The Chosen One

Chapter 9

When we got there, we walked around looking for him. He texted me on our way here that they already made it. I didn’t know exactly who ‘they’ was. I eventually spotted him standing in a corner with another guy and a red-haired girl. I grabbed Lizzy hand and dragged her over there.

“Hey Dylan!” He looked up when he heard his name, smiling at me before coming to give me a hug. The tingles flared up as soon as he did that.

“Hey Ashley, you don’t mind I brought some friends do you?” He asked pointing to the people behind him.

“No, it’s ok. This is Lizzy.” I introduced them.

“Hi Lizzy, these people here are Emily and Caleb.” He said. The red head glared at me, but Caleb waved. What’s her problem? An old flame maybe? Get it? Because her hair is red?

“What’s up I’m Ashley.” I gave them both a polite smile. After making the introductions we all headed over to a table he booked. We waited as Caleb went to get us all game cards.

After about twenty minutes of playing games with the gang, Dylan and I decided to break away from them and go get some ice cream.

The man at the stand was old and fragile looking but greeted us with a warm smile.

“Hey kids how’s your day going?” He asked us.

“It’s going well, we’ve won a few games.” I told him smiling as we looked over the menu. Hmm chocolate mint or vanilla?

“You two lovebirds decided on what you’re getting yet?” That wiped the smile right off my face, but Dylan grinned widely at the man.

“Yes, I think my wife is ready to pick.” He told him putting an arm around my shoulder. I gave him a confused look, but he just squeezed my shoulder encouraging me to play along.

“Married?” The old man repeated looking bewildered. Well we did look too young to be married already. He probably thinks we ran away and got hitched in Vegas or something.

“Yes.” Dylan answered placing a small kiss on my cheek. I felt my face heat up. The old man didn’t say anything after that just looked at us weird.

“I’ll take a vanilla ice cream please.” I ordered, before he gave this old man a heart attack.

“And I’ll take mint chocolate.” He ordered. He handed the man a five-dollar bill as he gave us our ice cream.

“What was that for?” I smacked him on the chest as we walked away.

“It got a smile on your face.” He told me, turning to wink at me.

I blushed under his gaze and rolled my eyes. “Hardly.” We walked over to our booth sitting on opposite sides.

“How’s that vanilla ice cream?” He asked me.

“Very delicious, I couldn’t decide between that and mint though.” I shrugged.

“Here have some of mine,” He held the ice cream cone out to me and I reached for it, but he snatched it back. “I’ll hold it.” I blushed realizing what he was suggesting. I leaned over the table avoiding eye contact with him as I moved forward to lick the ice cream, only for him to smash it in my face. I stared at him in shock while he burst out laughing. He was laughing so hard his face started turning red, while I on the other hand was not laughing.

“You jerk.” I licked off what was around my mouth, grabbing a napkin to get the rest. At least I still got to taste it.

“I’m sorry, you should’ve seen your face though.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m sure it was very entertaining.” This set him off in another fit of laughter. An eternity later he finally calmed down.

“Ashley, we need to talk about this mate thing.” He blurted out.

“What mate thing?” I asked, licking my ice cream cone.

“I know that guy from the other night is your mate.” He said with an edge to his voice. I was speechless. How’d he know Blake was my mate?

“I don’t know what to say Dylan, I didn’t ask for this it just happened. I just found out I was a werewolf like two days ago.”

“Wow really? So, then you don’t know about choosing?” He asked softly.

“What do you mean choosing?” I asked confused.

“Ashley this isn’t the first time a werewolf has had two mates. Your kind and my kind have been mating for centuries. You have to choose rather you want me or the other guy as your mate.” He informed me.

“If you’re not a werewolf then what are you?” I asked quietly.

“I’m a cat shifter Ashley.” I had no idea what a cat shifter was, never even heard of the term.

“Oh.” Was my awesome response, he chuckled.

“Do you know what a cat shifter is?” He asked me.

“Of course I do! but maybe you should just refresh my memories.” He rolled his eyes.

“Cat shifters are complete opposites of a werewolf, while you guys shift to oversized wolves, we can shift to any feline and will be the same size as a werewolf. It’s rare for us to find a mate unless you’re an Alpha, even more rare to mate with a werewolf.”

I was about to ask him more about his kind when Lizzy suddenly ran over.

“Ashley, Blake is on his way here.” She told me, out of breath. I jumped out of my seat and so did Dylan.

“What do you mean Blake is on his way here?”

“Who is Blake?” Dylan asked.

“He was looking for you in the mind link and found out you were here with me at the arcade.” She said sounding scared. What was she so afraid of?

“Does he know Dylan is with me?” I asked looking over at Dylan, he looked annoyed with the situation. That makes two of us. “Blake is my other mate.” I told him.

“Yes that’s why he’s coming, we have to leave now!” She grabbed my arm and started speed walking towards the door. I looked back to see Dylan following us. We were two feet from the door when Lizzy suddenly stopped making me run into her.

“Why did you stop?” I asked out of breath. I’m not the fittest person, and speed walking is basically just running slow.

“Because it’s too late, he’s already here.” She moved behind me. I looked up at the door and sure enough, Blake, Derek, and some other guy were standing there looking around. Blake spotted me first and started walking towards me, not looking happy at all. Then I noticed he wasn’t looking at me but more behind me. I turned around to see Dylan standing there with guys looking ready to fight. Where did those guys come from? Have they been here the whole time? I have a feeling this isn’t going to end well.

“Ashley what are you doing here?” Blake asked walking over to us, but keeping his focus on Dylan.

“No, what are you doing here?” I shot back.

“I came here to get you.” He said, not taking his eyes off Dylan.

“Why? I didn’t ask you to come get me.” I crossed my arms glaring at him. Blake finally took his eyes off Dylan to glare down at me.

“Ashley we are going now. I’m not going to let my mate hang around some cat shifter.” I was shocked by his words. He must really be mad to call me his mate in front of all these people.

The guy that showed up with him let out a gasp. “She’s your mate?”

“Not now!” He shouted. The boy bowed his head. Derek looked just as shocked but decided not to say anything.

“Blake I’m not leaving with you and that’s final.” I told him. He reached out as if he was going to grab me, but stopped half way looking at something behind me. I turned to see what caught his attention. Dylan had moved closer and was standing directly behind me.

“She said she doesn’t want to leave.” He said. Very calmly I might add.

“I don’t believe I was talking to you.” Blake snarled at him. Seriously what’s his problem? He doesn’t even know Dylan.

“Listen dog, back off now before you regret it.” Dylan lightly pushed me to the side, to get closer to Blake.

“Oh yeah? Who’s going to make me?” Blake moved even closer. Now they were chest to chest.

“Hold on, both of you stop.” I said coming between them.

“Ashley stay out of this.” Blake demanded without even looking my way. Rude.

“Someone needs to teach this mutt some manners.” Dylan glared. Before I could say anything else, Dylan punched Blake in the face. I screamed, I don’t know why but I did. Blake moved back, and I knew he was about to shift. Just as I was about to run forward to stop him someone pulled me back.

“Let me go!” I cried watching as Dylan shifted into a tiger and Blake into his wolf. They were equal in size and both looked like fierce fighters.

“No Ashley it’s too dangerous.” The person holding me said, who I just realized was Derek.

“Please, you know they won’t stop.” I pleaded with him as he dragged me away from the fight. I couldn’t just sit by and watch my two mates fight.

“Ashely no.” He said. I stopped struggling long enough for him to loosen his grip, so it was much easier for me to break free. “Ashley get back here!” Derek shouted after me as I ran across the room to where Dylan and Blake were. Once I got closer I could tell the fight was worse than I thought, there was blood everywhere.

“Guys stop this right now!” I screamed. They froze for about a minute then went back to fighting. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I shifted. I jumped across the room right between them. The last thing I saw was a paw flying towards my face.


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