The Consort

Chapter 15: Heloix

*Heloix's POV*

"Are you going to tell her?" Axis asks, his eyebrow quirking up in question.

I shrug, pretending to read over the papers on my desk. He's been pestering me about Adeline since that sad excuse of a dinner a couple of weeks ago and I'm very quickly growing tired of it.

"No, I don't plan on it." I respond, keeping my voice curt in the hopes that it will end his prying.

"Then what are you going to do about her?"

I slam my hand down on the desk in frustration. If I knew what I was going to do I would've done it by now. Realistically I know what she needs to go, but having her around me all day is only making it harder for me to pull the trigger on sending her away.

There's just no way I can have a human as a mate. They are meek and small, and my people will tear her apart the first chance they get. We royals are able to tolerate them as we've around them our whole life, but the commoners have not had that same experience. They see humans as pests, and oftentimes will put them down whenever they come across one.

I don't know why my Beast chose her, and if I could go back in time I would've never bought that human shipment from King Richard. Since the first day she arrived I've been begging my Beast to pick a different mate and let this one go, but he's adamant. He finds Adeline endearing, and it's getting harder to control him around her.

Shit, she's only been here for a couple of months and I've almost lost control more times than I ever have before. It's embarrassing to say the least, and reflects poorly on me.

Her presence has kept me from operating at full capacity, only serving to prove that she is a weakness. Not to mention the angst the guards have been feeling recently.

My Beast forced me to put a halt to all human executions and rapes since she arrived in fear that she will be hurt. Unfortunately, it's making the guards restless, and outsiders are beginning to get word that I have a soft spot for humans.

"Well, what are you going to do?" Axis urges.

"I don't know. I can't have a human as a mate. They are weak and small and my people will revolt."

Axis hums, bringing up his hand to scratch at his chin while he thinks. I can't help but feel jealous of him at this moment. His Beast chose his mate when he was much younger than me, and she has proven to be a strong and capable woman. To be completely honest I was beginning to think that my Beast would never choose one and that I would be forced to marry Jade.

I watch as Axis reaches over and grabs the bottle of whiskey off my desk. He refills his glass and gestures to mine, wordlessly asking if I want a refill. I shake my head no. I've had enough today and want a clear head for tomorrow.

Adeline has been working more frequently in her bedroom, but still comes in in the mornings to pick up paperwork. I want to make sure I'm in tip-top shape when I see her.

To be honest, I'm surprised at how well she's doing at her job. Of course, she still has a long way to go, but she is passionate about advocating for her fellow humans and friends. She would have been an adequate leader back in the old days before the wars.

"Have you considered just accepting Jade's proposal?" Axis suggests, breaking me from my thoughts.


Axis sighs. "And why not? She's intelligent and well-liked. The people are getting impatient with you."

"I said no." I repeat, my Beast once more beginning to fight for control.

I lean down to rest my forehead on my desk as I rein him in. He is constantly fighting with me now, pushing to come out and claim Addie as his. With each passing day it's getting harder to control him, and I'm starting to fear that if I don't get rid of her soon that he will do just that.

I've tried a couple of times now. I've gone as far as filling and sorting out all the paperwork to have her transferred, but I can't ever seem to pull the trigger. Something always gets in my way and prevents me from doing so.

The most recent was during her freakout about the coins. I was seconds away from sending the transfer request to King Richard, offering her to him free of charge, when she barged into my room like a bat out of hell. By the time she had left I had lost the strength to do so, fearful that she won't have anybody to protect her when I'm gone.

King Richard offers a relatively safe environment for slaves, but rape and murder still run rampant in his kingdom. Adeline is so tiny that I worry she will fall victim if I'm not around to protect her.

"I know you've already started the bonding process." Axis speaks up once more, folding his hands in his lap as he closely observes my reaction.

I curse internally, having hoped that he wouldn't have noticed. I'd had too much to drink that night and Adeline's wound looked so painful. I knew that my blood would heal her, and thought that if I were to just put a small amount of it on her wound that it wouldn't affect the bond.

The second my tongue touched her skin I realized just how wrong I was. Complete euphoria would be the only way to describe it. Given that she's human the feelings were likely muted for her, but immediately I could feel my mind connect to hers.

If I focus hard enough I can sense her emotions, and when she's nearby it can be suffocating. From rage to desire to fear, I can feel it all wrapping around my body like a tight cloth, choking me. I don't think she feels anything on her end, which both angers and soothes me.

"It won't happen again." I respond, not exactly confident in my words.

"It will. And it will be better for us all if you either send her away or publicly claim her as your mate."

As much as I don't want to admit it, Axis is right. I can't continue to walk this thin line with her.

"I have an idea." Axis speaks up once more. "But you won't like it."

I'm intrigued, hopeful for a solution that doesn't involve sending her away or marrying Jade.

"What is it?"

Axis hums, excitement evident in his expression. "Tell the guards that they have free reign of the humans again."

A growl rips from my throat at his words, my fangs elongating as my Beast begins forcing his way out. Axis moves back quickly, putting his hands out in surrender.

"I'll personally make sure nothing too bad happens to her! No rape or beatings." He promises.

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