The Consort

Chapter 25: Secrets


"You've stopped healing yourself." I comment, frowning at the bloody scraps of skin that hang from his body. "Such a shame."

I was hoping to get another couple of days out of him, his screams being the only thing that keeps my Beast from taking over and completing the bond with Adeline. I had to give her so much blood to heal her wounds, stopping only moments before it was completed.

It took everything in me to tear myself away knowing that she still had more injuries, but to tie us together in such a way is not an option right now. There will be no way to hide her when it happens, and I am wholly unprepared for the war it will bring to my land.

Groaning, I focus back on the task at hand.

The guard hangs in front of me, fat tears rolling down his cheeks as he begs for forgiveness. I ignore him, feeling absolutely no pity for his pain. He knew that his actions would lead him here, the knowledge that Adeline is mine being widespread throughout the castle, yet he chose to attack her anyway.

Circling his body, I click my tongue in annoyance as I notice one of the hooks that keep him suspended has torn out of his body, the muscle that holds it in place having come loose.

I flick the hook to the side as I continue to circle him, unhappy with the deterioration his body has succumbed to overnight. My Beast and I need something to get our anger out on while Adeline heals, the sight of her purple bruises being enough to send me into a rampage.

The guard continues to beg for mercy, for me to kill him now and end his misery, but I refuse. I want him to suffer, and I wish for his suffering to be a message to all other Beasts inside this castle.

"I sent out some guards to fetch your daughter." I lie, picking up a carving knife and pressing it against the soft skin of his neck. "I'm excited for her to experience what you've done to my human."

Under normal circumstances I would follow through with my words, making him watch and listen to her cries as all the guards take their turn with her before leaving her on the floor to die. This time I have decided to be merciful, though. Addie gets quite upset when I bring harm to the humans and women, and because of her condition I have decided to give in to her wishes just this once.

The guard lets out a pitiful cry at my words, blubbering like a small child as I begin to slice open and peel off the skin covering his sternum. It comes off easily, the skin still soft and fresh from when I removed it two days ago.

I set the knife down as the skin disconnects and falls to the floor with a wet slap, opting instead to grab my cleaver and work on his fingers.

"Put your hand on the table." I command, pointing my knife towards the small wooden table to his right. The guard's hand hangs limply by his side, and I roll my eyes slightly as I notice that he has once more fainted.

"So pathetic." I murmur, grabbing the limb for myself and slapping it on the tabletop. I'll have to wait for him to wake before continuing, but I might as well get him in position in the meantime.

With his hand placed securely on the table, I grab a couple of stakes and drive them through his palm into the wood below. This will prevent him from removing it once he wakes, and will ensure that if I am not present that he knows what his future holds when I return.

Once his hand is secure, I take a step back to look him over. Anger flares up inside me as the image of him on top of Adeline flashes in my mind, the sight of her limb body beneath his rutting hips forcing my Beast to the forefront of my mind.

She doesn't know that she is constantly sending me her emotions, her pushes strong and persistent and worsening after I took more of her blood that day in her bedroom. In an attempt to block it out I put up a barrier between our minds, foolishly confident that she was safe in the castle.

It left me incapable of feeling her panic and pain as she was attacked, utterly unaware of what was happening to her.

If it weren't for that stupid human boy busting into my office like a bat out of hell, I wouldn't have known what was happening until it was too late. The second his lanky body fumbled into my space, breaths coming out in choked gasps and tears flowing down his skin like a small child, I knew something was wrong.

I will admit it was brave of him to come to me knowing my dislike, and my Beast respects his decision to protect Adeline over himself. He's earned our trust, and as a reward I have decided to allow him to be near Adeline and the tiny human girl she has taken a liking to.

A surge of confusion flashes through my body, and I sigh quietly as I recognize the emotion as Adeline's. She's woken up sooner than I anticipated and is probably confused about where she is. I told her that I would be there when she woke up, and I curse silently at myself for having left in the first place.

Rushing over to the small sink, I wash the blood off my hands and check myself in the mirror for any wayward spatters. Another flash of anger seeps its way into my bones, and I groan in frustration at Adeline's constant mood swings, remembering why I had put up the block in the first place.

Until I know that she's safe I have decided to leave it down, not wanting to risk not being able to recognize another incident. Alternatively I could teach her how to keep her emotions to herself, but doing that would entail telling her the truth about our relationship. Besides, if she knew she could push her feelings to me I know that she would purposefully do it to frustrate me.

Drying my hands on some paper towel, I glance at the sad sack of skin that once used to be my guard one last time before rushing out of the dungeon. Knowing Adeline, she is probably trying to get out of bed and move around, her anger directed at her weak muscles.

I'd be angry, too, if I only had the strength of a small human.

Guards give me sly glances as I pass, probably curious about their fellow Beast down in the dungeon, but I pay them no mind. I'm eager to get back to my mate, my Beast pushing me to find her and complete the bond.

At this point I fear that I have no other options; the amount of blood I had to give her bringing us past the point of no return. Even if I wanted to try with another I doubt it would take, my body now only recognizing Adeline.

As long as we haven't completed it, though, the other Beasts won't be able to tell, giving me time to figure out what to do. They can speculate all they want, but there will be no proof.

Axis told me of a similar situation happening with the King to the East, but he was able to find a ritual that forced his Beast to choose another. He has recommended that I perform it and choose Jade instead, but I am undecided if I will do so.

"Adeline?" I call out as I enter our wing, listening for a moment to hear where she is.

There are footsteps pattering around in the guest bedroom, and as I make my way there I'm surprised to find her elbow-deep in my dirty laundry.

"Can I help you with something?" I ask, leaning against the door frame as I watch her.

She quickly spins around at the sound of my voice, fear flashing through our bond and reminding me that I need to be louder when approaching.

"Well?" I push, quirking an eyebrow as I watch her try and come up with a believable excuse.

"Why are your things in here?" She asks, apparently deciding to pretend that she wasn't just going through my personal belongings.

I hesitate for a second before responding, deciding if I want to push further on what she was looking for or let it go. I bet she was looking for answers, probably wondering what our relationship is. After the attack, I found the book I gave her on her bed with multiple sections on blood sharing bookmarked. She knows more than she's letting on.

"Why? Would you rather we share a room?" I tease.

Her face reddens at my response, her mouth falling open as she struggles to find an appropriate retort. Truth be told, if she so much as gave an inkling that she wanted us to share a space I would move in in a heartbeat. The only thing that keeps me away is the fear of pushing her too quickly.

I was fearful that she wouldn't want to be around me or another man after the attack, but thankfully she doesn't seem to remember much. The human boy assured me that she passed out before my guard began to defile her, but a small part of me still worries that she knows more than she lets on.

He swore not to mention anything to her either way, and I made sure to let him know what will happen to his cock should he decide to so much as even think about speaking about the incident. If Adeline doesn't remember, then there's no reason for her to know.

"Why have we been moved to your wing?" She finally asks, crossing her arms over her chest in anger I know she doesn't really feel.

I can feel her excitement through the bond, a strong feeling mixed with worry and embarrassment. She thinks that I'm going to tell her that she is my mate, not knowing that it's an answer I won't give. I still haven't decided if I will tell her the truth if she outright asks. My Beast would probably fight me and prevent me from lying if she did, but I'm not going to be offering up the information to her.

"Do you like it? I see you've already given yourself the tour." I ask, mildly upset that I didn't get to show her around myself.

I spent so much time decorating it before even discovering her, my Beast and I so eager to find a mate that we couldn't wait. He urged me to purchase the finest furniture that money could buy, desperately hoping that she would like it and be impressed by our taste.

"It's a very nice wing. One that I thought was reserved for you and your mate." She responds, and I can't hold back my smile at her attempt to bait me.

I hum quietly, lifting my hand to push my hair back and enjoying watching her eyes follow the movement. "Is that what you've heard?"

Adeline nods, a light blush dusting across her cheekbones.

"She will be upset to learn that you have stayed here with another female." She continues.

I nod slightly, unwilling to give her the answer she so clearly desires. "That's a possibility."

Her anger pierces me through the bond and my Beast pushes to take over and soothe her. I haven't let him take complete control since Adeline arrived, choosing to stay in human form and keep him locked up inside. It's making him antsy, but I know it's for the best.

I'd love nothing more than to shift and let him meet Adeline but I know that he would mark her and complete the bond in a heartbeat, effectively destroying everything I've worked for.

"So then why have you moved me in here?" She asks once more.

I shrug slightly in response, not having a good answer to her question. "You will be safe here."

Adeline snorts at my answer, her doubt of my ability to protect her bothering me greatly. I am larger and stronger than any Beast in this castle. There is no other that could protect her as I can.

"For how long?"

I smirk, throwing her a bone. "For forever."

I puff out my chest without meaning to, my Beast pushing me to show off my strength.

"Or until you find your mate and she demands my head on a stake." Adeline murmurs, a low growl emanating from my throat at the imaginary threat.

Ignoring her statement, I take a slow look around the room, noting all the items that have been moved during her apparently very thorough search. Clearly I entered during the tail end of her snooping.

"Is there a reason you are looking through my dirty laundry?" I ask, bringing the subject back to her having been elbow deep in my laundry basket.

"I wasn't."

"Sure you weren't." I roll my eyes at her blatant lie, turning on my heel and heading out of the room. "Once you're done snooping through my things, will you come out and help me cook some dinner?"

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