The Chosen One

Chapter 29

He collapsed on top of me then rolled over, laying there with his eyes closed. “What...was that?” He marveled breathless.

“Um sex?” I giggled at him. He cocked an eye open staring at me.

“I think that was more than sex. Did you feel that? And your eyes...” I nodded my head.

“What about my eyes?” I questioned.

“They turned white.”

“Your eyes were white as well.” I told him.

“Wow.” He sighed. I smiled up at him, my eyes widening from what I saw. Instead of the bite mark that should’ve been on his shoulder where I bit him, it was replaced with a pair of angel wings. “Your shoulder.” Dylan suddenly spoke up, staring at me in shock.

“What about it?” I asked sitting up. Dylan just stared looking deep in thought.

“Where my bite was there’s angel wings now.” He told me frowning.

“You have that on your shoulder too.” I told him.

He raised an eyebrow at me. “Never heard of a female wolf marking their mate back, but that was just...amazing.” He said. I blushed as he looked at me with lust.

“I don’t know what came over me. Something told me to bite you, so I did.” I confessed shrugging.

“I’m cool with that.” He flashed me a smile. “We should probably get out the forest now...” He gave a weary look around.

“I have no clothes.” I told him, cheeks burning. I quickly made some leaves form into a bra and cover my lower regions. My blush intensified as I had one cover Dylan as well.

“I guess this is good enough.” I was too sore to shift into my wolf, or anything else my body would decide to shift into.

We made our way back towards his house in comfortable silence, both thinking about what just happened. Dylan and I mated. I’m now officially his, nothing can break our bond. A huge smile formed on my lips before I could stop it.

“What are you smiling about?” He asked.

“You’re mine now.” I blurted out, slapping a hand over my mouth.

He chuckled. “And you’re mine, but you already knew that.” We finally made it to the house back door getting ready to walk in but I froze when I heard voices inside.

“They should be here, we already checked Ashley’s house.” I heard Lizzy say. I started panicking, what if they see us like this?

“Well I just got here like thirty minutes ago and no one has been here.” Amanda responded.

“Oh, I smell them! That’s weird though it’s like mixed together.” Lizzy noted. Now I was really blushing. At that moment Dylan decided to drag us out into the open. In the living room was Lizzy, Amanda, and Jacob. Their eyes landed on us as we walked in, taking in our outfits. I watched as they put two and two together before their eyes widened. The only difference was Jacob eyes widened in annoyance.

“Please tell me you guys did not just do the deed.” He sighed. My blush was answer enough. “You have got to be kidding me!” He groaned.

“Oh my god my brother lost his v card finally.” Amanda teased. Dylan glared at her as I hid behind him. This was so embarrassing.

“Ew too much information Amanda.” Lizzy scrunched her nose up in disgust.

“This isn’t good.” Jacob commented.

“Why? What’s wrong?” I was panicking now. Was there some archangel mating rule I wasn’t aware of?

“You should have warned me that you guys were going to be doing that soon.”

“We didn’t know, it just happened.” Dylan clarified.

I saw Jacob cut his eyes towards Lizzy and Amanda. I knew he wanted to say something about my angel but didn’t want to bring it up in front of them. Now I was really scared. What did we do? What’s going on with my angel?

“What’s that on your neck?” Amanda suddenly asked Dylan. Dylan frowned in confusion, until he realized she meant the angel wings.

“It’s Ashley’s mark.” My eyes widened as he said this. He couldn’t have lied?

“Her mark? What do you mean? Females don’t mark their mates, and why does it look like that?” She asked.

Dylan sighed. “Well Ashley is not just any female.” He stated proudly. I grinned at him, wanting to reach up and give him a kiss. He smirked in my direction all of a sudden and I realized he could hear my thoughts. Oh boy.

“I think everybody need to just get a goodnight sleep and forget this every happened.” Jacob stared pointly at Amanda and Lizzy. Their expressions went blank before they nodded simultaneously.

“What did you just do to them?” Dylan demanded.

“I erased these last few minutes from their brains, I told you Ashley’s identity needs to be on a need to know basis only.” Jacob told him. To my surprised Dylan growled.

“Don’t tell me what I need to do with my mate.”

Jacob stared at him unfazed. “Relax I wasn’t, I just think it’s in her best interest to keep it low-key.” He calmly replied. I’ve never seen him get angry.

“Dylan relax Jacob is just trying to help.” I said placing my hand on his shoulder. He instantly relaxed at my touch, pulling me closer to him.

“Aww you guys are so cute.” Amanda gushed. I completely forgot they were even here.

“We’ll talk more tomorrow.” Jacob started walking towards the door. “Lizzy do you need a ride home?” He turned around to ask her.

“Yes, thank you, bye guys.” Lizzy gave me a hug before following Jacob out. Amanda started upstairs, leaving Dylan and I.

“You want to stay the night?” He asked me. I nodded. We made our way up to his room and I hesitantly sat on his bed, memories from the forest flashing into my mind.

“You’re such a naughty girl, you’re here to sleep!” He joked laughing. I blushed.

“Stop listening to my thoughts! That’s rude.” I glared.

“I can’t help it, you’re practically screaming them at me.” He shrugged. I need to learn how to block him. He went over to his dresser rummaging around in it before tossing me a long shirt and some boxers.

“Uh...where are the bottoms?” I asked him. He leaned against his dresser smirking at me.

“I’d prefer you to go without any.” I blushed, quickly making my way to the bathroom.

“Do you mind if I shower?” I called from the bathroom. I was covered in dirt from laying it.

“Nah, use whatever soap you want.” He hollered back.

After showering I put on the clothes Dylan gave me blushing as his shirt stopped mid-thigh. Can’t believe he won’t give me pants! I pulled my wet hair into a pony tail not bothering to do anything with it. I walked into the bedroom to see him changed and laying on the bed with damp hair. “Did you shower?” I asked a little confused.

“Yeah I used Ryan’s shower.” He told me, patting the spot next to him on the bed. I had a moment of déjà vu. I walked over getting into bed and snuggling under the covers. They were so warm and smelled like him. Dylan instantly wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. “Mm I love my scent on you.” He purred sniffing me.

“Oh, so that’s why you let me use your soap!” I giggled. My giggles were cut short as he licked my mark, causing me to moan. He pulled away pecking me on the lips once before sighing in content.

“I love you.” My eyes widened at his confession. Did he just say what I think he did?

“What?” I asked again to make sure I heard correctly.

“I said, I love you.” I sat up to look at him. He stared at me with nothing but love in his eyes.

“I love you too.” I knew how I felt about Dylan ever since he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was too shy to tell him though. He grinned at me, leaning forward to give me a sweet kiss.

“Sleep time now.” He said closing his eyes. How can I sleep after what we just confessed? And that kiss? Sleep is the last thing on my mind. Even though there’s still an ache between my legs I felt ready for round two. Images of us hot and sweaty flashed through my mind. Dylan groaned. “Go to sleep Ashley.” I blushed forcing the thoughts from my head before closing my eyes. I snuggled more into Dylan as my body started to feel drained and sleep was welcoming me. He loved me.

My songs know

What you did in the dark

So light em up up up

Light em up up up

Light em up up up

I’m on fire!

I pretended to play my air guitar as fall out boys rocked out, singing as loud as I could with them.

“This may be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.” Dylan commented leaning against my bedroom doorway smirking. I froze. I wasn’t expecting visitors today. I was in nothing but a long t-shirt and my underwear, currently rocking out on my bed. To say I was embarrassed right now would be an understatement.

“Get out!” I squeaked. I let myself fall on the bed pulling the cover over me.

Dylan rolled his eyes. “I’ve seen it all before.”

I blushed at his words. “Get out now!” I yelled, tossing a pillow at him. He ducked out the door laughing. Jerk.

I quickly grabbed some pants and ran in the bathroom. I looked in the mirror frowning at my reflection. I had bed head hair and my shirt was wrinkled. I looked horrible. I quickly slipped on the pants I grabbed realizing too late that they were sweatpants.

I ran downstairs walking into the kitchen where I heard voices. To my surprise my parents were home, sitting at the table talking to Dylan.

“What’s going on here?” I asked walking in. My mom frowned at my outfit.

“Honey you couldn’t have dressed up for your mate?” She asked me. I frowned at her while Dylan chuckled. What was wrong with what I was wearing?

“What’s wrong with my outfit?” She smirked at me. Actually smirked! My mother smirked at me.

“Nothing, if you are trying to look like a bum.” My cheeks were on fire. Oh god, my mom just roasted me in front of my mate!

“She never dresses up for me Mrs. Parker, I’m afraid I’ve let her get away with looking like a bum too many times that she no longer cares.” Dylan sighed dramatically. I glared at him as both my parents laughed. I couldn’t help but crack a smile as well. It seems they approved of Dylan. Sure I was mad at them, but I still wanted their approval of my mate, and it seems I got it.

“Shut up!” I grinned at him. “What are you even doing here?”

“Is it a crime wanting to see my mate?” He asked me. I rolled my eyes.


He shrugged. “Lock me up then.”

“Aren’t you guys just cute!” My mom gushed. I forgot they were even here. “We must take our leave now, all doors stay open!” She said as her and Ben walked out of the kitchen.

I waited until I heard the door close before turning my glare on Dylan. He just smiled.




“Babe.” I rolled my eyes at him.

“Don’t you have plans today?” I asked him.

“Nope.” He said popping the ‘p’.

“Well I do.” I told him smugly.

“With who?” He asked.

“Amanda, she didn’t tell you?” I started looking in the refrigerator for something to make us breakfast.

“Nah why would she? She’s probably happy I didn’t know.” He said shrugging. I sighed giving up on the food in our house.

“Do you want to order pizza? Your treat?” I smiled innocently at him. I believed you could have pizza at any time of the day.

He grinned at me. “Gold digger.”


“Three and twenty-seven? You’re horrible!” Dylan laughed at me.

“It’s not my fault everyone was camping!” I defended myself. We were currently in my room playing Call of Duty, with the door open. I was mad that I barely got any kills because everyone was camping in my opinion.

“Really? How’d I get forty and six then?” He asked me gloating.

“You’re a hacker.” I shrugged. He started laughing, really hard. I ignored him reaching for another slice of pizza. The pizza arrived twenty minutes ago and we were playing Call of Duty before then as we waited. He has been going positive the whole game while I’ve been going negative. I didn’t think it was fair. “Are you done?” I asked him when he finally calmed down.

“Yes.” He said smiling at me. I was about to reply when my phone started ringing.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Ashley? Is Dylan with you? Why am I even asking? Of course he is. I’ll be over in five minutes.” Jacob rambled before hanging up. I stared at my phone in confusion for a minute, before putting it back down.

“Who was that?” Dylan asked. He’s so nosy I swear.

“Jacob, he said he’s coming over.”

“Maybe he’s finally going to explain what happened to us.” He guessed.

Ever since that night two days ago when Jacob freaked out after finding out we mated he has been avoiding us. I called and left him messages many times, but he never got back to me. Since I didn’t know where he lived I couldn’t just pop up either. Now he has finally reached out to us. I was a little nervous about what he had to say.

“Maybe.” I told him just as the doorbell rang, that was fast. Dylan followed me downstairs as I went to open the door. To my surprise Jacob wasn’t alone. I was even more surprised when I realized it was the girl that kidnapped me he had with him.

“What?” Dylan suddenly growled. Oh shoot I forgot he can hear my thoughts.

“Nothing calm down, come in guys.” I walked towards the living room leaving the door open for them. “I hate to be rude but what is she doing here?” I asked Jacob as we all took a seat on the couch.

He sighed. “She has something to tell you guys.” I nodded waiting for her to speak. “But first I need to explain to you guys what happened.” He continued.

“What do you mean by what happened?” I frowned.

“When you two mated. Why your marks are different from everyone else’s.” He said in a duh tone.

“What about it?” I glared at him.

“Dylan is part angel now.” My eyes widened.

“WHAT? How is that even possible!” I yelled.

“When you guys mated, you shared half of your soul with him. Making him part angel. Something only archangels can do.” He explained.

“Does that mean I’m part angel as well?”

“No, you’re still a full angel.”

“What does being part angel mean?” Dylan finally spoke up. I looked over at him. He didn’t seem upset by the news, just looked really confused. Would he hate me for making him part angel? Maybe it’s not something he wanted.

“You have some angel powers. You now control two elements and can shift into whatever you want.” Jacob told him.

“What two elements?”

“Can I shift into anything?”

Dylan and I both asked at the same time. We looked over and grinned at each other. Jacob rolled his eyes.

“Yes you can Ashley I thought you already knew this, guess I forgot to explain it. You can shift into any animal you please, only problem is it’ll always be white no matter what you choose.” He told me. So I’ll basically be an albino animal.

“Can you shift into anything?” I asked him.

He nodded. “Yes, but mine will be a different color, as will Dylan’s.” I absorbed his words as he continued. “As for the elements that you will have I don’t know. You don’t choose the elements they choose you, you won’t know what they are until you try to use them. It usually takes a few days before they kick in.” Jacob explained. The girl next to Jacob elbowed him in the side, all of a sudden his face got serious. This can’t be good.

“What? What’s wrong?” I asked him. To my shock the girl answered, she has been silent since she walked through the door.

“The council has found you.”

“What?” Dylan yelled jumping up from the couch. “Wait who is the council?” He asked confused. I giggled at him. He didn’t even know who the council was but still acted the way he did because he felt my fear.

Jacob glared at him. “Sit down so we can explain.” The girl next to Jacob stared at Dylan with a look I didn’t appreciate. She was practically undressing him with her eyes.

“Hey! Watch how you look at my mate before I rip your eyes out.” I growled at her. She turned her eyes on me smirking. I felt my anger rise and got up to sock her in the face. Dylan stopped me half way wrapping his arms around me, pulling me onto his lap.

“Can everybody just calm down? We have important things to discuss. Ashley’s life is in danger.” Jacob said. When he mentioned that my life was in danger Dylan gave him his full attention.

“What do they want with her?” He asked.

“It’s a very long story for another day. But to sum it all up Ashley was never meant to be born so now they want to kill her. Actually, they always have but couldn’t find her.” Jacob explained.

“How did they find her?” Dylan asked glaring at the girl. It was clear who he was accusing, she shrugged.

“It wasn’t Stacy’s fault. We’re not sure how they found her either.”

“Well there’s nothing we can do now but wait and train more.” I said. Jacob nodded his head in agreement.

“Just wait? What if they get here before you’re prepared then what? We going to just wait while they kill you?” Dylan asked outrage.

“Dylan...” I said glaring at him. He glared right back, I sighed. He’s just saying these things because he cares, I shouldn’t be so hard on him. “We’ll be ready I promise, and if not, I have you.” I smiled, tangling our hands together.

He relaxed when I grabbed his hand before nodding. “You’re right you have the packs support, and I’m sure Blake would help.” Usually I’d flinch or feel pain when someone mentioned Blake name but now I felt nothing. I guess mating with Dylan has broken all ties between us. I no longer felt anything for him.

“Yes, that might work. The council wouldn’t expect that, werewolves don’t usually align themselves with angels or cat shifters.” Jacob confirmed nodding his head. He seemed to be deep in thought and mostly talking to himself.


“Are you sure you’re ok?” Dylan asked me for the hundredth time since Jacob left. I shifted in his arms letting out a sigh. Why couldn’t my life always be easy like this? Just laying in his arms? No one out trying to kill me.

“Yes Dylan, I just showed you how ok I was.” I stared at his bare chest.

He raised an eyebrow at my words. “Are you using me for sex?” He asked faking hurt. I laughed pinching his cheek, he glared.

“Maybe if the sex was better I would...” I told him biting my lip.

“I should talk to the pack soon, see how they feel about this. I’m sure they will help since you’re their Luna, which reminds me that I have to announce that to them, and you need to meet them.”

“I haven’t even met them yet and I’m already asking them to fight for me.” I felt extremely guilty.

“I’m the one asking not you.”

“Yeah but...”

“Its fine don’t worry about it. They’ve been dying to meet you already, I’m sure they won’t mind.” He pulled me closer to him.

“Are you sure Blake will help us? I mean he did reject me, therefore he doesn’t have to help me. He probably doesn’t want to either.” If the glares he’s been giving me lately is anything to go off.

“You never told me the full story of what happened.” He pointed out. I sighed, I so did not want to get into this

“He tried bossing me around and said I couldn’t sit with Jacob at lunch, for some reason he doesn’t like Jacob.” Dylan chuckled.

“There are a lot of reasons not to like Jacob. He has this aura that basically says “I’m the baddest thing walking this earth, you’re all below me.” He chuckled.

“I don’t get that feeling from him.” I said slowly. He raised an eyebrow.

“What feeling do you get from him then?” He asked suspiciously.

“Just a friendly vibe, ‘here to save the world’ type vibe.” I said. Jacob always seem like he’s on a mission whenever I talk to him. Like if he doesn’t do this now the world will stop rotating.

Dylan nodded. “Yeah I picked that up too, once or twice.”


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