The Chosen One

Chapter 28

“I can’t believe she got us kicked out!” I complained to Dylan flopping on his bed. “Why couldn’t they just leave me alone?”

“Well after the damage you did to her I think she learned her lesson.” I could hear the pride in his voice. Figures he’d be proud I left my claw marks on someone face.

“I didn’t even realize my claws had come out.” I told him honestly, looking at my hands.

“Because they didn’t.” He told me, I frowned. “I was right there the whole time Ashley, I saw when you were punching her, your claws never came out.”

“How did she get claw marks then?” I asked him. He shrugged. Great more unanswered questions about me. My wolf has been silent since the accident. I guess she was just riled up at the time. “My wolf spoke to me.” I blurted.

“Really? What did she say?” He wondered. Did I want to tell him how protective she is of him? She only spoke because of him.

“She was upset that Zoey slapped you.” She chose the wrong person to put her hands on tonight according to my wolf.

“She wasn’t the only one.” He winked at me.

“I just don’t understand why she never talks to me.” I murmured. It must be nice to always have someone there to talk to.

“Don’t think too much about it, I don’t want to see you stressed.” He walked over and sat next to me. I looked up at him and everything from tonight came back to me.

“So, who taught you my favorite dance?” I beamed at him. To my utter shock he blushed.

“I taught myself, I’ll admit I went through a phase.” My mouth dropped open in shock. Dylan went through an Ed Sheeran phase? I giggled.

He glared at me. “Stop laughing before you regret it.” He narrowed his eyes at me.

“I think we both know I can take you in a fight.” I boasted.

“Oh really? Care to test that theory?” He challenged, I grinned at him.

“Is that a challenge I hear?”

“Dang right it is.”


I growled at Dylan as we circled each other. He was a lion right now. When I told him to shift into the cat he’s most strong with that’s what he picked. I was sure it was the panther. More shocking though was as I bent to shift into my wolf I instead turned into a pure white lioness. I was confused and scared but came out of my shock when Dylan bit my ankle. He didn’t mind me being a lioness and didn’t care to question it. Once I saw how relaxed he was about it I also relaxed, but I was planning to ask Jacob about this.

So here we are now circling each other.

Dylan lunged at me and I quickly dodged him, he growled. Before I could predict his next move, he charged at me. I was shocked at how fast he recovered, I wasn’t quick enough to stop him as he tackled me to the ground. A yelp left my mouth as I tried to bite him. He avoided my attacks and I growled. Calling out to my angel I heated my body up, making him jump off me with a yelp. I quickly jumped up getting into a fighting stance.

“You sneaky little runt.” He gasped in my mind. I gave him a grin, which probably looked weird since I was a cat.

“You never said I couldn’t use my powers.” I chirped at him. Instead of replying he charged for me again. He was fast, I tried calling earth before he made it to me. He tackled me once more just as my vines wrapped around his ankles, causing them to wrap around mine as well. He let out a slight growl as we both were pulled to the ground. He was heavy as he landed on top of me. I shifted back into my human form. “Get off me hippo!” I wheezed.

He shifted also, letting out a throaty laugh.

“See what happens when you cheat? Karma babe.” He told me winking. I glared at him while he laughed, slowly lowering his head towards mine. My heart started beating faster as I realized he was about to kiss me. It was then I noticed that we were both extremely naked, and he was on top of me. His arms were placed on both sides of my head as he held himself up.

All thoughts left my mind as his lips met mine. I moaned from the pleasure his lips brought me. He licked my bottom lips asking for permission, but I denied him. He growled, making me smile. The smile was quickly wiped off when I felt his hand lightly squeeze my boob. I gasped feeling his hands on me. He took that moment to slide his tongue into my mouth. He tasted like cookies. My arms went around his neck as I pulled him closer to me, so there was no space between us. His body collapsed onto mine as he broke away to catch his breath, kissing down my neck.

“Dylan...” I moaned. “Mark me.” He pulled away to look at my face searching for something. I guess he found what he was looking for because he lowered his head back to my neck, licking the spot he was going to mark me. I braced myself as he sank his teeth into my neck making me moan and arch up against him. The pain subsided quickly and all I felt was pleasure. I wanted more. No, I needed more.

He pulled away to look at me once again. “We can stop if you’re not ready.” He stressed. I could see, and feel how bad he wanted it, but if I wasn’t ready he’d stop right now.

I blushed as he looked down at me. “No I’m ready, but uh I’m a virgin.” I looked away in embarrassment, not wanting to see his reaction.

I felt him kiss my cheek and I turned my head to look at him. “So am I.” He confessed. My eyes widened. What? Hot Dylan was a virgin? And we were about to lose it to each other on the forest floor? Not the most special or sanitary place but oh well.

“Ok.” I squeaked out. Dylan smiled at me before leaning down to kiss me again.

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