The Consort

Chapter 26: Boredom

"How are you feeling?" Betty asks, watching me out of the corner of her eye as I struggle to sit up.

"Fine." I snap, frustrated with everybody treating me like a wilting flower just seconds away from dying.

Her head dips to her chest at my response and I immediately begin to backtrack, annoyed with myself for being so rude. She's simply trying to be kind and make conversation. It's not her fault that I'm stuck inside this room all day, and if there's anybody I should be snappy to it is Heloix.

"I'm sorry," I start, rubbing my hand down my face in frustration. "I seem to be a bit cranky today."

In all honesty, I've been cranky for the past couple of days. Heloix is constantly avoiding me, and when he is around he dodges my questions like my voice is poison. The only exciting part of my day is when John comes to visit, but even he is acting weird around me.

"If you bring over the clean laundry, I can help fold." I offer, pointing to the freshly washed clothing sitting in the basket at the end of the bed.

Betty narrows her eyes at my suggestion before shaking her head no. "You know I can't do that. I'm under strict orders to make sure you stay in bed and relax."

"Nobody will know." I try to persway her.

"The King knows everything." Betty scoffs, grabbing the basket and bringing it to the dresser. I slump back into the mattress as she effectively moves the clothing out of my reach.

Sighing lightly, I nod my head in agreement. "That he does."

Heloix does seem to know everything, and I know that there's something he's hiding from me. I'm willing to bet it's about the attack, given that both he and John are so weird talking about it.

I've asked them both what happened multiple times and they tell the same story, but it does nothing to alleviate my suspicions. They both claim that after I passed out John ran to find Heloix, reaching his office and alerting him before the guard was able to remove any of my clothing.

I've wondered if they are lying about how far the Beast got in his attempted rape. It would indeed explain their weird attitude, but I felt no soreness when I awoke and feel no different inside. I've even gone as far as to prod myself when Heloix is distracted at work, tentatively poking my insides to see if I can find any changes.

There are no changes, which leaves only one option. John must have told Heloix of my suspicion towards his treatment of me and the blood sharing. It wouldn't surprise me if the King made John explain his reason for being in my room, which would make sense why John is being so weird.

It doesn't quite explain Heloix's actions, unless my theory is correct and now he knows I'm onto him.

"Where is the King?" Betty asks, pulling open one of my drawers and setting some clothing inside.

"He stepped out for a meeting. He should be back soon." I answer, eager for his return.

Heloix has practically forbidden me from leaving his wing, insisting that this is the safest place for me. It's led to a series of long and tedious days, desperate for socialization with somebody other than Betty. I love being around her, and her presence is calming, but she is still a child at the end of the day and I am eager to have conversations that she isn't ready for.

I tried leaving a couple of times, but each attempt was foiled by Heloix storming down the corridor and ordering that I go back inside. I'm willing to bet it's the guard who stands outside who tattles on me, probably under orders to alert Heloix the second as much as my toe crosses over the threshold of the doorway.

Betty continues tidying up the room, making idle chitchat as she moves around. I wish to hear about all the drama happening amongst the servants and theories on who is seeing who, but she's still too young to be in the know on all that.

Eventually she finishes up and leaves to go down and get herself some dinner, leaving me alone once more. I expected Heloix to be back by now, but his meeting is going on far longer than I anticipated.

With a quiet grunt I push myself up and throw my legs over the side of the bed. The ground is cold underneath my bare feet, but I ignore the unpleasant feeling and stand up on wobbling knees. The kitchen is usually fully stocked, and I might as well indulge in some snacks while I have the opportunity.

My bedroom door squeaks slightly as I push it open, and I peek my head out to make sure the coast is clear before leaving. I wouldn't put it past Heloix to have come back and sat in silence by himself in the living room, just waiting to catch me sneaking out. To my relief, though, the place is empty, and I quickly scurry over to the pantry and throw open the double doors.

There's more food in here than I've ever encountered before, and Heloix has told me that I can eat whatever I want. At first, I was pretty nervous to take any food, but now it's the most exciting part of my day.

Heloix tends to get upset when I eat too many snacks, complaining that it's not healthy and that I'll regret it later, but if he weren't in such a long meeting, I wouldn't have to resort to these measures. So, keeping that logic in mind, I grab some chocolate bits and shove them in my mouth, following it up with a large slice of bread.

Meandering over to the fridge, I pull open the door and scan for some milk. There doesn't appear to be any available, the container sitting empty on the counter, so instead I grab some of his bottled juice.

"This will work." I mumble to myself, bringing the bottle to my mouth and taking a deep swig.

The flavor is quite bitter with a robust and unappealing aftertaste, and I resist the urge to spit it out the second it touches my tongue. I frown as I swallow what's in my mouth, quickly setting the top back on and sticking the bottle back in the fridge.

Teenage me would have loved this, being swept away by some King and kept in his chambers for safety but, now that I'm here, I can't help but wish I was anywhere else. I feel useless sitting around all day doing nothing and feel incredibly irritable as I watch Betty clean up after me.

The only silver lining to this entire ordeal is that John is allowed to be around me now. He still can't be alone with me, but as long as a third party is present he can stay as long as he wishes.

A loud creak is heard throughout the room as the front door opens, and I crane my neck around the fridge to see who is entering.

"You were gone a long time." I comment, watching as Heloix's long legs carry him into the room.

"You miss me?" He asks in response, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

He wishes.

Heloix watches me as he moves forward, eyes locked in on my face as he expertly maneuvers himself around the couch and towards the kitchen. It takes everything in me not to stare at his chest that is being hugged tightly by his shirt, my mind remembering just how large his body feels beneath my hands.

A large smirk covers his face as he approaches, his feet coming to a stop once he is inches away. His body practically towers over me as he bends slightly and inhales the scent of my hair.

He groans quietly before pulling away. "We are leaving tomorrow."

"Why? To where?" I ask, both shocked and confused by his statement.

Does he wish to take me into the city? He mentioned a long while ago that I would have to go occasionally as part of my duties but he hasn't been allowing me to complete any work lately, insisting that I wait until my body has fully healed.

"There is a Kingdom just east of here that we will be visiting."

"But why?" I push, not understanding why he needs to leave in the first place. Heloix hasn't left the castle for longer than a couple of hours since I've arrived, opting to hold all his meetings from within his office.

Heloix reaches out a hand and grabs a strand of my hair, rolling it gently between his fingers. The intimate action makes me blush, the temperature increasing as I begin to imagine how those fingers would feel elsewhere.

As if he can read my mind, Heloix drops the hair and brings his fingertips to my forehead, dragging them lightly down to my neck. Instinctively I tilt my head back, allowing him more access to my skin. I wish for him to continue further, but instead he drops his hand to his side.

"You've been quite horny lately." He comments casually, as if speaking about the weather. "Maybe I can come to your room tonight? There is something I've never done before that I wish to try."

My jaw drops open at his statement, cheeks heating up in indignation.

"I, no, you will not." I gasp.

"Why?" Heloix asks, bending down until I can feel his hot breath on my face. "Don't you wonder how it will feel to have my tongue inside you?"

An unattractive squawk falls from my mouth as I stumble for a response, my thighs pressing together as my brain conjures up the images. Beasts don't pleasure humans in such a way, often choosing to take rather than give. My eyes narrow in confusion as I stare at him, trying to figure out what angle he's playing at here.

Heloix lets out a loud laugh at my confusion, embarrassment rushing through my veins as he steps away from me and moves towards his bedroom.

It's not until after the door has slammed behind him that I realize he never told me why he wants to visit that kingdom.

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