Seems like you're quite upset that it's not you I'm humping."

Heloix follows up his words with a roll of his hips, his body grinding up against my bottom in a smooth motion. I shoot him a glare at his actions, unhappy that he is using me as a pawn, but he pays me no attention.

I sink slightly at his reaction, crestfallen that he didn't take the opportunity to claim me. He's made it clear that now is not the time, but a small part of me remained hopeful.

"Trust me," Jade laughs, attention turning to me. "Been there, done that; doesn't live up to the hype."

Heloix's loud laugh abruptly falls from his lips, the sound cracking like a whip throughout the otherwise quiet room. My grip on his arm tightens, nails digging into the skin.

His lips graze against my ear as he bends down to whisper to me. "I've never so much as held her hand."

Again Heloix is laughing, the noise doing nothing but making everybody uneasy. I've never heard such a sound come from him before and am shocked by its intensity.

Jade turns red at his reaction, her eyes turning dark as her body hunches over. I watch her curiously, jumping back as her body begins shifting before my eyes. The skin on her body peels off in painful chunks before being replaced with fur, her bones simultaneously breaking and rearranging themselves with loud, wet pops.

Before I can process what's happening, my butt is making painful contact with the chair and Heloix's back is in front of me, his body hunched over Jade as he pins her to the ground by her throat.

Her Beast is giant, all signs of the Jade I recognize gone and replaced by a wolflike creature. Her jaws snap up at Heloix, a whimper following up the motion as he tightens his grip on her neck.

I watch the exchange with wide eyes, scurrying back into Heloix's throne in fear. Deep down I know that he wouldn't let any harm come to me, but I can't help the overwhelming panic that fills me at the sight of a shifted Beast.

A deep rumble emerges from Heloix's chest as he holds her down, his body twitching in tandem with his noises. It looks like he is trying to hold back a shift, but I can't tell for sure. Jade continues to fight against him, her hind legs kicking up and scratching at his arm as he holds her on her back.

I wince as her nails puncture his skin, blood seeping out of the holes and dribbling down his arm.

The others in the room begin to scramble, the humans sneaking out the side exit as the Beasts leave through the main doors. My attention remains on Heloix the entire time, my heart beating a million miles a minute as I take in the scene in front of me.

Jade eventually begins to tire, her kicks both less frequent and less powerful with each passing second. Heloix continues to bleed as she lashes out, his wounds not having time to heal before re-opening them.

He leans back slightly in reaction to her dulled-down attacks, groaning as she takes the opportunity to snap at him again, large teeth getting inches from his face before he slams her back down, her head banging against the floor with a loud thud.

With a sickening snap, she falls limp, her body stilling on the ground.

"Did you just kill her?" I ask, voice breathless.

Heloix shakes his head, slowly releasing her and standing back up. "No, just broke her neck. She'll get up soon."

He lifts his arm and inspects his quickly healing cuts, eyeing them with a frown. "I expect we'll be receiving an angry visit from her mother soon."

Heloix is back in front of me in two long strides; his uninjured hand held out to me. Hesitantly I reach out and grab it, allowing him to pull me off of his throne. My legs buckle as I stand, tingles spreading along them as the blood rushes back into the once pinched muscles. Wordlessly Heloix leads me to the exit, his hand holding firmly onto mine.

"I have a fun plan for us tonight."

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