The Chosen One

Chapter 8

I woke up to my cell phone ringing. Reaching over to my bed side table I picked it up to answer. “Hello?”

“Ashley are you up?” I sighed. Figures it would be Lizzy calling.

“I am now.”

“Good, I want you to come somewhere with me.” I really didn’t feel like doing anything today.

“I’m sorry Lizzy but I really don’t feel like it today.” I just wanted to stay home, maybe binge watch a Netflix show.

“Ok, another time then.” She hung up sounding sad. I felt bad for not going so I decided to call her back and invite her over. She picked up on the 3rd ring. “Hello?”

“It’s me, do you want to come over instead?” I asked nervously. Hope she doesn’t reject me like I just did to her.

“Sure, I’ll be over in an hour!” She hung up sounding much happier.


“I brought games and a make-over kit.” Were the first words she said when I opened the door for her. Right now, we’re sitting on my bed playing Uno. Pretty sure she’s cheating.

“So, what have you been doing all day?” I asked her.

“Derek and I met Kelly and Caleb at the mall.”

“What did you buy? And when do you plan on telling Caleb that you like him?” Her eyes widened at my question.

“What are you talking about?’ She wouldn’t look at me, proof that she liked him. Lizzy always made eye contact when she talked.

“I saw the way he made you blush at school, so spill.”

“Ok ok, I guess I’ve had a crush on him for a while.” I squealed at her confession. They would look so good together.

“Why haven’t you made a move?”

“I believe that the guy should make the first move, so I’m waiting.” I rolled my eyes. If less girls thought like that life would be much simpler for us. “So, tell me about this Dylan boy.” I felt my heart beat over time just hearing his name. Play it cool don’t give anything away. Alright now answer deep breaths.

“What about him?” Dang too high lower the voice and try again. (Deep voice)“Dylan who?” Oh no. Lizzy was staring at me weirdly.

“Ashley I can tell you’re lying, your voice got high then deep.” Busted!

“There’s nothing to tell really, he just almost hit me with his car.” I watched her eyes widened and realized I shouldn’t have told her that. “Not like that, I was running out of the woods at an inconvenient time.” I tried to explain the best I could.

“Ok what happened after that? And why were you running out of the woods?” She asked.

“No reason, and I passed out.”

“Then?” She clearly wasn’t about to drop this.

“I woke up at his house, he took me there.”

“How does he look?” Hotter than hell.

“He’s cute.” I decided to say instead, play it cool.

“Just cute, I was hoping for something better.”

“Alright he’s my second mate.” She stared frozen for a moment then,

“WHAT?” She screamed. “Wait what do you mean second? Who’s your first? You have two!?” The questions were coming full speed.

“I know, I don’t know what to do.” I frowned. “Blake is my first mate but he doesn’t want to tell anyone to keep me safe.”

“Blake as in my brother? Does he know you have another mate?”

“No, I can’t tell him yet, he’ll try to keep me away from him before I even got the chance to know him. If I even see him again, he gave me his number though.” The thought of never seeing Dylan again made me sad, I mean he was my mate. Lizzy saw the look on my face and sighed.

“Fine Ashley but you’re going to have to tell him yourself eventually.”

“I know.” I sighed sadly.

“When are you going to tell him?”

“I don’t know.”

“Ok.” There was silence after that, both lost in our own thoughts.

“So, you want me to call Dylan and arrange for you to meet him?” I asked. It would be nice for them to meet each other, and it gives me an excuse to call and hang out with him. Better to get to know him now than wait. We might not hit it off then I can just focus on Blake.


I grabbed my cell phone and dialed his number. As it rang I started to get nervous, questions popping in my head. What if he doesn’t answer? What if he doesn’t-

“Hello?” Oh my gosh he picked up. I shot a panicked look at Lizzy, she just smiled at me, giving me a thumbs up.

“Hey Dylan, it’s me Ashley...” Did he think I was clingy calling him already? I just seen him 24 hours ago.

“Oh, hey is something wrong?” He asked worried.

“No, I was just calling to ask if you wanted to hangout, so you can meet my friend Lizzy if that’s ok? Or is that weird?”

He chuckled on the other end. “I would love to meet your friend, when do you want to meet up?”

“When are you free?”

“Um right now actually is that cool?” It’s like he read my mind.

“Yeah, we can meet at the arcade on 12th street, do you know where that’s at?” It was a local arcade Lizzy has tried to get me go where super naturals hung out, mostly pack members. She told me humans usually steer clear from it.

“Yeah I’ll see you there in an hour.” He hung up. I looked over at Lizzy to see her grinning at me.

“Well he even sounds hot.” She said, I let out a small growl. She rolled her eyes at me. “Relax I was just saying.” I blushed when I realized what I did. I’ve never growled before.

“Ok whatever let’s just get ready.” Lizzy laughed, grabbing my arm and dragging me over to my closet.

“I’m going to make you look fabulous.” Oh boy.

An hour later she had me dressed in a black skirt that flairs out, and a white blouse with a black leather jacket on. She did my hair in loose curls and applied some mascara and eyeliner to my eyes. I had to admit I looked hot.

“Ok you ready to go?” I nodded and grabbed my purse as we made our way down the stairs.

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