The Consort

Chapter 23: Research

John's grip on my hand is firm as I pull him through the hallway, eager to sneak him into my room as quickly as possible. I pause before rounding the corner that leads past the King's door, peeking my head around to ensure that the coast is clear before moving further.

Heloix's guard is the only person present in the long corridor, his large body leaning against the wall directly across from the King's door as he stares up at the ceiling in boredom. I send a quick prayer that he doesn't report our passing to Heloix before tightening my grip on John's hand and hurriedly jogging down the hallway.

The guard doesn't bat an eye at us as we scurry past, and an enormous weight is lifted off my shoulder as we round the final corner to my room and I barge my way inside. John fumbles in behind me, his body turning quickly as he slams the door shut behind us.

"What the fuck, Adeline? You're going to get me killed." John hisses quietly as he searches the room for any signs of danger.

Ignoring him, I run over to my desk and grab my book, eager to show him what I've found. I spent all day yesterday reading the entire thing cover to cover in search of some answers, and while I didn't find anything concrete there are definitely some possibilities in here.

"Nobody knows you're here." I respond, spinning around and holding the book out to him. "I have something I need to show you."

John huffs quietly, reaching up and pushing his tousled blond hair away from his face with a scowl. He looks at my book wearily as he reads over the cover, his lips pursing as he reaches out and grabs it from my hand.

"What's this?" He questions.

"Heloix gave it to me." I answer, reaching forward to point at the small, torn piece of paper I stuck between the pages during last night's reading. "Open up to the bookmark."

John narrows his eyes when I mention Heloix but opens the book nonetheless. It takes him to the section about rituals, and I bounce nervously on my heels as I wait for him to finish skimming over the words.

"What's this about?" He finally speaks up, looking up at me over the top of the pages.

"You promise not to tell anybody?" I ask, weary of what Heloix will do if he finds out that I've spoken about what happened between us.

John is a loyal friend, and I trust that he will keep what I say between us. Besides, I'm sure that his fear of Heloix will make him weary even to speak his name, let alone spread unsavory information about him.

"I promise."

Taking a deep, calming breath, I step closer to John and point to the section a third of the way down the page.

"Sharing blood is considered a very intimate action between Beasts and is rarely done." I explain, giving some context to the section I am pointing to before continuing. "There are only a couple of reasons why a Beast would do it."

John looks at me, eyebrow furrowed in confusion. "Why do you care about Beasts sharing blood?"

His question is innocent, but the tone he uses screams judgment. I open my mouth to respond, watching as John's lips flatten into a thin line as he realizes what I'm about to say. A sudden wave of embarrassment rushes over me as I try to put into words what Heloix and I have done, the intense shame rendering me momentarily silent.

"Adeline?" He probes, voice trailing off at the end.

I shrug, avoiding eye contact. "Don't make me say it."

I know that John will find what the King and I have done appalling, and a small part of me fears that he will no longer want to help me after finding out the truth.

John sets the book down and approaches slowly before bending down to look me in the eye. Genuine concern is written all over his face, and his voice is gentle as he speaks. "Did he force you to take it?"

His question makes me pause, unsure if what Heloix did would be considered force. I had told him very clearly that I didn't want to put his bloody thumb in my mouth, but once it was inside I was eager for more, going as far as to bite his skin to get it.

Eventually I shake my head no, cheeks flaming. "It was voluntary-ish."

"Why would you do that, Adeline?" John asks, voice thick with disappointment.

I shrug, not wanting to get into the details of it.

"I don't know, but I need your help figuring out what it means."

I reach down and grab my book that he set down on the mattress and flip back to my bookmarked page. John stares at me wearily, probably deciding whether or not he wants to help me, before sighing and sitting back down. I hold back a smile as he makes himself comfortable, happy that he isn't rushing out of here in a fit.

"As I said, sharing blood is considered a very intimate action, and there are only a couple of reasons why it's done." I explain, sitting myself down next to John so we can both read over the words.

Pointing to the first section, I begin paraphrasing. "Okay, so their blood has some healing properties in it and sometimes is used to heal one another in battle. The act of sharing it is pretty sacred, though, so it's only done in dire situations."

"So we can rule that one out?" John speaks up. "Since, you know, you aren't in battle."

"Yeah," I agree, turning to face him. "But I was hurt when it happened and the King told me afterward that he gave me his blood so my cut would heal."

John's lips pull down into a frown as I share this with him, his gaze leaving my face as he quickly inspects me for any visible injuries. His body tenses as he searches, relaxing only slightly when he finds none.

"Why were you bleeding?"

I hold back a grimace as my face flushes, remembering the feeling of Heloix's extended canine slicing my tongue as he pushed me back onto the bed.

"Maybe I don't want to know." John speaks up once more, disgust evident in his expression as he watches my response.

"Anyways, it's a possibility but I don't think that that's it. There are a couple of other options I want to run by you." I state, drawing my focus back to the book.

Flipping to the next page, I skim over several sections that I've already deemed as unlikely before spotting the next possibility.

"Ah, yes." I murmur as I find it, jabbing my finger roughly into the page. "It's also done to perform a mate bond. Apparently a lot of blood is needed for that, but I'm doubtful that his Beast has chosen me as a mate."

Mate bonds are sacred to the Beasts, and I imagine that if Heloix did choose me that I would have been told by now. To continue to treat me as a slave and allow me to work for him would be unheard of, and I'm sure would go against everything the Beasts believe in.

He has confessed that his Beast has unusual feelings for me, but I'm not sure how much I believe it. He probably just wants to sleep with me, and I'm sure that he told Gwen the same things to get her into his bed.

John nods his head in agreement, watching as I slide my finger down to the last option and poke at the page angrily.

"I think this one's it. Beast blood is like a drug to humans and, if we are given enough, we become a slave to it, willing to do whatever it takes to have more." I announce, voice rising in volume as I speak the words out loud.

John furrows his eyebrows as he takes in my words, his hands covering mine as he steadies the book and reads the passage himself. I wait tensely for him to work his way through it, stewing in silent fury the entire time.

How dare Heloix try to brainwash me into being some slave to him. It's pretty bold of him to act as if me being a servant that needs to bow to his every command isn't enough.

The book is suddenly snapped shut with a loud band, John's hand gripping the cover so hard his knuckles turn white.

"You really think that's what he's doing?" He asks, hissing out the words through a clenched jaw.

Unable to just sit here any longer, I stand and begin to pace the room.

"It's the only thing that makes sense. He even commented on the effect his blood has on me." I admit.

John sets the book down on the bed next to him before adjusting, his watchful eyes never once leaving me. Cracking my wrists, I pace back and forth across the room as I struggle to rein in my bubbling anger.

"What effect does his blood have on you?" John asks.

I shrug, grabbing a small rock off my desk and throwing it out the window with all the strength I can muster.

"Makes me feel drugged." I respond, unable to find the proper words to describe the bloodlust I experienced.

"You need to stay away from him." John scolds, prompting me to turn and are at him.

It's not like I choose to be around Heloix. He's given me a job to do, and to ignore it would be disrespectful. Heloix has had humans killed for less, and I'm not trying to become another nameless body thrown into some poorly dug hole in the ground.

Grabbing another rock, I turn and throw it out the window after the first, watching it sail through the air before arcing and falling out of sight.

"What should I do?" I ask, turning to John for answers. I'm desperate for advice, unsure how to handle the situation.

John hums, bringing his hand up to rub at his chin while he contemplates my question. "Have you tried having sex with him?"

I snort, annoyed that he would even ask me this. "No!"

"Maybe if you do he'll lose interest." John suggests, shrugging slightly.

I shake my head no, not even going to consider that option. The last thing I'm going to do is let Heloix get anywhere near my body again. No amount of pretty perfumes or dresses is going to buy me, and I'll bleed out on the floor before I let him put a drop of his blood in my system ever again.

"Not going to happen." I snort, eager to shut down his suggestion.

John holds up his hands in surrender before laying back against my bed. His fingers tap rhythmically against my book, the sound echoing quietly throughout the room.

"What ab-"

My words are cut off as my bedroom door is slammed open, the lock breaking into pieces as it falls to the floor. A guard stands in the doorway, canines fully extended and eyes completely black. I haven't seen him before, and back up against the wall in panic.

He looks between the two of us before stepping slowly into the room, stalking toward us like a predator preparing to strike down a kill. Quicker than my eyes can follow, he grabs John by the throat and lifts him onto his feet.

A loud squeak falls from John as he's lifted from the bed, his hands coming up to grip at the guard's hands as he tries to pry them off. My blood runs cold at the sight, every fiber of my being resisting the urge to run up and pull him off John.

"Who's throwing the fucking rocks?" He snarls, voice muffled as he speaks around his teeth.

John begins clutching at his throat as the guard cuts off his air supply, face turning red as his body fights to breathe. My vision goes blurry as I watch the scene unfold, tears welling up and pooling over.

A choked cry falls from my throat and my knees buckle as John's face whitens, fear filling my bones as I realize what I need to do.

"It was me." I admit, grabbing onto my dresser for support.

The guard releases John from his hold immediately, turning to me as John falls to the floor in a heap and begins hacking in an attempt to force some oxygen back into his lungs. I watch as he struggles to regulate his body, fearful that the guard has broken his windpipe and rendered him unable to breathe.

My attention is ripped away from John as the guard begins to approach me with pure hatred in his eyes.

I back up further into the wall as he advances, mind racing to find a way out of this situation. It proves to be all in vain as the guard's large hand wraps around my neck in the same way that it did with John. My hands wrap around his wrist as I attempt to pull him off me, my body going into overdrive as I realize that it isn't going to work.

"I've been waiting for the opportunity to meet you." He says in my ear, grip tightening until no sound or oxygen can pass through my throat.

He brings his face close to mine as he pins me against the wall, sharp pains shooting throughout my body at the contact. "Been wanting to see what the King finds so enticing about you."

Gathering all the strength I can muster, I swing my leg forward until my foot slams into his shin. He hardly flinches at the contact, a loud snarl tearing from his throat as he looks down at my dangling legs. The hand around my neck loosens just enough for me to take in a panicked breath, my attention stolen as his fist comes up and makes painful contact with my cheek.

My head flies to the side at the contact, a loud crack echoing throughout the room as my mouth begins to fill with blood. I feel my consciousness start to waver as my head lolls to the side, my face pulsating with each beat of my heart.

The sound of tearing fills the room seconds before I feel the cold air hitting my body, the breeze signaling that my dress has been torn open. I try to raise my arms to cover myself, but my mind is too hazy and I can't tell whether my limbs are actually moving in the way I demand them to. My throat burns as I take in another deep breath, the guard's hand moving from my neck to grip harshly at my breast.

"The King." I choke out, words mumbled as my eyes droop closed. "He will kill you for this."

The guard laughs loudly in my face as he calls my bluff. A loud zip is heard throughout the room before he forces my leg up.

"The King doesn't give a shit."

My eyes lock with John's as I slump against the wall, his teary face being the last I see before losing consciousness.

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