The Consort

Chapter 22: Blood

"What do you mean by that?" I inquire, unable to keep the shock out of my voice.

While Heloix isn't rumored to have taken nearly as many lovers as most other Beasts do, he's by no means known to be chaste. Tales of his human whores float around the castle, us humans always eager to gossip about who the royals are sleeping with.

Heloix raises a brow at my question, crossing his arms over his chest as he pretends to pout. I roll my eyes at the action, watching as he narrows his eyes at me in response.

"I feel my statement was quite self-explanatory. I have saved many parts of myself for my mate." He repeats.

Heloix casually blows a piece of hair out of his eye before turning and making his way over to my small bed. He holds a wide smirk as he casually sits himself down, the wooden frame creaking underneath his weight and filling me with fear that he's going to break it.

"You're not a virgin." I point out, knowing that he has been with several human slaves.

"Maybe not."

I sigh, exasperated and annoyed with his roundabout answers.

"Are you?" I ask, crossing my arms.

The motion pushes up my chest and Heloix's attention quickly lowers to the newly exposed skin. The moment I notice it I drop my arms, not wanting to encourage his advances.

Heloix frowns at my actions, drawing his gaze back up and meeting my gaze once more.

"Why do you want to know?"

I shrug, not having a good answer to his question. Why do I want to know? A large part of me is curious to know if the big bad Beast is a virgin as his vague words suggest, but a small portion of me is excited at the possibility that he might be. I'd make him feel less threatening, enforcing that not all the dark and twisted rumors I hear about him are true.

"Forget it." I eventually sigh, turning to head back into the bathroom to change.

It's clear that he isn't going to tell me, and I have things I need to do today that don't involve me standing around playing dress-up for Heloix.

"Oh, come on, I'm just teasing you." He murmurs, jumping off the bed and inserting himself between me and the bathroom door in an attempt to stop me from going in and changing.

"I'm not a virgin in the way that you would consider it." Heloix finally answers before reaching forward and grabbing my chin. He tilts my face upwards gently, urging me to look him in the eye.

I can feel my cheeks warming in response to his intense stare, the heat only growing as he leans down and nears his face to mine. My vision blurs the closer he comes, his advancing stopping once he is only millimeters away. He breathes out softly, the air hitting me in the face and bringing awareness to the fact that if I so much as pucker my lips that his skin will be in contact with mine.

"But my penis is not the only part of myself that I have to offer my mate." He continues, hand moving from my chin to the back of my neck. "It might please you to know that you are the first woman I have ever kissed."

He looks into my eyes, searching for some answer I'm unable to give, before closing the gap between us. I gulp as his soft lips make contact with mine, his movements slow and gentle. It's a drastic change from any other interaction I've ever had with him before, and takes me a moment to process.

I don't immediately respond to his kiss, shock keeping me frozen in place as he shuts his eyes and cups my cheeks with both of his hands. Heloix nudges his lips harder against mine, encouraging me to return the action, before tilting his head to the side and deepening the kiss.

Despite my better judgement I find myself moving my lips against his, my hands hesitantly lifting to hold onto his wrists.

A low groan emanates from Heloix's chest as he slides his tongue across my lips and takes ownership of the kiss. His thumb strokes my cheekbones as he tilts my head back urges me to open my mouth wider for him, his tongue slipping between my teeth and caressing mine as I eagerly obey.

His tongue is soft, brushing lightly against mine before he pulls out and repeating the action. Getting comfortable, I try to match his actions as I tentatively drop my hands from his wrists and grip his thick biceps.

I've kissed a number of boys before but they've all been nothing but slobber and teeth. Each of them too eager to sloppily shove as much of their tongue into my mouth as they can before another servant comes around the corner and catches us.

Heloix groans as my tongue slides between his lips, his grip tightening on the back of my neck in response. His canines have elongated slightly, the sharp bone pushing against my tongue, and I carefully maneuver around it.

A hand pushes gently against my hips, urging me to walk backward towards my bed. I have half a mind to pull back and put an end to our contact, but my clouded, horny mind decides otherwise.

The back of my knees make contact with the mattress before Heloix pushes me backwards onto it. I gasp at the sudden movement, my tongue scraping against his canine as I fall back with a grunt. Flailing slightly, I bounce on the bed as I raise my hand to cover my mouth as the pain pulsates out of my bloody mouth.

"Ow, Heloix. I cut my ton-"

He's on top of me before I can finish my sentence, his mouth smashing into mine as his hips push me further into the bed. He forces his way back into my mouth, the metallic ting of my blood present as he greedily continues to kiss me.

"Heloix, stop." I murmur, pushing lightly against his shoulder. "I'm bleeding."

Heloix grumbles in response, the low pitch sending shivers down my body as my hips twitch lightly against his. He seems to take encouragement from my wiggling pelvis, his hand dropping to my thigh to push it open before grinding himself against my core.

I gasp at the pleasurable pressure it places on my clit, my head tilting back as Heloix continues to force his tongue into my bloody mouth.

Goosebumps break out along my entire body at the contact, my mind going hazy with arousal. As much as I want to push him away and hold my ground, I find myself digging my fingertips into his shoulder with a moan instead.

Heloix abruptly removes his mouth from mine with a choked groan, his head moving to my neck as he buries his face against it. My mouth falls open in a soundless gasp as he flattens his tongue against the skin and licks along my faint scar, his grip tightening on my thigh as he continues to hold it open to make room for his hips between them.

His covered length rubs against me again as he shifts and slides his hand up my thigh, quickly finding the sensitive skin exposed by the slit in the dress. I gasp lightly at th contact, overwhelmed by the sensations running through my body as he slides his hand up even further.

The dress is pushed up to my waist as he continues upwards, my entire lower body exposed to him. He seems to take note of it too as he leans back and gazes down at me with hooded eyes.

"Fuck." He groans, his gaze zeroing in on my exposed flesh as he worries his full bottom lip between his teeth.

I shift my hips as he continues to stare, the motion pushing his clothed cock against me and forcing another loud grunt to tumble out of his mouth.

Heloix trails his hand back down my waist towards my core, his hand freezing as I reach out and grab onto his forearm, unable to tell whether I am pushing or pulling him away.

My pulse quickens as he looks up at me in question, staring at me through blackened eyes. Anxiety floods through me at the knowledge that his Beast is in control, the realization that just days ago he killed a handful of women filtering through my brain.

I push at his chest to get him off me as terror begins to overwhelm my lust, my desperation growing as he refuses to budge.

Not once taking his eyes off me, Heloix removes his hand from my thigh and brings it to his mouth. I watch, entranced, as his right fang elongates fully and he scapes the pad of his thumb against it, immediately drawing blood. It slowly drips down his finger, the substance thick and dark.

"Suck." Heloix commands, bringing his wounded thumb up to my mouth.

I flinch away from the appendage, uninterested in putting his bloody finger in my mouth. Heloix ignores my displeasure and pushes his wet thumb against my closed lips, trying to force his way inside.


I stare at him in shock as he pushes his thumb against my lips once more, moistening my skin with his blood in the process. Refusing to open my mouth for him, I watch wiht wide eyes as a loud growl reverberates from deep within his chest.

When he finally removes his thumb from my lips I gulp in relief, wincing at the metallic taste. Shifting his gaze, Heloix drops his head and looks between our bodies once more, his eyes locked in where our hips are joined.

He thrusts suddenly and without warning, rubbing his hard length roughly against my core. My hips instinctively copy his motions, my head falling back as I roll my pelvis against his. My lack of underwear makes the fabric of his pants almost painful, and I worry that I will leave a wet spot on him as he continues to grind himself against my bare clit with low, choked moans.

"Look at me." Heloix orders, his hand gripping my chin to pull my face up towards his.

He sits up slightly, removing his body from mine, and leans back on his heels. At this angle I'm completely exposed to him, but I can't find myself embarrassed by it when he looks down at me with such want.

My pulse races as I watch Heloix bring his wounded hand to his mouth to reopen the now-healed cut on his thumb.

Eyeing it wearily, I don't notice his other hand moving towards my body until his palm is laid on my mound and his thumb is pressing against my entrance. My body aches for his touch, desperate to know how he will feel how he will feel inside of me, and Heloix seems more than happy to fulfill that need as he hips the tip of his thumb inside of me before pulling back and hovering it over my clit.

I jerk my hips upwards towards his hand, eager for more, but he pulls it away before contact is made.

"Patience, Adeline." Heloix whispers as he runs his finger along my labia, so close to where I'm desperate to feel him.

I've only ever touched myself like this in the cloak of night, tentative fingers prodding at and within myself but never quite able to find the pleasure that so many talk about. Heloix's touch has already surpassed any feelings I've ever been able to conjure within myself, and my mind races at the possibilities of what else he can do.

Slowly, so slowly that I want to cry, he moves his thumb inward to where I most desire it, grazing lightly over my hole before moving upwards to my clit. He smirks before suddenly pressing firmly against the bundle of nerves, his rough thumb wasting no time to begin rubbing it.

A loud gasp falls from my lips, hips jerking upwards at the sensation.

Before I have time to process what's happening, Heloix shoves his injured thumb into my mouth mid-gasp, the fleshy skin pushing down against my tongue. Panicked, I push my tongue against it in an attempt to dislodge him from my mouth, but he stays put.

"Suck, Adeline." Heloix repeats, his hand moving from my sensitive clit back to the bed as he leans on top of me and brings his mouth to my neck.

Flinching slightly at his quick motions, I find myself closing my mouth around his thumb with a muffled moan. What can only be described as raw euphoria fills my body as his blood seeps down my throat, every fiber of my body coming alive beneath him.

I wonder briefly if this is what drugs are like, the feeling of arousal rushing through my veins with such intensity that I know without a doubt that I would do anything to feel it again. Heloix lets me suck on his digit like a child for a moment before trying to pull it from my mouth, a surprised grunt falling from his lips as I bite down on it to keep him in.

"Addie." Heloix chuckles, pulling back as he tugs at his thumb once more. "My skin has already healed."

His eyes have gone back to their natural state, and for the first time it is me who is out of control. I should let go of him. I know I should let go of him.

Instead I bite down harder on his flesh, satisfied as I feel the skin tear between my teeth.

Heloix's eyes roll back slightly at the action, a moaned curse falling from his lips as he suddenly jerks upright. Bringing his free hand to my chin, he grips my jaw harshly and forcing open the muscle until he can remove his thumb from my mouth.

I stare at him through narrowed eyes, angry that he took himself away from me and is denying me of his euphoria. He remains calm as my bloodlust begins to face, watching carefully as my face falls and immense shame fills my entire being. What did I just do?

Scrambling backward, I push at Heloix's chest to put some space between us. He refuses to look away as I roughly tug down my dress in an attempt to cover myself. What the fuck is wrong with me?

"What just happened?" I ask in a panic. I hadn't intended for any of this to happen, and hate that it did.

Something about him just calls to me, urging me to get close to and please him. It's sick and twisted, and the fact that I lost myself so completely after tasting his blood is proof that something is wrong.

"I took your blood when you cut your tongue. It turned you on." Heloix murmurs, a frown taking over his relaxed features.

He pushes himself off the bed and moves to the opposite end of the room, his hands dropping to his waist as he openly adjusts the large bulge in his pants. My eyes glance down quickly to follow the motion before I snap them back up in embarrassment.

"What are you talking about? Why?" I probe.

Heloix shrugs, finally turning away from me to look out my tiny window. "It's a Beast thing. Don't worry about it."

"Why did you put your bloody thumb in my mouth?" I push, my embarrassment quickly turning to anger.

"My Beast wanted to heal your tongue."

"With your blood?" I ask, not understanding why his Beast would even care.

It sure didn't care for human lives when he ordered the murder of all those women the other night.

Heloix ignores my question, turning his back to me as a surge of panic rushes through my body. It catches me off guard, and I struggle to determine where the emotion has originated.

"Do not mention this to anybody." He commands, turning to face me with wide, regretful eyes.

I nod eagerly, not having any intentions to ever speak about what happened here today. The last thing I need is to be labeled as the King's new whore. Heloix stares at me for a long moment before sighing and stroming out of my room.

The door closes behind him with a slam, and I fall back into my bed as exhaustion and confusion overwhelms me. It's times like these that I wish I could speak to my elders back at King Richard's castle. They were quite wise, and always had answers to my probing questions.

I bet they could easily explain this strange reaction and offer some advice. I roll over in frustration before the book that Heloix gave me on Beast culture suddenly appears in my head. I shoot out of bed and rush to my dresser to grab it, a wide smile spreading over my face as I pull it out of the top drawer.

There have to be some answers in here.

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