The Consort

Chapter 16: Missing

I roll my wrist in an attempt to crack it a couple of times, hoping it will alleviate some of the tension. I've been reading through the book on Beast culture practically all day, making detailed notes on anything that seems important or shocking.

The book is so much more informative than I thought it would be, and I find myself unable to step away from the intriguing words. I opened it early this morning with the intention of just getting a couple of pages in, but found myself almost immediately ensnared in the writing.

The book covers all aspects of Beast life, from clothing to mates to social conventions. I'm honestly shocked at the differences outlined in this book to what I see in the Castle, and I wonder how accurate they all are.

I make a mental note to ask Heloix about the truth of them all, especially the ones regarding children. It's hard to believe that looking children in the eye is actually seen as a sign of aggression, and oftentimes also seen as a challenge to the parent.

Glancing out the window, I notice that the sun is starting to fall, my sign that I need to head down soon if I want to get any dinner. I was so wrapped up in reading this morning that I missed breakfast, and my stomach is making its displeasure known.

I close the hardcover with a sigh and carefully place my pencil on the table. Picking up the papers in front of me, I straighten them out and read over my words once more, ingraining them into my head. If I'm completely honest with myself, the Beasts seem pretty barbaric. I assumed that life outside the castle was relatively similar to that within, but it sounds like the Royals live a much tamer lifestyle.

There haven't been any deaths or gruesome acts happen while I've been here, but according to this book it's not exactly uncommon to see Beasts fighting on the street. Apparently it isn't typically with the intention to kill, but deaths do happen.

Glancing out the window once more, I let out a deep huff and stand. I'm a bit anxious to go down to dinner after the incident with Gwen in Heloix's office, but I can't avoid it forever.

The chair creaks loudly as I push it back, making me wonder briefly how much the Beasts can hear inside my room. It's no secret that they have excellent hearing, and I wouldn't be surprised if the guards outside the King's chambers could listen in. Our rooms are right around the corner from one another, and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they've been tasked with listening in to what I do during the day to make sure that I'm not up to anything sneaky.

Shaking away the thoughts, I quickly throw on a clean dress and rush out of the room. As always, the hallway is empty, but as I round the corner I spot the King's guard standing along the wall, his body stoic and unmoving.

He pays me no attention as I pass, and I quickly scurry down the hall and into the stairwell. Thankfully it's empty and I'm able to make my way down and to the servant's quarters with no issues.

The servant's area is already pretty full, dozens of people milling about chatting with one another as they eat from the large bowls in their hands. I eagerly make my way past them and into the kitchen, my body stiffening as I spot Gwen sitting at the head of the table chatting with a couple of others. She doesn't notice me, and I make sure to stick to the edge of the room as I walk towards the food.

I look around for John or Emma, hoping to have somebody to eat with, but they aren't anywhere in the room so I sneak back out into the corridor with my food. I haven't really made any friends in the castle, and almost always find myself regretting it whenever I am forced to eat alone. In the beginning I was too nervous and shy to talk to others, but now that I'm sleeping upstairs and only coming down a couple times a day, there isn't any time.

I post up near the entrance to the woman's bedroom and lean back against the wall as I begin shoveling food in my mouth. Today's dinner is simple rice and beans, but it is incredibly filling.

There is a group of guys having a pretty animated conversation a couple of feet away, and I nonchalantly watch them as I eat. The taller of the two, who I believe works in the kitchens, gestures to his arm with wide eyes.

"Just about ripped my damn arm off! The poor ladies never saw it coming."

The other man scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief. "Can't believe it. I hope they'll be back soon."

"Maybe. If they do, I'll be surprised."

They are interrupted as another joins the two, her face set in a deep frown.

"Don't speak like that! The kitchen girls always come back." She says, crossing her arms over her chest in anger.

The taller man who started the conversation shrugs, seemingly unaffected by her words. I continue watching the group, still not sure exactly what they are talking about. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little worried though given that both John and Emma now work in the kitchens, but I do my best to keep my worries at bay.


I immediately recognize the voice as John's and spin around to face him, a big smile on my face.

"John! I was loo-"

My sentence is cut short as I take in his current state. Saying he looks worse for wear would be the understatement of the century. His face is unnervingly pale, with large dark bags under his eyes. His hair hangs limply over his forehead and eyes, but underneath I can make out the redness from crying.

"What's wrong?" I ask, worry filling my body as I continue to take in his person.

"Some Beasts came and took a handful of kitchen girls today." He says, loudly sniffling as he reaches up and wipes away a small tear. "Emma was one of them."

I furrow my eyebrows as I take in his words, unable to process the meaning behind them. What does he mean they took the kitchen girls? Took them where? There haven't been any incidents in the kitchens the entire time I've been here, and there are no guests in the castle to make a ruckus.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

John sighs, running a shaky hand through his hair. He refuses to look me in the eye, instead staring up at the ceiling. I reach out to put a hand on his arm in an attempt to comfort him, but he moves away from me.

"Some guards just came into the kitchens and took them. I don't know where to or why. None of them have returned yet."

Abruptly, he drops his gaze to mine and shoots me a sharp glare.

"You don't know anything? Figured you'd have already heard about it since you and the King are so close." He snarls at me, anger taking over his tone and facial expression.

I take a step back at the sudden hostility, unsure how to react to it. He knows that I'm not that close to the King, and that I don't have any insight into what happens around the castle. We haven't really spoken in a couple of days anyway, and when we do the conversations are short and awkward.

"Of course I don't know anything!" I retort, defending myself from his accusation.

John ignores my statement and begins glaring at the ceiling once more. I know that he's not really upset with me, just confused and scared.

As much as I'd like to pretend like I don't know why they took the girls, given the Beasts' nature I just know that it was for their pleasure. It happened every once and a while at King Richard's, and although nothing of the sort has happened since arriving here, it would be foolish of me to think that this place is an exception.

Sighing, I reach out once more and put my hand on John's arm. This time, thankfully, he doesn't jerk away.

"I can try to ask about their health when I meet with the King tomorrow? That's if the girls don't come back tonight, which I'm sure they will." I offer.

John nods his head, agreeing with my suggestion. I doubt that I'll get any useful information from the King, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

"Why don't you eat some food while we wait." I suggest, holding out my half-full bowl of rice.

John nods and leans back against the wall next to me. He grabs the bowl from my hands and begins eating, shoveling the food into his mouth in large spoonfuls.

My stomach grumbles at the sight of him eating my dinner, and as I glance towards the kitchen I notice that food was finished during our conversation. Oh well, John needs it more than I do.

Silently, we wait together for the girls to return. Minutes quickly turn to hours, but they never appear. A couple of others stay up as well, clearly waiting for the servants, but one-by-one they go off to bed.

John pushes himself off the wall as the last person leaves, turning to me with a sigh.

"You should get back to your room. It's not safe this late at night." He says, nudging me towards the main hallway.

Shrugging, I ignore his nudge and lean back against the wall.

"It's already too late for me to go back. I'll just sleep in the women's chambers tonight."

We continue waiting by the wall until our eyes are drooping and our knees start to buckle. Anxiety eats away at my insides as terrible thoughts of what has happened to these girls rushes through my head.

"We should go to bed." I finally say, feeling shameful for giving up.

"You go. I'll wait just a bit longer."

I nod, wishing John a goodnight before heading inside the women's chambers. It's dead silent inside, and I sneak over to my old bed and crawl inside. My mind continues to race, dark thoughts clouding my mind as I fall asleep for the night.

Hopefully I will get some answers from Heloix.

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